Shinning Crystal Episode 7 – 8

Shinning Crystal episode 1

Shinning Crystal Episode 7

“I can’t believe this is happening to me”he said smiling like an idiot. A poor looking boy passed beside him and started looking at him as he smile to himself. Justin noticed him and moved closer to the small boy. “Hey. Are you hungry?”he asked the boy. The boy nodded his head looking at him. He then handed the whole stuffs to him. “Here, you can have it”he said as he stretched the nylon to him. The boy smiled and collected it from him. “Thank you”he said and walked on happily. “That’s OK. I don’t even need that”he said and went on to where he packed the car.

He got home and met Daniel and Jasper watching football and shouting in the living room his dad left for business outside of the country,so he was left alone in the big mansion. Except for the maids that take care of everything in the house. He walked up to them and sat down quietly on one of the couch. Daniel noticed he came in without greeting them or playing as he normally did. “What’s the problem bro? Why that dull face?”he asked looking at him. Justin looked at him and laughed”it’s nothing. I just don’t feel like talking or greeting you guys when I came in. I will leave for my room now. Am so tired I need to rest”he said smiling to hide his Moody face. He stood up and walked towards his room. Daniel and Jasper looked at each other awkwardly wondering why he was acting wield because they told him they were going somewhere when he arrives from the store. “Why is he heading to his room?”jasper asked Daniel. “I don’t know”Daniel said and they both continue watching the match.

On Monday morning at royal hour university, students were seen trooping in and out of the school. Some were standing in group discussing while some were showing off their new shoes and latest designs of clothes. Some could be seen hugging each other and happy to see each other back to school again.
The school is so big and beautiful. The whole compound was decorated with flowers. It’s one of the best school in town. That’s the school where most of the rich people take their child to. It has all the qualification of a good school.
It has study rooms, all kind of sport fields, swimming pool, musical and instrumental class etc.

At one side of the school compound were Hanna, Mina and Clara. Hanna and Mina were sitting while Clara was standing with her hand on her waist. “You guys should check this out. I got my hair done at the salon yesterday. How do I look?”she asked swaying it backward with her fingers. “Wow that looks amazing. I will like that style also”Mina said smiling. “Really, you like it? Oh I know it’s pretty. What about you hanna”Clara asked looking at Hanna. But Hanna wasn’t listening to her. She was busy looking at something else. Clara traced her gaze and found out he was looking at Justin among his friends. “Helloo” Clara said waving her hand before her eyes to get back her attention. She blinked and looked at Clara putting on a fake smile”oh sorry, I was looking at that hand bag design”she lied pointing at the handbag a student was holding. “Oh I see”Clara said nodding her head.

Justin and his friends Jasper, Daniel, Drake and Nicole were also sitting at one side of the compound. Talking about this and that. A lady was heading towards them holding bunch of flowers. She wore a yellow mini gown and black pop socks. With black high hills. She has a dark short brown hair. She got to them with the flower smiling brightly. As they all saw her, they stopped talking and all eyes were on her. “Here comes another chick”Daniel said in a whisper to them and they all laughed except Justin. She got to them and turned to Justin smiling. She stretched out the flowers to him smiling brightly. “I love you Justin. can I be your girlfriend?”she asked looking at him. Justin looked at her and smiled as he received the flower from her. His friends were surprised to see that. Hanna and her friends were also surprised to see Justin receiving the flower the girl used to propose to him. “Does he agree to date that girl?”Mina said looking surprise. “That’s impossible. The girl is so dumb and stupid. He can’t”Hanna said looking uncomfortable.

Justin took the flower and moved it close to his nose perceiving the scent. “Oh I love the scent of this beautiful flowers but”he stopped looking at the girl. The girl was smiling so happily expecting him to say yes. “But I don’t like ugly girls like you”he finally said looking at the girl. His friends bursted into laughter and some students close to them also started laughing including Hanna and her friends. The girl looked at him angrily “who told you am ugly? Am not. I also don’t like you because you’re ugly. You’re so full of yourself. I hate you”the girl said and tried to walk out on him but her hill tripped. She was about falling but Justin held her back and prevented her from falling. She looked Justin and feels embarrassed of herself. “You should be careful or you will hurt yourself”Justin said looking at her. He let her go when she has balanced herself on the ground. She looked at Justin again and stormed off in embarrassment. They all started laughing again as she left.
“I know he would reject her”Hanna said smiling. “The same thing would happen to you if you confess him. Am telling you to take your mind off him. Do you also want to embarrass yourself like her?”Mina asked looking at Hanna. “Don’t worry, am not as dumb as her and I know my way of getting closer to him”Hanna said smiling.

Episode 8

After school, students were trooping out of the school compound. Some were moving in groups while some were still hanging around the school compound. Among the students were Hanna, Mina and Clara. Hanna was in the middle while Mina and Clara walked beside her. “I heard the school will be going on a trip next week”Clara said as they all walked side by side. “Yes, but isn’t it too early”Mina said looking at her. “Well it’s good. I always love going for the school trip. Always fun and amazing”Hanna said smiling. “Me too”Clara said also smiling. “Anyway, will you guys be free after school?”Mina asked looking at both of them. “Why?”Hanna and Clara Asked at the same time. “One of my childhood friend is having a birthday party and I would love to show off my beautiful friends at the party”she replied smiling. “Wow really”Clara asked smiling. “Yes and trust me there would be a lot of hot guys at the party. I want you guys to come with me”she said. “I love that but am not after any hot guys because I’ve got Justin”Hanna said smiling. “Wooooow”Mina and Clara exclaimed teasingly.

