TARASHA Episode 11 Pt 12 – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

TARASHA Episode 1 - Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

TARASHA Episode 11 Pt 12 – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

Tarasha’s brain began to work fast, she started considering their chances of leaving that place without being caught and the options they had. Engaging the six new policemen in fight would be a waste of time because that would only create more time for more security officials to come.

She then remembered Audu, she didn’t see him return to the security department by the stairs, he just disappeared mysteriously at her back in the computer room. That means that he had returned through another route, perhaps a secret escape.

She walked to the female security official’s body laying lifeless on the floor and examined it. In few seconds, she began to pull off the uniform on the body. Benny stared for some seconds before he understood what was happening. He joined her and selected a dead security man whose body was almost same size and height as his.

‘They’re on their way up’ Cole’s voice sounded in both Tarasha and Benny’s ears. Tarasha took a quick glance at Benny and gave him a signal. She had already taken off the lady’s top and was halfway with the trousers.

Tarasha got up hanging the uniform’s top on neck. She dragged the lifeless body with her and entered into the camera’s security room again where she fought with Audu. Benny followed her immediately and they locked the door behind them.

In few seconds, Tarasha was already changing into the security uniform. She still had the new gown around her neck and the old one in a nylon with her.

‘Hurry’ Cole voice came through again. Tarasha could hear sounds coming from outside the room, the security officials were already there. She quickly began to put on the trousers while Benny was still struggling with the shirt. The sleeve of the top was longer than Tarasha’s hand but she rolled it neatly after putting on the trousers which was slightly oversized.

A violent knock sounded on the door. Benny was putting on his trousers already. Tarasha began to look around the room, she remembered that Audu had come out from behind a shelf. She walked towards the shelf to examine it.

The officers outside began to attempt opening the door with force.

**Outside the door**

Ken stood alert with his gun raised above his shoulders as a junior officer tried to open the door with kicks.

‘That’s a waste of time, the door is well secured’ the security man said to the police officers. He got up from his knees where he was scrutinising the dead bodies of his colleagues and proceeded towards the door. He touched the knob and tried to open it but it was stiff. He shifted back and aimed at the knob with his gun. Three shots and the door gave way


Henry began to search for the car in the park. He couldn’t remember the exact spot it was parked, so he attempted asking the security officials but they were too busy looking out for the criminal and trying to control the crowd’s rush to answer him.

The only option left for him was to leave the venue without a car like so many people were doing but he couldn’t stop worrying about Evelyn. He couldn’t leave without her, at least he had to see her driver first to know if the driver had any information about her whereabouts. He removed his phone and dialed Evelyn’s phone number again. It was busy. That was the reply he had been getting for several times he had tried.

‘Get away, you fool!’ Someone who was rushing out cursed loudly as his phone dropped on collision with Henry, he didn’t bother to stop and pick it up. That’s when he suddenly remembered something, he had a smaller phone which he dropped in the car, he could track the number to know where the car was.

‘Please, you have to exit the venue right now’ an official accosted him.

‘I’m sorry, I can’t leave, my girlfriend is still here’ Henry replied, feeling surprised with himself that he had called Evelyn bus girlfriend.

‘Just go out, she may be outside waiting for you’ the man said and began to push him forward, threatening him with a rod in his hand.


**Port Harcourt, Rivers State **

Dakolo drove his CRV Jeep into his compound after several days of absence. He was too fatigued to even respond to the gate man’s welcome greeting. He turned off the engine and released his seat belt. He took another deep breath before opening the door. His kids and wife were already rushing out of the house to welcome him. He quickly to turned to the back seat and picked up a nylon bag. He didn’t forget to buy biscuits for his kids this time and a gift for his wife despite his tiredness.

‘Hey Young man’ his little boy ran into his legs as he stepped out of the car. He picked the boy up gave him a peck before  taking out is brief case from  car. His second and third boys hugged him one after the other and took the brief case and nylon bag from their father. Dakolo dropped the little boy and left him to run back into the house with his elder brothers. He was left outside alone with his wife.

The smile on her face made him smile too, he had missed her so much. Just too weeks in Lagos and it looked like they had been away from each other for years. They engaged each other in a deep embrace and afterwards a long kiss before saying anything to themselves.

‘I’ve missed you so much’ she said after they broke away from the kiss.

‘I missed you too’ he replied and held her hand, they began to walk into the house slowly. She rested her arm on his shoulder. He knew what she was asking for and immediately lifted her up into his arms and carried her all the way to the living room.

He dropped her on his laps as he sat on the three seater sofa beside his briefcase. The maid, Lydia greeted before taking the kids into their room. The couple engaged each other in another long kiss before speaking again.

‘So, how was your trip’ Angela finally asked, looking into her husband’s eyes.

‘Great’ Dakolo replied, avoiding her eyes.

‘How did it go?’ Angela got up from his laps and sat beside him. The maid returned with a glass of water for Dakolo.

‘Still on the matter… No lead suspect or new discoveries yet. Samantha Osman seems to have no one related to her in this country. No blood relation, no friends, no acquittances’ he replied before taking the glass of water from the stool. He gulped it down immediately.

