MY COLORLESS RAINBOW Episode 12 by Amah’s Heart

MY COLORLESS RAINBOW Episode 1 by Amah’s Heart


By Amah’s Heart

It was on a Thursday that we went for shopping. I did not want him to start spending so much for my parents or me but Mr Ohio insisted. I went with him as we picked things for my Mom, myself and even for Melinda my sister after I told him I have a younger sister who is also engaged and getting married soon.

This time around, I wore the engagement and pretend for that moment to be engaged to Ohio.
I wish it was not all a mere act but reality, I will be asking for too much and he is too good to be true.
I was more grateful that he agreed to help me do this, I promise him that I won’t take it for granted.

We agreed to go on Friday afternoon, I don’t want him to miss any appointment at all because of me that was why we planned towards the weekend.
And my parents have already started making enough room for me and my fake fiancé immediately they heard that we were coming.

I and my Mom and also Melinda things were easy to get. But my Dad is very selective about things, I let Ohio to know that.
Ohio said he shared few personality with my Dad, and was already liking the old man even though he is yet to meet him.
He took me to the men’s boutique to get my Dad’s wear.
I was filled with smile as I walk beside my fine fake fiancé, Ohio was very humble and looks different from the office man in shirt and tie. He appear nice and simple and still smell so good.
I wish I can bury myself in his arm just to inhale his body saint.
I manage to control my happiness as we walk side by side while talking like old friends and shopping for my Dad. I was filling him in about my strict and funny parents, he was smiling all through.
Ohio makes me feel so comfortable with myself. I do not have to pretend to be another person whenever I’m with Ohio.
I just show my real character of a happy girl that I used to be.

As much as everything was exciting I did not want to forget that Ohio is just there temporary. I hired him without payment to help me accomplish a mission. I don’t have to get too attached to him or I will be left broken and in tears when the job I hired him to do is over.

I tried to guide my emotion towards him and kept reminding myself that my heart must not get involve and I must try and keep my emotions in check.
As we were going round, I was more focused with the task we got and with Ohio and did not notice there was another man behind me.
It was until he mentioned my name that I turned in shock, wondering who knows me in this big men boutique that I have never stepped foot before until today.

As I turned, my heart double beat, I was shock to see Richard.
He has few pack of boat tie in his hand which I guess he wants to use for his wedding or whatever I don’t care to know.

“Becca… wow! I wasn’t sure you are the one when I saw you from afar. I decided to get close and is truly you. How are you doing?

I swallowed hard as I looked at him, he has a deep cut on his fore head which was still fresh. The wound looks swollen too. I guess he just removed the plaster from it because I can see the sign and a little cotton wool sticking to it.
Ohio excused us and stroll down to another side of the shelf as he continued checking for things to pick.
I wished Ohio stayed but the way he gently walked to another side and continued checking out things made me understand that he was excusing from us or from any sort of drama.
Richard stood there staring down at me as if he was seeing me for the first time.
I started thanking God inwardly that I was looking my best that day.
I took my time to arrange my hair, do my makeup and also select my wears which Ohio commend me with a thumb up when I first appeared. He did not say more than that and I guess he was impress with my appearance but trying to keep things professional.
He steals looks at me while we drove down, when we stopped at the traffic light. I caught him staring at me through the car rear-view mirror.
He chuckled when I blushed and looked away.
“You are beautiful Becca and your dress is lovely too!

I heard butterfly in my stomach when he said that, I managed to mutter a quiet thank you to him. I wish I can also describe how handsome and smashing he looks but I’m too shy to say that and I want to focus with the plan at hand and not go off with the way I was already feeling for him
So, with Ohio previously confirming how I looked, it gave me more confidence as I face Richard. I did not say a word to him, I had a lot of thing to say but is better not said.

“Becca, you look beautiful and I can see that you have gotten another replacement for yourself. You finally got engaged…that’s interesting. Is that the same boss friend you once cheated on me with or is another? Ooh, I’m sorry…I was only kidding. Becca, I know how you must have felt when I left you but I thought I was going for the best and right now I don’t even know any more. Sometimes I doubt if I’m sure of what I’m really doing. But all the same, the woman in my life is all fun and very soon we will be saying I do to each other. I must confess that I miss you. What you had for me was real and I miss a lot of things about us. I guess you do too…if you are truthful to yourself. I know you probably hate me for what I did to you but I wish you can understand that i….

