Shattered Dreams Episode 25 – 26 By Nissi Adeola

Shattered Dreams by Nissi Adeola Episode 1

Shattered Dreams Episode 25 By Nissi Adeola

The meal prepared by Marcel was surprisingly delicious, quenching the fears in Alexander’s heart that the meal might not sit well with her. The lunch was lively and Alexa was not as nervous as she initially was. It was filled with laughter, small talks, comfortable silence and clattering of utensils against plates. After the meal, Alexander was so filled up that she wondered if she would be able to walk to her car. Marcel did not have to even convince her twice to stay some more when she agreed.
As they sat on the couch in the sitting room, Marcel looked directly at Alexa. “Are you now going to tell me what is troubling you?” he asked.
Alexander frowned. “I never told you that I was troubled, besides, Michael’s drama is enough worry”.
“You don’t have to worry about Michael; I would take care of it. Something else is the problem and I can feel it in you. You were terribly tense and probably shaken. Did something happen?” Marcel asked and knew something was amiss when Alexa’s eyes darkened and cleared again. “Tell me the truth” he ordered authoritatively.
She started playing with her fingers again. “It is Uncle Tony; Pat’s dad” she blurted out. “I really shouldn’t you this”.
Marcel felt his blood run cold. He had felt the same tension with Patricia but the woman had been too locked up in helping him, forgoing her own problems. “What is wrong with him?”
Alexa stood up. “He has CHD” she blurted out.
“And what the hell is that?” Marcel asked in frustrated anguish.
“Coronary Heart Disease. It has degenerated to a terrible state which has no medical remedy” her hands shook. It had been a terrible bomb when she had heard the news the previous day. “I don’t want him to…”
Marcel reached her side and pulled her into his arms. Several thoughts went through his mind as he held Alexa. He wanted to wipe away the pain she was feeling. But even as he thought of this, he knew that Pat was going through something much more terrible. Pat Williams definitely had to be the strongest woman he had ever met. She had such heavy burden and still was concerned about other people’s predicaments. Marcel felt as guilty as hell for inflicting more burden on her, he only wish he had found out sooner. He wished there was really something he could do about the current situation. He ran his fingers through Alexander’s hair and kissed her forehead. “It would be fine”.

