TARASHA Episode 11 Pt 9 – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

TARASHA Episode 1 - Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

TARASHA Episode 11 Pt 9 – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

Henry still sat on his seat, lost in his own thoughts. He wondered why Tarasha had brought him to the party to abandon him and follow another guy, deceiving him that they went on exhibition. But… The kiss earlier that day. Was it fake? No, he felt it was real. He had never felt more real in his life.

He inhaled deeply as he poured some wine into the cup. He gulped it down immediately and began to stare into the empty cup, making faces as if someone was speaking to him from the cup.

He shook his head vigorously. Was the alcoholic wine already having effect on him. No, it couldn’t be. He had not taken too much yet. He rested his hand on the table and rested his chin on his palm, thinking of what to do.

After some seconds of hesitation, he finally got up and stretched his cloth, about to head for the exhibition to see if Evelyn was really there.
His eyes met someone walking towards his direction and discussing with another man as he turned back and left his chair. He quickly ran back to his chair and sat. He tried to cover a part of his face with one palm. The man came closer and sat at the table just behind Henry with his discussant. Henry could not stand up for the fear of being recognised.


Benny folded his arms and glued his gaze to the stage. He was the only one standing without a partner or a group of friends at the back. The security man following him had left and was nowhere to be found. Benny did not try to find out who he was, he remained calm but alert, ready to handle any situation that may require urgency.

A familiar scent drew closer to him, he couldn’t place where he knew the scent from. He looked around to see but found no one and nothing familiar. He returned his gaze to the party stage.

Benny could feel someone standing by his side but he didn’t care to look, he already saw the tray the person was holding and he was sure that it was one of the drinks servers.

‘Hello sir, you care for champagne?’ A familiar voice asked.

‘No, thanks’ Benny took a quick glance at her before rejecting her offer. He paused. He dropped his folded arms and her question played back in his mind. The voice. He turned back to her.

Benny opened his mouth wide in shock on seeing. She was frowning at him.  ‘Aisha! ‘He exclaimed. ‘I think that there’s now need for a law banning makeups in the country. I didn’t almost recognize you anymore’

‘Shhh…’ Aisha hushed him. ‘You shouldn’t still recognize me. I just came to serve you drinks’

Benny nodded in understanding. He took a glass cup and took the champagne bottle to pour some of the contents. ‘So what are you doing here?’

‘Wrong question’ Aisha replied him, watching as Benny took a sip. ‘You should ask me why I’ve come to you’ she said as she brought out a paper. She pushed in the paper into Benny’s hand after making sure that no one was watching them.

‘Boss says you should ki*ll the man if she doesn’t give any other instruction in thirty minutes ‘

‘Damn!’ He almost spilled the drink on his body. ‘How does she want me to do ? How would I get to the front where he’s seated, ki*ll him and get away with all those bodyguards around there?’ He dropped back the cup on the tray.

‘Here’ Aisha dipped her hand into her pocket and handed out a nylon to Benny.

Benny eyes shone as he opened the nylon slightly. There was also a nose mask in it. ‘A grenade? We gonna bomb the whole place?’

‘No, check well. It’s not a bomb’

‘Where did you get it from?’ Benny asked, after confirming that it was different.

‘Boss prepared it yesterday by herself and gave it to me when we met. All instructions on how to use it are in the paper I gave you’
Benny took out the paper and opened to read.

‘You shouldn’t do that here’ Aisha cautioned him. He quickly returned it into his pocket. ‘There’s a bag in the male toilet , labeled B, it has a gun inside and a extra cloth for the boss. Make sure you get the cloth to her immediately after everything is done’
Aisha walked away immediately without looking back. Benny took a deep breath. He checked round to see if anyone was watching.

Dare led Evelyn silently up the stairs. They got to a section with a corridor of about forty metres long. Tarasha could sight four doors each on both sides as she got to the landing. Two uniformed security men stood in the corridor, each carrying long guns and having a short gun each by the left side. The first stood in between the first and second rooms while the second stood in between the third and fourth. Before the entrance of the corridor was a tag on the lintel.
“Out of bounds to non security cameras officials”

The men turned to face Tarasha and Dare as they approached. On seeing Dare, they remained calm.

