NANCY’S TEARS Final Episode 10 by Mhiz Mirabe


NANCY’S TEARS Final Episode 10 by Mhiz Mirabe

Nancy and Melissa wore the same outfit black ,while doctor Charles wore blue
They waited patiently for the police to join them
Within thirty minutes the police arrived and they left
Eno said them first and stood her ground, Nancy and Melissa came down from the car Eno went closer to confirm if it was Nancy, she shifted back and ran to call Jacinta and her husband. Jacinta ignored Eno and sent her out

Why not go outside and check first..Mr Christopher said

What are you doing there? Go outside and find out if it’s true

Mr Christopher stood up and left the room,he stood staring at Melissa and Nancy
Jacinta peeped from the window, she got frightened and ran inside the room she dumped immaculate the room was smelling badly she covered her nose and hid at the back of the door

Where is your wife? Doctor Charles asked

My wife? Melissa, Nancy how come two of you are alive? Mr Christopher questioned with confusion written all over his face

Melissa pushed him aside and entered the room, the room had a bad odour she covered her nose and searched for her mum couldn’t find her she pushed her dad again he fell down bruising his knee

He raped me.. Nancy voiced out

My dad raped you? Melissa asked still shocked

Yes he did,where is his wife?

I’ve searched the rooms she isn’t inside.. Melissa replied

Nancy dropped her hand bag she entered the parlour, the smell was too much she ran outside vomiting everything she ate that evening, doctor Charles helped her to sit down

Melissa check inside that room you escaped from.. Nancy told her touching her hair

Melissa went in again, the smell was horrible this time around she went inside the room and screamed calling everyone to come
The police were the first to rush in followed by doctor Charles while Nancy sat outside waiting for them
They dragged immaculate’s dead body outside, Melissa was about coming out when she felt someone’s leg she went to the back of the door and saw her mum who knelt down begging her to keep quiet

I would have asked you to escape from the back door but you are evil.. Melissa told her

Please my daughter, remember I’m your mother help me please.. she cried

You killed immaculate right? Melissa asked

Yes I’m sorry my daughter please forgive me

Where is my brother? What have you done to him? Melissa shouted
Hearing her shout the police came inside the room and dragged jacinta outside she was sweating and begging them to forgive her

She killed Immaculate and I can’t even find my brother.. Melissa said crying

I’m here big sister.. Bethel said coming in and looking tattered
I have evidence of everything,I have evidence of my dad raping sister Nancy and how my mum tried to strangle my sister here, she also killed sister Immaculate this woman here is very wicked.. Bethel said crying

Everyone was speechless, Jacinta pointed accusing fingers at her husband telling them how he killed Annie
Melissa went and dragged Eno out slapping her several times on the head

She’s also a wicked being, she tried killing Nancy.. Melissa exposed

Your mother asked me to do that, don’t accuse me wrongly madam..Eno said

Jacinta was already weak, the police watched them rang up and down accusing each other
Jacinta, her husband and Eno were handcuffed,they were taken to the police station

Husband and wife chose to be murderers what a nice couple,why didn’t you train your children to be murderers too? A police officer asked torturing them

They didn’t respond,Eno kept on begging the police to release that she is innocent

Who dash you innocence? She is a murder too infact we learnt to kill from her.. Jacinta said as Nancy walked in

She dropped her hand bag on the table and faced them

I guess you’re happy here.. she said to them smiling

You maltreated me did all sorts of nonsense to me gave me spoilt food to eat let me tell you all those things weren’t bothering me the only that bothered me most was the way you insult my mum,you call her all sorts of names in my presence I bet you, especially you jacinta you will rot in jail you intentionally pushed me to the main road so as to end my life, you didn’t want my progress your instincts didn’t tell you that one day you will find yourself inside this place right?

I’m sorry Nancy please forgive me.. She begged

Nancy paid deaf ear to them and faced the almighty Eno
Madam Eno, you contributed in making my life miserable always trying to poison me I never knew you were evil ooo,you and your evil partner even paid assassins to kill me while I was asleep,I’m just grateful to God I guess you like your new home,you will rot here.. Nancy said and faced Mr Christopher
She bursted out crying, she couldn’t talk anymore she picked her bag and left them

She got home, she didn’t talk to anybody she went straight to bed sobbing silently
Doctor Charles came inside the room sat beside her and started consoling her the consolation made her cry the more she felt like the earth should open and swallow her
Melissa and bethel came inside the room begging her stop crying

“I saw hell, allow me to pour out my heart” she said still crying

Doctor Charles brought out a diamond ring,he knelt beside her

” please marry me ” he said smiling

Nancy turned, she wiped her tears and screamed jumping and screaming “Yes”

You ain’t crying again? Melissa asked laughing

Nancy hugged them tightly and danced round the bedroom

Don’t hurt my baby please.. Doctor Charles said laughing

‘ Wow we have a wedding to plan ‘ bethel said clapping



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