My Eyes Episode 11 – Tishania Ginikachi


Episode 11

“Yes my child, you will meet with him. At least he has to know the angel who saved my life”, she responded.

I was dumbfounded, I didn’t know what to say. I only nodded as am affirmation, I helped cleared the table.
Did the dishes, cleaned the living room of the broken glass while she was on call with some person telling them of how she almost died.

I quickly left her apartment after cleaning, firefighters had already put out the fire from her car and other areas affected. Some tenants rushed Inti her apartment to check if she’s alright the moment I stepped out.

I got into my apartment, laid down on my couch and fell asleep.

Waking the following morning with so much job and peace was a mystery to me, I was so happy and energetic. I kept wondering where all of that came from, I made breakfast rushed to my couch to watch one of my favorite programs when the door bell rang.

Getting to the door I had a cold feet like something or someone bad was standing at the other side of the door.
The door bell rang for the third time, getting me more nervous.

I opened the door and I got very big shock seeing her face made my heart sank in my belle.

“you live in a small apartment but find it so hard to walk to the front door to get it”, clara blasted while she forcefully badge into my apartment.

Clara walked majestically inside my living room, with so much disgust written all over her face. Showcase her full Versace summer collection, on a matching outfits with her earrings everything strictly Versace I could tell how much Jake has spent on her wardrobe knowing Clara’s love for material things.

“What brings you here?”, I asked concealing my anger and misery inside.

“You have no right to talk when Mrs Clara Jake peak is speaking, the acting director of the peak family associate”, she spat.

“Now I get you came here to insult me and spit on me, there is no need for that since you have already won”, I repled still acting strong.

“I can’t waste my precious time doing all of that, I came to remind you of how grateful I am to turn the table of your perfect relationship into terror. I knew something wasn’t right about you since we became friends while we were kids.
I promised myself to find out what makes you special no matter how long it took me, so I decided to keep being friends with you till I find out what it was. But then you trusted me so much to reveal your witchcraftcy to me, all i had to do was turn Jake’s eyes away from you.
His family bought the idea and you turned into a witch in their eyes”, Clara revealed.

Oh poor Gabby! What will you do now?”, Clara mocked.

Tears almost ran out of my eyes in hearing all of that, I held myself so strong so I wouldn’t give in. How could people be this heartless? Someone I trusted and called family could be this cruel?.

“Are you done?”, I asked.

I could see the shock on her face, she was expecting the old Gabby who always broken down in tears, who was always weak and vulnerable. This time I will not give in for that not even in her presence.

“Now I want you to pack your things and move away from this state and back to port Harcourt. I don’t want Jake having soft spot for you and then come around this place to find you. I want you to leave before noon, hope I made myself clear?”, she instructed.

“Clara, money and power does not make a man or a woman. Your husband’s money and power will not be able to pull me away from my peace and quiet in this residents, now leave my house and you know I hate to repeat myself”, I replied.

“Don’t leave here by noon and you will finally know if money and power can made a man or woman”, she said before leaving and slamming the door.

I sank into my couch whaling, how did I get here? My mother warned me about her long time ago but I refused to listen.

Look at the mess I got myself into, how can this be? Clara telling me to move out from my apartment with so much pride and authority.

Few minutes I got a call from the landlady, “my dear Gabby, a certain lady came here to warm me about you and how evil of a person you are and wants kick you out of my apartment if you dont leave by noon. Is everything okay?”, she asked with a curious voice.

“Do you want me to come over to your apartment if this is something serious?”, she showed concern.

“That Clara the girl I told you about”, I cried out.

“What?”, she puzzled.

“She wants me to leave this place before noon, she does want Jake coming around to look for me”, I added.

“What nonsense? I thought they are happily married now?”, she asked.

“So I thought, I don’t know what she wants from me”, I replied.

“Today will be the last day she will step her feet into this compound, I will call the commissioner of police and other security agent from now on you are under the care of the government not even a hair on your skin will be harmed”, she revealed.

It dawned on me that this landlady wasn’t just a landlady who owns different prestigious compound, she is a powerful personnel who could possibly be dining with government officials on daily basics.

“Ma”am you don’t have to, I can handle it”, I replied shakily.

“No Gabby, I will handle it this time. You have been handling a lot on your own, let me step in this time”, she replied.

“Nobody touches and step on the foot of my own and go about smiling”, she boasted and then ended the call.

What is even going on in my life? I see this in K-drama’s and Hollywood movies but how is it even happening to me?

Tishania Ginikachi

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