TECHNICAL VIRGIN Episode 11 – 12



Episode 11 (unedited)

Two months after the prophecy, Sade and Kola had another heated argument over something he wanted her to do which she refused. Coupled with the accumulated anger he had bottled up in his heart over the weeks for seeing her in Kehinde’s car on two occasions, he out bursted when she refused to do what he wanted her to do while they were drafting out their wedding programme in his house.
He raised his voice at her and accused her again of not being faithful and Sade defended herself, stating that Kehinde was only going to introduce her to a team of singers who would back her up at the studio, but Kola would not hear of it. He threatened to confront Kehinde and warn him to stay far away from his woman and Sade dared him never to try it. As they were both in the heat of the argument, she felt a sharp piercing headache, held her forehead as her eyes became blurry and clasped on the floor.

Kola saw her falling like an old,weak building and he rushed her before she reached the floor and held her into his arms. She wasn’t breathing so he began to fan her with his shirt and when he saw that she was not getting revived, he dashed out of the room in search of his next door neighbor who owns a car and they rushed her to the nearest private hospital. The nurses fixed a drip on her after they had revived her back to her consciousness and waited for the test results to come out before they can commence treatment properly. Kola stayed with her at the hospital and called the church mummy to inform her that Sade was hospitalized. Since he was the one holding Sade’s phone, he used that opportunity and went through her inbox and WhatsApp chats with Kehinde and was boiling in anger at some of their conversations.
The church mummy and daddy whom Sade and Kola had taken as mentors arrived the hospital just when the results of the tests came out from the lab. They rushed over to the bed where she was lying on and found her sleeping, but the noises in the ward woke her up.

“Mummy,” she called and on seeing the daddy, she greeted trying to sit up but a slight head headache nudged her and she rested back her head on the pillow.
“Don’t worry, just rest your head ” the church mummy said, and massaged her hands. A dark handsome young man suspected to be the doctor entered the ward and walked towards Kola.
“Are you the one that brought in this patient?” He asked him with a professional tone and Kola nodded his head in the affirmative as the church mummy and daddy drew closer to them.
“Are you her husband or a relation?” He asked again but before Kola could tell him that she’s his fiancée, the Pastor interrupted.
“What exactly is wrong with her ?” The church daddy asked, supposing him to be the doctor.

“Uhm.. Nothing really bad” the supposed doctor said, then continued.
“I guess you are her parents” he said facing them and they both nodded in the affirmative looking intently at his lips to reveal what the sickness is.
“The test results shows that she is medically okay, but we found out that she is four weeks pregnant and must have gone through some emotional stress. I will advice…” He was still talking when Kola gave a shocking unbelieving scream at the same time with the church mummy and daddy.
Sade jumped up from the bed on hearing the doctor’s report and made to talk as the church mummy and daddy with Kola all turned to look at her in disbelief but she couldn’t find words….

To be continued

Episode 12(unedited)

“I … I think there’s a mistake somewhere, I’m not pregnant” she said with confusion written on her face, and pinched herself, hoping to wakeup from the dream.
“I’m still a virgin, I didn’t sleep with any man” she bursted into tears and the church mummy and daddy who had always believed her to be a virgin turned back to face the doctor with a questioning look. Kola’s mind flashed back to Kehinde because he had been suspecting that she was sleeping with him all the while, so he didn’t want to believe what ever Sade has to say.
” Young lady, are you so sure of what you are saying? Because our lab scientists here are very careful people and our test results here are always accurate. We’ve never had issues with lab test results for over 18years in this hospital.. ” the doctor queried, searching her eyes to know whether she has confidence in what she was saying.
“Yes am very sure sir” she replied with confidence. And the church mummy and daddy felt a little relief in their mind,hoping that there was a mistake in the test result.
“Alright then, we would carry out another test on you and supervise it carefully. I just hope you are telling us the truth..” The doctor said and left the ward. Few minutes later, a lab attendant entered and collected her blood sample, then gave her a specimen bottle to collect her urine and submit it. She was helped down from the bed and led into the toilet in the hospital by the church mummy to collect her urine which was later submitted at the laboratory.
Kola who was in shock about the doctor’s report stayed faraway from Sade and was sitting at the reception tapping his feet on the floor, waiting for the results to come out as different thoughts ran through his mind. He had already collected Kehinde’s number from Sade’s phone and was waiting for the right time to call him and confront him for impregnating his fiancée. The church daddy walked up to where he was seated and tapped him at the back.
“Are you sure nothing happened between the both of you” the Pastor asked quietly and sat down close to him.
“Ah! Daddy, nothing o! I’ve never seen the color of Sade’s pant since we’ve been courting for almost 3years now. Daddy I just hope my suspicions are not true” he said holding his head and lowered it in worries.
“Calm down my son” the Pastor said, placing his hands on his shoulder.
“We all know that Sade is not a wayward girl. I strongly believe that the tests result is faulty” the Pastor said, trying to encourage him.

In the ward, Sade’s heart was restless and the church mummy took notice of it.
” You are restless Sade, is there anything you think I need to know? Feel free to share with me ” the church mummy said, holding her warm hands.
“Mummy, I just remembered I missed my period. I thought it was a kind of hormonal changes due to stress and now the test is saying that am pregnant. Mummy I can swear with my life that I didn’t sleep with any man” she said, tearing dropping down her eyes uncontrollably.
“I just pray this is not true because I would never be able to explain myself…” She said and covered her face with the palms of her hands. The church mummy’s heart jumped when she heard her confirmed that she missed her period but she quickly covered up and began to calm her down.
“You can’t be pregnant without having a sexual contact with a man my darling. So, you are not pregnant. Stop crying…” She pet her.

