Tarasha 2 Chapter 22 Part 13B – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

Tarasha Season 2 : The Return For Revenge - PROLOGUE -

Tarasha 2 Chapter 22 Part 13b – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

® 18 + SNVL

© Oyinloye Oluwatosin Emmanuel

‘Hey man, we need two speed boats, I want you

to give me the fastest ones you’ve got.’

‘Oh! Not again,’ the speedboat sailor fell on his

knees as he heard another voice requesting for a


‘Come on, get up and answer us quickly.’

He raised his head and saw three people

standing before him, a lady and two men. He

recognized one of them as a SSS agent who had

once come to use a speedboat from his company.

The two men had two big backpacks behind them

while the lady was holding only a small bag.

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Dave knelt down beside him to check the body of

the man who was on the floor. ‘The guy has only

been put to sleep, he’d be awake soon. Just leave


The sailor stared at Dave’s face for while,

considering whether to believe him or not.

‘He just told you the truth,’ the other male agent

put in.

The Sailor heaved a sigh. ‘So, what happens if I

refuse to give you any of our speedboats this time


‘I’ll make sure you’re arraigned for being

accessory to crime,’ Agent Emmanuel replied

with a mischievous smile.

The sailor shook his head. ‘Where is your identity

card and permit?’ he asked.

The SSS agent brought out cards and showed it to

him. The sailor nodded after confirming the


‘I hope there would be no delay in payment or

replacement this time around,’ the sailor asked as

he began to lead the three to where the boats


‘I can’t give you an answer to that, only the

government who sent us can answer you.’

The sailor did not speak again.

‘Thank you for agreeing to help Agent

Emmanuel,’ Dave said as they proceeded on.

‘Please d not forget any part of the plan and keep

listening with the devices for my instruction.’

‘Sure man,’ Agent Emmanuel replied.

Dave turned to Lizzy, he tapped her on the

shoulder. ‘So we go on the ship together, you’re


‘Yes, I am. But I still do not understand what he is

going to be doing with the emergency kits at a

distance far away from us,’ Lizzy replied.

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‘He’s not going to be at a distance far away,’

Dave corrected her notion. ‘He just has to stay at

a distance where he would not be seen, this to

ensure we escape quick if the need arises.’


On The Ship

Nicholas gave the man a final jab which made

the man release his gun and then kicked him to

the ground before firing a shot at him. It was too

late by the time the other men turned back,

Nicholas was already in full control of the gun.

Cole decided to sieze the opportunity and

grabbed the neck of the man standing behind

him with the gun, the man had been distracted

by Nicholas.


‘What’s wrong?’ Ayo asked the man who rushed

into the cabin leading to Chief Gab’s room.

‘We found another speedboat coming in our

direction,’ the man replied.

Ayo stared at his face for a while. Then he

stepped back and shifted the curtain to poke his

head into the room. He saw Inspector James

talking with Chief Elvis.

‘Please inspector, there’s something we need to

attend to.’ he said to James.

James turned and stared at him for a moment, he

then said something to the Chief before getting


‘Inspector, a speedboat is on it’s way here.’ Ayo

said to James as the latter stepped out of the


‘Is it the same one that came before?”

‘No, a different one…’ sounds of gunshot

interrupted his reply.

‘F***! We can’t afford to lose this battle after

coming this far,’ James said as he pulled out his

gun, he hurried towards the exit.


Cole and Nicholas were able to take down the

four men in a minute and they were now left

with each other, each pointing his gun to the

other’s face.

‘You gotta trust me Cole, I’m sorry for Tomi’s

death but I am fully with you. We would have

found it more difficult if I did not act like I was

with them.’

‘But you watched and did nothing while he killed

Tomi,’ Cole argued, still feeling pained about

Tomi’s death.

‘I never knew he was going to shoot at her, I

would have stopped him somehow.’ Nicholas


‘Why can’t I, why can’t I just believe you?’ Cole

said after a silence of about five seconds.

‘You have to believe me, I didn’t know that he

was going to react that way. I would not have

told him she killed them.’

‘So she didn’t kill them?’ Cole asked with his

brows raised.

