Tarasha 2 Chapter 22 Part 13 – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

Tarasha Season 2 : The Return For Revenge - PROLOGUE -

Tarasha 2 Chapter 22 Part 13 – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

®18+ SNVL

© Oyinloye Oluwatosin Emmanuel

(The Pictures Uploaded describes some of the water vessels

used e.g Jet Ski, Speed Boat)

The fall was more than something he could

control. He couldn’t stop the scream that forced

itself out of his mouth as he found himself

struggling against the force of gravity. His body

hit the window guards from the top most floor

and his head also hit one of the opened window

glasses and continued downward until it got to

the middle floor at the fourth second where it hit

another opened glass window, all this slowing

down his movement and increasing the pains of

his fall. He closed his eyes in anticipation of his

death as he continued falling.

He suddenly stopped moving after three more

seconds of hitting two more opened windows. He

opened his eyes expecting to find himself dead

but he was still about twenty feet away from the

ground. The thick collar of his cloth had hung

one of the window glasses which was now

oscillating because of his weight on it. Breathing

heavily he managed to look down from that

position. He could see people there looking up

and pointing at him as his legs flew in the air. He

heard a tearing sound and his body dropped a

centimetre downward, the collar was giving way.

He quickly used his hands to grab the window

glass and also supported himself with the legs.

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He was panting heavily as he managed to turn

his body to the other side. He heard a scream

from the room of the window.


Tarasha opened her eyes to look down after

seven seconds. The distance to the ground was

quite far and the bright lights on the walls of the

building at every floor made it impossible for her

to see the ground clearly. She however saw

traces of gathered people and concluded that Rex

must have fallen to the ground and they were

surrounding his dead body.

She turned and dropped to her knees weakly, she

closed her eyes and then took in some very deep

breaths. She opened her eyes after few seconds.

She still felt so weak in her body but she

managed to get up to her feet. She picked the

other end of rope on the floor and dragged her

feet as fast as she could to the structure at the

centre of the roof. She knew that security officials

would be making their way up to that floor at

that moment, the fastest way for her to escape

would be to leave with the rope through the back

of the building.

She quickly located her phone where she kept it

on the floor and also located her bag.


‘What did the boss say?’ Nicholas asked Cole for

the umpteenth time.

Cole remained mute as usual as he tried to settle

in the speedboat.

‘Are you sure you can sail this boat?’ the keeper

of the boat asked Cole again.

‘Yes,’ Cole replied the man. ‘You don’t need to get

scared,’ he added even though he was not so

confident of his riding ability.

The man stared at Cole doubtingly. He had

compromised the standards to release the boat

that night after Cole offered him a huge sum of

money. The speedboat usually goes with a sailor

who works with the organization, but at that

time of the night, the sailors had closed and the

sailing company was supposed to have closed

operations for that day. Cole had claimed to

forget his license but needed to use the boat

urgently, his enticing offer made the man


‘Or should I sail you?’ the man offered.

Cole turned and stared at him. He heaved a deep

sigh of relief. He wondered why the man had not

offered to help from the beginning.

‘But you would have to pay extra,’ the man

quickly added on seeing that Cole was

considering his offer.

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‘I’ll pay right away,’ Cole accepted.

The man joined them on board and sailed the

boat while Cole and Nicholas sat behind.

‘So is she coming to join us on the ship?’

Cole stared at him, he wondered why he won’t

stop disturbing. He didn’t want to tell him the

truth that Tarasha was dead like he heard from

Rex because he wasn’t fully convinced that

Nicholas was truly on their side. He didn’t want

anything to stop Elvis Richards’ death. He knew

that was one thing Tarasha wanted to do and he

made up his mind to complete the task even if

she wasn’t there.

‘Yes, she’s coming to meet us.’ Cole finally

replied him.

Nicholas sighed. ‘You don’t trust me yet,’ he

asked, amazed that Cole still doubted him. ‘What

would you have done if your mother and child’s

lives were in danger?’

