PRINCESS AMARACHI Episode 7 by Okafor Erasmus Ugochukwu

PRINCESS AMARACHI Episode 2 by Okafor Erasmus Ugochukwu

PRINCESS AMARACHI Episode 7 by Okafor Erasmus Ugochukwu

Dave quickly rushed out to the scene where his car was destroyed, checked for the gun but it was gone. He became so afraid because the gun has been registered in his name and if any crime is committed using the revolver he’d be in serious trouble that he may not get out from. He didn’t care about every other valuable either carted away or left in the car but was so tensed because he couldn’t find the firearm where Onyedika told him that he hid it. For the first time, Dave was so restive and worked up; feeling as if he was going to pass out.

As he thought through the entire event that led to the destruction of his car, he became furious, and someone needs to pay for it, so he bolted back to the palace to attack Onyedika but he was surprised that when he got there, Amarachi had already freed the prisoner.Dave became so angry and jealous because he believed that Onyedika could be dangerous or still have a skeleton in his cupboard; maybe he lied about the revolver just to make him leave out of desperation, to give him ample time to convince Amarachi to free him from the shackles.Seeing as Onyedika was smiling as he came out from the cell, Dave quickly rushed at him but was surprised that Onyedika was strong enough to stop him effortlessly, even strong enough that he couldn’t even have his hands freed from Onyedika’s firm grip.“What has come over you, Dave?” Amarachi yelled and rushed at Dave, “free my man now!” she hollered at Onyedika, “don’t worry, he won’t attack you once I’ve instructed him not to fight back,” she promised Onyedika, making him allow Dave to be freed.

“The first lesson, never you fight with anger because it makes you lose touch with your skills,” Onyedika said to Dave and smiled, “Dave, I gave you a clue about where to get your revolver but you came back to attack me. Why?”Dave was so surprised and appalled that Onyedika showed a skill he never imagined because the last time he checked, Onyedika was a spineless jelly with a weak will and low guts. It was then obvious to Dave that for Onyedika to have spared him all the years he’d been on his trail in the University was because the young man didn’t want to hurt him.At the moment, he was unwittingly humble but kept thinking through everything and how he was defeated by the slender guy.“Why did you lie to me about the location of the firearm?” Dave queried Onyedika angrily, but this time his heart pulsated with a tinge of fear but he didn’t allow anyone to notice.“Is this what you’re looking for?” Olaedo asked and entered the scene, with a metallic object wrapped with a cloth. “This should be yours, sir,” she said and handed it over to Dave.Dave quickly grabbed it and unwrapped. He was surprised that the gun was intact and nothing happened to it.

“Thank you,” he said and kissed the gun, “I missed this gun a lot,”“Give it to me,” Amy said respectfully and thrust her hand to collect it, “Give it to me, please. Don’t fight it,” she advised as she waited for Dave to obey her instruction.Dave didn’t just want to appear weak or cowed before the onlookers, so he took Amarachi to a corner and said: “Why this embarrassment?”Amarachi smiled and collected the pistol gently from him but was so afraid to handle it. “Olaedo!” she called out, making the maidservant come forthwith, “keep this in my chamber and don’t allow mom to see it,”Dave wasn’t happy at all but couldn’t say anything to Amarachi because he always obeys her instructions believing that the young girl knows her onions and shrewd enough to make decisions.“Baby, I have seen that you have issues with anger,” Amy whispered into Dave’s ear, “If you’re this angry and reacting impulsively to anger, that means you don’t need to handle this yet, even though you’re a licensed user. I will give it back to you when you learn how to handle anger,”Dave couldn’t say a word but simply smiled.

He held Amy by the shoulder and they went towards Onyedika who was patiently waiting, feeling light for being exonerated by Olaedo’s intervention.“You’re still a prisoner, remember,” Dave said smilingly said to Onyedika and pulled him into a hug. “Come here,”“No, I’m not,” Onyedika contested with smiles and patted Dave’s back gently, “I’m now a messenger, an ally, a friend and a co-fighter of justice, so I’m more of a partner than a prisoner,”“But you’ll have to earn it,” Amy said as she watched the guys part after the short embrace.“I’m not in support of this,” Chisimdi said as she entered knitting her brow into a frown. “Amarachi’s benevolence will get us all killed someday,”

