Shinning Crystal Episode 22 – 23

Shinning Crystal episode 1

Shinning Crystal Episode 22

Charlie stared at her for a while before she responded”Hanna I told you my mum sent me on an errand, what do you want me to do again?”she Asked looking at her. “Why are you asking me that? Or should I send her instead?”Hanna said staring at her. Charlie’s phone rings again, she saw it was Justin but she was not able to pick it. “Let her go I’ll do it”Charlie’s mother said from behind. Hanna looked back and was so angry her mom volunteer to help her. “Mum”Charlie called looking at her. “Just go. You’re late already. Remember I told you not to come late”her mum said looking at her. Hanna don’t know what to say because her muym butts in. Charlie smiled at her mum and she nodded her head for her to go. She looked at Hanna who was now fuming in anger, then she left the living room and walked out. “What do you want me to do?”madam Susan asked Hanna who was still looking at Charlie as she left. She turned to madam Susan looking at her with bad eyes, she then walked out on her in anger and left for her room. Madam Susan smiled and went back in. She has no idea of who Charlie wants to meet but she’s sure that person is so important to her.


Justin was standing outside the movie theater. He was searching for Charlie among the people, staring at the them as they arrived. He hope to just see her pop out of the crowd. He checked the time and it was 7:28,now he became more impatient and thought Charlie had forgot about the movie already. He feels so sad and disappointed. He has been calling her number but she wasn’t picking up. When it’s 7:30, he lost hope of seeing her and moved to go back home in disappointment. Meanwhile Charlie just arrived there, she got down from the taxi and gave the driver the accurate money. She checked the time and quickly walked in searching for Justin. She dialed his number but it was not reachable. She felt so bad thinking how long he would had waited for her. She walked back slowly feeling sad. “Hanna you caused this. I won’t forgive you if I lost this chance tonight”she thought to herself leaning on a wall behind her. “Why did you came late”a familiar voice pierced through her ear. She stood properly and faced the person. “Am so sorry. Something came up that was why am late. Am so sorry”she said looking at Justin. “It’s OK we can go in now”Justin said with a smile. They both left the place and went inside.
When they got in, the movie had started already, so they just looked for a sit somewhere at the back.

They both sat down and Justin held her hand as they watch the movie.
Charlie’s eyes was fixed on the screen at the beginning. But later, she started to doze off. Instead of Justin to just look at the screen, he prefer looking at her as she sleeps.
She opened her eyes and sat well looking at the screen again. Then Justin also rested his back staring at the screen. She started dosing off again. This time her head moved backward, Justin quickly guided it with his hand and rested it gently on his shoulder so that it won’t fall off. She adjusted her head head properly resting more comfortably on his shoulder. Justin looked at her and smiled”she hardly watched quarter of it before she slept off”he said smiling.

Few minutes later, the movie ended and people started moving out. He refused to wake her up as she was still sleeping. After a while, Charlie woke up but she wasn’t opening her eyes. When she knew she was sleeping on Justin’s shoulder, she smiled to herself.
“Since when do you like me? I only thought you found me annoying and stupid. I had wanted to ask this from the day you confessed. It’s OK, so far as you love me, I don’t need to know about that”Justin said supposing she won’t hear that since she’s sleeping. Charlie smiled to herself and replied”I just know I love you. I just woke up a day and found your love filled in my heart, your image always appear each time I close my eyes. I think we met by fate because, I had never loved someone as I love you”Charlie said with her head still on his shoulder. Justin was surprised she wasn’t sleeping and was happy with what she said.
“Can you promise me one thing?”Justin asked still smiling. Charlie raised her head and was staring at him. “What is it?”she asked looking at him. Justin took her hands looking straight into her eyes.”promise me no matter what happen between us In the future, you’ll never leave me. You’ll love me with all your heart like I do love you. Promise me you’ll never break my heart or let me down”Justin said looking at her. “I promise to stay with you. I promise never to let you down no matter what happen between us”she said smiling. “It’s a promise. Remember it can’t be broken”Justin said looking at her. “Yes it is. I sealed it today”Charlie said smiling. Justin drew her close to his body and gave her a warm hug. “I love you”he said smiling. “I love you too”Charlie said also smiling.”Am so happy right now but am sad we have to go back home now”Justin said still hugging her. “Me too. Am so sad”Charlie said. He released her and took her hand”Let’s go”Justin said standing up. He took her hand and they both left.


He drove her home, and when they got to the gate, Charlie got down from his car. She wanted to wave him goodbye but he has also came down. He walked to Charlie and hugged her”goodnight my heart”he said smiling. Hearing the word my heart,she smiled to herself”Goodnight”she replied and tried to withdraw herself from him but he didn’t let her her go. “Let’s stay a little longer like this”Justin said still hugging her.
Meanwhile, Hanna was watching them from her room upstairs.
Justin released her and gave her a Peck on her check”am leaving now”he said and left for his car. Charlie smiled and waved at him as he left.

Hanna watched all this with her head boiling in anger. She held her fist so tight that all the objects beside her started falling in the control of her power”How dear you? Charlie you’ll regret this. I promise you won’t get away with it. Why Justin of all guy?why?.”she said scattering her room with her wind power.

Episode 23

Charlie watched him till he drove down the street. She opened the gate and went in closing it behind her.
Hanna was not able to control herself, her room was messed up due to the power. Mrs David heard the noise from her room and went to Hanna’s door. She knocked on the door wondering what’s happening inside. “Hanna, what wrong?”her mum’s voice brought her back to her normal self. She looked around and saw what she has done. She quickly went to her door and closed it properly. “It’s nothing mum.”she said standing by the door. “Why those notices”her mum asked. “It’s nothing. Am OK”she replied. “Alright”her mum said and left. She bent down slowly looking at how her room got messed up. “It’s time to take back what’s suppose to be mine”she said still angry.
Charlie got in and went to her room still smiling. She met her mum sleeping already, she dropped her bag and sat gently beside her. Madam Susan opened her eyes and saw Charlie. “You’re back”she said smiling. “Yes mum.”she replied. “I told you not to come back late”her mum said looking at her. She checked the time and it was quarter to nine. “Am sorry for that”she said. “Go to bed now or you won’t wake up early for school tomorrow”her mum said looking at her. “OK mum”she said and stood up.