Cole stared at him, unwillingly to answer. His

phone rang at that moment.

‘Hey Henry, have you been able to ask for a


‘Yes, but it was quite difficult and still

complicated, they asked me to speak with the

company’s Rep on board. He wasn’t fully

convinced it was his boss’ voice. He tried to

contact his boss after speaking with him but I

already redirected his boss’ call to me. They’ve

agreed to wait but they’re expecting to see men

in Erico’s company shirt, you might find it

difficult to get on board since you don’t have

their uniform.’

‘Alright, thank you so much Henry. You’ve done

a wonderful job,’ Cole commended.

‘Okay, what about Tara? Is she there with you


‘No, she’d join us.’ Cole replied, trying to hide the

sadness in his tone. He couldn’t tell Henry that

she was dead yet. He saw himself as the leader of

the team in her absence and did not want to give

any room for weakness of the team.


‘I tried her number and it isn’t connecting, you

guys should play safe.’ Henry said into the phone

before ending the call.

He looked at Madam Henrietta who was still

staring at him. He still wondered how the woman

got Tarasha to call her mother. Tarasha was a

daughter of the Danjumas and the couple were

dead. He couldn’t hold his urge to ask questions

anymore. He got up from the chair and sat at the

other edge of the bed where she was. She was

quick to talk before he could begin with his


‘Where is Omotara? Please tell her not to go

anywhere, i have this strong feeling that she

might never come back.’ Madam Henrietta said.

‘No please, don’t say that. Tara is coming back

and one day, she would find a way for all of us to

go back to our normal lives.’ Henry scolded her.

The woman shook her head sadly. ‘I don’t know,

I don’t think that day is ever going to come.’

‘Come on Madam, stop talking negatively. It’s

going to be well.’

Madam Henrietta let out a deep breath. ‘Can you

tell me what she’s going to do?’

‘Just to round up our task,’ Henry replied.

‘Please tell me in plain words,’ the woman shook

her head.

Henry sighed. ‘The Vice President is trying to

escape from the country and she wants to stop


Madam Henrietta’s face went blank for a moment

as she pondered on his reply. ‘She’s gonna kill


‘I don’t think so, she could stop him without


‘Are you sure?’ the woman asked, with her body


Henry could sense fear all over the woman’s

body. ‘The truth is she’s going to stop him, I don’t

know how, she might end up killing him or just

handing him over to the police.’

‘But that man is deadly, he can harm or even kill

her and he…’

–5 Minutes Later —

In the ceiling of the building Dave had gotten

into, after confirming the exact room where

Henry had lodged the team from the hotel. He

wanted to hear their plans and know their next


‘Did someone knock the door?’ Dave could hear

Henry’s voice. He was now very sure that he was

in the ceiling directly above them. There was

silence for a moment.

‘There’s no one at the door,’ Henry’s voice

sounded again. Dave knew that it was the noise

he made in the ceiling that attracted them to the


There was silence for almost one minute before

Dave heard Henry’s voice again.

‘I never imagined that Omotara wasn’t a real

child of the Danjumas, I always believed that she

was the only girl and I think she also believed

that she was.’

‘Yes, you’re right.’ Dave heard Chief Gab’s voice.

‘She only found out recently who her real mother


Dave listened to them carefully as they talked,

Three minutes later, he heard Henry on a phone


‘Cole, I’m coming to join you on board.’ Dave

could only hear Henry’s voice but not the reply.

‘Don’t tell me not to, my mind is made up. I’m



The woman’s scream became louder as Rex

dropped into the room weakly. She was an

middle aged woman, she had come for a business

meeting in Lagos for the next morning and had

changed into her night gown to sleep for the

night. She turned to the other side of the bed to

have a clearer view of who dropped into the

room. She saw him sprawled on the floor weakly.

She couldn’t tell if he was dead or not.

She needed to talk to the reception and tell them

about him immediately but she was scared, the

landline placed by the hotel management for the

room user to communicate her needs was at the

side the body was. She watched him for seconds

and after being sure that he could not do

anything to her walk past him quickly. She

picked the phone and dialed.