‘Yes, she didn’t.’ Nicholas replied. Cole narrowed

his gaze. ‘I killed them to stop the ship from

moving until Samantha joins us here.’

Cole took in a breath.

‘F*** you, you idiot!’

They were surprised to hear James’s voice. He

had appeared at the entrance and fired shot at

them. They both tried to flee in the opposite

direction as they shot back at James. A bullet hit

Nicholas in the shoulder but he still managed to



James fired on at them as he walked to the

middle of the verandah, with the two men

behind him supporting. Nicholas and Cole had

gone back into the ship through the opening at

the other side.

James walked quickly to the guard rail to have a

quick view. He saw the Jet ski just about two

metres away from the ship but there was no one

in it. He looked at the space beside the vessel,

there were signs which showed that someone had

just gotten into the water. He fired two shots at

the side where he could see the bubbles but there

was no sign that the bullet touched anyone. He

stepped back and looked around carefully, he

saw Ayo and two other man still looking around

for Cole and Nicholas. He turned and proceeded

straight into the interior. He was going to instruct

the remaining six men on the ship to look for the

anybody trying to access the ship from any side

while he would focus everything to make sure

nobody touched Elvis Richards.

He determined not to fail after getting so close to

victory. Even if it would cost his life to ensure

the escape of the Chief, he was ready to give it.


Cole and Nicholas rushed into an empty cabin. It

was unkempt and smelling. Nicholas quickly sat

on the floor behind a wall. He used his left hand

to grab the bullet wound on his right shoulder.

‘Let me check it,’ Cole offered to help after

locking the door of the cabin.

Nicholas took his hand off to allow Cole see the

bullet wound.

‘We gotta stop the bleeding, let me take off your

shirt and tie it.’ Cole said.

Someone began to hit the door of the cabin from

behind, trying to gain entrance.

Nicholas flashed a glance at the door and then

looked at Cole. He took out the phone which he

had picked on the floor and handed it to Cole.

‘Don’t worry about me, just go, help the boss,

finish the mission and kill Rex.’

‘No, I can’t leave you this way.’ Cole protested.

‘You gotta go, and trust me this time,’ Nicholas

insisted. ‘I need Rex dead as much as you do. My

mother and child are in danger because he lives,’

he added with a reassuring look.

Cole let out a breath and stared at him

emotionally for a while. He squeezed his palm

and then proceeded out through the opposite


Nicholas jumped on his feet quickly and the door

opened forcefully at the same time. He sent a

kick to the chin of the first man who rushed into

the cabin, slamming his head to the wall. The

second man entered with a gun but Nicholas

grabbed his hand and directed the gun upwards.

He kicked him in the belly and then fired a shot

into the man’s chest with the gun in his hand.


Cole had just gotten into the next cabin when the

phone in his hand began to ring. He checked the

screen and saw that the caller was Tarasha, he

proceeded into the next place before he answered

the call.

‘Hello…’ he answered with uncertainty, not sure

if the phone was still in Rex’s hand or if it was

now in Tarasha’s hand.

‘Cole, where are you?’ Tarasha’s voice sounded.

‘I’m in ship boss, where are you?’

‘I’m hanging somewhere on the body of the ship,

have you located the position of Elvis Richards on

this ship?’

‘Not yet, but according to Tomi’s findings; this

ship was meant to be for goods only but Elvis

Richards had made them provide a cruise section

on the same ship so that it would only be on

record that the ship moved only goods.’

‘And what section of the ship are you on?’

‘Close to the sailor’s side, I’m trying to locate the

link to the cruise section.’

‘Okay,’ Tarasha replied him, she said nothing else

before ending the call.

Cole heard another gunshot again from Nicholas’

direction. He hoped in his mind that it was

Nicholas shooting someone else. He returned his

phone to his pocket and proceeded out of the part

he was, he heard three more gunshot sounds as

he got to the exit. He stopped and took a glance

at the door, considering if he should go back to

assist Nicholas or not. But he realized there was

no going back at that point, even if he could have

helped Nicholas, it was already late. He

proceeded on into a cabin, it was dark inside but

he could see that the place was filled with neatly

arranged cartons of goods. The darkness in the

room did not let him quickly see someone

charging towards him. Before he could use his

gun, a heavy blow hit him in the belly.


