Tarasha 2 Chapter 13 Part 5 – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

Tarasha Season 2 : The Return For Revenge - PROLOGUE -

Tarasha 2 Chapter 13 Part 5 – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

® 18+ SNVL 

© Oyinloye Oluwatosin Emmanuel 

‘I thought the both of you implied that she was working with this doctor,’ Rex said into his phone as he entered back into the car.

‘Yes, that’s what it should be because from what the Vice President said, Eze Okafor is the only one who has access to the information she’s threatening him with and he’s also the only one who knows where the sealed documents are.’ the Inspector General replied.

‘If they are working together, why should she kidnap and leave him in an unconscious state like I just saw the man?’ Rex asked, changing the phone from his left to the right hand, he pulled the seatbelt on with his left hand.

‘I don’t know, maybe something went wrong between them.’

‘Nothing went wrong, she met him on the road and took him forcefully from his car and she also came for him this morning.’

‘But if she doesn’t work with him, how then has she been getting the information she’s getting against the Vice President?’

‘That’s your question to answer,’ Rex replied.

‘Rex, but did you see her face? Are you sure it was her?’

‘I’m sure it was her and if it wasn’t her herself, it has to be someone from her team.’

‘So you didn’t see her face?’

‘I saw the face, it wasn’t Samantha Osman’s face I know, it was the face of the lady that battled Agent David James in that hotel.’

‘That is Samantha, she was disguised then.’

‘I know the visible face is a disguise, but we can’t be sure of who’s wearing it. From a closer look today, I observed that the disguise may not be that done by makeups, it might be a skin mask.’

‘Skin mask? I never heard of that, are you sure of what you’re saying?’

‘No one can’t be a hundred percent sure until the face is touched. I only considered it being a skin mask because it changed a bit the shape of her head, but that could also means it’s been worn by a different person.’

‘What do we do now Rex?’

‘Well…Let’s see what I can do.’




Tarasha stared at her wristwatch again. The time was running slow and she wanted to be out of there as soon as possible. She had finished her task so quick and was lucky to get a flight to Kwara State where the holder of the sealed document was. She knew nowhere in the state but was sure that moving around would not be difficult for her because of the several mobile and internet tools available for her use.

Her phone began to ring. She uncrossed her legs and took out the phone from her jacket. She took a brief look at the rest of the people in the airport waiting room with her before she answered.

‘Hi Cole, what’s up?’

‘Boss, I just saw your text message. What are going to do in Kwara State?’

‘The document we need is there,’ she replied.

‘Okay, what would you have me do for you?’

‘Just the usual things, get into their NSCC connections and get ready to monitor while I’m working.’

‘When would the actual work begin?’

‘It can’t start today, I still have to make a survey. Let’s say we’d work from the early hours of tomorrow morning.’

‘Okay boss, I’ll be ready for you. I’ve also got some news for you.’

‘What’s that?’

‘I dug out some good facts about the Inspector General already, we’re ready for him, I’ve sent all you need to know to your email address.’

‘Cool… I’ll download now and read while on my flight,’ she replied.

‘I’ll update and send as I get more, I’m still working on it right now.’

‘Okay, but I won’t be able to respond to the other emails until after the flight and when I settle down. This particular airline does not allow for the use of cellular data during a flight.’

‘You can check it at your time boss.’

‘Okay, stay in charge Cole.’

The call ended. She took another glance at the wristwatch, it was now five minutes left to board. She unlocked her phone and refreshed the email application. Cole’s message appeared on top and another one under it. The second one was sent from the email address 47tarasha@nefary.com.





‘Come in sir,’ Chief Rikau said into the door bell mic as he watched the Vice President at his office door from his computer system.

The door opened and the Vice President stepped in leaving his escorts at the reception.

‘Sir, you should have called me to meet you outside.’ Chief Rikau said, looking up at the man’s face.

‘I’ve got little time to spend here IG, I just had to stop by because of the several missed calls I got from you. I hope there’s no problem,’ the Vice President replied as he sat in the visitor’s seat. The Inspector General was seated behind the table on his office swivel with the empty wheelchair by his side.

‘Rex claimed that Samantha Osman got to Eze Okafor before he did. Eze Okafor is unconscious now and in the custody of the police.’