Rex was in severe pains, his head was terribly

injured from Tarasha’s hit and the window

glasses which he hit in the process of falling. He

didn’t feel like he had any strength to get up

until he began to hear the woman reporting his

fall through the phone calls. With deep sighs and

groans, he dragged himself up and dragged his

backside on the floor to the woman, she

screamed and dropped the phone on seeing his

movements towards her. She jumped onto the

bed and fled quickly to the door.

Rex picked up the receiver of the phone quickly

and held it between his shoulder and his ear as

he dialed Elvis Richard’s number.

‘El…Elvis Richards, please ask that the power of

the hotel goes off again, this time for ten minutes

before coming back on.’ Rex said panting into the


‘Okay, I’ll tell him right away.’ James replied


‘Have your ship moved?’ Rex asked.

‘Yes, it has.’

‘Make sure you watch all those men on board, do

not trust any of them.’

Rex did not get a reply immediately. He heard

James talking to Elvis Richards.


‘Can you swim well Steph?’ Dave asked as he got

back into the room.

‘Yes, I can.’ Stephanie answered as she turned to

him. She stared at him inquisitively on seeing the

dust and cobwebs on his body.

Dave flashed a glance at Lizzy. ‘Liz, we’d be

going together to Lekki Port, we’d make a stop at

the NIS office to get some swimming kits. Please

make calls right away to any officer on duty to

bring out the kits necessary for an emergency

water operation.’

‘It’ll take us a total of about twenty five minutes

to get to Lekki Sea port,’ Lizzy said, looking at the

time. She considered the traffic at that time of the


‘Thirty minutes,’ Dave corrected her. ‘Five

minutes to stop for the kits,’ he said and then

turned to Stephanie. He began to use a towel to

wipe off the stains on his body. ‘Steph, you’d get

to Inspector Dakolo at the hospital and tell him

we need reinforcement, Elvis Richards is trying to

escape by sea and the likely meeting point of the

assassins and Elvis Richards would be on that


‘Okay,’ Stephanie replied with a nod. She picked

her phone and the key on the table and

proceeded to the door.

Lizzy picked her things and also followed behind.

She got to the door and turned back to look at

Dave. She was surprised to see him still standing.

He looked like he was being disturbed by


‘Is anything wrong?’

Dave shook his head slightly, carrying a narrow

gaze on. ‘Nothing’s wrong,’ he replied.

‘Then, what are you waiting for?’ she raised her


He shook his head and proceeded towards her



‘What the f*** is Henry coming to do here?’ Cole

wondered to himself after the call ended.

Tarasha’s instructions was that he remained with

Chief Gab and Madam Henrietta until the mission


He looked at his phone’s screen again, Henry was

not answering his calls. Nicholas kept stealing

glances at him but did not bother to ask any


Cole closed his eyes and rested his back on the

backrest. He took a deep breath as he

remembered his boss again. He couldn’t believe

that she was dead already. It made him realize

that death was truly inevitable for humans, no

matter how powerful or dangerous the person is.


‘Guys, I want you to take a very good look

around this ship. We must make sure we check

anything that looks suspicious, we must not give

rooms for any nonsense this time.’ James gave

instructions to his men. A total of seven in

number, he had ordered for them to come

together after he received the call from Rex

where he warned them to be very careful.

‘But why has the ship stopped?’ Ayo asked,

wondering if the reason was related to the

warnings given. He had gone to call the other

men when the ships came to a halt.

‘I just asked the sailor, he’s says Erico Company

has to add something to the goods in store.’

James replied.

‘Well, I don’t like the idea of taking a pause here

in the middle of the sea.’ Ayo said.

‘That’s why we have to keep checking around

now and remain alert, the sailor says a staff of

the company is coming here. We have to check

that staff before we let him come on board,’

James replied. ‘Please go now, spread out and

leave no stone unturned.’

