Shattered Dreams Episode 23 – 24 By Nissi Adeola

Shattered Dreams Episode 2 By Nissi Adeola

Shattered Dreams Episode 23 By Nissi Adeola

Patricia rubbed her fingers against her throbbing temples. Her head was aching terribly and she feared it would split in a matter of seconds. Her mum had left the house since yesterday and she was not back yet, she wondered what had happened. She had called almost a million times but the phone just rang without it being picked. She had sent a million messages and just recently, all her mum could reply with was a short, ‘I am fine, don’t worry about me’. What is going on? Pat wondered.

Patricia walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup, filled it with juice from the refrigerator and downed it at a go. She refilled and took her time sipping it as she walked back into the sitting room. As she got there, the door of the main entrance opened and Prisca entered. Pat rushed over to her, causing some liquid to spill over the rim of the cup. “Mum, where have you been?”

“That is no way to greet your mother” Prisca responded.

Pat breathed out slowly. “Welcome mum, where have you been since yesterday?”

Prisca shook her head. “Pat, you forget that I am your mother and not the other way round. I am a full grown woman, don’t worry too much about me”.

“How can you even say that mum? You tell me suddenly that dad wants a divorce and suddenly I don’t see you for another fifteen hours and you expect me to be calm and collected? Where were you?” Pat questioned.

Prisca exhaled. “With your dad, we are getting back together” She smiled.

Pat frowned. “Just like that? What about the pregnant woman? Why hasn’t his phone been going by the way? I wanted to give him a piece of my mind”

“You would do no such thing woman” Prisca said with a threatening look.

“Tell me the truth mum, were you really with dad?” Pat asked, her instinct was telling her that something was not clicking. “I won’t forgive you mum if I find out that you are hiding something. You know me mum, I would find out.” She sat beside her mum. “You can confide in me mum”

Prisca closed her eyes and did not respond for about a minute but Prisca waited. She finally opened them but her eyes were slightly moist. She exhaled and Pat became scared. “Tony never cheated, he merely lied.” She lowered her head into her hands. “He has an incurable heart disease”.

The words dropped like a bomb and Patricia slowly turned her head away from her with a look of horror. She had thought her head was aching now but now, it banged as loud as a church bell and she instantly pressed her fingers hard against her temples.

“My God Pat, take it easy. Let me get you water”

Pat massaged her temples feverishly as the information ran in circles in her head. Oh no! Oh noooo!! She was oblivious to the ringing of her phone, all she could think of was the information she just got. Prisca brought the glass of water and forced Pat to drink it. After she took a few sips, her temperature reduced. She suddenly noticed the ringing of the phone which was adding to her headache. She took it to hand up but froze when she saw the number.

She picked the phone with a low ‘hello’. She only heard three words when she jumped from her seat. “What?”


Michael wore a plain white Tee Shirt. It felt good to be home even though he was not exactly in his home. He had purposely rented a place to stay during this period where he wanted to operate in hiding. There was a certain wee pleasure he derived when people saw his acts even without seeing him. He knew that someone would have checked his house and he did not want to be slack in his operations. Marcel was a serious threat to his inheritance and he wanted him as far away as possible. He couldn’t kill his brother; killing his twin was beyond him but he knew he could make sure he was not in a position to touch his possessions. He had given Marcel a chance to smell life as Michael Coker, given him enough time to see what could have been his but Michael was not willing to let him have the life. Life where he could beckon at money even when he was asleep and it could come running. A life where everything and everyone, including women were at his disposal. He could have a threesome or tensome with any colour, shape and size or women; whatever appealed to him was granted because money answereth all things.

Michael finished dressing and checked himself in the standing mirror. He was not expecting anything less than the best so when he was sure that everything was in place, he left the house for a very important part of his plan.

