Shinning Crystal Episode 12 – 14

Shinning Crystal episode 1

Shinning Crystal Episode 12

Lucia looked at Charlie and saw the expression on her face”why? Don’t be moved by her words. She can’t do anything to you. let’s go”Lucia said. Charlie smiled nodding her head”let’s go”she said and they left the scene.
Justin was still sitting under the tree. He thought of why Charlie refuses to tell him her name. “I guess she’s still not comfortable around me”Justin said and stood up. “Hey.”he heard Daniel’s voice and looked at his direction. Daniel and Drake walked up to him. “Why are you here so early?”Drake asked looking at him. On a normal day, he doesn’t arrive early to school. So Daniel and Drake were surprised to see him in school by that time. He looked at both of them and smiled. “I don’t know myself. I just found myself coming here early. Isn’t that funny?”he said almost laughing out. “Let’s go”he said and moved ahead of them. Daniel and Drake looked at each other confusingly”what’s up with him?”Daniel asked Drake. “Are you asking me that?”Drake said making an expression which shows that he has no idea. They both shook their head and went after him.
A week later, the students were preparing to go on a school trip, only for first and second year students only. They were seen out in the compound. Some with big school bag and some with traveling bag. Lucia and Charlie stood among the students. Charlie was wearing an armless black flayed gown which was above her kneels showing her fresh laps, and pairs of white Snickers. She had few things in her school bag since it’s two days trip. They’ll be arriving the second day, so she didn’t pack too much things in the bag not to make it too heavy for her. Lucia was wearing a pink pant trouser and a white top. She also had a bag at her back not too big for her to carry.
At one side, Hanna and her friends were wearing the same outfit. A pink bum short and black top matched with their black Adidas Snickers. They had the same pink designer bag also which made them looks like triplets.

Of course Justin and his friends were also going with them. Justin was wearing a blue Jean trouser and a light blue designer jacket. Underneath the jacket was a pure with Polo. He wore a dark sunglass and on his feet were white sport Snickers. He stood among his friends, Daniel, Jasper and Drake.
Mr Benjamin, one of their professor stood in front of them by the long bus. “Hello. Once I call your name, enter the bus and sit down”Mr Benjamin said standing by the entrance of the bus. He started calling names and they moved in one after the other. When everyone was in, he also got in and then the door was closed. :
When they got to their destination, the driver stopped and everyone got down from the bus. They started moving around the place. Some were snapping pictures while some were busy looking around the environment. Mr Benjamin also got down with two other teachers. “Everybody should come together please”he said almost shouting. They heard his voice and all went back. “Now we start. I’ll group you in four and if you hear your name, stay with your group.”he said and brought out a note. He started calling their names together in four.
“I hope we were called together in the same group”Lucia said looking at Charlie. “Me too”Charlie said smiling.
Hanna and her friends also wished to be called together.
Mr Benjamin continue calling names until it got to Charlie and co. “Justin, Charlie, Daniel and Hanna”he called at last. He then called Lucia, Clara, Mina and a guy together.
“Oh no I don’t like that. I wish to go with you”Lucia said almost crying. She was still holding Charlie’s arm like a sticky gum as others has went to their group. “Lucia and Charlie go to your groups now!”Mr Benjamin said looking at them. “Don’t worry, it’s just a game. We’ll soon be back together again”Charlie said to her. Lucia left her hand and went to her group. So did Charlie.

Hanna was so happy to be in the same group with Justin but was sad that Charlie is there also. The four of them came together. Charlie turned to looked at Justin, she looked at him and saw that he was also staring at her. She quickly stared off pretending she wasn’t looking. Justin smiled and concentrated back on what Mr Benjamin was saying.
“Now let’s start the game.”Mr Benjamin said and gave each group a paper map.
After that, he went back to his position where everyone can see him. “Each group will use that map you have with you to find a blue flag with that logo on your map tied to a tree, the first group to arrive here with the blue flag having that logo are the winner”he said looking at them from one side to another.
“It starts now”Mr Benjamin said and they all scattered and started moving Toward the forest, With the intention of winning the game.