No matter how hard Pat tried to keep herself busy, she always found herself going deep in thoughts. Patricia had never had a cause to go knee deep into Heart Disease medical researches but she had found herself doing that more often than not. Pat had read so much about CHD during the last few days that she could easily be termed a specialist in the bizarre field. Pat had done all she could to persuade her mum into disclosing her dad’s whereabouts but Prisca would not just bulge. She argued that their dad was not away that Pat already knew because he was not ready to tell the children yet. It had been devastating, not being able to see her dad and know how he was faring but Pat had to live with that for now.
When Pat had tried unsuccessfully to concentrate on other things, she continued her research. She went on net and found something. A heart transplant! That is it! She jumped up. “Of course” she said out loud.” Why hadn’t the idea popped up sooner? And why hadn’t her dad and Mr. Richard thought of this? She wondered. Anyways, she hoped that they hadn’t thought of it because she did not want to conceive the idea that that also was a dead end.
The thought that she could do something for her dad even before she met him propelled her to her feet. She took her bag without even changing her clothes, ready to go and see her uncle – Mr. Branson at Best Results. As she walked towards the door, she heard a knock. She frowned. God knows I am not ready for any visitor now’ she said to herself, ready to tell off whoever it was at the door. Immediately she opened the door, she saw Marcel… or…. She took a closer look. Marcel had never been to her house before and Pat assumed that he would have the courtesy of calling first. Only Michael would come to her house unannounced. Looking at the way he stood also, it matched Alexa’s descriptions perfectly.
“Michael”, she murmured, showing off no emotions at all.
“I see you recognized me faster” he responded with a wolfish grin.
“What are you doing here?” she asked. “I am on my way out.”
He smiled. “I want is to have a little chat” he said
“As you can see, I don’t have time for little chats”
“Then perhaps you should make time” he slipped past her into the house. Pat hadn’t tried stopping him because a part of her wanted to know what brings the devil to her domain. Anger threatened to surface but she wisely shoved it away, knowing that emotional displays was the last thing she needed right now.
Michael went ahead to appreciate the interior décor, intentionally wasting time to get on Pat’s bad side but she pasted a practiced pleasant smile on her face. Finally, he sat down and Pat did likewise. “Now that you are done with all the blabbing, what may I do for you?” Pat asked half-sweetly.
“No refreshments?” he asked annoyingly.
Pat’s smile only spread. “I serve visitors, not pests”. Anger etched Michael’s brow but Pat’s smile did not falter for a second.
“Since you are bent on being hostile despite my efforts, I would get down to business” he began. “I noticed that you have been meddling in my affairs and it is beginning to get on my nerves. I want you off Marcel’s back” be declared. He waited for Pat’s response but received none. “You have been surfacing in matters that least concerns you and it is irritating. What is between Marcel and I is strictly a family matter, you are clearly an outsider so stay out of it” he landed again.
Patricia smiled. “Ok, let’s see… To start with, I have no idea what family matter I am involved in here. Marcel is an official assignment and the person in question has agreed to help me carry out my assignment. Whatever I do for him is just to make sure that my end is not affected.” She stated.
“You had no right to bail him out” he declared in anger.
“The law does not hold me back from bailing out whomever I so please, so legally, I have the right. As I stated before, he is helping me with my official assignment, how is he supposed to do that when he is locked up uhn? I just did the logical thing” she said and smiled. “Tell me Michael, why do you want him out of your hair uhn? I thought twins protect each other and not the other way round”
“He deserves to be locked up because he impersonated me by taking over my company and my woman. I know he would have fed you with enough lies and I don’t give a damn what you think but I would certainly make sure he pays for everything he has done. I would do everything in my power to make that happen”
“Really? Not if I can help it”
Michael stood up with an evil smile. He suddenly seemed relaxed and Pat got a fair warning even before he opened his mouth. “How would you love your family members to pay for your nosiness?” he grinned. “Your mum? You love her very much don’t you? Hmmm… what is her routine like? She goes to her massive boutique every week day and comes back home 6 o’clock except days like Tuesdays and Wednesdays when she attends midweek services at ‘The Light’. She visits your aunt mostly on Saturdays when she can spend most of her time with her best friend or step sister; whichever one you call it” he laughed. “Her routine is the simplest, I wonder how she does not get bored with life”
“What are you driving at” Patricia was trying hard to remain passive and unaffected.
He laughed and formed a sympathetic look. “Oh Pat Williams, you are smart enough to know what I am talking about. If you won’t steer clear of Marcel and I, I would make sure you regret it. I would torture you through the people you love. What of your sister uhn? I am sure she is in class right now taking lectures. What would she be having now?” he pretended to think. “Yes, it should be 401. That wicked lecturer of hers would always put his class at this time. I am sure you would not want to do anything to stop her from finally graduating as a law student next year from the very famous UNILAG.” He smiled. “Oh, your dad; your dad is free” he laughed hard. “Because even without my help, he would die anyways” Pat’s eyes sparked and beamed fire.
Michael laughed and made for the exit. “A word is enough”

Tony lifted his arm painfully as he tried to grab a glass of water. It seemed as though all his organs were beginning to fail. Pain racked through him, causing him to drop his hand without picking the cup of water. His eyes blurred and he closed his eyes tightly. He concentrated on drawing breath into his system and even though it seemed like a very simple task, he had to fully concentrate in order to be able to carry this out successfully.

His phone rang and he stared at it as he strained to check the caller but stopped when the song registered. He picked up the phone. “Prisca” he forced out.

“Tony, are you OK?” Prisca asked immediately, noticing the strained sound of his voice.

“Yes, I’m fine”

“I am coming over” Prisca’s voice shook. “I am taking you to the hospital today even if I have to drag you by the hair. You are locking up yourself so you would have an excuse when something bad happens right? Well, sorry, I am not giving you an excuse. You would have to fight to live for those who loves you” she ranted on. Tony could hear the sound of movements at the other end. “Don’t move an inch. It is an order” she ordered

Tony chuckled softly and gasped as pain took over him. “Be… Be careful”. He managed but Prisca had already hung up.

