THE INTRUDER Chapter 13 – Damilary Olayiwola

🌆THE INTRUDER🍂🍁chapter 13 The dispute was settled one more time, the DPO promise to send anyone out of his office if such a thing repeat...

THE INTRUDER Chapter 11&12 – Damilary Olayiwola

🌆THE INTRUDER🍂🍁Chapter 11&12Tunji's story amazed & shocked the three audience,jimmy,mr Daniel and his wife, Mrs Daniel. "Tunji you've killed me! "Mrs Daniel cried. "mom I'm not...

THE INTRUDER Chapter 10 – Damilary Olayiwola

🌆THE INTRUDER🍂🍁Chapter 10 "Tunji why are you here? "Mr Daniel asked as he open the door. Hearing this Mrs Daniel and Jimmy stood up as they...

THE INTRUDER Chapter 9 – Damilary Olayiwola

🌆THE INTRUDER🍂🍁Chapter 9 28minitues after Jimmy &his colleague had left, Mrs Daniel was still worried, lost in deep thought. "I just don't know what would happen...

THE INTRUDER Chapter 7&8 – Damilary Olayiwola

🌆THE INTRUDER🍂🍁Chapter 7 Mr&Mrs Bankole had invited their daughter over telling her that the Police is in search of her. "Do you mean Tinu got lost...

THE INTRUDER Chapter 5&6 Damilary Olayiwola

🌆THE INTRUDER🍂🍁Chapter 5&6 Mrs Daniel return home and met the door locked. "where's tinuke? " she asked herself. She was able to open the door because she...

THE INTRUDER Chapter 3 – 4 Damilary Olayiwola

🌆THE INTRUDER🍂🍁Chapter 3&4 The following week, the family return back to their house since the robbers had been caught. Mrs Daniel have nothing to worry about....

THE INTRUDER Chapter 2 – Damilary Olayiwola

🌆THE INTRUDER🍂🍁Chapter 2 Two week after in their new apartment with Jimmy,his friend family, ever since the incident happened, Mrs Daniel had been afraid of...

THE INTRUDER Chapter 1 – Damilary Olayiwolaa

🌆THE INTRUDER🍂🍁 Damilary OlayiwolaaChapter 1 "V-room! V-room! " It's the sound of Mr Daniel's car. He and his family had just arrived back home. Mr Daniel...

MY UNCLE AND I Episode 7 – Funny Lad

💔MY UNCLE AND I 💔 EPISODE 7 AUTHOR: FUNNY LAD Life in Cyprus was not a good one. I got to a point, I regretted running away...