Just as they were still discussing, Justin and his friends were walking behind them chatting and laughing. Hanna heard his voice and kept quiet looking at Mina and Clara. She looked back to see if it was really him. She faced front smiling after confirming it was him. Clara and Mina also smiled. “Oh my God. It’s really Justin”Hanna said happily. “So what are you going to do?”Clara asked her. “Just watch and see”she replied smiling brightly. They nodded their head in agreement looking at her. She turned back and bumped into the guys knowingly then she quickly fell to the ground purposely expecting Justin to help her up. But unfortunately it was Daniel she bumped into. “Oh sorry. Are you OK?”Daniel asked as they all stopped on seeing her fell to the ground. He stretched out his hand for her to get up with it. She looked at Justin who was also staring at her. She took Daniels hand and got up dusting her dress. Daniel brought out his handkerchief and gave it to her to dust her dress. “Am sorry for not watching my way”Hanna said looking at the guys. “It’s OK you should be more careful next time”Justin said smiling. Hanna was carried away by his smile. She stared at him for long forgetting his friends were watching. “Am Hanna”she said looking at Justin. “Ooh such a beautiful name”Justin said smiling.”So hanna, be careful next time and take care ok”Justin said and they all start moving. She turned back and watched them as they left smiling to herself. Mina and Clara quickly rushed to her”wow. I can’t believe you did that just to get someone’s attention”Clara said looking at her. But she didn’t mind her but kept smiling like an idiot.

Justin and his friends went back to what they were discussing. But suddenly Daniel brought up another topic”I think of going to the store today”he said smiling. “That’s not a big deal”Justin said looking at him. “But not any store out there. You should understand what I mean”Daniel said looking at Justin. Justin smiled after understanding what he meant. “But I will advise you not to. If you don’t want the cops to arrest you without warrant”Justin said and they all bursted out into laughter. “You guys are funny. What’s wrong with going to a store?”Jasper said wondering what they were talking about. “Is that true? Don’t tell me you went back there after that day?”Daniel said looking at him. “Why will I do that? Am not that kind of a jobless person you know”Justin said looking guilty. “That’s true, I trust you for that”Daniel said smiling. “What are you guys talking about? What’s wrong with going to a store?”Drake asked looking at them suspiciously. Justin and Daniel both looked at each other smiling. “It’s nothing bro.”Daniel said patting his shoulder lightly.
They got to their cars and they bid themselves farewell and left their separate ways.

At Mr David’s office, Charlie sat on an office chair opposite to Mr David.
“I know your mum would have told you everything. I want you to go back to school and I’ll help you with everything you’ll be needing in school. I would like you to be in the same school as Hanna just for some reasons and I heard you told your mum you don’t want to just because it’s too expensive”Mr David said looking at Charlie. “Yes sir. I told her that because that school is too much for someone like me. I would like to attend a cheaper school than that if you don’t mind sir”Charlie said politely. Mr David smiles and continues”it’s OK dear. Am capable of sending you there because I have enough money to do that. I would love it if you accept the offer. I want you there for a better future and I think that could bring both you and Hanna together. I want you to monitor her steps and behavior in school because I know she’s engaging in bad acts these days. I would like it if you agree to resume there and continue with your education”Mr David said to her. “I understand you better sir. Thank you for the offer. I really appreciate it”she said smiling happily. She got home and told her mum she agreed to attend the school. Her mum was so happy about it.

When Mr David got home, he told Hanna about Charlie resuming to her school. She was not happy with it but pretended as if it was. Mr David was happy with her agreeing with it without any argument or objections.
Some days later, Mr David has finished all the preparations to let Charlie resume to royal hour university.
She resumed to school on Monday morning. One of Mr David’s driver drove her to school because that’s her first day. She got down from the car and stood at a spot like a poll. She looked around the compound in amazements. “Wow this is the royal hour my friends talk about in high school. It’s indeed a paradise”Charlie murmured to herself looking around. “I will take my leave now”the driver said with a little bow. “OK thank you sir”she said with a bow. the driver entered the car and drove out of the compound. She walked slowly not knowing which way to go. Some students were walking in the compound while some were sitting in group discussing and laughing. Charlie looked at the students and saw how well they dressed. Then looked down at herself. She was putting on a a pink jumpsuit and underneath it was a white top. And matched it with pairs white Snickers. She looks so perfect in those dress. She hung her bag on one shoulder holding the handle with her hand.

She looked round the compound as she walked without looking where she was heading to. The school looks like a new world to her. She bumped into someone and that brought back her attention. “Oh am sorry”she said picking up what fell down from the person. She raised up her head and saw Lucia. She handed her the phone and apologized.”it’s OK dear I was not watching my way also.”Lucia said looking at her.”Oh I’ve seen your face somewhere”charlie said looking at her. “Hmm you’re lucia”she added smiling. “That’s true but I can’t remember you”lucia said looking confused. “You saved me the other night”Charlie said smiling. Lucia looked at her closely and remembered the incident. “Oh that’s true. You’re Charlie. I don’t know you’re a student here”Lucia said smiling. “Actually, am just joining today. Thanks for the other day”Charlie said looking at her. “That’s OK. It’s good seeing you here”Lucia said smiling. “Me too”Charlie said smiling.
Just as they were talking, Justin and Daniel were coming towards them heading for morning class.


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