Tarasha jumped into the verandah, her backpack

strapped to her body and her gun held firmly in

her right hand. She walked carefully towards the

door, observing the place and the dead bodies.

She could hear the sounds of someone behind the

wall at the entrance waiting for her. She

continued like she was unaware of his presence.

He launched a kick at her but she bent quickly

and hit him with her foot on the knee of the

standing leg.


‘We’re finally here,’ the young man in the raft

said as they got to the ship. ‘Let’s go in.’

He positioned the raft well for easy access to the

ship stairs. He looked back as the Chief climbed

up the stairs, he could see a speedboat coming

from afar in that direction.


5 Minutes Later

‘Is she here?’ Elvis Richards asked James again.

‘No Dad but she’s got some of her men on board

but we’re fishing them out and Rex is also close,’

James replied.

The frequent sounds of gun shots had returned

the man to his state of panic. His hope of living a

good life again had suddenly vanished and the

fear of Samantha Osman had dominated his

heart again.

James stared at his father’s face for a while. The

man had cleaned up the disguise when he took a

shower, contrary to Rex’s instruction that it was

to be kept till the trip ended. However, he did not

want to blame the man nor make him feel bad or

afraid. He also did not tell the man that

Samantha Osman men mentioned that she was

coming there.

James phone rang and he picked it up


‘James, I hope the Chief is fine.’

‘Yes, he is.’

‘Any sign of Samantha Osman yet?’

‘No sign yet,’ James replied. ‘We’ve got only one

of her men on board and that guy Nicholas

seems to be on her side now.’

‘Okay, I can sight the ship already. I’ll be there in

two minutes.’

‘Okay Rex,’ James dropped the phone and turned

to his father. ‘Rex would be here in two


James’ sentence was cut short when he heard a

crash sound from the room leading to the place.

He got up immediately and picked his gun.

‘Let me check what it is,’ he said to the Chief

before getting up.


Rex climbed up the ship weakly and stepped into

the verandah. The sea wind swept across his

body, making him feel dizzy. His legs shook as he

proceeded but he marched on, the drugs he had

injected himself after getting out of Solace Hotel

had not gone much in restoring his strength nor

reducing the pains he felt all over his body. He

took out a pistol from behind as he proceeded, he

had two extra pistols at both side pockets.

He got to the helm of the ship and checked what

kind of set up it was, he heaved a sigh of relief

after he discovered that it was an easy one for

him to steer. He proceeded into the other areas

with the aim to check if Elvis Richards was still

in safety and confirm that Samantha wasn’t on

the ship yet before he continued sailing it.

In the first room he walked into, he saw four

dead bodies scattered about the floor, he could

identify all of them as his men and he recognized

Nicholas especially, there was a bullet hole in

Nicholas’ shoulder and two holes in his chest.

Rex did not waste time looking at the bodies, he

proceeded onto the next place. Soon he could

hear sounds of a fist fight from the parts of the

ship in front. He clenched his fist and his fingers

in anger but instead of feeling strength, he felt

deep pains all over his muscles. He realized he

did have the strength to engage anyone in a fight

that night, the impact from the fall he had was

still so much. He took out a second gun and

cocked it.


Tarasha could hear the footsteps of someone

coming from the other room as she kicked the

third man in his groin, making him fall back. She

had killed the first two men who attacked her in

the room. She hurried towards the door and got

there just as Inspector James stepped out with the

gun in his hand pointed, she grabbed his wrist

quickly and directed his hand to the side,

towards the man who she had just kicked in the

groin. The bullet hit the man in his belly. She

punched James in the belly as heavy as she could

and dragged him by the hand to her front. Before

he could raise his head, she used her knee to hit

him in the face and followed with a blow to his


He staggered back but was unwilling to give up

nor let the gun in his hand drop. He tried to

point it at her but she grabbed his wrist with her

left hand and directed the bullets from his gun to

the right as she elbowed him with her right hand.

