The Bodyguard Episode 12 – 13 by Tisa Phiri

The Bodyguard Episode 2 by tisa phiri

The Bodyguard Episode 12

Written by Tisa Phiri

I walked slowly to the door way the people watching me in silence. I didn’t know whether to call Mr Benson and tell him they got his daughter again or go after them searching all directions.

Then I heard a car park outside and the door banged. I was still in the same spot when Mr Benson walk towards me and I knew the moment of judgement had come, before he could reach me I saw Paula behind him with a running outfit, headsets in her ears and she was sweaty.

“Oh God” I sighed in relief.

” she had just gone for her morning run.” I heard my inner voice calm. I ran to her and asked her if she was okay ignoring her father who stood aside watching me.

Paula looked at her father and back at me..

“am fine Ackim ” she spoke her eyes wide open surprised that some people were watching and my facial expression showed worry.

” what’s going on here ? ” She asked me..

“Um.. um am sorry I was just thinking that maybe they got you” i explained looking at her and her father..

“What are you talking about Ackim?” Mr Benson asked me also shocked.

I indicated we sat in my room

” let me explain sir” I told him realising that Simon had not called him. If he had I thought, he was going to understand me.

So I led them both to my room and people started withdrawing, those in the rooms went back in and the workers went on with their business..

I explained what I found at the unfinished building and how I told Simon to call Mr Benson.

“I don’t receive any calls” he told me

” and I came here to see my daughter first before coming that side to see what was with that guy you caught yersterday.”

“Am sorry Sir.” I apologised..

” it’s just that I secured the guy and I didn’t think he would outsmart 3 guys, now we need to move Paula out of here” I suggested before he could say a thing.

” am thinking the enemy might not be politically involved, otherwise they would go direct for you and not your daughter or probably they could have made some demands for you to drop a position or something.

Mr Benson shook his head and stood..

“what do you think is going on Acki?” he asked me wiping his forehead

“all this while I thought it was my political enemies, now you say otherwise?”

Paula was quite and just looked at me as we spoke her headsets now hanging around her neck .

“If I may Sir” I suggested..

“let me try give you my theory.”

“sure go ahead” he insisted sitting down again..

“I think this was engeneered by some local people who are sort of jealousy of you and your success. They feel intimated that their fellow African can acquire so much wealthy and controlling their economy. if it were A white person they would gladly accept but they are kind of jeaslousy for you a fellow black man.” I went on giving him details of my theory. I even told him how I was now suspecting Simon.

“It’s kind of Akward that he was left alive and the two guys killed. I told him to ask for your help before leaving the building but he didn’t. If my suspicions are correct we won’t find him at the building. I have to go and check sir ” I told him..

Mr Benson told me to go ahead and investigate more and give him an update. he told me to move with Paula to his house

“it’s safer that side because there are a lot of guards. If you are right it is Simon who is the mole, then it should be safe but still I need you close to Paula and protect her” he told me before leaving my room.

“I have to go and check on the building for Simon” I told Paula.. “just get your things and go with your father for now, I will join you later” I told her..

she walked close to me and smiled,

” I heard you screamed your lungs out for me.” she teased with a smile, i smiled back..

“I agree I was so scared” I told her honestly. she held my shoulder and rubbed it gently

” take it easy soldier” she whispered..

“will meet at home” she added before leaving my room..

I watched her go and went out as well. I had to confirm my suspicions of Simon. I was almost certain he was a betrayer, otherwise he could have called in for help.

Upon reaching the spot I left him I found he had disappeared. some blood stains drying on the ground..

“I knew it” I whispered to myself wishing I had carried him with me. Now I was back to square one.

I drove back to the Benson’s house as I was directed i stood in front of a mansion. it was true the man had money. I could bet it was the biggest house in Solwezi.

I was led inside by one of the workers, Paula welcomed me. she had changed into black shorts and a sleeveless body top, her flat tummy properly outlined, her long hair let loose. she looked good but I couldn’t get to think of her past the fact of her just being the person I had to protect anything else was to be ignored..


4 Months later… The situation had calm down it seemed the danger wasn’t that much. I had gone several times to the forest guy’s residence but I didn’t find him nor his family. He had put someone on rent in the house.

One day I went back to the Krall to go and have a talk with the fat woman and ask her something about the gang but she declined seeing the guys gather there for some time. she however told me the name of the guy I was looking for that he was called Kakoma ..

she was quick to mention that i was not to tell a soul about our discussion after I handed her some cash.

I had no luck finding Simon, I looked and asked around the lodge for him but all was in vain. I however never asked Shila a thing. The time I tried she went on her mission to seduce me, but I turned her down and couldn’t finish asking her further questions.

I went to Paula’s house, After talking to the lady at the bar..that was of course my new home Mr Benson’s mansion. I was working several other jobs for him especially to do with investigations of some mine workers in cases of disputes.. he also sent me out to deliver and collect some equipments for the mine and I was pleased with the pay..

Since everything was provided for me I saved most of my income. Mr Benson told me he was still trying to find my family but I didn’t want to rely on his word, so i hired my own investigator. The time i had passed through Ndola I was told my father had moved out of the barracks after retiring but I couldn’t risk going inside to ask more. I wasnt ready to face the commander and explain my case just yet. so I had the idea of hiring a private investigator to help find my family….