Justin got home with a smile. He responded well to the maids greetings with a broad smile. They all were surprise by that and concluded he’s in a happy mood today. He left the living room and went straight to his room. He’s dad traveled to take care of his business in Paris since a week now. He has nobody to stop him or ask him why he came late. He opened the door and went into his room whistling.
He took off his jacket and fell on his bed holding his phone. He texted a message to Charlie”hey, are you sleeping?”he pressed send and it delivered to charlie”no am not. Because I kept thinking about you”Charlie sent back to him. Justin read it and smiled. “Same with me. I don’t think I would be able to sleep alone”he sent to her. Charlie read it smiling. “I feel like seeing you once again”Justin texted again smiling. Charlie read it and laughed silently”OK, just close your eyes for 10 seconds thinking about me. Now open your eyes and turn around. you’ll find me right beside you.”Charlie sent it to him smiling.
Justin read this smiling. He closed his eyes and did as she instructed. He opened his eyes but nothing happened.”you’re not here.”he replied but Charlie had fallen asleep. He waited for her reply but there was none. “Sleeping?”he sent to her and still no reply. “She slept off already”Justin said and dropped his phone on the shelf beside him. He covered himself with his blanket closing his eyes to sleep. Few seconds later, he opened them back and turned to the other side”why am I the only one that can’t sleep right now.?”he said kicking his feet on the sofa.


A little girl was sitting on the floor crying with her dress covered in blood. Beside her was a woman, lying down in pool of blood. A car was packed beside them. the scene looks like there was an accident. “Mummy! Mummy wake up”the girl cried shaking the woman’s body. She will be around 9or10 years of age. She stood beside the woman crying. The woman is young probably 28years of age.
The girl cry more and more calling her mother”mummy! Mummy!! Mummy!!!
Charlie quickly woke up from her dream sweating and panting seriously. She looked at her mum and she was still sleeping. “What’s this dream about? This is the third time I would be having this same dream. Who are those people am seeing in my dreams?”she said looking scared. She checked the time and it was quarter past four.
She was not able to sleep soundly till morning.


The next day at school, Hanna called her on phone to meet her at the former practice room. Charlie wonder why she called her. She left for the place after telling Lucia where she’s going.
When she got there, she saw her standing in the middle of the large room with her back turned to her. Charlie moved closer to her wondering why the place of all places. The room was empty and wide. It has cobwebs at some angles.
“Why did you call me here?”she asked looking at her back view. Hanna turned to her and folded her arms. “I called you because I feel like doing that. Charlie what’s going on between you and Justin. Don’t tell me you guys are dating”hanna asked looking at her. Charlie was surprised by her question. She don’t know what to say to her, she was just staring at her. “I think am talking to someone here”Hanna said raising her voice. “What do you expect me to say about that?”Charlie replied looking at her. By now, she got more angry and feel like pounding on her but she stayed calm and moved closer to her. “I loved him first before you. I know what’s going on between you guys. How do you manage to seduce him? Huh? I know he can’t love someone like you, you must have seduced him. Tell me how you did that. Tell me right now”Hanna said pushing her angrily. “Will you stop this sh*t? Stop it now”Charlie shouted on her looking frustrated. Hanna was surprise by her attitude. She never saw her like that before. “Yes I love him and I don’t think I need permission from you before I can love who my heart chose.”Charlie said looking at her. “what?”Hanna said looking more angry. “Yes. You’re not a shame of yourself. How can you open that mouth and tell me that.? We may be living in your house as maid. But that doesn’t mean you have control over our lives.

My heart hurt because
You look so pitiful right now”Charlie said looking at her badly. “What? How dare you say that to me”Hanna said and slapped her face. Charlie moved back holding her cheek. “I’ll show you why am better than you”Hanna said looking at her. She raised her hand and threw Charlie on the ground with her power. Charlie fell to the ground and brushed her arm on the floor. She looked at it and saw blood, she then looked back at Hanna angrily. “I promise you’ll regret this later. You look more pathetic and stupid to use your power on me”Charlie said looking at her. “Will you shut that rotten mouth of yours?”Hanna said and blew her backward again. This time, Charlie hit her head on the wall and blood could be seen at the corner of her lips. Hanna moved closer to her and grabbed her neck. Charlie held her hand struggling to free herself”why can’t you use your power? You were not with any because you’re nothing but a trash.”she said looking at her. “Let me go now!”Charlie yelled at her.

“So bad I can’t”Hanna said still holding her. She hit her head on the wall again this time Charlie can’t take it anymore. She wanted to push her back with her hand but she flew away like a paper and hit her back on the wall. Charlie got surprised by this and stood up on her feet looking at Hanna who was now groaning in pain.

She wanted to move closer to her but her body moved in speed standing before Hanna. Hanna got scared looking at her. She moved back to the wall shaking in fear. “Don’t come closer please!”Hanna pleaded moving back although she can’t go any further than that because of the wall.


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5 years ago

They both have contacted power frm d crystal, one is higher than the other, deeper, Charlie lay hand on it while 3others held on the one that lay hand on the Crystal, meanning the one who lay hand contacted the generating source n is stored within her unknowinly to her, untill it’s manifestation when she was provoked. She was surprised, what a great lesson.