My Mother Married My Husband 9 – Tishania Ginikachi

My Mother Married My Husband Episode 1&2 - Tishania Ginikachi

My mother married my husband
Episode 9

Later that day I went to the market to get some veggies, I needed to make my favorite jellof rice and peppered snail. Getting there almost all the stores where locked, I was pissed.

I moved further to check other places same thing, I asked some person’s who where walking down the road.

“What happened to the people selling today? Why are their shops locked?”, I asked.

“You didn’t get the news? Today the senators wife is opening a new area for some sellers to own a shop freely, no market is allowed to open on this day. If they catch you open you will have to pay a fine”, the guy said.

“Oh really? So how do I buy things?”, I asked.

“Ehm just go front, that’s where all the sellers are and that’s where the senators wife is. Maybe you might be lucky they might open a shop and sell to you”, the guy replied.

“Thank you”, I showed appreciation before leaving.

I walked down the road and finally saw major crowd gathering an area, I could tell how excited they where by the way they jumped and shouted each time the senators wife made a speech the microphone.

I walked into the crowd to what was happening, maybe I could see someone who would sell to me. I kept walking into the crowd while I held unto my bag tightly to avoid something going missing.

I felt someone’s hands pushed me hard and I fell at the feet of the senators wife. Everyone kept quiet and was watching what was happening, I thank God I didn’t sustain injury.

Once I and the senators wife’s eyes jammed I quickly recognized her, the senators wife was the woman in my dream who cried for me to find her.
The way she looked at me I could tell she might have seen me somewhere.

“Young lady are you okay?”, She asked still staying at me.

I could barely talk, I just nodded still looking at her. I just can’t believed how someone I saw in my dream could be in reality.

There must be something about this woman, for her to appear in my dream and still meet me in reality then it’s not ordinary, I am actually destined to meet with her.

“Take this is my number call me anything you want, I have job opportunities and other things that can engage you as an hard working youth”, she stated while giving me her business card.

“Thank you”, I said while I left the area.

I got into my car and drive back home without buying anything in the market. I quickly ordered Pizza and some other snacks, it didn’t take quite long before it was delivered.

I ate my pizza and kept thinking about the whole event that day, I kept thinking till I never knew when I finished the pizza.

I looked at the business card with the woman’s number on it, and then I decided to call her.

We set up a place to meet, based on the fact that she wants to put in more effort on making sure youths get employed or learn a skill for free. I had a job already I didn’t want to tell her, but my main reason of wanting to see her is the fact that I saw her in my dream and she was crying for help.

The next day, I called in sick at work. I needed to arrive at the avenue on time to meet with the senators wife. When I got there it was a very Discreet place, well it’s a perfect place to have a proper discussion with the senators wife.

I sat down and waited for some minutes before she arrived, her presence was something that felt intimidating but I was intimidated. So many bodyguards and uniform men around the area with guns like they where going for war.

I didn’t care I was here for a mission and that’s what matters at that moment. When we settled in, I greeted her with respect and she acknowledged me.

I wanted to start a conversation when she interrupted and introduced herself.

“My name is Louis vicrome”, she said.

That’s was a very different name altogether, we are in Nigeria but that name doesn’t even sound close to a Nigerian name.

© Tishania Ginikachi

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