He wasted three bullets in succession to the

ground. She twisted his hand and passed under

his arm to stay at his back as she tried to collect

the gun from him. He struggled with her and his

finger pressed the trigger mistakenly, the bullet

entered into the side of his belly. He became

weak instantly and struggled to remain on his


She was able to collect his gun from him and

after that kicked him to the ground. He fell and

laid on his back flat. She turned and fired a

bullet into the body of the man she was fighting

with before James showed up, she turned back to

fire at James again but the bullets in the gun had

been exhausted. She flung the gun to the ground

and left him to die in pains.


‘I think we’re almost close to where Elvis

Richards would be,’ Henry said as he led Madam

Henrietta and Chief Gab into the Cabin. Just like

they had been seeing from the verandah, there

was blood all over the floor and dead bodies on

the ground.

They proceeded into the next room and saw four

dead men.

Madam Henrietta screamed on seeing the way a

particular man’s face was totally disfigured. She

froze at the entrance where she was, Henry and

Chief Gab stopped to look at her.

‘Let’s go madam, these people are dead already.’

Henry said, urging her to step forward but she

remained there frozen to the spot and shaking.

Henry walked back to the entrance and held her

by the elbow, trying to speak soothing words to


Unknown to them, Inspector James was still alive

and was conscious of their presence. He was

bleeding profusely from his wound and was

feeling severe pains but he managed to hang on

to his life.


Cole dodged a jab from the man and sent a heavy

blow to his mouth, making him spit out blood.

The man staggered forward and almost hit his

head on the wall but was able to stop himself

and turn back immediately. He was however sent

to the ground with a kick from Cole to his head.

Cole followed him and began to kick him in the

belly until he laid flat on his back weakly. He

placed a knee on the ground and tightened his

fists around the man’s neck to squeeze out life

from him.

The man was still struggling for his life when

Cole heard a sound from behind him. He looked

back and saw something that shocked him. Rex

already at the entrance already pointing a gun at

him. The fear of Rex which he had in his mind

affected his ability to think fast. Before he could

make any move, a bullet entered into his side,

breaking through one of his ribs. The impact

jerked him and he unconsciously fell with one

side of his bum on the ground. He looked

helpless as Rex stepped forward and fired

another bullet into his chest.

Life oozed out of him totally in a second and his

body fell to the ground. Rex took another step

closer and fired another into his body, to make

sure he was dead completely.


Tarasha looked around the dark room for a while

without seeing anyone, she could hear sounds of

slight movements coming from the wardrobe

direction but she was yet to see who or what was

making the noise. She proceeded slowly to the

wardrobe area, she could hear more sounds and

she was now certain that someone was hiding at

the side of the wardrobe.

She proceeded carefully until she got there,

leaving only two steps to get to the edge where

she sensed the person was. She took one more

step closely and then tapped her feet on the


Chief Elvis Richards rushed out of his hiding

place weaving a knife. He tried to stab her but

she moved back immediately, he followed her

and made another attempt but she swerved to

the side this time around and he almost fell

forward, she grabbed him by the hand raised it

up. She gave him a kick with her knee in his

belly. He groaned and tried to fight back but she

landed a blow on his face and followed with

another on his chest. He fell to the ground and

the knife fell from his hand behind him.

He stared at her face for a while and got scared

by the terror he could see on it.

‘Please, let me live.’ he said as he struggled to get

up. She stretched his hand to pick the knife but

she kicked him in the belly and he hit his back

against the glass door exit.

Tarasha picked up the knife and raised it up. She

smiled as she looked at the shiny blade and

looked at the man’s face again. He was also

staring directly into her eyes.

Her anger continued to increase with every

second she could see himstill breathing. This was

the man who changed the course of her life

totally from her eighth year birthday and

destroyed the life of her whole family. After and

before that time he had also destroyed the lives

of so many others, but here was he, striving to

end his life peacefully and even begging to be left


‘Please for…give me,’ he stammered with the

whole of his body trembling and his bladder

already releasing urine. He couldn’t look at her

face anymore, she was visibly fuming in anger

and it could be seen in her eyes like a fiery

furnace. He managed to get up and got out

through the opened space into the back verandah

where he was previously sitting.

There was no where to run to. He stopped at the

guard rail and looked down. He could have

jumped into the water if he knew how to swim

but he was sure she would still come after him if

he jumped. He dropped to the floor weakly and

spread out his legs. He closed his eyes as he saw

her step out into the verandah. He knew this time

that his death was inevitable.