Episode 13

Some went with their bags while some left it in the bus. Charlie and Hanna left with their bag in case they might need something from there. Daniel was the one holding the map in his hand while others followed him. Daniel was leading, Justin walked behind Hanna while Charlie walked at the back. After walking for a while,Daniel stopped looking at the map”This map is so confusing. I think it’s this way”Daniel said pointing to the right when they got to a place with two paths. “Let me see it”Hanna said stretching her hand to look at the map. Daniel gave it to her and she checked the map carefully. “It’s this path”she said pointing to the left. “Are you sure?”Daniel said looking at the map again.
Justin and Charlie kept quiet not saying a word. “Yes am sure it’s the left”Hanna said looking at him. “OK. Let’s go”Daniel said and they started moving again. Justin noticed Charlie was walking behind so he stopped and bent down pretending he was tying his shoelace. When Charlie passed beside him, he stood up and walked behind her. They walked for a long time not getting where the map is heading. After a while, Daniel stopped and faced them”I can’t get the map anymore”Daniel said looking at them. Justin moved to him and collected it.

He checked it properly and quickly saw where the mistake was”we shouldn’t have turn left at that junction earlier. The map says right here”he said looking at Daniel. Daniel looked at Hanna and she stared off”you’re the one that confuses me. I said it was right but you said it’s left. Now we need to go back to that junction again”Daniel said looking at Hanna. “I just guess it was left when you said the map was confusing”Hanna said rudely. “What? You’re so dumb to tell where a map is heading to”Daniel said looking at her. “Am not dumb because I just wanted to help”Hanna said looking at him badly. “You are because I didn’t ask you to help”Daniel said again looking at her badly. “Just shut it and let’s go back”she said rudely to him. “What a…”
“You guys should stop this argument already and let’s go back now before we lose this game”Justin said looking at both of them. “Give me the map”Daniel said looking at Justin. Justin looked at him and handed it back to him. As they started moving, Hanna stepped on her shoelace and pushed Daniel who was holding the map in his hand. They both fell to the ground and the map flew from his hand and went far into the trees. “Oh no the map”Daniel said not looking at Hanna who fell to the ground. “Oh no”Charlie said sitting on the floor. Justin was also shocked to see the map flew away. He moved closer to Hanna and helped her up. “Thank you”she said smiling at Justin. Daniel turned to Hanna boiling in anger”you dare to laugh after letting the map disappear”Daniel said yelling at her angrily. Hanna was shocked to see Daniel’s face red in anger. “Am sorry. I don’t mean that to happen”she said pleading to them. “Calm down Daniel. Let’s just trace our steps back. Since we can’t see the map, let’s go back”Justin said looking at Daniel. Daniel looked at Hanna still feeling angry. Justin looked at Charlie who was sitting on the floor not saying anything about what happened. “Will you get up and let’s go?”he said stretching out his hand to help her up.

Charlie didn’t take his hand. But stood up by herself and adjusted her bag well. As she tried to move, her leg slipped and she fell back on the ground”hey be careful”before Justin could finish, she has rolled down the cliff behind her until she landed on the floor deep down. Daniel and Hanna quickly bent down by the tree looking down at where she fell but all they could see was leaves. “Help!”Charlie shouted from where she is. They heard her voice and moved closer to the cliff. “I can hear her voice. We have to do something”Justin said panicking. “What should we do?”Daniel asked looking at Justin. Justin moved closer to the end and bent down”hey. Can you hear me?”he shouted on top of his voice. “Yes I can”Charlie replied from there. “Am sorry guys, I can’t leave her there”Justin said looking at them. “What can you do….”before Hanna could finish, Justin also moved to the edge and rolled down the cliff.
He fell on the dry leaves beside Charlie, and started coughing. Charlie saw him and quickly moved closer to him. Justin stopped coughing looking at Charlie”are you OK”they both asked at the same time. They were both staring at each other awkwardly after the question.

Episode 14

Charlie heart started beating fast as they were both staring at each other without blinking.
They both heard a sound from their side which brought both of them back. They looked at the direction of the sound and saw Hanna and Daniel on the floor. “Ouch my leg”Hanna shouted in pain. She was resting her head on Daniel’s chest. Daniel pushed her heard away from his chest and it landed on the leaves. He quickly moved to Charlie”are you OK?”he asked looking at her. “Yes I am”Charlie said to him. Hanna looked at them and felt left out as she saw Daniel and Justin caring for Charlie. “What should we do now?”Charlie said looking at where they are. The place has a path to follow but by them following it, they don’t know where it leads to. “Let’s me call Jasper and tell him the situation”Daniel said reaching for his phone. He removed it from his pocket and dialed Jasper’s number but there was no service there, so the call was not connecting. “Oh no. There’s no service here”he said raising his phone up and moving it to different angles. “Charlie brought out her phone to call Lucia also but there was no service. So did Justin and Hanna also tried but it’s still the same.