For once, Tony remained obedient because he could not even do otherwise. Prisca had tried all she could ever since she found out about his health some days back to get Tony to go home with her but he had vehemently refused. She was right, Tony was not fighting. Maybe because he had been fighting it for a long time. He had discovered this heart disease a long time ago but kept it secret. Everything he had tried had failed and not it had failed terribly. A heart transplant was the only solution that he and Richard had arrived at but due to the rare size and type of Tony’s heart, they hadn’t found any, and there was practically no hope at finding one.

Tony swallowed when he heard the sound of Prisca’s car some minutes later. She jumped into the apartment like a woman at war. “You are the most stubborn man I have ever come across, I sometimes wonder why I married you” she blabbed immediately she entered, moving towards him.

He smiled softly. “Like you had a choice. I would have kidnapped you if you refused to marry me”

“Just shut up and relax” she said, checking his temperature. Tony was definitely relaxing, he loved it when Prisca was fusing over him like this, though he wished he was healthy in order to be able to take advantage of the mellow drama. She picked the glass of water and placed it against his lips. He drank some of it and was a bit relieved. She helped him up softly and he winced slightly. “What is wrong? Did I hurt ypi? Would you sit first?” She ranted, tears coming to her eyes. Tony smiled weakly.

“I am fine honey”

She nodded, blinking several times. She moved him very slowly to her car and made him sit at the front where she could easily look at him. When he was seated, she got behind the wheels and headed towards Best Results.


Patricia replayed what had just happened in her head. Unlike before, the instinct to record had deserted her, just when she needed it the most. Michael had just gambled with her family, the one thing that she treasured the most. Everyone had a weak spot and Pat knew that her family was her weak spot; something Michael had definitely figured out. She could not put her family in danger, Pat knew that; at the same time, she could not abandon Marcel at a time like this. If Michael thought he had had Pat Williams figured out and curtailed, he should better think again. Pat not only knew how to act, she could also act under cover. Although now, she had to be terribly careful.
“All these cant stop me from going to Best Results”, she said to herself. As for Michael, he would pay for messing with my family, or my name is not Patricia Williams.
She carried her bag and surveyed the chair Michael sat on to be certain that he did not deposit something there. After checking the house, she exited the house, locking up the doors behind her. Pat entered her car and drove out. She instantly took note of the cars behind her because if her instincts were correct, Michael would have planted someone to trail her. Pat saw two black cars and one red car. She nodded and drove on. Pat drove at steady rates, turning everywhere she saw a turning, stalling her visit to Best Results. At first, two of the cars turned with her; the black and the red. After several diversions, only the black was behind her. She moved at a steady rate, making it seem as though she was not taking note of the car behind her. She smiled vaguely. How vain!
She took out her phone and called the only person who seemed as much as a schemer as she was. “Hello Felicia” she said.
“Hey journalist; is everything moving smoothly over there” Felicia responded.
Pat smiled dryly. “It would have been if Michael did not pay me a visit”
“He did?” she asked with almost no surprise at all.
“He has figured that I helped Marcel and he is seemingly furious, threatening to hurt my family if I move an inch towards his direction” she said with a smile, terribly downplaying Michael’s visit.
“Oh… I wish I could just end this guy once and for all” she breathed in anger.
Pat smiled. “I assume that he does not know that you are out of jail. He came to Nigeria when he heard that you were already in police custody, so I think he did not know that Marcel secured your release. We are going to play on that ignorance while I operate on a low key. Since I have noticed that we reason alike, we won’t have problems” Pat said.
“Aye aye captain”