‘I don’t understand, ‘ the Vice President shook his head. ‘I explained before that Samantha must be working with Eze.’

‘No sir, it appears like she got the knowledge of those documents from someone else, and this morning was just her first encounter with Eze.’

‘But…’ the Vice President appeared to be short of words. He tightened his fist on the handle of his walking stick and took in a deep breath. ‘Then, what did she do with Eze?’

‘We can’t tell yet, Rex has just located the hospital he was taken to but hasn’t been able to find out his state.’

‘This is quite unbelievable, I just hope she doesn’t have access to the sealed document before us.’

‘I do hope so too.’

There was a brief silence.

‘IG, what about the other candidate I asked you to start investigation on?’

‘Uhmn…’ Chief Rikau’s eyes moved to and fro for a second. Then he struggled to get on his feet and walked to the cabinet by the left side of his office, wincing his in pain as he did. He drew out a file and then returned to his seat.

‘Your leg isn’t that strong yet, I think you shouldn’t put pressure on it yet.’ The  Vice President advised out of sincere concern.

Chief Rikau sighed. ‘I’m tired of using the wheelchair, I have to exercise my legs sometimes just like the Doctor advised,’ he replied as he opened the file.

‘But just let it get more stronger first,’ the Vice President advised.

‘Here, this is the list of everyone who has declared their interest for the office of the president,’ Chief Rikau said, turning the file to the Vice President.

On the first A4 sized paper in the file were passports of different men arranged orderly and their full names written below each passports. There was a total of nine passports.

‘These nine are vying for the position of the President?’ Elvis Richards exclaimed as he scanned through the paper.

‘Yes, but of course not all of them would make it through the primaries. We decided to narrow down our investigation on just three of them first,’ Chief Rikau said.

‘Garuba Ahmed must be on the list in focus, he’s a very good friend of Eze Okafor and he’s a serving senator.’

‘Yes, he’s the first on the list, followed by the Benue State Governor and Nonso.’

‘Nonso…’ Elvis Richards muttered under his breath and stared blankly for a moment.

‘Isn’t that Onwuli’s brother?’

‘Yes, but I don’t think they were blood brothers. I heard Onwuli helped him to stand when he had nothing.’

‘I heard so too. And he was also the one who welcome Gabriel from prison.’

‘Yes, Gabriel was Onwuli’s friend and I believe he only did it for Onwuli’s sake. Ever since then he has refused to associate himself with the ex convict and doesn’t even know his whereabouts.’

‘Yea… It’s a pity that the only help he could render to Gab was to smuggle him into one underdeveloped country.’

The Vice President chuckled, ‘No one wants to help a failure.’

There was a pause and a brief moment of meditation. A serious look formed on Chief Elvis’ face. ‘Sometimes, I just do have this feeling about Gabriel coming back to the country.’

‘I don’t think he would, the people have not forgiven him for the crimes he was convicted of yet.’ Chief Rikau said. He stared at Elvis Richards face for a while, he could see that the man was in deep thoughts and probably worrying about the possibility. ‘Sir, but do you think Gabriel could pose a threat to you?’

‘I think he woulf love to but I dispossessed him of everything he could ever use against me.’ Chief Elvis replied.

‘And you think he can not have these documents Samantha has too.’

‘Nobody had the documents in possession, she got it from the drug Agency database.’

‘What I mean is, isn’t it possible that he’s the one supplying her with information or even sponsoring her?’

‘I don’t think he has the capacity to sponsor Samantha Osman but I can’t still say for a certain. You know we’ve considered this before and from our findings, Gabriel is still hiding in a far country. And even if he was around, he could have given her these deep secrets, he wasn’t too informed of most of the deals.’

‘Did he come out of prison to meet any of his resources?’

‘No, of course not, that’s an open secret. He had nothing to hold on to when he was released,’ Chief Elvis said and let out a sigh. He felt a bit of guilt for Gabriel’s plight. He remembered that he and Gabriel were one of the closest amongst the seven of them at some point. They had been so close that they saw each other almost every time, of course until their interests began to clash.

‘But what about this Nonso?’

