MY COLORLESS RAINBOW Episode 10 by Amah’s Heart

MY COLORLESS RAINBOW Episode 1 by Amah’s Heart


By Amah’s Heart

People filled up the hall way as I rush to pass, I was trying to manoeuvre my way to the front but the crowd leaving the cinema was not easy to pass by.
I was pushing my way through. A lady who was walking and laughing beside her man almost fell down as I unknowingly pushed her, but her man caught her before she could get to the ground.
She was blocking my view as I try to rush through and got hit mistakenly.
I quickly apologies to her that it was not intentional.
The Lady was not ready to take my apologies, she was even ready for a fight but her boyfriend was holding her and telling her to calm down.

“Can’t you see…are you blind? You almost pushed me down. What kind of human being are you…eeh?

I apologized again because I needed to keep going. I did not have any time to waste with her. I was on a mission.

She was still raging when I turned and ran off for my target.
I did not see Richard and the lady with him again. My eyes was traveling to every corner and car parks while searching for them but they were nowhere to be found.
I swear out angrily, throw a fist to the air. I was almost out of breath after all the running to catch up and all my effort was all in vain.
I was about turning to find my way out when I sighted Richard.
He was standing beside a new car, I guess he changed his old car to something new.
Richard was talking over the phone. He looks happy and laugh along with the conversation.
The lady was not with him. She probably went to the mall beside the cinema to buy something and Richard decided to wait for her.

The lady was my main target and focus and I feel bad that I couldn’t get to know who she was.
I drawled a rasped breath, looked at myself very well to make sure I was looking alright.
I began walking down to Richard. Suddenly, the courage to proceed left me.
I stood at a distance staring at him for a while, hoping that the lady will come out from wherever she went to but it was taking forever.
I felt it was not necessary wasting my time here.
Whoever he chose to be with is none of my business.

I turned and took a cab home.
My mission was not accomplished, if I have kept my eyes focused on them without the sudden delay that occurred with the lady I mistakenly pushed, I could have known who she was and even followed her to wherever she was entering until I got the answer that I seek.
Her back view was just like my friend Jojo.
It was not possible for Jojo to be dating Richard, she can’t possibly be the lady that Richard was leaving me for. Jojo will not dare betray me like that.
She was my good friend and will never want to hurt me for any reason.

I try to wave it off and continue my usual weekly activities with less worries.

Melinda and my Dad called to tell me that my ring was really expensive and my man must have spent a fortune just to buy it for me.
They asked me when I will be bringing him because it was almost a month that I promised to come.
I told them that I will be coming soon, maybe the following week or next but I have things doing presently that will not enable me to come immediately but before two weeks runs out I will be around.

My Dad told me that Melinda’s husband to be was around over the weekend he is very entertaining and a fine gentleman.
They have even started with the whole wedding plan and a wedding date was fixed too.
My Dad wanted me to come anytime soon with my own man because they can’t wait to meet him.
Melinda asked me to send my man’s picture so that she can see him and also show to my parents.
I told her to calm down that she will still meet my own man. Melinda did not give up from asking and I did not fall for her tricks or let her get to me.

Is almost two weeks that Ohio was gone, I have thought of calling him severally but waved it off.
What exactly will I say to him, what if another lady picks the call?
At the end I did not call him again.
After two weeks Ohio was back.
I felt happy that I was going to see him that Monday but he did not come that day.
It was on Tuesday he came. When I saw him coming towards me, I almost leap up with joy. I felt like running to him and throwing my arms around him.
I wanted to do so many things but all I did was to smile and remain seated as he approached while smiling too.

Gasped out in self relief as he came closer and greeted me cheerfully asking me how I was doing.
I responded and even asked him how his journey went and he was kind enough to fill me in.
As he was talking, his eyes traveled down to my finger that has the engagement ring. I was trying to cover it up with my other hand but he still sight it.
He suddenly pause from talking and swallowed hard, I can sense his discomfort immediately he saw the ring.
I decided to ask him.

“Is there a problem…wha…what happened?

“Nothing serious Becca. I have not being seeing you with a ring, even after you told me that you are engaged. I thought you were trying to scare me off with that. After severally month or a year and I did not see you putting on a ring, I thought you weren’t serious. And now…I’m surprised to see you in one finally. I actually wanted to ask if you can do dinner this weekend with me in a cool restaurant…bu,t is fine. I will just leave you to concentrate… and congratulation…

He was still talking with worries in his eyes when his phone began to ring.
He picked up.

“Hey Lili, no…I will skipped lunch. I got some work. Yeah, dinner will be fine…I will drive down this evening. Chicken soup…not tonight. Something different…yeah….

He started walking away while still talking on phone. He later turned and waved at me before walking out of sight.

Ohio did not even give me a chance to explain myself. And the fact is I don’t know what to explain to him if I was given the chance to do so.
I wanted to pull off the ring immediately but he may think that I removed it because of him.
After the close of work, I went home disappointed at the whole turn of event.
And throughout that week I only saw him once and he was going out with my boss. My boss was doing all the talking while he was listening while walking down.

He looked towards my direction and I quickly looked away. Maybe is for the better to let him be. He has a woman already, this is the second time I will be hearing him mention Lili. She is probably the beautiful lady that used to come around with him.
Since he has a woman, why is he still showing interest in me and making me to fall for his charms. It will be better I just zero my mind from him instead of getting myself hurt again.
Maybe I will give Jojo his contact so that she can leave me alone.