All the men turned and left the room

immediately. James turned back to see Elvis

Richards already walking into the room.

‘I don’t like the idea of the ship stopping too,’

Elvis Richards complained.

‘I’ll get it to move as soon as possible,’ James said

with a reassuring look to his father. ‘I think Rex

wants to come here too, it’ll give him sometime

to catch up with us.’

Elvis Richards let out a deep breath and

proceeded to sit on a chair.

‘Dad, all you need to do is remain here. The ship

is safe but this part of the ship is the safest, no

one knows you are here.’ James told him.

Elvis Richards nodded in reply.

‘I have to join them now and ensure they are

doing what they need to do,’ James said and got a

consenting nod from the man before he left. He

got out of the quarters assigned to them and after

five minutes of walking around got to the front

verandah of the ship. He met some of his men

already surrounding someone. He walked quickly

to see what was going on. A battered lady was

right in the centre of the circle.

Ayo landed another blow on her face. ‘You

b***h! When are you going to speak up?’

‘Where did you find her?’ James asked, directing

his question to Ayo.

‘They found her loitering around, one of our man

has monitoring her since we got on this ship.’

Ayo replied.

‘We caught her sneaking on us,’ one of the men

joined in. ‘She got into the toilet to make a call

and we caught her asking someone where he

was. It appeared he told her he was on his way.’

‘I knew that the Erico’s company call for the ship

to stop was a fake one,’ Ayo put in.

James stared thoughtfully, he looked at the face

of the lady on the ground in anger. ‘So what’s

your mission here?’ He asked, he was about to

squat to look into her eyes directly when he

caught a glimpse of something moving afar off on

the water. He stared at it for a while so nice that

he attracted the attention of all the other men.

‘Take her somewhere in,’ James said to one of the

men. ‘Everybody should take strategic positions,

that looks like a Catamaran, the man she was

calling may be the one coming in it.’

‘More like a speed boat,’ one of the men put in.

A SPEED BOAT (The One used by Cole and

Nicholas )


‘I think Tomi has gotten into some trouble, she

isn’t answering her calls anymore,’ Cole said

aloud. He was worried. She had called him and

asked where he was, after reporting that Elvis

Richards had not less than ten men on board, the

phone call ended abruptly and since then she

had not answered his calls.

‘Maybe she was discovered,’ Nicholas put in.

Cole looked at him but didn’t say a word.

‘Do I wait for you guys, are you returning

immediately?’ the boat sailor turned and asked


Cole found the question difficult to answer. ‘Well,

I can’t tell, you can come on board with us and

wait for a while.’

‘No, if you want me to wait, I’d rather stay in my

boat. I don’t want anyone to mark my face for

working at the prohibited time.’ the man replied.

‘It’s okay,’ Cole had no choice than to agree.

They got closer and closer to the ship. Cole could

see some men on the large verandah at the

exterior. They seemed to be about their own

business and oblivious of his coming until the

speed boat got so close to the ship. He saw the

three men gather together as expected, looking

towards their direction.


Tarasha checked her time on getting to the port.

The place was not so busy like it used to be

during the working hours. The last ship for the

day had left and so everywhere was deserted.

She glanced around, looking at all the

standpoints of all the different Sea travel agencies

around. She needed to get something to follow

the ship that had left.

She took out her phone to dial Cole’s number

while she waited. It began to ring. She noticed

something like a Jet ski coming towards the sea

shore. She paid closer attention to see if it could

be her opportunity to get on the sea faster. She

walked down to the direction where the Jet ski

was facing. Her phone call to Cole wasn’t

answered but she did not bother as her mind was

already preoccupied with getting the jet ski.

The man soon got to the sea and got out of the

machine. He took out his was dialing a number

on his phone when Tarasha approached him.

‘Hello sir,’ she said with a smile.

He stared at her with suspicious eyes. He noticed

bruises on her face and some worn out parts on

her clothes.

‘Hi,’ he forced out a reply.

‘Can I rent your machine for the night?’

