Rejected At Birth Bonus Episode 4 – Thessycute Ekene

Rejected At Birth Episode 1 - Thessycute Ekene

Rejected At Birth

Bonus Episode Four

I couldn’t sleep that night as I spent the night thinking about my sister and what could compel her to leave a family that loved her.

Especially me, who didn’t joke around with her, to stay with a woman she didn’t really know.

And to think about the fact that she was not safe, everything became so complicated that closing my eyes became a problem.

I had wished anyone understood how I felt.

A sister I grew up with was nowhere to be found.

“Was she really dėad?” I asked myself. Did that woman kīłł her and būry her somewhere?

These questions were left unanswered.

I didn’t even know where to start from. I just made up my mind that I will show up at the woman’s house and then start with finding a clue.

And that was supposed to be the first step.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, it was already morning.

The first thing on my mind was to visit the morning, but I had to wait to finish the house chores before going anywhere, in order not to seem conspicuous because grandma was good at detėcting things.

She, on the other hand, did not get over my sister.

She talked about her in every little conversation, how my sister was after a luxurious life, forgetting the fact that not all that glitters is gold.

These words hūrt me and opened a fresh wöund in my heart.

I tried to act strong because I felt I was the only strong person in the house, and grandma was lėaning on me.

When you look at grandma in the face, you might think she is wīcked and heartless.

When you get closer to her, you can’t help but realize that she has a very soft heart and little things could get to her.

Sometimes, I wonder how people would believe she is good without living with her.

I was lost in thought that I didn’t notice when grandma dropped the vegetable leaves she was plucking for breakfast and looked at me.

When I noticed, I startled and she asked, “What’s on your mind, Chinedu?” She rōared, hands on her waist.

“I understand your sister is gone, but it’s better if we try to forget about her for a while and live peacefully.

She’s in a better place now, and there’s nothing we can do to bring her back.

I just wish it was me who died because I’m old and have accomplished my mission on earth, but she’s a young child who hasn’t even started anything in the world.”

Grandma concluded with a Bible verse, but she often quotes it upside down to prove a point.

We are used to it in the house. She’ll just bring up a Bible verse and not be able to quote it correctly.

It’s the same thing she does that makes me smile.

At least she’s trying, unlike Aunt Kate, who doesn’t like anything about church. She thinks it’s a waste of time and that she can worship God at home.

“But grandma, you’re quoting the wrong passage again,” I said.

She didn’t even look at me, just sighėd and went back to plucking her leaves.

She had had enough of me. Even though I didn’t go to school, I was so eager to learn that when the other children came back from school.

I would ask them to teach me a little of what they had learned.

That really helped me because I started reading some words.

Even when I couldn’t read the Bible, I knew grandma wasn’t good at getting any passage correct.

I would remind her when she started quoting those passages.

After I finished the chores, I freshened up and left the compound. I could hear grandma calling my name, “Chinedu, come home on time.

I don’t want anything to happen to you,” she said.

I replied with an okay from a distance, even though I had already left.

I went to the woman’s house, and luckily for me, she wasn’t around.

I used that as an opportunity to ask her trøublesōme children to be my friend, and they quickly accepted.

I knew it was because other children refused to play with them because of how wild they were.

I overheard them talking about their father that day and how their mother had been out of the country for months.

I was eager to know who their father was.

I had also made them love me to the point that I whispėred into their ears, asking them to let their mother take me in with them.

I told them I didn’t like my house and my grandmother was always mistrėāting me.

They both agreed to tell their mother once she came home.

I noticed that she did everything her children wanted, especially everything the youngest child, Chidi, wanted.

On that day, before I left, as I was checking the time, I didn’t want their mother to come back home and find me there.

We were just playing as usual when suddenly Chidi started vōmiting bløød.

I was surprised, thinking his brother had hīt him in the mouth.

Then I heard the brother say, “You are vomiting blōōd again? And mommy is not around.

I just hope mommy will take you to the hospital and replace the kidnėy since she and daddy have found somebody already.”

“Is your brother okay? I asked him and he was shaking when he said, “Chidi has a kidnėy problem, but mommy said she found someone to get the kidnėy from.”

He will be fine soon, that’s what my mommy said,” he said, patting his brother on the back and reaching for the house phone to call his mother.

I didn’t know what else to say, so I had to rush home before she came back and saw me.

But before I left, I told him, “Don’t tell your mother I came here, or she won’t let me play with you again,” I said, shivering.

I didn’t know how to react, all I knew was that my sister was in trouble, but I had to inform Aunt Kate first.”

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me so that the mother wouldn’t even see me on the way back home, because she will definitely know her son told me something.
Thessycute Ekene

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