Dare and the first security man greeted each other with a nod while Tarasha smiled at the man. As they walked past the man, his phone rang.

Tarasha began to reduce her walking speed gradually, forcing Dare to also reduce his. He paused and stared at her for an explanation.

‘Where are we going to?’ Tarasha asked him.

‘Come on’ he tried to fake a smile. ‘We’ll use one of the rooms here’

‘But these rooms are not bedrooms’ she argued. At this time, they were standing in between the doors of the second rooms. She glanced at the room by the right. It was jammed with a padlock, and with the other doors that had passed.

‘We are going to the third one’ Dare said, pointing to the third door by the right. Tarasha stared at the door. “Control Unit.” She turned her gaze to the third left door.

‘Come on, move’ Dare spoke harshly before she tried arguing with him again. His face was filled with wrath. ‘You think I’m a fool?’

He stretched forth his hands to grab her by the shoulder but she held his hand and twisted it. Dare screamed in pain, his arms had been left useless. The security man had finished with his call and was walking towards Tarasha and Dare.
Tarasha added a blow to forehead sending him sprawling on the floor. The security man pointed his gun at her.

‘I’ll blow off your head if you move’ he warned 

She raised up her two hands as if to surrender and was stepping back slowly as the man moved closer.

‘Stop’ he commanded and she did. She could hear the footsteps of the security man her back approaching.

‘Put your hands behind you’ the second security man said detaching a handcuff from his belt.

He got closer and held her hand to fix the handcuff. Tarasha sent a heavy back-kick to his groin and dipped her left hand into his side to remove the pistol. She sent a bullet into the first security man’s chest before he could  cock his gun and concluded with the second with the butt of the gun on his head.

‘Bravo! Bravo!’ Afo and Blade clapped their hands, approaching from the main entrance of the corridor where she and Dare passed through.

‘Who are you young lady?’ Afo asked mockingly.

‘I’m your nightmare’ she answered. She stood opened her purse which she had attached through the handle to  her hand and took out something like a scissors.

‘Ha ha ha’ Afo laughed in reply. He stopped and began to sound serious again.  ‘We’ve been watching you all through and we know what you’ve got in that purse. Who are you and what do you really want?’

‘I don’t have time to chat’ Tarasha answered. ‘I don’t have any business with both of you. I’ve forgiven you for kidnapping me’ she smiled. ‘I only want to do something in your security cameras room’

‘Oh dear! You only want to do something in our security cameras room’ Afo mimicked, he and Blade walking slowly towards her. Both of them paused to look at Dare who was still wincing in pain on the floor. They ignored him and continued. ‘Why do you think its called security? You think anyone can just enter and do something?’

‘I don’t want to do it with force’ she said.

Afo smiled. ‘But we can’t help you with that. We don’t have access to the place also’

‘You do’ Tarasha pointed at Blade.
‘He was in the security cameras office few minutes ago’

‘Me?’ Blade stared at her mockingly. He stopped walking and Afo stopped after him and took out his gun. They were standing both few centimeters to her.

‘I placed a tracker on you when you came with Dare to the restroom’ she smiled back mockingly.

Blade began to check his clothes for the tracker, Afo too was distracted and began to search Blade’s body with his eyes.

In a split second, Tarasha cut down her gown from the chest with the scissors she had taken out. She removed it from her body and threw it at them covering their faces. She sprayed the duo with bullets from the gun she collected from security man. Blade went down immediately while the mighty Afo still struggled to stand. He took the cloth off his face and tried to raise his gun up. Tarasha finished him off with a bullet into his forehead.

‘That easy’ Tarasha smiled and murmured to herself as she turned back. She had striped herself to an inner singlet, and a bum short. She emptied some of the contents of her purse into the pockets of the shorts.
She turned back again on hearing a sound. Dare was still on the floor. She hissed and sent a bullet to his head.

She headed for the third room which had the “Control Unit” tag. Ready for the last phase, all she needed was to erase from the database all the cameras had captured that day and also deactivate for some hours to allow them complete the task without recording.

She touched the door knob, it was opened. She didn’t know someone was in, waiting and prepared for her. Audu.

No time to proof read this episode. So pardon me for any error you find.

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