At the hospital lab, the urinary test result was the first to come out and showed red lines on the HGC pouch which means positive. But they patiently waited for the blood test to show before any further actions. After about an hour, the blood test result came out and it was also positive. Sade was confirmed pregnant by the two tests.

“Mummy, I told you Sade was cheating on me with Kenny but she kept denying it. Now, look at the result; the woman I’m supposed to wed in three months time is pregnant for another man…” Kola bursted out in anger when the doctor came back and confirmed the same thing and it drew the attention of everyone at the reception.

The church mummy and daddy were shocked beyond words as they both lowered their heads in shame.
” yeee! Sade, what have you done?” The church mummy broke down in tears as Sade sat on the bed looking into the space in shock herself.
“Please, this is a hospital. We don’t allow noise here because it increases the pains of our patients. Can you kindly move out of the ward?” A nurse rhetorically and and began to show Kola to the door. Kola paused for a while as a thought dropped in his mind.
“That bastard!” He said with a mean face, brought out Sade’s phone from his pocket and walked out of the ward dialling Kehinde’s number.
“Hello my dear,” Kehinde was first heard at the other end as Kola intentionally kept quiet knowing that he would suppose Sade to be the caller.
“My dear, are you there…?” Kehinde asked when he didn’t hear Sade’s voice.
“Hello… hellooo. Sister Sade are you there?” He continued and Kola burned in anger on hearing him call her ‘my dear’.
“Yes your dear is here in the hospital right now. Can you come over to Ajimobi hospital right away? She really wants to see you” Kola said sarcastically trying hard to control his temper. On hearing that Sade was in the hospital, Kehinde picked up his car keys and left the work he was doing in his office to the Ajimobi private hospital. He drove into the hospital not knowing the ward to find her, and he dialled her number thinking it’s a male nurse or the doctor that was with her phone.
“Please, which ward is she admitted? Am in the hospital right now” he asked and waited for an answer.
“Female ward 2” Kola replied ,standing up to his feet and the Pastor who didn’t know who he was giving direction turned to look at him..
“Kola, who did you call? I hope you have not yet informed anyone about this issue ?” The Pastor asked, standing up to face him. Just then, Kehinde walked up to the entrance door that leads to the female ward and Kola approached him even before he could see him and landed him a heavy blow.
” You son of a bastard! ” he cursed him as the pastor who wasn’t expecting a fight held him back,
“After sleeping around with all the girls on campus, you have the guts to sleep with my woman and even got her pregnant..” Kola fired at Kehinde, trying to break loose from the pastor’s grip to fight him. Kehinde who was not just shocked at the unexpected blow, stood like a statue on hearing that Sade was pregnant. The pains of the heavy blow disappeared and his heart skipped.
By now,the pastor had come to know the Kehinde whom his wife and kola have been suspecting. He saw the surprise and confusion on Kenny’s face, and signalled him to move out of sight and he obeyed him and moved back a little distance from where Kola was.
When the Pastor was done calming Kola down, he excused himself and walked up to Kehinde, who stood beside his car with a worry stricken face.
“How are you?” The Pastor asked on reaching him.
“Fine daddy” he replied politely, “good evening sir” he greeted and the church pastor was impressed at his comportment.
“You are Kehinde right?” The Pastor asked and he nodded in the affirmative.
“Are you born again?” The Pastor asked and he nodded in the affirmative again before saying,
“Yes sir”.
” very good ” the Pastor said, then continued,
“I want to ask you few questions and as a child of God, I want you to tell me the whole truth” the Pastor said looking into his eyes and he nodded his head to indicate corporation.
“What’s the relationship between you and Sister Sade?” The Pastor asked looking straight into his eyes.
“Sade is my friend, just a friend and nothing more. I hope she is alright?” He replied and the Pastor nodded.
“You mean there was no love affair between you and her?” The Pastor asked again trying to hide his surprise.
” Not at all. Though I wanted to build a love relationship with her when I first met her, and hoped that the relationship mature into marriage but she told me she was already engaged to be married in January so I decided to remain just a friend to her. I hope there’s no problem?” He asked calmly
“Not really, am sorry to ask” the Pastor said and blinked his eyes before saying what he wanted to say.
“Was there by any mistake a sexual contact between you and her?” The Pastor asked, looking intently at him. Kehinde bursted into a laughter and held his mouth before answering his question,
“How can I sleep with someone’s wife two be for crying out loud. Besides, Sade is not a loosed woman. She have been faithful in her relationship with Kola so much that she won’t even agree to have sex with me if I requested for it…” Kehinde explained.
“I’m a Christian sir, my past may not be perfect but presently, premarital sex is the last thing on my mind. Am even shocked to hear that Sade is pregnant, she told me she was a virgin and I was proud of her” Kehinde said then continued,
“I didn’t sleep with her sir” he said almost in a swear and the Pastor became confused. He held Kehinde’s hand and was leading him to the ward where Sade and the church mummy were when Kola came up again and began to accuse him of being responsible for Sade’s pregnancy.
“Watch your tongue Kola ” Kehinde came face to face with Kola…

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