After driving for some minutes, he finally arrived at Alexander Branson’s house. He wondered what sort of reception he would receive. Michael had been told by his informant that Alexa would be home by herself at this time of the day. He parked outside and proceeded through the flowers to the front door of the house. He raised his fist and pounded softly on the door, not sighting the door bell. He knocked again and waited. Instantly, the door was jerked open in front of him. The lady he knew to be the maid of the house stood in front of him with a deep frown on her face. However, when she saw who was at the door, her face eased into a relaxed welcoming smile and she soon started jittering with her fingers like a shy damsel in front of her prince charming.

“Hello Mr Coker” she murmured in a low tone that Michael almost snorted but he smiled flirtatiously instead.

“Hello there beautiful, you really are looking radiant today” he said with a broad smile.

Her eyes bulged. “Really?” She gasped out. He grinned but the girl was jolted back to her senses when she heard Alexa’s firm voice. “Who is at the door?”

Michael pushed inside with full confidence. He hadn’t taken five steps when he saw Alexa who was also coming towards the door. Alexa saw him and paused slightly, then stopped altogether. Michael took a cue and also stopped walking. He was smiling softly. “What are you doing here Marcel?” She asked steadily and her voice made Michael smile. Alexa was about to say something else when she completely froze. She looked at the stance of the man before her and her frown deepened. She had been with Marc for sometime even though it was all a lie. She had been with Marcel longer than she had even known the real Michael, even if the relationship was always cold and one-sided but she was inclined to say that she really knew him; or at least his outward appearance. The man standing before her was of the same body build and size of the Marcel she knew but he was standing differently from the way Marcel stands. The man before her was resting mainly on one leg, while the other leg was bent in a waiting manner. He was smiling far much more than Marcel was used to. Marcel always had an unreadable and unpredictable look on his face and his smile was a flash once in a while. The Marcel she had wrongly dated for more than a year would be standing and resting on his two legs comfortably and would absolutely have his hands deep in his pockets like the arrogant man that he was. This person standing here looked very much like……

Her eyes flew up. “Michael?”

Michael’s grin spread across his face. “You have quite a gift Alexy, considering I almost didn’t identify myself when I met my Marcel” Michael said.

Their voices were both deep but Alexa noted vaguely that Marcel’s voice wasn’t nearly as deep as Michael’s voice. Michael had a slightly deeper voice but a less strong accent. Considering the fact that Marcel had been abroad nearly all his life as she had been led to assume, she could clearly see how that was possible. Apart from that, there was virtually no major difference between the two. She thought.

“What… What are you doing here Michael?” As she pronounced his name, all the anger she had felt ever since she heard of what was done blossomed. She wondered how he got the effrontery to stand before her with a stupid smile on his face. When did he even get back?

“I am here to see you sweetheart, that is the first thing I wanted to do when I arrived. I see you have met Marcel?” He stated, moving forward a bit, towards her.

She moved backwards. “You must be mad or think I am really daft. What sort of insane question is that? Of course I have met Marcel, is that not your plan all along, you snake?”

He frowned deeply. “What are you talking about? Of course I wanted you to meet him, I sent him to you to explain my health conditions. I was on the verge of death and had to hastily travel abroad. By sheer luck of nature I met my twin which I had been searching for all my life and I begged him to come over here to explain my health conditions to you. Why are you making it seem like it was more than that?”

Alexa looked at him like he had grown ten heads. “You are the virile human being I have ever met.” She groaned in disgust. “How can you look me straight in the eye and lie? Aaaaahhhh!!! You disgust me”

“Why would I lie? What would I gain from lying? I am merely telling you the truth. Frankly, I am surprised that you don’t believe me” he looked hurt. “Christ! Now I know that I really made a big mistake trusting Marcel. I shouldn’t have been so stupid” he paced slowly. “First he impersonated me and worst of all, he took my woman”

Alexa was more confused than she had ever been.

“I can’t believe this. Never mind, I would prove my innocence to you. I swear it.” With that, he turned and floated out of the house. Alexa swallowed in confusion. She really needed to see Patricia now because it seemed like the drama was not ending, on the contrary, it seemed to be just starting.