Inspector James turned his body gently to see the

three people who had come into the room. He

reached out for the second gun in his pocket. It

took him sometime to bring it out and cock it.

Chief Gab was the first to hear the cocking sound

of the gun but he couldn’t tell where it was from.

Henry also heard and pulled out his gun as he

turned back immediately.

It was however too late for Chief Gab as James

fired two shots into his body, before he could

changed the direction of his gun, Henry had fired

into his body three times and he gave up the

ghost immediately.

Madam Henrietta screamed and fell to her knees

on seeing Chief Gab fall to the ground. Henry

quickly picked her up, ‘Madam, we have to get to

Omotara now.’


‘Are you ready for this right?’ Dave asked Lizzy as

they both stepped into the ship.

‘You know I’m always ready. What makes this

night different? You’ve asked this same question

more than once that?’ Lizzy replied as she pulled

out her gun. They both had their NIS masks on.

They stared at the dead bodies on the floor for a

while and then Dave signalled for her to go

towards the right side while he would go in

through the main entrance.

‘Agent Emmanuel, stay alert please.’ Dave said

into his communicator as he proceeded to the



Tarasha heard a scream after the sounds of the

gunshots. The picture of her mother flashed

through her mind but she shook her head to

wave it off. Her mother was safe with Henry and

there was no need to bother about her, she

thought. She proceeded to Elvis Richards, she

wasn’t going to let anything stop his death.

She planned to stab him multiple times, at

different parts of his body and leave him so

disfigured to symbolize the lives of the several

people who the man had left destroyed. She held

her knife firmly as she got closer. She pulled him

up by the collar and made his back lean against

the guard rail. She was about to raise the knife

when she heard her name.

‘No, Omotara. Don’t kill him,’ Madam Henrietta

pleaded running forward with Henry following

behind her. She stopped some distance away

from Tarasha where she could see her clearly

and also see Elvis Richards, she placed her hand

on the guard rail for support as she leaned on it


Tarasha was shocked. She stared thinly at the

woman as Henry joined beside her.

‘Henry, what are you doing? Why is she here?’

she asked, terribly mad at Henry.

Henry remained quiet.

Madam Henrietta was still shaky, her eyes were

full of tears and her hand were trembling.

‘Omotara, you should not kill him.’ she managed

to say. She swallowed in deeply. ‘He is your

father,’ the words dropped out of her mouth one

after the other.

Tarasha narrowed her gaze at her mother,

wondering if she was talking in her right senses.

Elvis Richards also stared at madam Henrietta’s

face wondering what she was talking about.

‘She is the result of what you did in Gabriel’s

office twenty five years ago.’ Madam Henrietta

said, breathing loudly and staring at Elvis



Lizzy walked carefully through the dead bodies

on the ground, this particular cabin was stacked

with carton of goods and the cartons were

already stained with blood. Her eyes roamed

about for a moment and she stared in shock as

she saw Cole’s dead body staring at her. She

rushed to where he was and knelt beside him.

Her hand became weak and the gun dropped.

Tears rolled down her eyes as she placed her

palm on his face to close his eyes. She felt like a

failure. She had not recognized love when she

found it, and she had even helped the enemies

destroy the person whom she loved. She laid on

the ground weakly, her heart was totally



‘Mom, what are you talking about?’ Tarasha gave

the woman a questioning look.

‘He is your father, Gabriel wasn’t your father,

Elvis Richards raped me that day.’


Location: Solace Hotels.

‘I don’t want to hear any of your apologies

anymore Chief Gab, I’m tired already.’ Madam

Henrietta said. She wondered why Chief Gab kept

on saying he had something to tell her. He had

said it first before they were kidnapped and he

kept on repeating it anytime they were alone.

‘Adunni,’ she Gab said and let out a breath. ‘I

never raped you, I did not do it that day.’

Madam Henrietta looked at him with disbelieving

eyes. ‘You liar, what do you stand to gain this

time? I’m not asking you to accept the child any


‘No, you don’t understand. I truly did not rape

you, I have never raped anyone in my life.’ Chief

Gab insisted. ‘You yourself do not remember how

it happened that day.’