 The tension that Prisca was feeling was exceedingly high and Belina had lost ideas as to how to comfort and pacify her. Tony had grown considerably worse before she arrived the hospital, making her lose focus, nearly leading to accidents a number of times. Prisca hadn’t taken Tony to his own hospital because she trusted the better hands of Richard since he was known to be exceptionally good in the field, just like her own husband. The nurses had rushed to help Tony out, providing the stretcher when Tony could not muster the strength to walk on his own. Prisca was beside herself with fright, even though she had put up a bold front throughout the drive to encourage her husband.
Belina had rushed to the hospital immediately Prisca called. Belina had never envisioned a situation where her sister and best friend would be in such distress and seeing it actually happen was almost more that Belina could bear.
“It is going to be OK Pric” Belina tried to pacify again. “Why don’t you sit down for a minute?”
Prisca paced, her hands were flying in all directions. “What is happening in there Lina?” she asked, looking totally unlike her usual self. “Is my Tony still breathing?”
“What sort of ridiculous question is that? He is definitely breathing, why are you being negative?” Belina snapped. The nervous state was already rubbing off on her.
“He was having trouble breathing Lina, he was actually gasping” she gasped out. “Do you think you could check what is going on?” she held Belina’s cloth with unsettled eyes. “You are Richard’s wife, they would let you in, please”
Belina exhaled and pulled Prisca into her arms. “Calm down, He is going to be alright, let’s just have faith”.
Prisca cried bitterly and her tears soaked Belina’s clothes without notice. “I have prayed more prayers these past five days than I have done since I was born. Why did God choose to test me this way?” she cried out. “Have I not been a good enough person? If I haven’t, why does God have to take it out on Tony and not me?”
“Stop saying that” Belina said softly and held Prisca’s face in her two hands. No matter how hard she tried to contain her emotions, tears slipped from her eyes. It was terribly hard seeing her sister in pains; she definitely did not deserve this. “You are the sweetest and nicest person on the face of the earth, I am sure that this is just a test, it will pass.” She whispered. “C’mon, sit here, let me get you a cup of tea” Prisca shook her head.
“What is going on here?”
Prisca and Belina turned to see Pat standing close to them, looking very confused and alarmed. “What is going on?” she asked again. “Where is dad?”
Prisca hurriedly dried her face. “Baby, calm down. Dad is fine”
“Stop this mum, I am not a kid who needs to be pacified; tell me what is going on. I want to know what is going on with my dad” she breathed and her face transformed, looking more unreadable and tense.  “Mummy B” she called, pleading. Her eyes went straight to the door at the far end of the room. She knew that her dad must be somewhere behind that door, if she could enter fast enough without being stopped…
Belina and Prisca read the look in her eyes before she could carry out her thought. “Calm down Pat” Prisca said.
“Your dad is receiving treatment, he would be fine” Belina said softly.
Patricia nodded several times. No, I am not the crying type so I won’t develop the habit now, she told herself. Michael’s words about her father came back like a flood and she had to shake her head to drive it away. She blinked severally and took a deep breath. “What happened?”
“Why don’t you both sit down” Belina whispered and thankfully, they both complied. She rushed off to get something for the two of them; they really needed to calm down. Belina blinked several times but tears continued to drop. She wiped off her face steadily. Tony is alive, so there is no reason why I should cry, she told herself.
Belina rushed back with steaming cups of tea but found neither of them. She dropped the tray instantly and started searching for them. After asking the staff, she discovered that they had stepped out of the hospital. She instantly went in search of them. Neither of their cars was taken so she presumed they went on foot. She rushed to the road and sighted the color of Prisca’s jacket afar off. She picked up her full gown and started running hastily. Of all days, she obviously chose a wrong time to put on a flowing gown. Trousers would be excellent at a time like this, she thought. She got a bit closer and was now certain that it was indeed Prisca and Pat. “Prisca” she shouted on top of her lungs but it was obviously not loud enough for Prisca or even Pat to hear. It was getting darker and Belina became very worried. She never should have left the two alone; a staff could have brought the tea. She breathed and started running again.
Belina got closer and closer and finally slowed down to be able to catch her breath. Prisca was holding on to Pat’s hand tight as they walked and Belina felt the bond between them. “We should tell Tina” she heard Pat whisper to Prisca. “It is unfair that she is completely in the dark”
Prisca exhaled shakily. “She should be able to focus in school. This is her final year and she has exams which begin in two weeks. This news would totally destabilize her” Prisca said.
