The Brilliant Wife 15 – 16 Ndukwe Ularinma

The Brilliant Wife 1 - Ndukwe Ularinma

The Brilliant Wife 15

© Ndukwe Ularinma

JeJu boutique had been opened less than 3 weeks now and it was met with such a scandal. What shocked people was that the person who posted such a post might be a worker in the company. They were probabilities that the scandal was true but nobody could post comment because the post was deleted. Juanita was affected most by the post and had sacked all the employees. None of them agreed to be the one behind the post, so she let them off giving the 5 employees their pay.
Jerry consoled Juanita who felt bad. The pregnancy made her overemotional. Jerry couldn’t think about who could do such a thing. Fortunately, the police found nothing. If the police had found something, their heavily stock boutique would have been closed till investigations were over. Due to the pregnancy, Jerry couldn’t use his magic so he tossed it aside. Magic at times really don’t work. The battle had to be fought by hands by real men. The post didn’t affect the boutique much but many people dreaded it. Some just came to see the boutique and ended up buying just a piece of clothing, shoe, bags or jewelries. Juanita refused to employ workers and did the whole sales alone. Many buyers pitied her and wondered why an employee wants to hurt his/her boss. Juanita’s pregnancy got sympathy from some people and they made it a mental note to keep frequenting the boutique.

The boutique was going to close soon anyway, Judy laid back in bed and drifted off to sleep once more while Luke went to meet Jenny at the company.
On arriving Brandon Jr. Wears, Luke came down from the car and went in through the elevator to meet Jenny who was playing a guess game with Alexis. Jenny looked up at him and smiled. “Alexis can you please go meet grandma in the next office. I have something to say to Mr. Luke,” she told him and watched him as he nodded. She called her mother who came and carried him away.
“So Luke,” Jenny called, “have a sit.”

“Thought you won’t tell me to sit,” he joked and sat.

“I am not that wicked,” she replied him and grinned, “how’s Judy?”

“She just went to sleep a couple minutes ago,” he replied. The time was 9:59 AM.

“She must be really tired,” Jenny sympathized, “when is she planning to release it?”

“12PM,” he replied, “well that’s her work. What are we going to do?”

Jenny looked at Luke and smiled, “I have no plan yet.”

“You don’t? I don’t believe you,” he said.

“When Judy releases her contents then we will attack… “ She was telling him.

“Oh I see,” he replied after she told him everything he wants to hear.

Luke shook her hand and left through the elevators to the parking lot and entered his car. He vowed to himself that he will bring down those who hurt Judy a lot to the point where she had lost herself. With that in mind he drove on and decided to play along with Jenny and Judy’s plans.

Episode 16

Another explosive content was posted. Owner of JeJu boutique a drug addict and peddler. This time around proves were posted alongside the post. Different pictures of Jerry smoking, sniffing and selling of drugs. Attached also was Juanita who was a smoker. In reality, Juanita doesn’t smoke but the picture made it look like she was smoking. Only those with sharp eyes could see she was not smoking. It just showed that she was aware of everything her husband was doing.
The IP address was also traced to the shop of the suspect. The police had no choice but to take Jerry and Juanita to the station for questioning.

Juanita had never been embarrassed this way and she bursted into tears. Jerry felt for her and blamed himself though for doing those stuffs. He was kept in detention and wrote his statement. Juanita was taken for questioning and she began crying. She knew about Jerry’s bad way of living but she wasn’t ready to tell the police.
After searching the couple’s apartment and nothing being found, they released them and explained to the public. But this was a bad reputation, many people refused to shop there and preferred to go into town.
Henry was watching everything but he refused to help . His business was stabilizing and he had regained his loss. Their products were widely marketed and that brought joy to him.
“What is happening?” Juanita asked Jerry when they arrived home.
Jerry was slowly loosing it and was partly angry with Juanita for the pregnancy but realized he was the one who made it happen, “I don’t know,” he replied her.
“Jerry I’m scared,” she cried and felt her tummy. She was currently entering her 6th month which is second trimester ending. Risk of miscarriage was also high.
“Don’t be,” he replied and sat with her on the couch hugging her.
He couldn’t do anything in this matter and it hurt him. He just sat with Juanita on the couch and held her until she fell asleep.

Was this retribution? He wondered. He thought about how he removed all his family members and how he ventured into black magic just to bring down Henry. He had made it that if any woman conceives for him apart from his wife, he was going to lose his business and die but no matter how he went into Patty, it never worked. He thought about the mysterious wind that often blew on Juanita and made her sleep. He was losing it. He was very young and would have accepted to learn the family business but he thought it was waste of time. He had enough shares in the company but when his father died he withdrew it all and signed a document that he wasn’t interested in the business. Wasn’t interested, why would he be interested? He just wanted the money and that’s why he wanted to push Henry away. Was it not just go to the company, attend useless meetings and approve some things then money comes flowing? He sighed and carried Juanita who was partially awake to the bedroom and lay her down. It’s been long he drank and he went to drink away his sorrows.

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