‘You need to investigate him too, in fact you need to investigate all of the nine aspirants. I don’t suspect Nonso, he doesn’t have enough money to tackle me. I’m even surprised that he wants to run for the office of the President but you still need to investigate him and do it deeply.’

‘And what do you think Torwua Adasu and Garuba Ahmed?’

‘The two of them are prime suspects. Torwua was a friend of Onwuli and Gabriel too, I don’t trust him. Garuba as you know was the Inspector in charge when we were being accused of fake drugs importations. He told me after being vindicated by the court that day that I would not go scotfree as long as he was alive.’




‘What are you doing bro?’ Dan asked Dave as he walked into the office. He had a pack of fruit juice in the nylon he held.

Dave was engrossed with something on his phone. He looked up after Dan’s question and adjusted his seating position. ‘I’m still on break, so I’m taking out time to read some interesting stuffs.’

‘Interesting stuffs like?’ Dan asked as he settled in his own seat.

‘Action stories on Youngicee website,’ Dave replied him and continued with what he was reading.

‘What’s the website?’

‘Bro, just type in Youngicee stories into Google search.’ Dave snapped and gave Dan a warning look.

‘Hahaha, am I disturbing you?’ Dan laughed as he stared at Dave who continued reading on his phone with a serious expression on his face. ‘Well, I’ve got your favorite juice here.’ Dan said as he opened the fruit juice pack. He took out a cup from his locker and poured some of the juice into the cup. ‘This is so cold,’ he said and raised his cup temptingly for Dave to see. He gulped down the content of the cup halfway and released a deep breath to show his satisfaction. He looked at Dave and Dave was still engrossed with his phone, his attempt to distract him with the juice hadn’t worked. He dropped the cup of juice and took out his phone quickly, he needed to make that Google search and see what was keeping Dave so glued to his phone.

Dave was still reading when Inspector Dakolo called his phone. He hesitated for a while before answering.

‘Hello Dave.’

‘Good afternoon Inspector.’

‘Do you have any of your colleagues who got the news of Eze Okafor’s kidnap this morning?’

‘Eze Okafor?’ Dave squinted, trying to recall if he had ever heard of the person or the name.

‘Yes, the late minster of health’s elder brother. I just got the news from Inspector James that he was attacked by Samantha Osman on his way out of his house in Nnewi this morning.’

‘I’ve been quite busy and I haven’t heard of it yet. I’ll find out and get back to you.’

‘Please do.’

‘Shi*t!’ Dave cursed and squeezed the phone in his hand. He bit his lower lip as he closed his eyes and shook his head gently from side to side. ‘Dan,’ he called.

Now Dan was already being engrossed with the same thing which had taken Dave’s attention earlier.

‘Dan,’ Dave called again. He got no response. Dave sprung up to his feet and proceeded towards Dan table. ‘Dan, Samantha Osman is still in Anambra.’

It took sometime for Dan to assimilate the words spoken to him.  He took his eyes off the phone for a second and stared at Dave.

‘How do you know?’

‘I just got information that she attacked someone this morning.’


‘Eze Okafor. I don’t really know him but I heard he is the brother of her first victim, Nnamdi Okafor.’

‘So what do we do?’

Dave stared in silence for a while. Then he returned to his seat and dialed a number on his phone.

‘Good afternoon Agent Godwin,’ he greeted first.

‘Good afternoon, I was just about to call you.’ Agent Godwin said. He paused for a second and released a breath. ‘Samantha Osman was spotted at Nnewi this morning.’

‘Yes, I just heard about it and that’s why I’m calling. Who did she attack?’

‘Dr Eze Okafor, he was on his way to a conference. She took him forcefully right on his street.’

‘Ermm… I don’t still understand how it happened.’

Agent Godwin explained to him how the man drove out with two other people and how she attacked them as captured by the Security cameras.

‘So she killed the two men and dropped Eze Okafor in an uncompleted building?’

‘She did not ki*ll the men, she shot sedatives into their bodies. And we cannot really tell what she did to Eze Okafor. Except for some little bruises, the man is fine. He woke up some minutes ago but couldn’t remember anything and the substance benryl was detected in his blood which further proves that Samantha Osman was the attacker.’

‘Wow! So what have you been able to do about it?’