Belina breathed. “Prisca” she called.
The two women turned sharply.
“What is this? You got me terribly worried. Where are you going off to”
Prisca swallowed. “We are looking for a church Lina. I need to tell God to save my husband for me” she breathed. “I have been saying this in the hospital but maybe God is focused on churches today, so my prayer would have a better chance if I also go to a church”
Pat looked away, struggling to keep her composure. Belina went to hold Pat’s hand. “Why don’t we all go together then” she smiled softly.
They sighted a church and they all entered. The church was really small but luckily, it was open, unlike all the closed ones that Pat and her mum had discovered earlier. They walked into the sanctuary and reached the alter in no time. Prisca knelt before the altar and was silent. Belina knelt beside her also and held her hand tight, linking their fingers. Pat stood behind them, looking at the pulpit like it was some sort of unknown creature.
“Father” Prisca began. “Do you remember the day I was joined with my husband? It is still fresh in my memory. There was so much happiness in my heart that day because Tony and I were able to keep your commandments. We were joined together in your presence, till death do us part. But Lord, you never told me that we would be parted this soon” she cried. Belina gripped her sister’s hand as fresh tears sprang to her eyes. “Remember God; that you promised to satisfy us with long life. I am not ready to be a widow, Lord. Look at me; I am not ready to lose my husband.” She cried. “He is going through too much pain” she cried. “Please make a way. Please Father”
This was definitely too much for Belina to bear. She gathered Prisca in her arms and rocked her. Pat ran her hands through her mum’s hair, trying to pacify her. Prisca suddenly raised her head. “Your dad may be fine now” she said to Pat. “Lina, should we go back now?” she asked and Belina nodded. Prisca wiped her face and got up. Patricia stayed back.
“I would join you there” she said.
Belina looked concerned. “Why? You are pretending to be strong Pat; it is alright to show your emotions. Are you sure I shouldn’t stay with you?”
Pat smiled. “I am sure. Mummy needs to be at the hospital for dad, I would just take some minutes. Please stay with her, Mummy B”
“Pat? Your dad would like to see you too, let’s go” Prisca said softly.
“I would be there, please”
Belina nodded and kissed Pat’s cheek before leading Prisca out.
Patricia stood for more than one minute, looking at the altar without saying a word. She absolutely believed in God, seeing the way her family members referenced God made her know that there must be something special about God. Although, Patricia was still somewhat unsure of where she stood in God’s heart. The only set of people who loved her in the world were her parents, her sister, Tina; her aunt and uncle Richard and Alexa. Apart from those people and a few minor friends whom Pat could not even vouch for, it seemed that no one else loved her. No one really cared about the soft personality behind the strong façade that she carried around. No one had made Pat feel like a girl.
She stared at the altar. What is to determine that it was any different with God? She wondered. If everyone does not love me, how do I know if God feels any differently? She swallowed the bitter thought. “God, I know you may not love me as much as you love others, I understand because frankly, I am not exactly loveable.” She said, pointing to herself. “Although, I love my parents a lot. I don’t want my father to die. My mum is suffering terribly and my sister in completely in the dark. If you won’t do this for me, please do it for my mum, I am sure you love her very much. She is hurting because of dad, please. Thank you sir” she nodded and looked around before turning and walking out of the church.
The breeze blew pat’s hair as she walked slowly out of the church and back on the road. She shivered as the breeze chilled her skin, giving her Goosebumps. She dreaded entering the hospital because she had no idea what news she would receive. Her mind flashed through all the times she had spent with her dad. The times they all went on vacation together, going on sea and paddling canoes. The times her dad had sat her down, talking about all the romantic times he had with her mum. Patricia hugged herself tightly and swallowed the lump that clung to her throat. She turned into the hospital and hesitated. Her eyes blurred with tears and she blinked severally. She cast away negative thoughts and entered the hospital with renewed strength.
Immediately she entered, the first person she saw was Marcel. She paused. What is he doing here? Marcel’s gaze shifted and collided with hers and she saw something change in his facial expression. Pat noticed Alexa immediately she started coming towards her.
Alexa hastened her steps, almost running. “Pat” she gasped out and enveloped Patricia in a warm embrace without even giving her a moment to think. Pat was the one who comforts others and it felt strange being comforted.
“Stop being a baby Alexa, dad is alive and he would be for a very long time” she said sharply, trying to dislodge Alexander’s arms.
Alexa’s hands only tightened. “He is definitely not dying till he is filled with grey hairs, Pat; I just want to hold you”
