THE DRAGON TWINS Episode 3 – Authoress Favour Story

THE DRAGON TWINS Episode 1 - Authoress Favour Story

(He’s A Merman)
Written By Authoress Favour Story

Episode 3

🧞 Twirly 🧞

Here I am seated in the car, which was heading to god knows where, after the incident my mum told my dad. They both walked into their room, I heard them having a heated conversation. After a while they both came outside sweating profusely, that you would think they just finished having s*x if not for the arising matter, they told me they have to take me to a place.

” Aren’t we there yet?” I asked impatiently, my voice dry from not taking water, I coughed with my eyes almost bulging out.
“Water” I voiced out knowing they have some with them, my mum stretched it towards me, I collected it from her and gulped down the entire content, I belched using my hands to cover my mouth.

“When we get there, what you will hear will catch you off the ground, but you will always be our little adorable boy and that we love you always” My mum said with tears streaming down her face, getting me more confused.
” Why are you getting emotional? ” I asked. The car soon came to a halt. I alighted from the car with my parents behind me, the view was breathtaking, there stood a vast sea. I was gazing at the sea when the voice of my mum snapped me out of gaze, I turn towards her with my attention on her.

“We aren’t your real parents” My mum dropped the bombshell, and the whole time it seemed to freeze. I stood there staring at her confusedly. My head started pounding, I held my head, falling down. My face was met with wet sand, I jolted out of the wet sand when the sea water was poured on my body.
It took a while before I was able to regain my senses, I stood up from the ground facing my mum and dad.

“If you aren’t my biological parents then who are my biological parents” I questioned, because I can’t just appear out of the blue.
” We met you at the seashore with a wrapper tied on your waist, we were poor then but immediately we took you in as ours, everything changed for us. We were resented before but it all changed in a night” My mum explained, and I removed my gaze from hers.

“Where exactly did you see me that night?” I asked because there may be some clues left behind, I still believe that even if it has been long.
” Here” my mum said pointing to the seashore where I stood. I stared at the water and it seemed to be calling for me. I used my hand to clear the water. I saw a little glowing red orb which was glowing brightly, calling me.
” Mum, I want to have my swim a little before we go back” I said and took off my clothes, my shirk clinged to my shoulder as I removed my shirt.

I jumped into the the water splashing the water on my parents who are looking at me the whole time, as I swam, I noticed my legs start gumming together, I screamed thinking I entered a trap. Then I noticed I was breathing underwater and my legs are now glued together, I looked at my leg to only to see it replaced by a tail, a golden tail to be precised, and my half body replaced in a dragon form. I screamed on top of my voice hopping my mum hears me, my body shook in terror.

I screamed in pain, beads of sweat were seen forming on my forehead. I don’t know how it happened but that’s what I noticed when I touched my forehead. I groaned in pain and my legs glued to each other completely, I did not feely legs again which made me look down only to discover it was not there but a tail like that of a fish, flinching back in fear. The tail or rather the tail which has replaced my legs flipped backwards.

I screamed out in shock with my voice so loud, my body shook vividly with fear, how could this happen.
My voice was shaking, I screamed hoping my mum would hear me and take me out of the sea, swimming forward. It seemed cool that I forgot my current situation.
My eyes glimmers in tear as I remembered I may not see my parents again since I have a tail, I heard merman’s can’t abstain from water for too long, come to think of it they aren’t my real parents and it seems my birth is still a mystery, everything will have been okay if I have not come to the sea.

The tears started streaming down my face, my tears glowed brightly immediately and turned into a crystal, shocking me furthermore.
I suddenly had a panging headache making me hold my head, I closed my eyes briefly, and flung it open only to be met with my hands covered with scales, my eyes bulged out in shock, everything was too much to take in.

🧞Pacific kingdom🧞

The kingdom was seen with different people who were tied down among them was a young boy of about 17 years old whose tail was glowing yellowish, the tail glowed brightly immediately it felt the presence of him (Twirly) everybody felt the aura and they bowed their heads for the aura is really strong to be ignored .
You may be wondering about what happens to them that they were tied down in the middle of the kingdom.

 5 years ago same place

Different activities could be seen going on in the kingdom, the children’s were out for training, while the adults went about doing their business, then suddenly a big shark erupted out of the sea and swam speedily towards the direction of the kingdom knocking the guards off, the guards all stood up from the ground and tried manipulating the shark into doing their wills but they all groaned in pain and fall down dead.

The shark walk towards the kingdoms center and vomit some warriors, a man walked out of the sharks mouth with water surrounding him that you could hardly see him, all the children seeing this ran for the panic room which was prepared for emergency situation, the man smiles and signaled the warriors with him to attack them and they attacked the warriors of the kingdom, the king came out of his palace to access the situation but he met his death, all the warriors was killed due to a poisonous arrow which was shot and was controlled by the man in the middle of the water.

After they were all killed, they killed some women when they break into the panic room while the children’s and the old are held captive and are tortured to give in and bow to them, some give in while since didn’t, Twirly’s twin was also held captive he never gives up, all those who did not give up strongly believe that someday somebody will set them free.

Abeg if you enjoy this story, say something nice to me 🥰

Next episode dropping soon, but your comments and likes will determine.

Don’t copy without giving credit to the writer!!!

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1 year ago

You are Good

1 year ago

Please keep Going your story are amazing