Tarasha 2 Epilogue – Oyinloye Oluwatosin Emmanuel

Tarasha Season 2 : The Return For Revenge - PROLOGUE -

Tarasha 2 Epilogue – Oyinloye Oluwatosin Emmanuel

© Oyinloye Oluwatosin Emmanuel

October 11, 2031.

Location: Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.

Five months after the death of assassin Samantha Osman,

her body is yet to be found and the Marine officers have no

explanation for it. Chief Nonso Onwuli has been sentenced to

ten years imprisonment for his involvement in employing

the services of the deadly assassin. Security agents and

police men who worked with Elvis Richards in perpetrating

evil including Agent Tim have been arraigned and are

preparing to face the court of law.

Henry Ekene George was declared not guilty after the final

trial last week when the court discovered that he was a

victim of the assassin’s mind control techniques. He has

since been employed as a consultant to the ministry of

defense on the use of technology in security and as an

assistant to the chairman of the NSCC, Mr Sylvester.

Police Agent Dakolo celebrates his wedding anniversary

yesterday with his wife Angela Dakolo and they had many

dignitaries at the event including the Inspector General Of

Police. Several agents of the SSS including Agent Elizabeth

Thomas have been dismissed from the force for their

involvement as accessories to secret crimes, some others

have been served jail terms.

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The Inspector General Of Police however assured the nation

that Samantha Osman was gone forever and would never

reappear in the history of Nigeria as she could not have

escaped death after the secret agent shot her four times. He

however noted that the search for her body would continue

and the nation would be told when it’s found.

Ever since the death of Samantha Osman, politicians have

expressed their fears and boldly encouraged people to avoid

evil to ensure that an occurrence like Samantha Osman

never has to repeat itself again.

‘Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!’ Henry cursed loud

and flung off the remote control in his hand. He

didn’t see his mother coming.

‘Come on Henry, ‘ the woman scolded him.

‘I’m sorry mum, I didn’t see that you were

coming.’ he quickly apologized.

‘And what is wrong this time around?’ Mrs

George asked and sat beside him in the three


‘Nothing mum, I just finished listening to an

exposé on the Samantha Osman’s case and they

still haven’t found anything about her body.’

Henry replied.

The woman sighed. She wondered why her son

was so obsessed with finding the body of

Samantha Osman. ‘Listen Henry, she is already

confirmed dead, I don’t understand why her body

should still matter to you.’

Henry shook his head and let out a breath. ‘You

won’t understand mum.’

‘Well,’ the woman shrugged and got up to her

feet. ‘Dave James is in his car outside waiting for

you, he says he wants to take you on a ride.’

‘Dave James? What the hell is he doing here

again?’ Henry got up to his feet and stormed out

of the house. He saw the Jeep parked in front of

the house and walked straight to the Jeep.

Dave wound down the window. ‘Henry get into

the car, I have something to show you at the

Honesty Park.’

‘What? I don’t want to see anything,’ Henry

replied, trying to be calm because of Stephanie

George who was sitting beside him.

‘It’s important sir, please come with us.’

Stephanie said.

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Henry let out a breath. ‘Okay, It’s not far from

here, I’ll walk there and meet you in ten


‘No, I don’t want you to walk.’

‘Then I’ll come in my car,’ Henry retorted.

‘Please join us,’ Dave pleaded.

Henry wasn’t about to accept until Stephanie

spoke. ‘Please, come with us sir.’

Five minutes later, they got to the park. Henry

and Dave sat at a table under a shed. They were

served fruit drinks, Dave began to take his drink

but Henry just stared at him.

‘So, how’s work Henry?’ Dave asked.

‘Stop asking me and go straight to your point,’

Henry slammed.

‘Hey! Cut the crap. I’m only trying to be friends

with you here,’ Dave fired back at him.

Henry leaned forward with his hands on the

table. ‘I can never be friends with you,’ he


‘Because I did my job?’

‘I don’t know what your job is, but I know you

killed Tara.’ Henry said with a gasp. ‘Look, I

appreciate your help in exonerating me in court

but I can’t just help this, every time I see you I

remember how you shot and killed her.’

‘I was only doing my job, you can’t blame me.’

Dave replied.

‘I’m tired of hearing that.’

‘Well,’ Dave sipped his drink. ‘How is Madam


‘She’s fine.’

‘Well, I was thinking of sending her some things

for Christmas, I hope you are going to do the


‘Damn you Dave! Do you have anything else to

say?’ Henry slammed his hands on the table and

got up.