“No, it won’t, pretty princess,” Onyedika said and thrust his hand for a handshake but Simdi turned his offer down.“I guess you have to learn how to properly address a princess,” Chisimdi said and turned to leave but was surprised that Onyedika prostrated on the ground as he waited for her to leave.“Apologies, my princess,” Onyedika said and remained glued to the ground while Chisimdi remained obdurate and wanted to keep moving but the humble gesture of the young man kept her smiling inside of her but she still had to pretend, so she disguised her glee and feigned being untouched by that show of humility.“Can you get up now, nwokem (man)” Amarachi wailed smilingly,

“The Simdi I know doesn’t care if you keep rolling on the floor,”“Exactly,” Chisimdi said and left arrogantly while her maids followed her out.“Maybe I’ll now be the one to match on you if you don’t want to get up from there,” Dave jested and went to walk over him, making the young man get up fast enough before Dave approached.“Let’s meet with Anyamuo immediately,” Onyedika said as he dusted the sands possessing his hands and cloth, “we have no time anymore,”“A nice suggestion,” Amy said and observed her traditional wear to know if it was beautiful enough to be worn to the destination. She took a scarf and covered her head so that her identity remains obscure.“You’re always an angel,” Dave flattered and smiled at Amy who flashed back an angelic smile on him, “everything fits you,”“Yes, it does,” Onyedika concurred.

“I never asked for your help, amebo man (gossip man)” Dave retorted jestingly and dragged Amy away Amarachi while Onyedika tried to catch up on their way out of the palace.Looking back, Amy saw Olaedo whom she had started suspecting as she waited while they left. She then remembered the need for protection. “Olaedo, go to my chamber and give me back what I told you to hide,” She instructed disdainfully and waited for her impatiently, “be fast about that because nightfall is already greeting us with its nocturnal threat,” she added as the maiden disappeared to make Olaedo hasten up.After a few seconds, Olaedo came with the revolver wrapped in a cloth and then handed it over to Amy.

“Have it, my princess,” she said and thrust it into her palm with a curtsy and took a few steps back, perforating her ears with her fingers and nodding twice as tradition demands.“Take back what belongs to you,” Amarachi said and handed it over to Dave because she was so afraid of handling such weapon. “Happy now?” she added and winked at Dave whose face was already all flushed with cheerfulness.“Thanks, baby,” Dave said and collected it,

“We aren’t sure of what we’re about to meet at the house of the oldest man; either a human or a spirit, so we have to be prepared and ready to use the last resort in case the need arises,”“The princess is always wiser,” Onyedika added and chuckled, stifling his smiles with his palm.“Olodo (Dunce)” Dave yelled at him and kicked his butt, “Soon you’ll compose a song with that statement,”Amarachi was just smiling at the guys’ jokes but didn’t want to wallow in that jest, so she continued walking out to where Dave parked his car.

Getting there, they had to remove the pieces of broken glasses scattered all over the interior of the car.“But won’t it be better we use my car?” Amy suggested and looked at Dave seeking his approval.“Mine is more rugged,” Dave Handsome said, “remember we don’t know what we’re meeting there,”“Hence the need to be prepared,” Onyedika cut in and picked baton that was dropped casually on the floor; a baton one of the youths used to destroy Dave’s car. “This can help, at least,” he added as he observed the virility of the baton with his palm.“Men and violence are like sugar and tea,” Amarachi added and snorted.“Sugar and tea? Not for me,” Dave said and smiled.“Of course I know that you don’t sugar your tea,” Amy replied smartly, “so don’t remind me,”“Now, this is a family matter, and I dare not join my words with you guys’,” Onyedika said and stroked his goatee.

“I hope my ass won’t be kicked again,” he added and shifted away from Dave’s position to avoid his long legs.“Do I have time for your headache?” Dave said jokingly to Onyedika and forced the destroyed doors to open. “Let’s hit the street, please,”***It was already evening when they got to Anyamuo’s house but didn’t see him at home. It was a sign of a bad omen to them so they all became on alert. Meanwhile, they parked the car some metres away from the location so that their arrival would be incognito.It was strange when they got to Anyamuo’s house and met no one because the man was almost blind and doesn’t see at night, so nothing could have taken him away by that time of the night, even the little boy that used to take care of him was nowhere to be found.