I smile and before he could say any other thing I quickly interrupted.

“Is good to see you too Richard and I’m glad you are with the woman who is better off than me. We both moved on with our lives, there is no room for missing you or even thinking or what we used to have. I have better man now and as you can see I am also engaged and very happy than I have ever being because I did not end up with a man like you. It was all for the best Richard. You got what you wanted and I got what I wanted and I’m glad you called it quit and walked away, If not I would have still be wasting my life away all in the name of some stupid love. Congratulation on your forthcoming wedding, I hope you will enjoy the life you have always wanted with your soul mate. Tell your wife to be that your ex-girlfriend said hi and wish her the best. My man is waiting, so I have to run…take care.

He was at the same spot, standing and looking at me as I walked out to meet Ohio who was with the cashier, paying for the things he picked for my Dad.
He smile as I joined him, I returned the smile.
I helped him with one of the bag as we left. I saw Richard looking at us as we walked pass.

When we got into the car, all Ohio said was “I hope your Dad will love all the things we got for him”

He did not ask me about Richard or showed any sign of care to know. I wish he will ask and I will be willing to tell him but he never did.

He drove back to my place and dropped me off, it was the following day we planned to leave to see my parents.
We have already agreed on a time.
Ohio said he will be back to pick me up the next day.
When I entered my house, i got my few things ready and start counting the hours as I wait for the following day to come.
The truth is I no longer care about anything. Richard and Jojo thought they played me a smart game, they did not see how foolish and confused they are yet.

Jojo came over to my place that evening, I was trying to occupy my mind with something else while waiting till tomorrow when I will see Ohio.

“Babe, you are glowing…what is the secret? What is the latest with you and your “honey”. You have being keeping secrets lately and hardly tell me stuffs again. That is unlike you…come on, fill me in Becca and I really want to meet this “honey”…when will you introduce us? And how about Mr Ohio….any news from him yet? He is taking forever to come back. I’m so worried and sometime I imagine him kissing me or we are making out. I just can’t wait to finally get close to him. I expect you of all people to understand the plight of a woman when she is inlove…

I was looking into the face of deceit and selfish woman while staring at Jojo with a mischievous smile on my face.

“What if Mr Ohio have a woman in his life already and do not have interest in someone like you?

I asked Jojo with smile.

“Someone like me…how? I’m smart, beautiful, bold and do not hesitate to go for what I want. If I’m giving just few minute to spend with Ohio, he will leave every other woman with him and stick to me. I told you before that I don’t care if he is taken or not all that matters is me and me alone. I will make him leave and if he refuses to leave the woman then we will be having secret affair. Whichever way it works out I just need him close to me. I’m ready to remove whatever obstacle that is delaying our coming together.

I almost said “just like you removed me and hooked with Richard” I was the obstacle on her way and she finally cleared off the way and get exactly what she wanted.
I do want to say so much to her but I kept calm and played along instead.

“I guess Mr Ohio likes you too Jojo, because he used to ask about you. He even said I should extend his greetings to you as he was travelling that day. I know when he comes back he will want to see you. Your beauty trapped him and he is buried in your fantasy, the only thing delaying now is this his business trip which i know will be over soon. You know I used to like him but I saw that he only has eyes on you, so I decided to hands up and let him be. That was before I finally met my honey. So, I don’t even care about Ohio anymore, he is handsome, wealthy and posh. I was seriously crushing on him with many of my colleagues but not again. You are so lucky Jojo for him to pick interest in you. Ladies who are still dying for Mr Ohio will envy your tactics if they see you two together. I’m already getting jealous, you and Ohio makes a fine couple. I can’t wait till when he will propose and you will walk down the aisle with him and start having beautiful children. Your Sugar has not change your car yet…don’t worry Mr Ohio will change not only your car but also your life…

Jojo was enjoying the moment as I wash her empty brain. She was smiling from ear to ear.