‘No,’ he stared at her with a scornful look. ‘I was

about to call the owner, he’d be coming right

away for it.’

‘You have to tell the owner that I’m borrowing

it,’ Tarasha said as she dipped her hand into her

pocket and moved closer to him. He took a step

back but didn’t go too far away to stop her from

touching him.

A JET SKI ( The one used by Tarasha )


‘What do you guys want?’ one of the men

questioned Cole and Nicholas after they step onto

the ship. The man who sailed the speed boat

waited in it.

‘We’ve come to add this to the package for Erico

Group Of Companies,’ Cole replied. Nicholas

remained silent.

One of the men stepped forward ‘One, there’s

nothing like Erico group of companies and

secondly I don’t recognize you two as workers at


The man looked different from the two others,

while the other two looked like security officials

with guns in their hands. He looked ordinary, he

wore an Erico labelled shirt on a black plain


‘I mean we were contacted to bring this here,’

Cole tried to cover up. He could see other men

appearing from other sides of the ship. He

remained as calm as he could, he didn’t expect it

to be easy but he was sure he would fight at his

best. ‘We do not work for Erico, we were only

sent here.’

‘I wasn’t sent here with you,’ Cole was shocked

beyond words to hear the words come from

Nicholas. He turned slowly and widened his eyes

in shock as Nicholas moved from beside him to

the men’s side. Nicholas took a pistol from one of

the men and pointed at Cole.

‘Who’s this?’ Ayo asked as he stepped back into

the verandah with James.

‘I see Rex’s secret man in Samantha Osman’s

gang is here with a member of the gang,’ James

replied. Rex had showed Nicholas to them while

they were in Solace Hotel and they were both

present when Rex gave Nicholas the assignment

of tricking Samantha Osman or any of her men

into their trap.

‘He’s here and he’s expecting Samantha Osman

to join him.’ Nicholas said to James as he came

closer to him.

The other men took out their guns and pointed

them at Cole too.

Cole wanted to curse Nicholas loudly but the

sound of the speed boat speeding away

interrupted him. He glanced back and saw the

sailor already on his way back. The man must

have been scared by of the guns he saw been

taken out.

‘That’s just the man who brought us here,’

Nicholas said as he stepped forward and joined

James and Ayo. Ayo stretched out his hand to

give Nicholas a handshake.

‘We should get the ship moving again, I was

forced to make the call to stop the ship on

Samantha Osman’s orders but I also saw it as an

opportunity to bring this fool here.’ Nicholas said

and looked Cole in the eyes with spite. ‘Rex

would not be glad if he finds out we are not

moving, I’ll go tell the sailors to continue.’

Nicholas got on the way before James could reply

him. James only nodded and watched him go. He

then turned to one of the men. ‘Go bring that girl

here,’ he ordered and the man responded


Two minutes later, the man returned with Tomi

whose hands were tied behind her. They

motioned her and Cole to the centre of the large

verandah and asked both of them to go on their


Cole had four men pointing their guns towards

them from different directions. Inspector James

and Ayo were standing in front of them. He

studied the positions of all the gunmen carefully

and began to conceptualize how he could get his

way past them without injuring himself or Tomi.

Another major challenge he faced was the ropes

used to tie Tomi’s hands.

‘You guys should search him and take any gun or

weapons you find on his body out,’ Ayo said to

one of the men.

Cole breathed in gently, it could just be the

opportunity he was waiting for.

‘No, don’t do that.’ James objected and the man

who had made the move step back. He then

looked at Cole eye to eye. ‘This guy looks smarter

than that,’ he said and chuckled. ‘You know what

boy? You’re going to take out everything in your

pockets and put them on the ground.’

Cole was disappointed by the change in

instructions. He could feel his phone vibrating in

his backpocket again as he put his hands in his

pocket to take out his gun. He put down the only

gun in his pocket and his phone after silencing it,

he pushed it forward towards Cole and Ayo. Then

James signalled for the man pointing the gun

behind to move closer and search his body

‘The sailors are dead, the two of them.’ A voice

sounded from behind.