‘Anything else to say?’ Dave questioned.

‘Yes, you’re wasting my time here.’

‘Please sit and let me get to my point,’ Dave


Henry sat back reluctantly.

‘I and Stephanie were thinking of a way we could

make Madam Henrietta happy since she doesn’t

have her daughter with her anymore,’ Dave


‘Come on, you made her sad since the day you

killed Omotara.’ Henry fired at him. Stephanie

joined them on the table at that moment.

‘I did not kill her,’ Dave replied.

Henry raised his brows thinking Dave was crazy.

‘Yes, how could I have killed the only person left

of my family? How could I have killed the only

sister I grew up to know?’

Henry was more confused now. He stared at

Stephanie’s face to see if she was confused like


‘You must have seen my name in the citizen’s

records, it’s Agent DJ. DJ doesn’t stand for Dave

James, it stands for Danjuma Jerry.’

Henry opened his eyes in shock.

‘I didn’t kill my sister, I shot her tranquilizers

and she fell into the sea.’ Dave added.

Henry’s mouth was left agape for a moment. He

closed it and then tried to ask a question but he

couldn’t articulate.

Dave knew what he wanted to ask and smiled. He

rested his back and just stared above his head.

Henry noticed that Stephanie and Dave were both

staring at something behind him. He turned

slowly and looked back. He couldn’t believe who

was standing behind, just about two metres away

from him.

He blinked his eyes to check if he was dreaming

but he wasn’t. He slowly rose from his seat. She

didn’t look like a ghost, she was real.

Dave and Stephanie smiled on seeing Henry’s

drunk-like motion.

‘So, only four of us knows now that she’s alive.’

Stephanie whispered to Dave.

‘Five of us actually, remember Agent Emmanuel.’

he reminded her.

She chuckled. ‘That man doesn’t remember a

thing that happened,’ she said.

Dave raised his brows, ‘What do you mean?’

‘I added some benryl to his drink that night,’ she


‘What? Where did you get it from?’ Dave asked,

pleasantly surprised. He realized that it was the

reason the Agent never spoke to him about it, he

had always thought the agent was afraid not to

be penalized for aiding Samantha Osman’s


‘After you told me the plan that night, I returned

to Samantha Osman’s previous base which the

police has previously discovered and I took the

liquid from the lab.’

‘Haha!’ Dave laughed loudly. ‘You’re an evil


They both stopped talking to watch the reaction

between Henry and Omotara.

She stood where she was smiling at him but

Henry was too dumbfounded to move his legs. It

still looked like a dream to him until she began to

walk towards him. He released a smile and let

out a deep breath.


© Oyinloye Oluwatosin Emmanuel 2019

All Rights Reserved

Thanks for always reading our stories, please no matter what, encourage the writer Oyinloye Oluwatosin Emmanuel with comments (He s BLESSED) , One Love ❤.

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Mhiz P
Mhiz P
9 months ago

Ahhhhh🤯🤯 my head would soon burst for joy, never thought of such an ending, so sweet😍😍🤧 loved Tarasha all the way from season one till now, this writer sure deserves an award💯
Great story, couldn’t have been better and more intriguing ♥️♥️❣️💝

9 months ago

Benny, Aishay, Cole, Tomi. Their death really pained 😔 me.
I loved your squad.
And great write ✍🏻 up @oyin, much love 💓

Abigail Ebi
Abigail Ebi
9 months ago

wow! impressive.The book ‘Tarasha’ has come to an end. It is a great story, different emotions in place. This story practically kept me on my ten toes, i was always looking forward to reading it

9 months ago

thanks for feeding me with this interesting story i have always thought who dave james was, i was actually thinking he might be the son elvis richard never had never did i believe nor thought our great Tarasha will be his daugther, i am grateful for the coming back of Tarasha, it a bliss that the Damjuma family still have a heir, now indeed i see the reason tarasha’s biological mother said most times during her pregnancy season she do have dreams concerning her unborn child being a great help to the society…My dear Oluwatosin thanks so much for this… Read more »

9 months ago

Tarasha i cant forget your boys and girls who assist you to overcome your mission starting from the death of Benny, Aishat, Tomi and Cole a man who reason like you, i pray you use this names to feed us again with a new and captivating story AMEN!! God Bless You Oluwatosin-Emmaunuel

Olajumoke Kasali
Olajumoke Kasali
7 months ago

Such an intriguing story
I wished Cole had survived
This story deserves and Oscar and should be converted to a action/crime thriller movie
God bless you bro
More ink to your pen dear Oluwatosin