“My God, Marc, I told you to leave the country. What are you still doing here?” Pat asked immediately she sat opposite Marcel in police custody.

“I am not a coward, and I don’t intend to turn into one. I would face Michael headlong no matter what it takes.” Marcel argued, looking too relaxed.

Pat almost hissed. “Do you see where your arrogance has brought you? Behind bars. And with the accusation levelled against you which is more or less true, I don’t see how you would get out of this unscathed”. Frustration rippled through Pat. If people did what she said, she would have less problems. She had her own problems but she couldn’t leave a man she loved in this kind of predicament, even if he loved someone else.

“I know I am guilty. I was stupid and I should take responsibility for my actions even though I meant well but what I want is this: I want Michael to pay for what he is doing.” Marcel stated seriously. “My lawyer is working on bail so I should be out of here soon, temporarily, that is”

“I would see what I can do to speed up the bail, as for Michael, leave him to me.” Pat said.

“Thanks” Marcel said. Pat placed her hands unconsciously on her temples and Marcel noticed this, apart from that, she looked drained. “Are you alright?” He asked.

Her eyes flew to his. “Yes. Yes, I am OK.”

“You aren’t. You look drained and stressed. Maybe you should go and rest at home, I never should have called you” Marc said with concern that touched Pat deeply.

“I would have hated you if you didn’t call.” She smiled but her phone instantly interrupted her. She picked up. “Hey cousin” she murmured to Alexa over the phone but her tease dried instantly. ” Michael was there?” Marc sat up instantly. “OK, I am coming over” she said and hung up. Pat looked at Marcel. “Let’s see what new surprise he has for us this time”


“I have news Felicia” Sophia said immediately Felicia opened the door to her apartment.

“It must be urgent if you can’t wait to sit before talking. What is going on?” She asked as they proceeded to the sitting room.

“Marcel has been arrested”

“What?” Felicia gasped.

“He was arrested for impersonation and I suspect Michael is responsible”. Sophia said, sitting.

“That bastard” Felicia groaned, sitting. “We need a plan. A very good one” she murmured, her brain rolling.


Episode 24

“I don’t know what to believe anymore Pat, my head seems to have become a toy in the arms of twins.” Alexa grumbled, pacing.

Patricia sat uncomfortably on Alexa’s bed, watching her pace. “You are making me go dizzy Alexa, are you going to tell me what happened or do I just leave?” She said, getting irritated, due to the suspense.

Alexa marched towards her. “OK listen up” she began. “Michael came into this place and at the first glance, I thought it was Marcel. In fact, I could have sworn that it was Marcel if I hadn’t spent over a year dating a presumed Michael. Never in my life have I seen a twin who looks this frighteningly familiar, gosh” she lamented.

Pat blew out a breeze. “So what happened?” She murmured in exasperation.

“I already challenged him, thinking he was Marcel but I paused. He was grinning far much more than Marcel would. To cut the extremely long story short, Michael said something like, ‘I guess you have met Marcel’. I was so furious that he could ask such a ridiculous question.” She paused for breathe. Pat was already at alert with her ears wide open. “Trust me, I blasted him terribly”

“And what did he say next?”

Alexa narrated the entire episode that occurred earlier, not sparing even the tiniest detail. When she finally landed, she took a deep cleansing breath. “You see Pat? I don’t know who to believe anymore, I am as confused as hell. If you ask me, Michael is more believable.” Patricia looked thoughtful but she listened to Alexa. “What would he gain from asking Marcel to use his name, take over his company and even his girlfriend?” She asked. “Marcel’s story seems illogical”

“It won’t be illogical if Michael wants to get rid of his twin” Pat responded.

Alexa thought for just a second. “That makes it even more illogical. How can you ask someone to take over your personality if your aim is to get rid of the person?”

“Well, from your conversation, when did he claim to have arrived Nigeria?” Pat asked.

