TARASHA Episode 8 Part 6 – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

TARASHA Episode 1 - Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

TARASHA Episode 8 Part 6 – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel


‘It’s okay Chief, I don’t really need to know ‘ Tarasha said, getting up from the seat.

Chief Gab turned to face her, he began with so much aggression. ‘All of them are cheats and betrayals, they turned against me and stabbed me at the back’

Tarasha shook her head in a way as if to signify that she was unconcerned anymore but the man continued.

‘Several years ago, I and Jubril used to do business together with some other top citizens of the country. The truth is that most of our businesses were illegal’

The man paused and coughed, he fixed his gaze on Tarasha before he continued. ‘Everything changed when Retired Gen Mubarak Baruwa was about to come into government fifteen years ago, everybody was scared of him because of his relentless fight against corruption. Luckily for Jubril and some other of my associates, they got close to their new President and became his close workers. We held a crucial meeting immediately after the President was sworn in and we concluded that we needed to stop our illegal deals, but there was still one hanging; we had a fake drugs consignment that we needed to clear’

Chief Gab’s loud ringtone disrupted the conversation, he quickly ended the call and switched off the phone.

‘I was told to handle the last deal’ Chief went on, ‘but unknown to me and Onwuli my friend who was also not close to the new President like me. The others had planned to implicate us in order to gain favour from the President. All the deal’s document were released by them to the police force, I was caught and sentenced to ten years imprisonment. Onwuli was murdered with the whole of his family when he tried to fight for me’

‘I came out of prison ten years later and found out that these people are now well celebrated in the country, I tried to fight back legally but I discovered that all documents that could implicate them had been hidden. I threatened to speak with the press but I had to shut up as they caused me more pain, my wife and first son were murdered the next day’ Tears began to drop off the man’s eyes, he returned to where he was previously seated and cleaned his face with an handkerchief. He waited for Tarasha to also sit before he went on.

‘Only Chief Nonso came to my rescue, he was one of the beneficiaries of Onwuli’s wealth, so he helped me when I was in prison and even more when I came out. He made me to understand that Onwuli had made him promise before his death that he would help him fight if anything happens to him’

‘I can’t rest until I see these evil men reap the harvest of their deeds. Since the law can’t do it, then I have to do it my way’ he concluded and stared at Tarasha as he cleaned off his again.

She didn’t say a word, she only picked her glasses and put them on before walking out of his presence. If the man was hoping to evoke pity in her, then he had failed. She wasn’t moved by his tears, she only had to do her job; the only thing she was bred for, killing.



Cole and Benny came out of the car after parking it in front of a shop just before getting to the T-junction. They both stared at the abandoned warehouse some metres before them. That was the warehouse Don had sent them to after Tarasha had attacked and collected a particular package from two of the Nanl Gang members that had been sent on an assignment. The warehouse was abandoned after the sudden attack which involved them killing all the workers.

‘Let’s get closer and look for a way to get in’ Cole said, looking around to see if anyone was watching them.

‘We have to come back or wait till it’s midnight’ Benny replied, stopping Cole by placing a hand on his shoulder. ‘it’s not advisable we go in now’

‘We’ll wait’ Cole said, ‘I’m sure that it will be a very good place. It’s very big’

‘We need to find out what they do in the neighbouring compounds too’ Benny said, ‘and I think we’ll need use of that hotel by the side’ he pointed to a multiple storeyed building that was only separated from the warehouse by a building in the middle.

‘If we can get a room at this side’ Cole explained with his hands, referring to the rooms by the right side of the hotel whose windows would give them a good view of the ware house.

‘No wasting of time anymore, let’s go back home and get our tools ready’




‘They accepted it few minutes ago’ Greg said as Robin joined him in the computer room.

‘So have you gotten their location?’ He asked.

‘Yes, they’re in a ware house’ Greg answered, looking into his computer. ‘We have to get James to lead is there’

Robin brought out his phone and dialed James, he ordered him to come and meet him in the room immediately.

‘Did you get any view of the warehouse?’ Robin asked as they waited for James.

‘No, but I’m sure that’s where they are’ Greg insisted, showing Robin a thick spot on the screen which indicates the location where the bug directs its signal

‘Okay’ Robin took a seat beside Greg, ‘we are all going together, call Tony to come here now’

James came in when Greg was making the call. He looked smart and ready for action in his uniform which he only wears occasionally.

‘Are you ready?’ Robin asked him.

‘Ready sir, my men are also prepared’ James replied.

‘Good, we just got their location and you’ll be leading us there’ Tony came in as Robin was explaining.

‘Where sir?’ James inquired.

‘Here’ Robin motioned him forward, to view at the location on the computer screen, the address of the place was underneath the point.

‘Tan beverage warehouse’ James muttered with a frown. ‘This warehouse has been abandoned, nobody has been using it for more than a month now’

‘Huh?’ Robin raised a brow.

Inspector Segun dressed in his uniform came into the room at that moment, he was in a rushing mood. ‘Sorry for disturbing’ he apologized when he noticed that he interrupted their conversation.

‘Segun, when last did anyone use the Tan Beverage warehouse?’ James asked him.

Segun was surprised at the question, he cleared his throat before talking. ‘We went to that area about three weeks ago and I’m sure that it hasn’t been used since the incident in November last year’

‘Did you guys check inside thoroughly?’ Robin asked.

‘No, we didn’t’ Segun gave a short reply.

‘Well, it seems that the Assassins have been hiding there and using it as their quarters for operation’ Robin added.

James was silent as he thought of the possibility of the assassins being in the warehouse truly. It was really possible that it was the same people that had carried out the killings that took place in the warehouse before it was abandoned, they could now be using the place as a point of operation. Where James still had mixed feelings was the fact that Greg had discovered the place easily, he hoped that they were not in for a surprise.

‘What incident happened there in November?’ Robin asked, directing the question to James.

‘The workers in the warehouse were attacked and killed by unknown gunmen, there was only one survivor’ James explained, ‘we later discovered that the manager had a kind of deal with the unknown gunmen but something went wrong between them ‘

‘So nobody has been found associated with that case?’

‘No one sir’

‘Well, we have to plan our attack now’ Robin paused and looked at Segun. ‘What did you come in for?’

‘I…I came to enquire about the arms we need’ Segun answered.

Robin returned his gaze to James who took out a piece of paper from his pocket and stretched it out to Segun.

‘We surround the place and then announce to them from outside to peacefully surrender’ Robin continued after Segun had left. ‘If they refuse to come out, we may need to launch in tear gas to take the out first. Remember, it’s our target to capture them alive so we should try our possible best to do that’

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