While at home that weekend thinking over my life and what I will do with the pressure my people was putting on me to bring my man for them to see. Jojo came over to visit.

I have stored a lot on my heart and was willing to talk to someone who could understand me.

Jojo asked me about Mr Ohio, I planned giving her his contact but I later changed my mind and told her that he was not yet back and I don’t still have his contact details.

I was about sharing some of my burden with her when i remembered the lady with Richard at the cinema.

I have not seen Jojo ever since then and seeing her now reminds me of that day.

I stylishly asked her what she has being upto recently and how she and her sugar spent their weekends and also preparing for their “happy ever after life”

She looked puzzled that I care to know every details of her movement with her man and she was eager as always to share.

“Sugar has being boring me with the wedding plans, he took me to his family house, took me out for shopping and even to the cinema and few other places. I told him I spent the whole wedding gown money and will be needing another cash. Ri….Sugar was very angry, can you imagine that he was asking me what I spent the whole money on? I was not going to let him feel like he was doing me a favor with the marriage thing. I was even looking for opportunity to call it quit but I still have to play along due to all the benefits I get from him. I was angry with him for asking me such dumbest question… of what I spent the money he gave me on. He can be very annoying. I walked out on him and he drove down to beg me, he told me about the latest movie that was out in the cinema and asked to take me there. It was even a boring movie at the end and he saw that I was not still happy after the whole movie thing. Sugar asked me what I wanted that will make me happy, hmmm… i told him I need money to get some jewelries in a fashion shop beside the cinema. He gave me his credit card after saying he doesn’t have any cash on him. I used his credit card to purchase everything I wanted while he was waiting for me. When I returned back I was beaming with smile. He was on a phone call, speaking to his friend who will be his best man during our wedding that may never happen. After he was done with the call and saw all the debit alert messages on his phone…hahahahaha. I watch as his face turned red. He wanted to say something mean to me but he end up saying…”honey…you know we have a wedding at hand, and we need to spend wisely. Please, try to be an understanding wife…blablabla. Well, I told him that I was not his wife yet, he said that in a matter of few weeks I will become his. I laughed at him in my mind because he doesn’t know my plans. He later transferred another wedding gown money to me after I refused to go with him to purchase it. I have already started spending the money again. I planned to get another car for myself and few weeks from now the car will be ready. So is unfortunate that Sugar is the only one planning for his wedding alone. He is engaged to himself and will be getting married to himself because I’m not interested in any so called wedding. My target is Ohio and I will keep waiting until he comes back from his travel. Please always update me whenever he comes please. I trust you will do that for me Becca. I also look forward to meeting your “honey” soon. I want to see the man that proposed to you. You are wearing an expensive ring Becca, which means your man must be a big fish. I wish you can introduce us…let me meet him to know the kind of man he is before you start proceeding. I want to look out for you so that your heart will not be broken again like Richie did….

I almost flew up and slap Jojo, I was burning angrily as I listened to her, laughing and talking about her dirty lifestyle with her sugar” who I just realize was actually Richard.
So, it was truly Jojo all this while, she was the same person I saw with him at the cinema. She never knew that I saw them. How could she ever betray me this way?
How could Jojo be laughing to my face and stabbing me behind. She was the same person that told Richard about me and my boss friend and it was her ear ring I saw at Richard’s place. But she lied against Anita. I’m glad I never took her word for it and accused Anita wrongly.
Now I understand why she gave him a pet name “Richie” she was already dating Richard even before he broke up with me.
Jojo was the person Richard was claiming is better off than me and he plan to settle down with her. I was even advocating for him unknowingly, speaking to Jojo to stop cheating on him. Is very funny how the table turned.
Now, I understand why she did not want me to meet him or see what her man looks like. Jojo really played a smart game on me but nemesis has caught up with her and Richard.
I’m so happy I never told her the story behind my engagement ring, I did not give her Mr Ohio’s contact to her.
As much as this hurt badly, hurting like fresh wound but I can’t help but laugh over how stupid both Jojo and Richard are. Richard is dating a lady who is obviously tired of him, Jojo want a man who is not interested in her.
How wonderful and funny can this be?
I really want to keep laughing at both of them but getting betrayed by the people I hold close to my heart was another thing I can’t just laugh over.
It hurt so bad to think the lady I called my dear friend, I told my secrets, who I have being dining and drinking on the same table with is behind my sadness.
She even have the gut to want the same man that I was beginning to like.
I guess Anita knew all this while, she and Jojo quarreled over something and they have not being in good terms ever since. Since she knew why didn’t she tell me or warn me about the kind of person I called a friend.

After Jojo left that evening, I couldn’t sleep. I was thinking about everything I just discovered. It breaks my heart into pieces that I get the worst of everything in life and in humans. Even friends can’t be trusted anymore.

I cried into my pillow that night again and was up the following morning. I will play along with Jojo until her cup is full to the brim and I will pour it to her face.
I don’t have any business with Richard because he is a confused man to have chosen a lady like Jojo over me. But I have a big business with Jojo and I will beat her to her own game.

by Amah’s Heart

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5 years ago

I’m looking forward to this gaming part already..?