She frowned. “He never mentioned but he said something like, ‘you were the first person I wanted to see when I arrived’, something of that nature”

“Well, to me, if he said that, I would suppose that he just arrived today, or at worst, yesterday. The only problem is that this is his forth day in Nigeria” Pat said. She did not want to come down with the whole story at once because if all she was thinking was true, she would need Alexa’s help and cooperation.

“Forth day? How did you know?” Alexa said, astonished.

“I have spies cousin, don’t forget who I am. Knowing you, now is not the time to question why I never told you.” She paused then looked at Alexander squarely. “The first thing Michael wanted to do when he got back was not to see you, but to lock up Marcel” she breathed. “As we speak, Marcel is behind bars”

Alexander blanched. “What?” She breathed. “I… He came here yesterday”

Pat swallowed. “Yes. He was arrested yesterday. After due findings, we discovered that Michael secured his arrest on the grounds of impersonation.”

Alexander felt faint and she wisely sat on the bed softly. Her blood felt cold. She could not quite picture the arrogant Marcel behind bars, the mere thought caused her a measured level of distress. “But” she croaked and cleared her throat. “But, can’t we assume that Michael found out what Marcel did in his company and got him arrested?”

Pat shook her head. “I have an evidence which proves that Michael has hidden agendas” she said and told her all about the cameras that were planted in Michael’s house back in Germany. At the same time, she extracted her tablet and played a recording. Alexa froze as she heard everything. When she heard him talk with his gay sex partner, she almost threw up at the thought of what those two might be doing together.

“What do we do now? Marcel can’t suffer like this” Alexa said immediately the recording stopped. Pat exhaled and smiled deeply. ‘Show time’


Michael entered the parking lot of Tel Communications, parking at the spot meant for him alone, instantly feeling the joy of his return to his fatherland. He parked and noted that he needed his private chauffeur back. He could not waste a lot of energy turning wheels when he could pay whatever amount to a peasant who would gladly drive him around like the important dignitary that he was.

He stepped out of the car and surveyed the environment. Many things seemed to have changed even outside there. The parking lot seemed more organised than he remembered but he shrugged it off. ‘I would have done more than this even in six months’, he told himself. Michael raised his shoulders and walked steadily towards the entrance. The security men smiled and gave a slight bow. Michael frowned. Since when did security men start smiling? They had been trained to be as stonyfaced and impassive as soldiers. Apparently, Marcel was the one at work here again. Considering the fact that Marcel seldom smiled, Michael wondered why smiles should be on his security’s faces.

He noted that too and took the private elevator which took him directly to the last floor. Immediately he alighted, he gazed at his staff, expecting them to do the usual. He had made it a law that whenever he arrived, the staff were to instantly get to their feet and remain that way until he had entered his office. Fury burned inside him when everyone smiled at him and murmured polite greetings, though with respect. ‘No’ he screamed internally.

“What has gone wrong with all your brains?” He yelled, instantly getting 100% attention. “Are you all not supposed to be on your feet?” He roared.

“But sir…” A staff muttered, startled.

“Now” Michael roared and they all jumped to their feet with their hands joined in front of them and their heads slightly bowed. Michael drew in a calming breath. “I am in a good mood today, if not, all of you would be unemployed now”. He said walking slowly towards his office. “Make this mistake again and you would have yourselves to blame.”


Felicia sat opposite Patricia in a small cafeteria. It had been hard to convince Pat to dine with her and Felicia wanted to really convince Patricia of her loyalty. “I know what you are thinking now, you must wonder what new game I am playing right?”

“No, I was actually wondering who you would like to kidnap again” Pat said in slight anger.

Felicia smiled faintly. “I am sorry for all that, but I am here for something else. I still have the same goal, which is to destroy Michael. I heard of what he did to Marcel and I decided to do something to help Marc since he helped me out.”