Madam Henrietta seemed to consider his words

for a moment. She truly did not remember how it

happened that day. She had only opened her eyes

to find blood stains on her skirt and realize that

her virginity had been forcefully taken.

‘I drugged you that day,’ Chief Gab continued his

narration in a regretful tone. ‘Elvis Richards

previously gave me a liquid to use in drugging

people. He said a little inhalation of the scent

would get the victim fast asleep. I used the liquid

on an handkerchief that day and covered your

nose when it when you did not consent. But you

fell like you were dead and I was scared. It was

my first and only time of using it, I did not know

how the victim was supposed to react. I called

Elvis Richards and asked him to come

immediately. He got to my office twenty minutes

after and you were still sleeping. He laughed at

me and encouraged me to go ahead with my

plans of sleeping with you but I could not, I was

too scared that something would happen to you if

I did. He mocked me and decided to do it since I

refused to. I hid in the toilet until he was

through, feeling bad.’

Chief Gab paused and let out a sigh, a tear

dropped off his eyes. When you came back with

the pregnancy, i was scared again. I couldn’t say

the truth because I was also guilty of the same

crime as Elvis Richards. I had to reject it, I did

not tell him it was what he did that resulted into

your pregnancy because I knew how dangerous

he was, he could have suggested that we kill you

after you give birth and kidnap his baby.’ he

paused and let out another deep breath. ‘I’m

sorry for the pains I caused you, I’m truly sorry, I

regret everything I did.’

Madam Henrietta stared thinly at him, shaking

her head slowly and tears dropping freely from

her eyes. The pains and shame caused by their

actions had not eft her mind completely.

She wondered what sought of evil man Elvis

Richards was. The man knew he once raped her

and acted like a saint to her years after when

they get again. He had a casual sex relationship

with her and during those times pained Chief Gab

as the evil man.


Tarasha could not believe her ears as Madam

Henrietta explained the truth to her. The knife

fell off her hands and she took a step back, her

eyes staring at Elvis Richards and her mouth left

slightly agape.

Chief Elvis face was already full of tears and

regrets. His body was trembling and his

heartbeat was abnormal. He couldn’t imagine

that he had lived his life as a total waste. He had

started off as a young man chasing after a good

life and had gotten into the wrong way when he

met with Chief Afeez. He became as wicked as

Chief Afeez and even more ruthless, killing

people and destroying lives without compassion.

He had thought he was gathering wealth for

himself and his children only to find out years

down the line that all the children he thought

were his were for Chief Afeez, and then his life

for the past nine months had been directed to

fighting against the only one person who was his

seed, the only person he ever fathered. His life

was a total mess.

He stared at Tarasha’s eyes and saw the disbelief

in her eyes, he knew she must be finding it very

hard to believe that he was her father.

Tears continued to roll down his eyes. He took a

step closer to her and raised his hand, trying to

touch her cheek. He was yet to touch her when

he saw Rex at the glass door, pointing a gun in

Tarasha’s direction. He shone his eyes widely in

shock, Rexwas about to kill his only daughter just

within his few seconds of discovering who she


Tarasha had gotten so lost emotionally that she

wasn’t paying attention to the footsteps sound

even though she heard them. It was until she saw

her father eyes shone in shock before she

realized that there was trouble behind. She tried

to turn to check what it was but it was late


Elvis Richards pulled her close to himself and

stepped to the front turning his back towards Rex

and shielding her from the bullets. Rex had

already released two shots before he knew what

was happening.

The first bullet entered into Elvis Richard’s back

and the second pierced into the back of his head.

He fell lifeless into Tarasha’s hand and she

grabbed him.

Rex was confused as to what had just happened

and he didn’t realize until a bullet from Henry

entered into his belly. He turned his face towards

Henry briefly, he had seen Henry there before

but did not think Henry had a gun, his mind was

focused on taking down Tarasha only. His knees

buckled as he looked back again at Tarasha and

found her face full of tears with Chief Elvis

Richards body still in her hands. Another bullet

hit his chest, he fell face flat to the ground.

Henry turned to look at Tarasha. She was now

sitting on the floor with Chief Elvis head on her

lap, her back resting against the guard rails.

