TECHNICAL VIRGIN Episode 62 – 63 Precious Obialor Ukazim



Episode 62(unedited)

Kehinde and Sade shared their vision with the church mummy and her husband who prayed with them and assured them of their supports and they mapped out their vision strategies on how to reach out to young people then arrived at sending invitation to churches,starting from their branch churches; one on one invitation,and through the social media platforms.
The first meeting they held with young people in the home housed about twenty youths who had strong yearning for see more of God in their lives with doctor Iyk and Jumoke in attendance. Sade led in a hot praise and worship, jumoke in opening prayers and doctor Iyk did the administrative work of showing them where to seat as they came in while Kehinde preached the word in what looked like an interactive sermon during which those young people were availed the opportunity to express themselves, share their secret struggles,fears, challenges and ask questions openly and the three friends were shocked to their bone marrows as they listened to what many of those young people were revealing about themselves. Yet, some of them who were more matured in age kept to themselves and were not willing to open.

During the prayer, Kehinde raised so many matters of concern among the youths and analyzed them so much that many of them who were guilty broke down sobbing and he used that opportunity to make an altar call and to his surprise, almost all the hands went up and he joyfully led them to Christ.
Those present were encouraged to invite their friends while coming for the next meeting as refreshments was passed round for them.

“This is a serious ministry,” doctor Iyk told kehinde with seriousness in his eyes as the young folks left one after the other.
“I couldn’t hold back my tears listening to their revelations. What can we do to reach out to more young people?” He asked zealously and the two women joined them and he shared with them the strategies they had planned out
“We can as well organize Christian picnics and timeouts with printed handbills and post banners at strategic places. We can also reach out to secondary schools and campuses with relationship and career seminars to arouse more people’s interest..” Jumoke suggested and they all found her suggestions amazing.
They immediately began to draft out plans on how to penetrate the schools and everyone contributed in the plan. When they were done, Kehinde excused himself with Iyk for a private discussion leaving the women in the parlor.

“How far with you and jumo?” He asked him.
” Nothing much, she is yet to respond to my proposal but we’ve been communicating on the normal.” Iyk replied.
“Did you really sought the face of God before proposing to her?” He asked feeling concerned.
“Well, I didn’t really pray that much. I feel there’s no need since we’ve known each other for years and secondly, she is born again. Do I really need to pray that much again?” He asked with a confused look.
“My brother, it’s a wife we are talking about here not a girlfriend. You don’t choose your wife as a Christian the same way you chose girl when you were in the world. I will advice you to go back and seek God’s face and confirm things first. You seems to be in haste, please calm down and get it right this time around…” Kehinde began then continued.
“Jumoke is a nice girl but she might not be the right woman for you and vice versa. Allow God to direct you in choosing a wife my brother…” He advised him after which they entered back into the parlor to join them and after few minutes, Iyk picked up his car keys and announced his departure.

“Jumo, how far with you. Has the Lord not said anything yet?” Kehinde teased her immediately Iyk left and everyone started laughing.
“Uhm… Not really, I don’t even understand.” She replied shyly.
“What’s it you don’t understand?” He asked showing interest.
“I actually had a dream I don’t understand but am still praying for more clarification though.” She said casually.
“Share the dream with us, perhaps we can trust God to reveal the meaning to us.” He urged her.
“In that dream, I followed Iyk on a journey to somewhere but along the line, I became very tired and couldn’t carry myself anymore. Iyk opted to carry me but unfortunately, my weight was too much for him and he had to drop me. He tried carrying me again but we both fell on our backs ,then I woke up.” She narrated, laughing with Sade but Kehinde pondered on the dream with a serious face.

“Then, there’s this other dream I had concerning pastor Mike but I can’t remember it anymore. I’ve been trying to remember it but can’t.” She chipped.
“Go back and pray, let the Holy Spirit rewind the dream for you again. You can’t forget vital dreams just like that.” He instructed her and she agreed.

Two weeks later, Sade launched her first music album which won the heart of many people as public transporters purchased and played them in their buses; churches began to sing her songs during worship sessions and her songs fast became household songs.
churches began to invite her for ministrations in and outside the state within the three months of the album release and it influenced their youth ministry positively as she became a public figure whom everyone wants to associate with.

Their living room became too small as more young people throng in for the weekly meeting, many of them sat on the floor comfortably and some stood on their feet…

Episode 63(unedited)

Sade woke up one beautiful morning with a feeling of nausea then sluggishly dragged herself out of the matrimonial bedroom to join her husband and Toyin in the parlor for morning devotion ten minutes after Kehinde had called her to join them for devotion. Mid way into the devotion, she suddenly had a strong urge to vomit and she ran into the washroom to relieve herself throwing her husband and daughter into confusion and he had to bring the devotion to an abrupt end.

“Darling, are you alright?” Kehinde asked, joining her in the washroom.
“Yeah, just having this feeling of physical unwellness.” She replied as she washed her mouth and face,then suddenly began to throw up again and he helped her to support her body on him.
“Maybe, somebody is pregnant.” He said teasingly.

“I will get you a pregnancy test pouch.” He said massaging her back gently and she managed to force out a smile.
“I just can’t wait to confirm it.” She said breathing heavily, then continued.
“Sweetheart, this is our fifth month together as husband and wife, I’ve been worried sick not getting pregnant. I will be the happiest person today if it shows positive.” She said leaning on him.
“Really? You never told me you were worried. ” surprised at her revelation.
“Do you know I don’t even remember we need to start having babies? I seems to be carried away by purpose pursuit and fulfilment these past months. Having you and Toyin around me, I used to think that we are done having children…” He was still talking and she cut in.