Marcel was now directly behind the duo. Pat feigned a cough. “Well, this is more or less like a murder case because you are choking me half to death with this hug”
Alexa pulled back and shook her head. “What would I do with you?”
Pat’s response only stayed in her brain. She stared at Marcel, wondering why he had come. Alexa apparently must have given him the gist. He opened his mouth and was about to say something but Pat’s attention was immediately diverted. She sighted her mum rushing towards her uncle, Dr Richard and she instantly raced there. She held her mum as she gazed up at Richard.
“Richard, how is Tony?” Prisca asked instantly, grabbing Richard’s hand.
“How is my dad sir?” Pat asked shakily.
Richard looked very weary and tired and Belina went to secure her arms around his waist comfortingly. Tony had been Richard’s best friend since forever and this was definitely hard for him. Alexander shook and Marcel wrapped his arms securely around her, wishing he could do the same for Pat who was determined on putting up a brave front.
“He is in a critical condition.” Richard managed. “He can’t leave here under any circumstance for the time being. He has been moved to the Intensive Care Unit, he would receive adequate care there”
“But when would he get better” Pat yelled and then realized that her voice had been too high. “I want to see my dad”
Prisca pulled Pat closer. “Richard, please I need to see Tony” she did not waste time cleaning the tears that dropped. She had dreaded this.
“Not now, please wait a few more minutes; I would inform you when you can see him. One person at a time. Prisca, please be strong, Tony is a fighter, he won’t leave us.” Richard said softly. He stared at Pat and went to meet her. Patricia felt shaken to her bones and she did not know when she hugged Richard. He was just like a father, just like her father, but yet, not her father. “He would be fine” Richard whispered and kissed her forehead. Carefully excusing himself, he went to his office, feeling like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Belina entered Richard’s office when she was finally able to leave Prisca and Pat, and met Richard sitting on his seat, leaning forward, with his head in his hands. He looked totally drained and Belina hastened towards him. Tony’s case had turned Richard to a workaholic, always studying to see if he could invent a new method of treatment, since it was taking forever to find a suitable donor. She reached him but he did not seem to notice her presence. Her heart bled. It was terrible enough that Tony was sick but it was even worse seeing how much it affected everyone. Belina stayed behind Richard and gently placed her hands on his shoulders. He did not seem shocked so she knew that he was aware of her presence. She massaged his shoulders slowly and softly, releasing the tight knots until she felt him relax beneath her fingers. “Honey?” she whispered softly.
Richard exhaled. “I have failed” he declared. “Tony is going through so much pain and there is nothing I can do about it”
Belina swallowed. “Don’t say that Richie, don’t do this to yourself. There is still hope; we can still find a donor”
“When? When the worst has happened?”
Belina froze. “Stop it Richard. Look at me” she said and forced his head up by herself. “Stop being negative, nothing would happen to Tony, he would be fine. Fine. God has been with Best Results Hospital, providing miracles even at the least expected times. We must not lose faith now, please” she pleaded.
Richard looked at her for a long time and finally exhaled, pulling Belina onto his laps. Belina curled against his chest, pushing her head against the curve of his neck. She felt completely at peace and protected with Richard’s arms around her. Richard put his nose in her hair and inhaled deeply, having the rich scent wash away his fears. Belina was always his medicine and he would forever be grateful to God that he married his own missing rib and not someone else’s. “I love you” he whispered and she smiled, cuddling closer.

Pat stayed with her mum till they were informed that one person could go in to see her dad. Prisca sprang up instantly and went inside. Patricia exhaled deeply, feeling this painful. heaviness deep within. Pat felt a presence and turned to see Marcel hovering over her. He smiled softly, one of those compassionate smiles and lowered himself beside her. He sat beside her quietly, and she felt the heat emanating from him. She fought the urge to touch him.

“Are you not going to say anything?” Pat asked.

Marcel shrugged. “I think you don’t want to feel my concern for you from my words since you did not accept it from Alexa, so I figured it would be better if I just sit with you”

Pat swallowed. “Why did you come?” She asked.

“You did not leave me when I needed you, I won’t do that now. You pretend not to need anyone but I know better”

Patricia turned her head and her eyes locked with his. Marcel pulled her side against his until her head lay stiffly on his shoulders. He rubbed her arm until the chill she felt was replaced by his warmth and she started to relax. “It would be alright” Marcel whispered and Pat surprisingly found herself believing the words.


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