Sounds of people running about in the ship could

be heard and then someone could be heard

shouting commands. It was obvious that police

officers had arrived.

Henry looked at Tarasha’s face frantically, he

hoped she was in the right state to get them out

without being caught by the police.

‘Tara, we have to get out of here,’ he said. ‘Take

this,’ he offered his gun to her and brought out

another. ‘We’d act like she’s our hostage,’ he

said referring to Madam Henrietta who was

beside him.

Tarasha rose up and collected the gun from him.

‘No, I’ll keep the both of you hostage, they might

want to shoot and if you aren’t the hostage, you

would be a target.’ Tarasha said in concern for

Henry. ‘Get on your knees you both,’ she shouted

and they both got on their knees. She moved to

their back and rested her bum against the

guardrail. She placed the mouths of the guns to

touch the head of the two. She made sure it

wasn’t cocked to prevent accidental discharge.

She planned to jump into the water after the

police had seen that she kept Henry and

Henrietta hostages. They would take the both of

them from there as victims of Samantha Osman

while they pursued after her. That would put

only her in danger while the police treated the

other two as victims. She hoped the police would

keep them safely for her until she comes back to

get them on another day.

Dave finally stepped into the verandah, pointing

his gun at her.

‘Samantha, let them go now.’ Dave shouted.

She gave him no reply.

‘Let them go!’ he repeated.

There was still no reply. They remained in total

silence for close to a minute.

Dakolo ran into the verandah and stopped on

seeing Dave, he quickly pointed his gun at

Tarasha while he spoke to Dave.

‘So you’re here, I was trying to find out what part

of the ship you were. I started coming

immediately Steph informed me.’

‘You delayed me, I should have gotten to this part

of the ship earlier but I was trying to answer

your call. The network was so bad.. What about

the reinforcement?’ Dave replied Dakolo, making

sure he kept his eyes on Tarasha as he talked.

‘Few men are here with me, I’ve got others

coming to join.’ Dakolo replied.

Dave nodded and returned his focus back on

Tarasha even though he never looked away. He

noticed the look on her face, he could see she

wasn’t at the right state of mind. Or how else

could she be placing the hostages below her

instead of shielding her body with theirs, he was

sure she planned to jump into the water. He

positioned his gun properly and his finger slowly

moved towards the trigger.

Tarasha’s eyes caught Dave’s eyes for a moment

and she saw that he was trying to focus his

pistol, it was then he realized that she had made

it too obvious that she wanted to jump over with

her position on the guard rail and she had also

exposed her body for entrance of bullets by

having her hostages kneeling down. Before she

could make any attempt to readjust, Dave fired at

her. The first shot hit in on the right shoulder,

she didn’t bother to try to shoot back because her

guns weren’t cocked yet and he would have had

more shots at her before she could shoot at him.

Dave fired another shot into her belly and she

vibrated all over. Her hands got weak and she

dropped the guns, she managed to hold on to the

guard rails. She quickly tried to climb over and

jump into the water. Just as her two legs got over

the guardrails, Dave fired her two more shots

which got into her body, and made her fall into

the water without control.

Madam Henrietta and Henry widened their eyes

in shock they watched her drop into the water

with four bullets in her body. Madam Henrietta

let out a loud cry while Henry collapsed on the

ground and cried silently.

Dave proceeded carefully towards them, feeling

confident and fulfilled. He had gotten it at the

right timing just like he planned. He had allowed

the assassins fight against each other until they

got to their weakest level. He met Samantha

Osman at her weakest time and it was easier to

take her down.

He and Dakolo looked over the guardrail, they

could see the traces of her body sinking in the


‘Who’s gonna get the body out?’ Dakolo asked.

‘I don’t know, ‘ Dave replied and turned back.

‘You said more officers are coming already in

their boats, I believe they include Marine officers,

they’ll find her body when they come.’

Dave stopped to look at Madam Henrietta and

Henry again. ‘These guys need to be taken care

of,’ he said to Dakolo who took out his phone to

call his other officers.

Dave walked away feeling cool with himself. He

had the final victory.

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Abigail Ebi
Abigail Ebi
9 months ago

i am not sure i like the way this episode went. it’s all good though