“How could you think such a thing, Toyin is not your biological child and she can’t take the place of your own children no matter how you love her. Besides, I want to fill this house with children” She said laughing.
” you can’t be serious, we agreed to have two more. I want my wife to look younger for me. ” he said feigning seriousness.
“Please, can you get me the pouch before going to work? I can’t wait anymore.” She said pinching him hard.
“Aarrh!!!” He shouted and Toyin was standing at the door unknown to them spoke up.
“Sorry Dad.” She said smiling from ear to ear knowing that they were not expecting to see her in the washroom.
“Thank you my baby. Sorry I left you in the parlor.” He said on seeing her.
“Monitoring spirit Toyin. I know you have been eaves dropping to hear what you and your daddy will gossip with.” Sade said laughing.

“You can now go and do your morning chores and prepare yourself for school because I don’t have any single strength left in me to prepare you today.” She said looking at her humorously.
“I wasn’t monitoring you o, I just wanted to know if you are alright. ” little Toyin said in the defensive.
“Yeah, we weren’t monitoring you oo..” Kehinde chipped in and they all bursted into laughter.

The homemade test was later confirmed positive and Sade’s joy knew no bound as she sang different praise songs, danced to it alone in the room and in the kitchen, knelt down at every given time to thank God for the gift of fruitfulness. She kept calling her husband on the phone over and over again to come back in time for the celebration as she had taken her time to prepare his favorite food.

“I think you were right when you told me to go back in prayer concerning that proposal stuff, am beginning to see so many signs that Jumoke is not meant for me, i made that proposal out of desperation.” Iyk opened up to his friend Kehinde after one of their programs with the young people.
“Really?” Kehinde said as he turned to face him very well.
“What makes you think so?” He asked.
“You know am still growing in the faith and sincerely speaking, Kenny am enjoying my relationship with God very well now than ever. He’s been teaching me patience and other virtues. My brother, God is seriously dealing with my life in such a way that I don’t expect. If I marry her with out this dealings God is giving me, the marriage will collapse. The Lord made it clear to me that I won’t be able to carry the weight of her purpose because my spiritual life is still at the baby realm and I have no spiritual stamina. Guy, marriage is the least of my problems now, I’m enjoying God so much now, I just want to know Him more..” Iyk expressed himself gleaming with excitement in his eyes.

“Wow!” Kehinde exclaimed and breathed down a heavy sigh of relief.
“I knew it from the onset that you two weren’t meant for each other; but you know, it’s better the way you confirmed it yourself because there’s nothing I could have told you then that you would believe.” Kehinde explained and Iyk started laughing.
“Yeah, at a point I was beginning to think you don’t want me to have her because she is your ex but now I know better. Thanks man, you’ve always been my man from day one.” He said then continued almost immediately.
“So,what do you suggest? Should I meet her and tell her not to bother anymore?” He asked searching Kehinde’s eyes for a saving response.

“Ah! No, don’t do that. She also saw a similar thing about you in a dream two months ago,though she don’t seem to understand the meaning yet. But I already planned telling her you are not the right man for her. So,just leave that one for me to handle,and you can as well reduce the way you used to call her often.” Kehinde replied smiling.
“Nna, you don’t need to tell me to reduce the way I call her, I’ve already done that. Tomorrow will be one week I called her last. In fact, I hardly remembere anything safe my Bible, my job and how to move this young peoples forum further..” He said clapping his two hands together in finality and Kehinde couldn’t help but laugh at him.
“Thank God for God!” Kehinde exclaimed in excitement.
“Yes, my brother!” Iyk responded.
“That reminds me,the information I got last night was that Chioma died while giving birth two weeks ago.” Iyk said sadly.
“Giving birth?” Kehinde asked, ” did she remarry? ” he queried.
“I don’t know, my mother called to inform me last night and I didn’t bother to ask all of that. I feel for her though.” He said looking away and Kehinde pat his back in consolation.
“It’s well my brother. It’s well!” He said.

Kehinde spoilt Sade and Toyin silly with love and lots of goodies everyday as his wife’s baby bump began to grow noticeably. Many young girls began to pray for a husband like him as well as the young men among them who desired to love their wives like him when they eventually marries.

When the church mummy and her husband saw that Kehinde’s house was no longer containing the youths ,they released their branch church building for them to use for their weekly youth programs since it was not held on the church weekly activities days. Their programs from thenceforth became power packed as deliverances were being conducted on many of them who were under demonic influences and so did their numbers increased rapidly.

“Sister Jumo,what’s happening. What’s going on? Please talk to me.” Kehinde who was worried at her moody state all through one of their programs asked her in a private discussion.
“Oma oba, I don’t know. I don’t understand what’s happening to me.” She replied sadly.

“What exactly is happening?” He asked.
“Look at me, we were praying about the two marriage proposals but I don’t even understand what’s happening anymore…” She said with bias.
“I still can’t get the point Jumo.” He pressed further.
“They have both stopped calling me. I even tried reaching pastor Mike several times since the last time he travelled back to his base but his number hasn’t been going through, except once that he called to inform me that he arrived safely. Iyk himself doesn’t seem to be interested in me anymore. Oma oba, am just tired of this life…” She lamented bitterly…

To be continued

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