“Oh no. Let’s get out of her first”Daniel said standing up. They all stood up and stated moving towards the path they saw. They walked down the narrow path until they got to a place with many trees that looks like the normal forest they were following before. “Guys am so tired. Let’s rest a little bit”Hanna said walking slowly. “Yes. Let’s rest a bit before we continue”Justin said and sat down. “When would we get back to others? It’s getting late already”Daniel said looking at them. “Just for 5minutes”Hanna said looking at Daniel. He looked at them and also sat down beside a tree, so did Charlie. “What trouble have we gotten ourselves into just because dumb girl’s idea”Daniel said looking at Hanna. “It was a mistake. So stop blaming me. When you know it’s not the right path, why did you follow my idea”Hanna said back to him. “You’re so dumb and annoying. Just shut it and continue your resting ok”Daniel said and looked away angrily. “Daniel, this is not time to blame one another. We just have to think of a way to get back to others”Justin said looking at Daniel.
After that, they all went silent for a while.

Suddenly, they heard a sound coming from the right direction. It’s sounds scary and louder each second. They all looked at each other to be sure it was not only a person hearing that sound.
It stopped for a while, then sounded again this time, more louder than the first one. They all looked at the direction of the sound and saw a figure that looks like a big animal. “Run!”Daniel said and they all started running as fast as they could. Hanna and chalie ran so fast as they could while, Justin and Daniel also ran after them. They looked back and the animal was still chasing them but still a little far from them. Charlie fell down when the got to a junction. Justin looked back and quickly went back to help her up before it could get to them. He held her hand tightly and started running with her. Charlie looked at Justin’s face as he ran with her. Hanna and Daniel has taken another path while Justin and Charlie ran through the opposite path not looking back.
When they got to a place, Justin looked back and couldn’t find the animal again. They both stopped and stood behind a tree, breathing heavily to catch there breath. “Are you OK?”Justin asked Charlie. She nodded her head in response still breathing heavily. “Where’s Daniel and the other girl?”Justin asked looking around.
Daniel and Hanna got to a place and hid behind a tree breathing heavily. Daniel peeped through the side of the big tree and saw the animal that was chasing them. It was a huge boar, it stood in the middle of the forest looking around hungrily. by that time what so ever it catches, can be count as dead. It stood there for minutes before it ran deep through the forest again. Daniel and Hanna were breathing heavily. “Where’s Justin and the other girl?”he asked looking around. ” We lost each other”Hanna said looking around. “Oh my God. This is getting more complicated”Daniel said looking sad. “Let’s just find them, they might be near somewhere”Hanna said looking at Daniel. “Let’s take this path”Daniel said pointing to a path. They both left the place heading towards another path.
Justin and Charlie started looking around for Daniel and Hanna. “Daniel!”Justin shouted. “Anastasia”Charlie called after him. “Is that her name?”Justin asked Charlie. She nodded her head to him saying yes. “Daniel! Hanna!”Charlie called out again taking a path. “Daniel! Hanna”they both called together heading down the forest.
They called but can’t hear any respond. After a long search, they both sat beside a tree feeling tired.

Charlie checked the time and it says 6:20. She started feeling worried and scared. “We need to get out of here”she said not looking at Justin. “I know we do, but we’re lost and trapped here. How can we get back? All we should be thinking of right now is a place to sleep till tomorrow before we continue our journey. because it’s getting dark already.”Justin said also feeling bad. “Wait here I’ll be right back. Let me get some woods to make fire with”Justin said standing up. “Alright”Charlie said and removed her bag from her back placing it beside her. Justin left her there in search of woods.
Few minutes later, he’s not yet back. Charlie started to get worried about him. “Why is he talking so long”she said looking around.
She yawn and rested her head on the tree.

Justin was searching for woods in the middle of the trees. then suddenly, a boar appeared staring at him hungrily. He saw it and started running but it chased after him so fast. Justin was out of breath and fell down on the floor after a long running. The boar approached him and he started moving back. The boar pounced on him and bit him by the leg.
Charlie quickly opened her eyes breathing heavily. “Oh no that was a bad dream”she said trembling in fear. She checked her wristwatch and it said 6:50. She quickly stood up on her feet and started moving towards the path Justin took. “Justin! Justin!!”she called with tears gathering in her eyes. “Justin where are you?”she shouted again looking round the forest. When she didn’t hear him, she was scared something bad had happened then tears started streaming down her cheek.

After a while, Justin was just arriving with little woods in his hand. He saw how Charlie was calling his name and the tears on her face. Charlie saw him and wiped the tears on her face. Justin quickly dropped the woods in his hand and moved to her. “Why are you…”before he could finish talking, she hugged him so tightly sobbing in tears. “I thought I lost you”she said sobbing.
Justin was so surprised by the hug.


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