It was Nicholas. Ayo and James raised their eyes

to look at him.

‘I saw traces of a female’s hair on them, I think

she killed them,’ Nicholas added, accusing Tomi.

Tomi turned her neck to stare at him. She was

the only female there, so she was sure he was

referring to her.

James stared thinly at Nicholas’ face for a while

trying to compare the time at which he met with

the sailors and when Tomi was found.

‘So you killed the sailors already?’ Ayo asked,

staring at her with furious eyes.

Tomi only stared at his face for a moment but

gave no reply. James took her silence to mean

she was guilty of killing them. He concluded that

she must have done it immediately he left the

sailors after he went to ask why there was a

pause in the movement.

‘Now, we have a very big problem here if we

can’t move the ship.’ James lamented. ‘Is there no

other person who can sail it?’

‘I asked, but the security men do not seem to

know what to do.’ Nicholas replied.

James stared at Tomi angrily he took out his gun

and pointed at her. ‘Damn you b***h! He said

and fired a quick unexpected shot at her and the

bullet entered straight into her belly. Everyone

was surprised, they didn’t expect he would shoot

her that we quick. She fell on her side and gave

up the ghost.

Cole widened her eyes on seeing her fall dead.

His heartbeat changed and his blood began to

boil. Even though he and Tomi had not been the

best of friends, her fall still had some huge

impact on him. He was still boiling in anger

visible when one of the men behind kicked him

at his back with the knee and he fell face flat.

‘Don’t kill him yet,’ Nicholas cautioned as he saw

James trying to pull the trigger angrily. James

and Ayo looked at his face for explanation. ‘He’s

the only one who can easily trick Samantha

Osman to us, we lose if we kill him. I can’t do

that because she doesn’t trust me completely.’


The speed boat sailor zoomed as fast as he could.

He had believed Cole and Nicholas when they

told him they were from Erico company and one

of them had to meet with the ship. He was

surprised to find the men taking out guns on he

ship and he decided to flee immediately since he

had already been paid for his own services

before they get him involved in whatever their

business was.

He could see another small water vessel coming

from afar, at first it looked like a canoe from afar

but as it came closer, he wondered what

someone was doing with it on the sea and going

in that direction at that time of the night.

Two minutes later, that got to the same point and

he had a better view of her. He knew who owned

the ship and he was confused about how she got

it but he remained silent and focused on his way.

Five minutes after he passed her and the Jet ski

was out of his sight, he saw something else that

surprised him. A raft coming afar off from a

different direction but towards the same direction

of the ship carrying the Erico goods. He could see

from afar that the raft had three people on it. He

shook his head as he wondered what could be

happening that night.


‘You’ve previously gotten information from

Samantha Osman, you can’t say she wouldn’t talk

to you when you haven’t given it a try yet? Why

don’t you try?’ Ayo suggested.

‘I’ve been away from them since morning, it gives

her room to be suspicious. She would believe I

could have changed sides within that time,’

Nicholas said, reemphasizing his point that she

wouldn’t trust him. He however picked up Cole’s

phone which was on the floor to show them he

was willing to try. He unlocked it and switched

to the call history where he dialed Tarasha’s

number on. He placed it close to his ear to listen.

‘She’s not answering,’ he said after the second

time of trying without the call been answered.

There was silence for a few seconds.

James took out this phone and dialed Rex’s

number. ‘Hello Rex, we have a problem.’

‘What problem is that? I hope your ship is still

moving,’ Rex replied.

‘I’m afraid it’s not,’ James answered in a low

tone. ‘It stopped and when we checked both

sailors were dead.’

‘What the f***! I told you to watch carefully and

ensure you do not have any enemy on board,’

Rex answered angrily.

‘I truly do not know how she got on board with

us but she’s dead now, Nicholas also led

Samantha Osman’s right hand man to us.’