The house was desolate, cold and calm while the ominous cawing of the crows and the hooting sound of the owl kept droning at a nearby chelekwu tree (a tree with sweet seeds; with its leaves that could be used to make a poisonous potion but by someone who knows how to use it).“There seems to be a river around here, for Chelekwu to be here,” Amy said observantly but indistinctly so that no other person could hear her whisper.“Hmm, how did you know that?” Dave asked looking surprised, “the last time I checked, you had no business with the village but Onitsha where you were born and groomed,”“A compliment or a mockery?” Onyedika asked rhetorically and smiled, “sorry, it was a slip of tongue,” he added and kept taking a sweeping look around.“I’ve read a lot about Ubulu already,” Amy said vauntingly.

“The great reader,” Dave flattered her and smiled as they continued advancing to the desolate house.The hut of the old man was as if no one had been there for long, so Dave placed his hands immediately on his revolver, ready to shoot anyone who comes around to attack them.Amy’s heart sank into her belly out of grave fear as she kept throbbing with fright and uncertainty. To conjure some confidence, she clung to Dave’s body; holding firmly to his left arm in case something awful or bad comes their way.Onyedika shook his head, tiptoed closer to the hut and peeped through the window. To announce his observation, he didn’t talk but shook his head as he peered, signifying that there was no one in the house.Dave beckoned Onyedika backward so that they’d either hide or leave immediately before the bad people lay ambush on them.

“Let’s leave here. I’m so afraid right now,” Amarachi whispered as she panted heavily with beads of sweats appearing on her forehead amid the airing of the night.As they tried to leave, they heard some footsteps approaching; announcing an incoming company or companies, so they quickly took refuge in the bush and remain calm with heightened senses in case they need to flee. Dave’s revolver was already prepared for either attack or defence depending on whatever they meet.After a while, they were surprised to see an unknown woman coming around to check around the house with a native lantern she had with her. She whistled benignly as she approached showing that wasn’t even afraid of the night or the situation at hand; either she was oblivious of it or she knew where the old man was taken.

At a first glance, as he opened wider his eyes for a clearer nigh view, Onyedika already recognised her but didn’t say a word but waited to know if she was a spy or an ally.“This is Adaoma,” Onyedika whispered to Dave but Amarachi heard the name as it sounded familiar to her ears.“Did you say Adaoma?” Amy asked to be double sure of what she heard.“Yes, I did but you need to…”“Hey madam!” Amy called out and leapt with joy, making the guys try to hold her back but the lady already saw her, so Dave and Onyedika had to come out from hiding.

Adaoma tried to run but saw that she was outnumbered; therefore couldn’t escape, so she remained still but groggier this time out of fear because the faces she saw were strange, especially seeing Dave with a gun, and Onyedika with a machete, while the only girl among them being Amy had her face veiled with scarf.“Please, who are you, people?” The shivering woman asked as she looked around searchingly but fearfully into the thick bush observing any escape route available, “Don’t harm me, please,” she pleaded with fright, “I’m just worried about Akilika ndi muo (the chaff of the spirit) who’s meant to be home but nowhere to be found,”That name sounded strange to the three listeners because they were told to look out for Anyamuo and not Akilika ndi Muo. It seemed to Dave and Amarachi that Onyedika may have brought them to the wrong location.

“Sorry, madam,” Onyedika said and tried coming closer to the trembling woman but she shifted back out of fear to avoid being hurt, “we’re friends and not enemies,”“That’s if she is a friend too,” Dave called to his mind, “so you may be an enemy if she is from the other camp. You know what I mean,”“Which camp, sir?”Adaoma asked shiveringly as she kept on scouting the environment to seek an exit route in case she’s being attacked.“No, she must be a friend,” Amy said and unveiled herself, “I am…”“Oh, the princess!” Adaoma exclaimed out of fear and respect, then put her two fingers into her ears and nodded twice. “What are you doing here by this time of…”“Oh, you know who I am?” Amarachi asked and smiled feeling that she just found someone who could be of help to her.

“Who doesn’t know you?” Onyedika said smilingly.“This is the last place you need to be now,” Adaoma said warningly and dragged Amarachi away while the guys followed without knowing their next destination.“Where is Anyamuo?” Onyedika asked as they parted the shrubs as the march trudged on in the pathway in the bush following Adaoma’s lead. “I wanted to ask if Anyamuo is the same man you address as eh…”“Akilika ndi muo,” Adaoma reminded him, “he’s the same person but we who are his offspring address him as Akilika,” she explained.“Are you his daughter?” Dave asked looking surprised.“I’m his great-granddaughter,”

Adaoma replied to their bewilderment.“What did you just say?” Amarachi asked as she imagined the age of a man whose great-granddaughter was already a woman in her mid or late thirties.Adaoma didn’t reply that but took them to her house, locked the door behind her and lit the candles.“Let’s be here because there are lots of bad people around and we don’t know who is who,” Adaoma advised, “meanwhile, I’m sure that this isn’t the best time for a princess to be lurking in the bush or even outside the palace walls without her guards. Your mom must be worried,”It was even then that Amarachi realised that she didn’t come out with her phone, and there was no way she could be reached by her mom or twin sister. She knew her mom would be so worried but her quest for finding her dad outweighed her fear about her mom’s worry.

