THE GIFTED TWINS Episode 11 – Authoress Favour Story

THE GIFTED TWINS Episode 1 - Authoress Favour Story


Episode 11

I layed down on my bed trying to focus but sadly I couldn’t, come on Nira, the exam is in three day and you’re still drooling over him? Sorry not drooling but thinking about him. It’s already been a week since I last spoke to Derek. He’s been giving me some sort of attitude ever since I spoke so rudely to him.

After that day he visited me at home, I saw him in school the next day but he completely ignored me unlike before when he’ll come to meet me and say silly things but now he’s just
so different, he even talks to Nina more than me now.

Why am I even affected by it, its not like I care. I thought he was different but sadly he’s like all of them.


I walked into the Hall to write my exams, about about two hours, we were done. I went outside and Nina came out later.

I’m really happy we’re done with the exams.

“How was it sis” she asked gleefully

“Alright” I replied

“great. I’m happy cause I know I did great.” she smiled. just then her phone rang. I turned to go immediately she picked the call but stopped when I heard who the caller was.

“Hi Derek” she replied smiling. I looked at her in astonishment, is she really…? does she have his contact already. I stood like a statue staring at her.

“Yeah we’re done” she continued walking past me. I didn’t even know when I started following her.

“Oh so we should go out?” she asked “come on D”

D? she’s fu¢king seriously calling him D now?

“Yeah it would be nice to celebrate, alright. Pick the time and place and text me the address” she said cheerfully

“Oh you’ll pick me up?…. wow that’s great, seven it is. I’ll see you at home. Bye” she added before hitting the end button.

She smiled at me and continued walking. I stood still trying to process what my mind had heard. They’re going on a date???

We went home, I’ve been observing Nina single behavior ever since we came back.

“Mom I’m going out today so I won’t eat dinner” she said to mom who was in the kitchen.

“Where are you going?”

“An after party, Derek invited me” she responded, eyes twitching, cheeks turning red.

“And your sister?”

I raised my brows immediately I heard sister.

“Um I don’t know. Derek didn’t say”

“Nira are you not going?” mom asked

“No mom” I tried to act normal, deep down heaven knows I was freaking out “I’m going to the bar” I said and stormed into the bedroom. I threw my things on the floor and went to
shower. I’m not jealous… I can’t be jealous. he’s trying to get to me, why Nina of all people.

Later in the evening, we sat down to have dinner when Nina came downstairs, elegantly dressed, white off the shoulder gown and heels. Is she going on a, date or after party?

I cleared my throat and continued eating. I feel like I’m sweating. Where’s the damn air con In this house??

“Dad I’m leaving now? ” she said k!ss!ng his cheeks

“By the way how was the exam?” dad asked


“I expect straight distinctions”

“Well you got it”

“And where’s Derek” mom asked

“Almost here… he said he’ll be here by… ” just then someone rang the doorbell

“Seven sharp.” She rushed to the door and opened it. he came in and flashed a smile, God he’s so gorgeous. Why didn’t I notice it until now? I swallowed hard.

“Right on time” she said hugging him, he kissed her cheeks. I almost choked on my food. They even k!ss now?

“Hi Mr and Mrs Remi… ” he paused then looked at me “Hi Nira”

God! it hurts not hearing the word princess. I’ve missed it, wait what is wrong with me?

“Derek I was told” dad asked

“Yes sir, and you don’t need to worry about Nina, I’ll bring her back safe. Guard her with my life if I have to” he said.

“Impressive. I believe she’s in safe hands, she’s very delicate than her twin” dad, said. For goodness sake, no one should involve me in this.

He looked at me and shook his head slowly.

“We have to go” Nina said, why is she in a rush? he’s not even in a rush to leave.

“Young lady, be back soon”

“Oh come on dad, do we have to do this like right now?” she pouted

“Alright, enjoy your evening” dad, said and they both walked out. I volunteered to close the door, they where walking hand in hand to his bike.

I closed the door and was heading upstairs when dad called me

“Nira, you’re not done eating yet”

“I know. I’ve just lost my appetite” I ran into my room and closed the door. I can’t believe it, they were gone, like he choose Nina over me….

But why am I affected by it? could It be…..?

No who’s dumb enough to fall for a stupid guy like him?

I believe I’m getting dumb..

I kept on turning and tossing, rolling on my bed. I tried to shut my eyes and have my sleep but sadly nothings working, thank goodness all this happened after my exams cause I’m sure I
would have lost it. I won’t even write anything on that paper. I stood up, walked into the bathroom splashed some water on my face. I can’t believe that he chose Nina over me… ok it’s just an after party but what if there’s more to it than that?
I grabbed my face towel, cleaning the water on my face, I made my way to the TV and switched it on then I sat down on my bed.

my mind kept on playing Derek’s words in my ears. He’s with her and they deserve each other, two attention stealers.I was finally dozing off when I heard the screeching a
machine. I peeked through my window, it was them. They’re back. I looked at my alarm clock it was some minutes past ten.
I went downstairs and peeked through the window. He was whispering something In her ears, then he k!ssed her cheeks. OMG he just what????

“Do you have to?” Nina asked, I could tell she wasn’t comfortable with this
“Come on, she’s watching… hey don’t look” I turned her face so she could stare directly at me.
“Isn’t there another way? I hate doing this, she would hate me even more”
“It’s just a k!ss on the cheek”
“But… ” I k!ssed her cheeks before she finished her sentence.
“Alright goodnight.”
“Sure, goodnight” she responded. I watched her walk inside, she waved at me before shutting the door behind her.

I wore my helmet and drove off. I can’t believe she’s falling for it. I thought she was smart, she didn’t believe me when I told her I’ve got more magic up my sleeve. Nina and I didn’t go to any after party, she went to my house. I took her there in pretence of taking her out. Actually Ben has a soft spot for her so I’m helping them bond. I’m not in love with Nina if that’s what you’re thinking… It all happened after that day she yelled at me and told me to leave her home. I realized, she’s actually the tough type so I thought I’d be more tougher.


A week earlier

I waited patiently for her to come out from the class and finally she did.
“Nina… just the girl I was looking for” I called immediately I saw her
“Derek? what are you doing here?” she asked surprised.
“We need to talk please”
“But I’m… ”
“Please” I begged, she nodded slowly. I took her to a restaurant and we sat down
“So what’s it about?”
“Your sister”
“Dude. I know she was wrong to throw you out like that but that’s how she is”

“Can you tell me more about her? like why she behaves like that?”
“After everything she did, you still wanna know about her”
“I feel like something’s bothering her but she doesn’t wanna open up.” I said then leaned on the chair
“Well I don’t trust you enough to tell you anything”
“What?”she shrugged
“Maybe that’s why Nira doesn’t like you”
“Like?” I thought to myself and smiled.
“Has Nira been this cold to everyone?”

“Yes, ever since we were little and even now especially if it has to do with me”
“Wow. Nina I need your help”
“Why?” she asked looking perplexed
“I want to help Nira and I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend?
“Not girlfriend per say but like we kinda like each other and spend sometime together”
“No. Nira would accuse me for stealing again or trespassing”
“Don’t you want to see your sister happy again? at least not spending the rest of her life in a bar anymore”
“Derek… ”
“Please just for a while”she nodded her head slowly indicating that she was OK with it.

(End of flashback)

I walked inside my bedroom, had my bath and layed down on my bed. I smiled as I remembered Nira’s expression when she heard I was taking Nina out….she must have been shocked or something..but wait… why am I doing all of this? could it be that I’m… no,
I’m just helping a friend who seems to be lost…


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