My Eyes Episode 10 – Tishania Ginikachi


Episode 10

“A witch?”, she echoed after me looking terrified, she pushing herself far away from me.

” if you were in her shoes what will you think of yourself with such power?” I asked gazing at her eyes filling with mixed reaction.

“Well I would see myself as… as…”, she began to fumble.

“It’s alright”, I interrupted.

“But please be sincere with me, are you really a witch?”, she asked calmly pushing closer to me.

“Am a girl with a rare gift, a gift that’s meant for the good of others but it brings ruining to me”, I replied with so much pain in my heart.

“What?”, she exclaimed.

“I can’t be happy knowing I have such gift that take the happy and good memories away from me”, I added.

“You sound like a broken vessel, tell me all of your worries. Be free my child”, the landlady said while she held onto my right hand.

I could see compassion and love in her eyes, it felt lonely looking into her eyes. I could feel so much positive energy running through her, I was determined to tell her everything that had happened.

I told her every single thing that happened from home to moving down to this state, and down to Clara’s own part of betrayal. My landlady felt heart broken all of a sudden, she could not understand the point of Clara betraying me and the part of Jake leaving me for Clara after all I did for him.

I shed a single tear, even when I was determined to cry more my tears failed me. My eyes where exhausted from crying, she hugged me so tight. Like she knew how bad I need a hug at this point in my life, we hugged for a while before we realized ourselves and ended.

She made lunch and I decided to join, “it’s been a while I ate home made food”, I said while dashing into the food.

“I could tell, please eat as you like I hardly have anyone around”, she replied.

“But why? Where are your kids?”, I asked curiously.

“Two of my daughters are all married with kids, my older son is also married with kids, just the last one who is still busy with work in one of his company in Malawi, the rest base in Canada running a beauty and fashion brand all together.

I pause for a moment, who would have thought this landlady had grown up kids with so much success. On top of that she has grand kids, what a blessing.
No wonder she always speak polished English like she has based overseas all her life, her skin looks it even the settings of her apartment smells foreign.

“Seems you based overseas for a while”, I pitched to clear my thoughts.

“Yes I did, I lived there for a very long time before I met my husband Charles, such a sweet man”, she replied with a faint smile.

“Wow thats lovely, so where is your husband?”, I asked.

“Oh! Charles is long gone to he with the angels, if not for you I would have been with him now all loved up, holding hands”, she replies with a smile which made me smile.

“I love your food, it’s one of the best have eaten since my stay in this state”, I complimented.

She gave me a dashing smile, and it melt my heart.

“I like you Gabby, from the moment you came to rent one of my apartment I felt chills and compassion towards you. If you notice only married couples stay here, I don’t let Amy single person stay in my complex”, she revealed.

“From the moment you came, I gave the apartment to you without question. Indeed your calming self saved me today and I am indeed grateful”, she added.

“Thanks for having me here, I appreciate your simplicity towards me”, I replied.

“Well my son will be coming back this weekend from Malawi, and I will like you to meet him”, she pitched in.

“Huh!”, I exclaimed almost choking on my food.

Tishania Ginikachi


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7 months ago

next!!! more grace to achieve

Chinwendu marvelous
Chinwendu marvelous
3 months ago

Awwww 🥰🥰
Gabby you will be happy again

Last edited 3 months ago by Chinwendu marvelous