‘Very little, she planned it well and had a good escape plan. She rented two vehicles for use from different rental services and escaped through a village which had no coverage of the Security cameras, she left the vehicle used to take the man in front of the building where she dropped him and left the second one in the village without driving into any popular route which had cameras.’

‘So she’s untraceable now?’

‘We’re still tracing her by asking questions from the villagers. From what we’ve gotten so far, I believe she changed her clothes and the disguise before leaving the village.’

‘Did the cameras capture her face?’

‘Yes, her face was captured, the same disguise she wore at Crescent Moon Hotel.’

Dave sighed, ‘That’s untraceable.’

‘Yeah but I believe that we would still be able to deduce some important things from interrogating Eze Okafor after he’s fit enough, even though he does not remember his encounter with her. You should also provide us with anything you think would help us.’

‘Sure, I’ll get back to you if I find any information that’ll be useful.’

‘So what’s the plan?’ Dan asked after Dave ended the call.

‘I’m still thinking,’ Dave replied. He closed his eyes briefly and took in a deep breath.

‘I think we need to go, there are a lots of questions to find answers to.’ Dan suggested.

Dave also knew they had to go to Anambra but his main challenge was going there with this partner of his, he knew there was no way his activities wouldn’t be monitored by the chairman.

‘Okay, you should inform the chairman and let’s take the next available flight.’ Dave replied and picked his phone again. Something popped into his mind just as he unlocked it, he now remembered where he saw the name ‘Eze Okafor’. He minimized the dialer and navigated to the main menu, he located the email application and clicked on it, he searched for the email he received from the drug agency staff less than twenty four hours ago. He located it and opened the attached document, there he typed in to the search box the name ‘Eze Okafor’.  He saw it at last, Eze Okafor was the one of the Ministers of Health during the years of the fake drugs reign.

The drugs list Lizzy had sent to him which looked like nonsense was now making sense. He picked his phone up again and opened his chat application. He sent a message to Lizzy.




Control room

‘I just sent them to your mail, you can check it now.’ Cole said into his phone.

‘Okay, what about the hotel room I asked you to book?’ Tara’s voice sounded in reply.

‘I booked for rooms in two hotels, one close to the airport and the other in the GRA where Garuba Ahmed lives.’

‘Hmm, keep both reservations, I’ll use the one close to Garuba Ahmed for now.’

‘Okay boss, I’ll send you the address immediately.’

Cole ended the call. He opened the messaging app and typed in the address of the hotel copying from the computer screen. He clicked on send and dropped the phone on the table. He took out the other phone from his pocket and unlocked it. He scrolled down the notification bar, there was already a message from Patricia as expected. He clicked on it.

‘Can’t we just stay overnight there?’ the message read.

‘Not today dear, I have some work to do very early here tomorrow morning.’ he replied.

He dropped the phone on the table. She was offline, so he wasn’t expecting her reply immediately. She had sent the message which he just replied about an hour ago but he didn’t bother to check it because he did not want distraction from Tarasha’s task.

They had planned to meet at his apartment that evening. He was supposed to pick her after work. They had earlier discussed that they would spend the night there but Cole had sent a message to change the plans after Tarasha told him that she would begin the work proper in the early hours of the next morning.

His phone beeped. Her reply had come in earlier than he expected.

‘Can’t you leave very early tomorrow morning?’ Patricia had asked. She was now online.

‘No dear, you don’t understand.’ Cole typed in. A good lie popped up in his mind and he continued to type, ‘A foreign company fixed a meeting with me by 10pm EST and I still have to prepare before the time of the meeting.’

‘Oh! Okay then, why don’t we just reschedule?’ her reply entered.

‘No, we don’t need to, we can still meet briefly tonight.’

‘No, we won’t meet tonight anymore. You have to prepare for your meeting and represent us well,’ she sent with a grin smiley.

‘Okay babe, I’ll call you when you close from work.’



‘He says he has a meeting with some foreigners by 10pm EST tonight,’ she typed and sent to Dave.

‘Hmm…’ Dave sent in reply adding a smiley with a thinking expression.



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11 months ago

God Strengthens you As You keep us Going and activating with this Tarasha Story
More ink to you pens

Eneh Esther
Eneh Esther
11 months ago

Wow! This is superb and amazing. God bless you