Walking inside the house I found Paula watching TV her legs lifted on the arm of the couch.

” hey Soldier” she called out.

“come here” she said patting the couch near her. I looked at her swallowing hard.

” let me put this in my room” I told her showing her a small file i was holding.

I stood behind my bedroom door and closed my eyes my heart raced. lately I was avoinding Paula cause i didnt like the strange emotions i was having around her and to stay focused, i had found myself a lady i was dating for the past month. She was the Secretary to Paula.

The Bodyguard – Episode 13

By Tisa Phiri


4 Months past, and I grew so much in love with Ackim, everytime i saw Him my heart felt vulnerable. Even just him shake my hand or giving me a hug made me wanna cling to him and scream my heart out.. “I love you!”

But I had come to learn that in African culture it was kind of off for a woman to tell a man who had not proposed you loved them and from what I noticed with Ackim he was a man who preferred him going after a woman and not the other way round.

I had seen how Shila the house keeper at the lodge always flirt around him but he showed no interest in her, not only her but other women too. Especially at the office in the mine, he completely ignored any lady that acted in a way to lure him. so I gathered well, let me not rush myself.

I was believing he didn’t have interest in me, like he was always taking me more of a job than a woman. He was always concerned about my well being and nothing more, it hurt me a lot that my efforts to show him I considered him more than my body guard failed

I recall one day we sat together watching some movie, dad was out. I saw he wasn’t even interested in the movie but he stayed on just to make sure I went to sleep before him. I tried telling him to go and rest but he insisted he wanted to finish the movie too.

I deliberately dozed off and moved closer to him placing my head on his shoulders. He didn’t make any movements. His eyes fixed on the TV. I withdrew later on frustrated and went to bed before the movie could even finish.

“What is wrong with him?” I asked myself upset.

” am I not that attractive or maybe he doesn’t just like me?” I fall asleep feeling sad.

The following morning I called my friend from UK. I told her about Ackim and the strong feelings I had for him.

“Oh my God Paula” she had said.

” if the guy have the looks you are telling me and he’s the one your heart longs for. Then go for him girl you have nothing to lose. At least try and when you find he’s not intrested then you move on” she suggested. .

“Plus someone here is still longing to have you, in case all that fails” she went on referring to my ex boyfriend..

“Oh no i won’t go back to that womanising jerk” i told her.. “remember he still goes out with that stupid girlfriend of his . Oh please don’t even mention his name, am better off alone that with that lieing and cheating jerk just because he has it all, money and looks. No Thank you!” i shouted raising my hands as we chated on a video call.

So I kind of followed my friend’s advice and I decided to comfront Ackim. I was suspecting he was in some kind off afair with my Secretary but since I had only seen her from home where i had been working from for months, I had no proper conclusion they were together. I just had to try my lucky.

It was not easy for a person like me who had wealthy and beauty to find love, every man I met seemed more scared of my status and never dared to come any closer. so I felt really lonely.

Every guy I felt attracted to ended up being far from me. This time i wasn’t going to let the one that my heart beats for just slip through my hands.

I called him one day when he walked in holding a file. I wore a bum short and lifted my legs on the couch deliberately. I did some proper make up and let my long hair lose around my neck . I knew I looked hot.

However, when Ackim stopped after I called him, it seemed I wasn’t looking the way i thought I did. He didn’t even look straight at my face.

“come sit here.” I called him and he excused himself to put the file in his room.

I threw the small pillow I was holding at the wall feeling rejected but I was determined to face him. So , when I noticed almost 5 minutes had passed and Ackim wasn’t out of his room yet I stood up and walked to his room before I could debate myself out of the idea..

I didn’t even knock, I just pushed his white bedroom door open and entered. There he was standing his hands in the pockets. I looked beyond him his file was on the table. I glanced back at Ackim his calm face staring at me without giving me clues of what he was thinking about.

“Mmmn” I started..

“I see you are still putting the file” I teased..

“I um um …am sorry I was just about to head to you” he stammered..

“but since you are already here am sure you can tell me why you called me. do you want to go somewhere I escort you?” He asked quickly.

I let a laugh.

“Ackim you are unbelievable, so you mean all i am to you is work right?” I asked seriously.

He kept quite and I felt bad.

” tell me, am I not beautiful enough for you? Or am not your

type?” I asked sounding pissed.

“No no no..!” he said coming close. “Paula you are very beautifull and attractive too. Don’t ever think otherwise. But why are you upset with me?” he asked..

Sounding so stupid like a child.

I couldn’t take it any more. It was clear the guy had nothing for me so without another word I walked out and ran to my room tears falling from my face.

Ackim followed me and before I could close the door he steped in..

” Paula are you okey?” He asked concerned.

“just leave me alone!” I screamed laying on my bed. He stood by the door way and watched me for a minute. He wanted to say something but i screamed at him again and he slowly walked out closing the door.

That night I cried myself to sleep my heart broken.

To be continued


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Enny pat
Enny pat
5 years ago

So bad…. It’s well.