Pat relaxed on the chair, seeming interested. “We are not killers or kidnappers, we just want him to pay for his crimes. We don’t need your inputs.”

Felicia smiled. “Really? And what are your plans?”

Pat smiled. She contemplated Felicia’s motive and felt it best to tell her of their plans. She obviously would have nothing against Marcel and it was best to confide in her since she really knew Michael. “I have discovered that Michael has a certain interest in Alexa. Alexa was his girlfriend before he went off to Germany. He visited her two days ago and from every indication, I feel he wants them to continue their relationship but I still doubt his intentions. In fact, I think he wants to use her”

“So I guess you want Alexa to be your spy? Feed you with all his plans?” Felicia said and Pat nodded. Felicia smiled. “This only has a ten percent success rate. If you feel he has a certain interest in Alexa, he definitely wants to use her and I guess that would be in court when or if this case reaches the court. Alexa could try to find out what he wants to do but he might find out and that is really risky” she said, stating Patricia’s fear. “There is one easy method though” Felicia continued. “This would not only put Michael in our grasp but also make him release Marcel”

This got Pat interested. She wondered what idea it was that she hadn’t thought of already. “I am listening” she said.

“Blackmail is our best option. Michael is gay, we must not forget that. He can never be interested in Alexander sexually, so it is kinda obvious that he wants to use her for his benefit. Our key is to get his kind”

“Get another gay” Pat wondered how that slipped from her brain. The news of her father’s health was definitely making her unstable these days.

“Absolutely.” Felicia seconded. “And not just any gay. Marcel told me of the recording with you. I thought about it and discovered that it would be good if we could bring that guy here. His presence is all we need. Homosexuality is not allowed in Nigeria, so, that is the key we need.”

Patricia grinned. “You are more of a detective than I”. Felicia smiled and Pat nodded. “Let’s do this”. She took out her phone and dialed an international number. Immediately it was picked, she smiled. “Hello KC, it is your one and only Pat Williams” she said with a smile.

The masculine, foreign accented voice floated over. “I actually wish you were my one and only” he replied.

Pat grinned. “Stop flirting with me old man, I erm… Need a favour from you”


Marcel’s lawyer signed all the necessary papers as Marcel waited to leave. What was he doing in Nigeria, he wondered. He had been staying in the cell like an outcast for the past two days and he had to thank God for the hard life experiences he had. The prison was not as tough as the things he had experienced.

As Marcel waited, a car drove into the station compound and he immediately spotted the person behind the wheels. His heartbeat skipped several times as he watched her park her car. Noticing eyes on her, Alexa turned her head and Marcel found himself staring into her eyes. The distance between them seemed to thin as Marcel watched her breathing change. He swallowed hard.

Alexa wondered why her throat felt so dry. She quickly took her eyes off Marcel and stepped out of the car. If he could affect her this way even with the physical distance between them, she wondered why she was going close. But she was, because Alexa would not leave until she was sure that Marcel was alright. It was obvious that he had been bailed. He did not even look like someone who had spent almost 72 hours behind bars. She finally reached him.
“Hi” she murmured, trying hard to keep her eyes on his face.

He smiled. “Alexander”

Alexander’s nerves were on the edge and she did not like it one bit. She nervously played with her fingers. “I heard about what happened from Pat, I am really sorry, Michael really is a bitch”

Marc said nothing. His face was as unreadable as usual as he stared down at her. He noticed her nervous state with slight pleasure, although disliking the fact that he made her uncomfortable. “Pat told me that you were coming yesterday”

She swallowed and nodded. “I couldn’t.” How could she? She had struggled to go yesterday but try as she may, she couldn’t take herself there. She raised her eyes again and Marc saw the uncertainties that lay there. Alexander smiled softly but he had already glimpsed that inner turmoil in her. Marcel’s lawyer approached and Marcel went to whisper something inaudible to him. He nodded and left. Marcel went back to meet Alexa.

“Do you mind if I give you a lift home?” He asked with a soft smile.

