Ever since Daniel had that discussion with Vivian;about enrolling her for a cooking class with Hilda bacci and she turned it down, Daniel’s attitude towards Vivian changed drastically

He started preparing his food by himself, he would eat some and take the rest to work; this was exactly the life he was living before he got married to Vivian,he simply went back to it.

Vivian could not believe it.

He started sleeping in a separate room and avoided having any discussion with Vivian.

When Vivian at times asked him any question,he will just reply reluctantly with “fine”

Vivian tried enticing him by wearing one yellow beautiful night gown that Daniel purchased for her when they went on a trip to Dubia for their honeymoon

But he pretended like he didn’t even notice her, he just took his files and walked straight to his room, slamming the door so hard to Vivian’s hearing

That was when Vivian knew that she has really been marked in Daniel’s black book

She started becoming depressed that she was gradually losing her husband

The Daniel she fell in love with, was the man who doesn’t like sleeping like nothing happened whenever they had an issue

Daniel believes that an unresolved issue in marriage could lead to resentment and it will also weaken their bond and their communication lives.

And that is one of the major reasons he always make sure that they didn’t go to bed with dispute,he always tries his best in reducing the tension

But now,the reverse is the case. He doesn’t even care anymore about her existence

He will pass her anytime anyday without saying anything to her,even when she was in deep thought.

They’ve been living like strangers for over two weeks and each day the tension keeps getting hotter. The joyful house which always blossoms with happiness now seems like a house where they were mourning.

On a fateful cool evening,Daniel came back home and stormed into the kitchen,he wanted to prepare rice and stew.

Vivian saw him cooking but she remained at a distance as she promptly glanced at him do his things

Daniel has already put the rice on the fire, and he was slicing the tomatoes when his best friend who happens to be his PA called him

He picked up the call and they started chatting like men

“Daniel how you dey na?”

“You don’t know your Boss again ba?” Daniel asked in a querrisome manner,but it was all joke

“Get out…is not as if we’re in the office,at least let me do all I want to do to you now… but abeg no fire me oh”

“Hahahahaha” they both laughed out

“Guy wetin you dey cut for kitchen,don’t tell me that you’re still having this issue with Vivian; your wife?”

“For all I know for now,I don’t have any wife , I’m thinking of filling for divorce,besides Casandra,my secretary has been giving me green lights for a long time,i think its high time i bring in a real woman into this house and light everywhere up” Daniel said as he continued slicing his tomatoes

Vivian suddenly frozed as she was eavesdropping on the call

To be continued…..
✍️✍️✍️👉👉 King Sley

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