“I know, but an elderly man who seems to be one of the cabinet members of King Omekannaya said that I should meet you,” Amarachi said so that she would hasten the discussion and know if there is any clue to finding her dad.It was surprising that Adaoma suddenly became mute and calm. She felt numb to words and couldn’t even say anything, so she began to wiggle her legs absently as she kept gazing meditatively on her wiggling feet. It was obvious that she didn’t want to talk, so Onyedika nudged her gently to bring her mind back to reality.

“Madam, I think the princess asked a question,” Onyedika reminded her, “you know in the tradition of Ubulu, especially in Eziama village where the king comes from, you don’t keep the royalty waiting when a question is directed to you.“Yes…yes…I know that” she answered stutteringly, “I apologise, my princess,”Amarachi smiled and immediately reminisced on her past life as Ego Oyibo’s daughter; the girl that dropped out of school and the truck driver that went through a lot just to make it in life even before Dave came into his life. She couldn’t believe that she was the same person getting the entire respect and reverence from people. It was like rising from grass to grace, except that the only thing that could have made her life complete wasn’t there.

“My princess,” Onyedika called knowing full well that Amarachi was far gone in deep thoughts.Amy was startled when her attention was called back. “Oh, sorry… I was thinking,” she apologised and smiled, and then shook her head and shrugged out of dismay seeing herself in the position of a princess. “Madam Adaoma, if you need more time, you can have it but currently, the tension is so too high and I need to find my dad as soon as I could. Maybe that was why I was sent to you,”Adaoma at this point was confused because she didn’t know what to say to Amarachi concerning her dad’s disappearance. She was bemused and didn’t know how to start or what to say concerning the king, so she shook her head and murmured: “My princess, I know nothing,

so I’m surprised that someone sent you to me. I’d been losing lots of nights of sleep just to know if I could find a way to bring the king back or even know how to locate him but the more I try, the more complicated everything became. I just wish…” she hung her statement there and didn’t complete it, making Amarachi’s curiosity to heighten.“What’s your wish?” Amarachi asked and held her by the shoulder, “feel free to talk to me. Or are you not comfortable with the guys around?”Adaoma, after a while, nodded showing that she wasn’t free talking while Dave and Onyedika were there.

Amy looked at the guys and signalled that they should give them a moment to have women’s chitchats.“Guy, let’s wait outside for a while,” Dave suggested and dragged Onyedika up, “feel free to talk, madam” he encouraged Adaoma as they left, “Don’t worry, we won’t eavesdrop,” he added as they left.“But please, do not go far,” Amarachi said whisperingly.“Of course we need their protection,” Adaoma said, “also try not to be close to the bush because these periods, we don’t know who would be hanging around in the bush or earwigging on your conversations,”“We’ve heard,” Onyedika said and closed the door behind him as they stepped outside.Immediately the door was shut, Adaoma began to weep silently to avoid being heard by another person outside the house.

Amarachi was worried about seeing her cry, so she became so inquisitive to know why the woman was weeping. To make her feel better and relaxed, Amy pulled her into a prolonged hug and kept patting her back until she was ready to talk.Heaving a sigh, Adaoma said: “My pains about the King’s disappearance isn’t just because he is my king but because I hadn’t the chance to let him know that Olaedo is her daughter,”Amarachi couldn’t believe her ears, so she dropped on the chair out of weariness and bewilderment; with her mouth agape and her heart racing faster.“Which Olaedo are you talking about?” Amy asked to be sure.

“The chief maid in the palace,” Adaoma replied with great fear inside her, “she’s my daughter, and a product of a careless night when I was working for the king as a teen girl. I was just seventeen then,”Amarachi placed her hands on her head and remained calm without knowing what next to do or say but simply shaking her head as if she could shake off the words rumbling in her head; or reverse the truth she just heard from the woman sitting adjacent to her. “Chineke muo…ooo! (OMG)” she exclaimed out of great disbelief and confusion.


To be continued…

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