She frowned. “I came with my car” she murmured.

“I noticed.” He stared at her slim fingers again and carefully held the wrist of her right hand. The warmth of his skin seeped through her and she almost gasped. He took out her car keys from her fingers. “I would drive”

“But you just got out” she argued.

“The more reason why I need the exercise” He linked their fingers and walked towards the car, opening the other side for her to sit. “Or would you prefer to sit at the owner’s side? I don’t mind being a driver for today”

She laughed somewhat nervously. His closeness was so disturbing. “I can’t picture you as a driver” she said.

He smiled as she sat down at the front. He bent and pulled out the seatbelt, buckling her and torturing them both with their closeness.

Marcel closed the door, Alexa breathed a cleansing breath. Even the car seemed to be overwhelmed by Marcel’s presence. As Marcel got behind the wheel, she knew that she would never drive the car without picturing Marcel’s form in it. As he drove out expertly, an uncomfortable silence stretched until Alexa started playing with her fingers again. “Do I make you nervous? He asked, controlling the steering with one hand.

“Shouldn’t you? You are so unreadable, I never know what you are thinking. And now knowing Michael’s cruelty, I still don’t know if I can trust you” Alexa blurted out.

Marcel took his eyes off the road and stared at Alexa for some seconds before refocusing on the road. “There is one difference between Michael and I” he said. “Michael hurts others intentionally but I would never intentionally hurt anyone, least of all you”

“Why me?” She asked thoughtlessly.

He smiled. “Have you had lunch?” He asked but without waiting for an answer, continued. “I would cook something” she raised her brow in mock alarm and he smiled. “You’ll live”


Felicia smiled as she dialed the international number. Patricia had been able to get the details of Michael’s gay partner from the KC guys speedily, thanks to the improved internet system in Germany. Denis – the gay guy, was obviously obsessed with Michael. Immediately the guy picked up, his German accent floated through. “Hello”

“Oh, hello Denis” Felicia said with excitement in her voice.

“Hello lady, you have me at a loss. Please who is this?” He asked.

“It is Tan, a friend of Michaels. I saw you two together once in Germany, have you forgotten so soon?” Hurt infused her tone.

Denis obviously heard the unspoken emotion. “I am so sorry, I have just been too depressed lately”

Oh, the fool has made this easier, Felicia thought. “I see. It no doubt has to do with michael. I saw him here in Nigeria, why are you not with him?” She asked. “I know Michael, he can’t stay five days without sex and you know what that means. If you really need Michael, you better be with him in Nigeria before someone else takes him away.”

“Where did you see Michael? How do you know he can’t do without sex?” The other guy asked in slight anger.

Felicia almost said, ‘because I used to be married to the fool’ but held back. “He is my friend, besides, I saw him yesterday in a club and with the way he was looking at my dance partner, I decided to call you. I need to keep my man, I guess you do too”

“I would be in Nigeria first thing tomorrow morning”

“Great. It would be best if you surprise him, I know Michael, if you tell him, he won’t allow you come. Come unannounced and pretend as though you know nothing. Just tell him that you missed him and could not stay away. Contact me when you get to Nigeria, OK? I could give you a lift from the airport” Felicia said finally.

“This number?” He asked enthusiastically.

“Yeah yeah” she said playfully.

“OK, thanks, I really appreciate it” Denis said

“No probs… I am just being my brother’s keeper. Chao” she hung up. A grin spread across her face.


“Marcel has been bailed?” Michael roared. “I gave you specific instructions to keep him locked up”

The DPO shivered. “There was nothing we could do sir, a higher officer ordered us to grant his bail”

“Rubbish. And who secured his bail? Who is that person who has your boss’ favour?”

“Pat Williams sir” the man said.

Michael stopped and looked. “Which Pat Williams?”

“The same one sir, the famous Pat Williams”


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5 years ago

Wowwww, thanks for making my weekend great with this story…!