‘But you gotta get the f***** ship moving


‘I’m afraid but…’ he stopped to look at Ayo’s face.

‘There’s no way we can, I don’t know anyone

here who can navigate the ship.’

‘You have to move it anyhow… Oh f***! Now

listen, make sure that Chief Elvis remains in that

room and does not take off his disguise. I’m close

to the port and I’ll join you soon.’

‘Okay Rex,’ James wondered why Rex sounded so

afraid, he expected that Rex should have killed

Samantha Osman like he said he was going to do

before leaving Solace Hotel.

He returned the phone into his pocket. ‘One of

you should take this body and dispose it off,’ he

said, referring to Tomi’s body. ‘Pick him up and

take him in, we’d remain watchful with all our

man while we wait here for Rex.’

James signaled to Ayo and both of them walked

in, leaving the remaining with Cole.

‘Get up idiot!’ one of the men said as he slapped

Cole hard on the back. He put the gun at the back

of his head to show his seriousness. Cole forced

himself up and raised his hands in the air like he

was instructed to do. He turned to look back and

watched as Tomi’s body was taken away, he was

aggrieved in his spirit but he still had not gotten

the right opportunity to attack the men who

could easily overpower and kill him if he made

any mistake while trying to attack them. His eyes

met with Nicholas’ and he gave him the deadliest

stare ever. Nicholas replied with a confident

look. He unlocked Cole’s phone again and dialed

Tarasha’s number.

They were about to enter into the interior of the

ship when one of the men caught a glimpse of

something coming afar off the sea. He called the

attention of the others and they all delayed their

movement to check what it was.

‘What could that be?’ Nicholas asked loudly.

‘Looks like someone else is coming here,’ one of

the men answered.

They were sure another boat was coming

towards them but what they could not ascertain

yet was how many people were in the small boat.

They waited for more than one minute before

they could see clearly that it was only one person

in a Jet ski.

Cole used the opportunity to observe each of

them, four out of the five men were holding guns

while the fifth one and Nicholas were without

guns. It wasn’t still the right time to attack them,

they still kept an eye on him even as they

watched the coming vehicle. His eyes caught

Nicholas’ eyes and Nicholas seemed to know

what he was looking back for. Nicholas raised his

brows and nodded his head gently. Cole stared at

him suspiciously not understanding the meaning

of his gesture.

‘Someone should tell James that someone else is

approaching,’ one of the men said aloud and

then turned to look at the vehicle well.

They dragged Cole with them as they walked

back towards the guard rails, three of them

spreading themselves out while one stood behind

Cole with a gun.

Cole also took a brief look towards the coming

vehicle, he wasn’t expecting anyone but the

structure of the person sailing the Jet ski caught

his attention. He stared more attentively for

about thirty seconds and couldn’t believe who it

was when he saw her.

‘She’s here,’ he said aloud with confidence, his

mind gaining some peace of mind. He couldn’t

contain his joy on seeing her again.

‘Who the f*** is here?’ the man standing right

behind Cole asked.

Before Cole could answer or make any move,

someone screamed from behind. All the men

glanced back to see Nicholas attacking the man

beside him.


The speed boat sailor was glad as he journeyed

towards the land. He had heard a gunshot sound

after he left the ship and he imagined in his eyes

that they had shot Cole.

As he got closer, he saw a man walking towards

the direction he hoped to park his speed boat. He

hoped it wasn’t what he was thinking, he wasn’t

ready to talk about the speed boat with anyone

else that night.


‘Get the f*** down now,’ Rex ordered with his

gun pointed at him.

The man jumped out of the speed boat

immediately. He longed to call the attention of

the security men but he noticed that he couldn’t

catch a glimpse of anyone around.

He watched as Rex got into his boat and sped off

with it. He was frustrated as he walked the

seashore wondering what kind of debt he had

put himself into. He suddenly spotted a man lying

on the floor, he rushed to the man to see if he

was alive. The man was breathing. He recognized

the man as the one who rented the Jet ski from

another man earlier that day.

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