‘That serious o’ Angela hissed. ‘So you guys did not make any progress?’ She asked another question, starting intently into her husband’s eyes.

He still avoided her gaze for some reasons, he had some news to give her which she might not like. ‘Not really, the criminal is a damn professional’ he replied, biting his lips after.

‘Shhh…’ Angela hushed him, glancing around the sitting room. ‘You shouldn’t use such words around, the kids might pick them up’

Dakolo gave a short hiss. ‘Yeah, sorry about that, it’s just frustrating’ he said and bent down to start taking off his shoes.

‘Well, we’ll talk more later’ the wife said, getting up from the seat. ‘Let me make sure your food is served first and prepare your water for bath’ she began to walk away.

‘Angela’ Dakolo called softly.

She turned back and stared at him without saying any word in reply. He had just taken off the shoe from his left leg and he stopped.

‘Come sit down’ he said, motioning her to return to the space beside him.

‘Yes’ she said as she sat beside him. He turned to face her and held her two hands, both staring into each other’s eyes.

‘I…’ Dakolo tried to begin but was short of words. He turned back to his briefcase and opened it. He took out a folded A4 paper from it and gave to her. It was a letter, a letter of transfer to Abuja.

She kept glancing at his face occasionally as she read it. The transfer wasn’t really the problem, the problem was that they won’t be able to stay with each other for the next five months. How? They would have moved together but for the kids who were still in the second term of the school session. The education system in the country no longer allowed for admission if new pupils into schools after the first term, it only allowed for admission at the beginning of a new session. That means Angela had to wait with the kids for five months until the session ends. They had never stayed that long apart from each other.


**Ikeja, Lagos**

Chief Gab sat quietly in his living room, his back well rested on the couch’s  back pillow and his legs on a short stool as he busied himself reading articles about politics from Nairaland site on his tablet device.

It had been about two weeks since Tarasha and her crew had left for Abuja to execute his work and he had only heard from her once. She only called him to request for money to buy some necessary things, she didn’t even update him on the progress of the job. But he was sure she would do the execution perfectly so he didn’t bother much about it.

‘Happy birthday to Chief Jubril Lawal’ he mumbled to himself as returned to the front-page of the Nairaland.com site, the thread topic was at the seventh position. He hissed and was about to close the browser tab but out of boredom, he scrolled up to see if he had read all political topics on the main page.

‘Pictures from Jubril Lawal’s ongoing birthday party’ he read the topic on the second position and hissed. Why was his enemy’s news making the headlines today? He hissed. He promised himself again not to read any news that talks about Jubril or any of his enemies.

He scrolled further and saw the time on displayed on the site, he realized that It was over an hour ago since he loaded the front-page. He clicked on the refresh button to check for newer updates on the site.

It reloaded, the first thing his eyes met surprised him. He wiped his face with his hands and checked again. ‘Jubril Lawal Dead – Unconfirmed’ was the new headline on the front-page. Gab quickly clicked on the link to read the news.

There was nothing long to read but there was a screenshot to back up the claim. “The minister of information just tweeted this now, we hope he’s not talking about Chief Jubril” the details read and the screenshot displayed under it. It was a tweet from the minister of information who was also a guest at the birthday party. It read, “Something drastic needs to be done about these recent assassinations in our country, how can a former minister of defence be murdered confidently with all the security officials present?”

The source beneath the post was a link to Linda Ikeji’s blog.

His phone began to ring as he started scrolling down to read comments. He stood to pick it from the centre table where it was and returned to his seat before answering the call.

‘Chief Gab’ Chief Nonso’s voice rang in happily like someone who had just been awarded a trillion dollar contract.

‘Yes, Chief Nonso. Good evening, I hope you didn’t forget anything in my house?’ Chief Gab replied.

‘Noo, not that’ Chief Nonso continued, ‘haven’t you heard the breaking news?’

‘What breaking news?’ Gab feigned ignorance.

‘Jubril Lawal was killed today during his birthday party by an unknown assassin’

‘Oh! Unknown assassin? During his party? Has he been confirmed dead?’ Gab expressed his doubts.

‘Yes, the news was sent via text message through my subscription to Linda Ikeji’s blog and I just confirmed from someone who stays around the event centre where there party took place’ Chief Nonso answered.

‘Well, if it’s true, then it’s good news for us. We need to celebrate’ Chief Gab excitedly.

‘Yes, good news. I’m sure it would be all over the news by tomorrow. Let’s just wait and see’

‘Yes, sure. Thank you Chief Nonso’ Chief Gab said and ended the call. He glanced at the phone’s screen, he had four unread notifications. He swiped down to check. There was a message from Tarasha sent three hours ago. ‘Job would be completed tonight, prepare the extra allowance for my employees’ he smiled as he read to himself.

He closed the messages and opened the dialpad to quickly dial her number but it was connecting, same way it had been since she left for the operation, he had never been able to reach her, she only reached him when she wanted. All the same, he felt joy in his heart and he returned quietly to his former resting position.

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