“Hmmm Becca, so Mr Ohio really asked of me before he traveled and you are just telling me now? That is not good at all. But is a good sign and I believe everything you said. Oh my God…Becca, I just can’t wait for it to come true. I can’t wait. I still wonder what I’m doing with Sugar. If I know Mr Ohio has shown a good sign towards me I would have dump the idiot of a man who thinks I will marry him. Can you imagine, we recently had a fight? I slapped him and he returned the slap to me. I did not waste time to take my heel shoe and smash his head. The fool did not know who he was dealing with. I don’t take shit. Is all because of the second money he gave me for a wedding gown, I told him my car was bad and I have used the wedding gown money he gave me to fix it. The guy went out on raging spree, talking to me like a child. I couldn’t stand the insult, I landed him double slap and because he was a fool and do not know that he should never raise hand on a woman no matter what, he decided to slap me back. Becca, my face was on fire…my cheek turned red. I slapped him only twice but one of his own was more than three of mine. Ooh, I couldn’t take it Babe, that was how I was looking for a weapon or some object to use on him and when I did not see one I took off my heel shoe, he was trying to dodge but I targeted him right on the fore head and landed it on him. He dares not mess with me next time. I removed the ring and throw it at him before leaving. He came around yesterday to apologies when I told him that I was going to quit the relationship. He had a plaster on the wound I inflicted on him. I know it will serve as a reminder when next he dares try to raise his filthy hands on me. He begged that I should not let him down, that the wedding card is printed, the wedding date is fixed and almost everything is ready, that if I quit now it will be a great shame to him….he returned back my engagement ring and asked me to forgive him and promise never to raise his hand on me. He said he will get the wedding gown by himself this time to avoid another quarrel. Babe, he looks like a child as he begs me. I forgive him that yesterday but hearing that Ohio is showing interest in me…hahahaha. I will take back the forgiveness I gave to the foolish man. I will use that reason to finally kick Richie…I mean Sugar’s ass goodbye.

I was laughing as Jojo talks about the drama between her and her so called sugar.
If it was before, I could have gotten angry that Jojo will do such to her man but right now all I did was to laugh and cheer at her.
Now I understand where Richard got his wound from.
Jojo was happy after I washed her head with more of Ohio’s love soap, she left and begged me to keep her updated on Mr Ohio.
I laughed so hard at her foolishness. I am enjoying this game. She and Richard are two confused people who do not know exactly what they want. While Jojo is dealing with Richard, I will be dealing with her by myself with the name she has come to love most. Ohio.

The following day, Ohio came in time and waited in his car before I joined him. He has not entered my house before. This is the third time he will be coming to my place to pick me and will always remain in his car.

I greeted him cheerfully and thanked him again for agreeing to do this with me.
He gave me a smile in return as we proceed into the high way.

My Dad called and I told him that we are on our way already. He even informed me that Melinda’s fiance was also coming to spend the weekend and it will be a full house.
He said all of us can also visit the resort beach and there will be another fire work.
My Dad sound so exciting over the phone and I can hear my Mom and Melinda’s voice shouting that they are waiting to meet the man in my life.
Everyone seem to be excited, I was also happy.
When I looked up at Ohio, He was smiling as usual as he focused and kept driving while I give him direction on the turnings to make.

I told Ohio about the Resort beach and that my parents’ are looking forward to having us all.

“Is going to be an exciting weekend. A good time to unwind because I hardly have time for it this days, only when I travel out. I look forward to meeting your family Becca. Do you trust me Becca?

He suddenly asked and I told him that I do trust him, he looked over at me and returned his eyes to the road.
Anytime he looks at me this way, a sudden chill pass down my spine. It feels so good and I wish all this are all real but I will savor every moment with him and make it count.

Jojo is living in a world of fake fantasy because Mr Ohio will never want her but I will make her feel he does.
Jojo’s game is very simple to play but the most interesting game of all time is the one I’m presently in with Ohio.

Everything happening between us looks and feel so real and there is more fun to look out for this weekend.

by Amah’s Heart

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5 years ago

JoJo’s game is too simple & sweet for my liking…

Her game with Mr Ohio is outta this world?

Hopefully it turns out well for Becca, my Love ?

Thank you Mr Opradre ?

5 years ago

Wow!!!Thanks Oprah for making my day. Please continue.
Jojo, here we come

Erigi Gloria
Erigi Gloria
5 years ago

Please when is the next episode?????

5 years ago

Pls complete the story,thank you

5 years ago

Please poop continue

5 years ago

Comment:I love this cant wait to read the next

5 years ago

Wow interesting can’t wait to read d next episode

5 years ago

Please post the next episode for us nau