MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 24 – Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 1 - Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 24 – Ayo Omolayo

“So that’s the problem humans face. We turn to bread made out of stones to quench our hunger, when what we really need is the bread of life. Nothing in this world can satisfy. Some people think getting a new car would make them happy. Right now they have seven cars and are planning on buying a new car very soon. Some think a boyfriend would bring satisfaction. They’re out of three relationships and are planning on a 4th one. Only God can fill that vacuum. Stop wasting your time jumping from one place to another. Go for the bread that truly satisfies.

“Sharon!” I interrupted.


“So how can we get this bread of life?” I asked.

“That’s simple! By spending quality time with God everyday. Just like the woman at the well, you take your soul to God. He does the feeding. He answers your questions. He calms your troubled soul. He gives you his peace.

David said in Psalms 16:11. Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

That’s the source of our happiness. The presence of God. That’s the only solution to our obsession. To our worries, to our unending passions and to our search for satisfaction.

It’s only a lady that has tasted of this water in the secret place that can stand in public with a smile on her face. She’s approaching 40, no husband, yet, not a single worry plagues her mind. She’s completely certain that God would settle her when the time comes.

Others who are yet to taste of this water are surprised at her peace of mind. They are asking out of curiosity. What is her problem? Can’t she see she’s getting old? At 38, she has the guts to reject a proposal. You know how difficult it is to get a husband in the market these days.

They don’t understand. She’s so lost in the pleasures of God’s presence, that she cannot sacrifice it for a wrong relationship with a mere man. She’s lives in the presence of God, dwells in the secret place of the most high and abides under his shadow.

Jesus said in John 14:27. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
He calms your troubled soul and gives grace to the weak heart.

It’s in your secret place. Your quiet time. That’s where you draw from the river of life. That’s were your emotions are subdued and your spirit man is charged and empowered. That’s the secret sis”.

I looked at my sister with a somber expression on my face. This was something I never thought to be possible.

“But is there a quick route? Is there anything that can make me get married faster as a Christian lady? I mean does it mean because I’m a Christian, I must marry late?” I asked.

She smiled and patted me on the shoulder.

“Sis! That’s what a lot of Christian ladies think. That’s the reason why many of them are in a hurry to get married and not lose the man in their lives right now. They don’t understand that there are principles in the kingdom.

God is a God of principles. Everything in him has a pattern you must follow in other to achieve what you want. Who told you Christian ladies can’t marry early? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Let me tell you how to hasten God’s hand concerning your marriage.

In the school we have primary, secondary and tertiary institution. The primary I’d the basics of all the levels of education. Without the primary, the secondary or the tertiary education would never be balanced. What am I driving at?

God is a God of priority! If you understand God Ehn, you would go and sleep very well and stop worrying yourself. God is a God of priority. He never puts at the front what ought to be last in the queue. He arranges everything according to their significance. What am I saying?

God sent us with 3 assignments on earth. Three definite assignment. I know alot of things fall under it, but these 3 are the most significant of them all.

Number one! He sent you to this earth to have a relationship with him. You were created to know God. To worship him and have fellowship with him. Man was created for God to dwell in and interact with. That’s the first.

Number two! He sent you to this earth to fulfill a purpose. There was a need in the earth. Israel needed a deliverer to break them out of the bondage of Pharaoh. So God sent Moses to the Earth. God knew a famine was approaching. A famine that would last for seven years. The whole world was in trouble. A lot of people would die. So he sent Joseph into the world to preserve lives.

No human being shows up on earth without a purpose to fulfill. It doesn’t matter how the child was born. What matters is what the child came to fulfill. That’s why abortion is completely devilish. According to God’s programming and calculation, during intercourse. Once the man sends his seed into the woman, a child is formed.

God having sat down as a principled King, plans for the future. He programed nature and gave them instructions to follow. So immediately, God calls a meeting and looks into the future. A child has been released into the earth by the act of intercourse. God immediately looks into the future and see a particular need to be met and gives the mandate to that child.

He sends the child into the earth to fulfill that mandate, only for the mother to say she wants him dead. How horrible is that? And that’s how the innocent child is killed and sent back to God without fulfilling his destiny.

Can I tell you something?”

“Yes please!” I answered.

“Do you know that the children in heaven do not own mansions?”

I was amazed. Could that be true? I believe God wouldn’t allow them to be homeless.

“Yes! Children in heaven do not own mansions. You build your mansion in heaven by your labour for God here on earth. So every aborted baby doesn’t own a personal mansion.

Jesus made us to understand that he would reward us on the last day. Part of the reward he was giving us is a mansion in the kingdom. Those aborted babies never had the opportunity to labour for the kingdom. Whether God is going to give them one later, that, I cannot tell”.

“Wow!” I nodded.

“Number 3! He sent you here to help spread his kingdom here on earth. He sent you here to represent him. To win souls to the kingdom for him. To help in reaching out to the lost and perishing world. He sent you here to help those who do not know him to do so. He sent you here so that darkness would not dominate the world.
These are the three reasons why you were sent to this world”

I was awe struck. I didn’t know what else to say. I knew I was so borders with what was not important to God right from the onset. What was I going to do now?

“Can I ask a question?”

“Please do!” I replied.

“So where is marriage among these three?”

I shook my head in regret. I wasn’t sent to this world to get married. I was sent to have a relationship with God, fulfil my destiny and spread his knowledge across the world by winning souls.

“Sis! You really want to get married faster? You really want to tell God that you mean business with him? Get busy with these three! Go and build your relationship with God. Your quiet time! Your prayer altar and personal bible study. Get busy with a consistent prayer life and study of God’s word. You have been called to know God. And you don’t know him yet, then forget about marriage.

As you consistently fellowship in the presence. God begins to reveal things to you and one of them is who you are meant to be. What he destined you to become. He opens your eyes to specific things and pushes you into your divine calling and assignment. This he does and in no time, you find yourself busy in the work of the kingdom.

It’s not compulsory that you must be a preacher. You may be a kingdom financier. Pulling people to the kingdom through your wealth. You may be a kingdom musician, pulling souls to Jesus through your songs. You may be a kingdom writer, winning souls for God through your write ups.

One way or the other, you find yourself busy in God’s work. That’s your garden of Eden. Taking care of what God has placed in your hands. You wouldn’t have time to think about your marital status. You’ll be too busy calling people to come and drink from the water of life.

And in that garden of fulfilling purpose, lies your partner. That’s where you get to meet the one that was created to partner with you in God’s work.

Listen to me. Not every Christian is your husband. A destiny helper is what God said he was giving Adam first. Not even a wife.

Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

God was sending someone to help him first. That was the primary assignment Eve came to play in the life of Adam. What was Adam’s assignment on earth? Take care of the garden. Eve was only there to help him do his assignment better.

Today, you ask a lady, what is your assignment here on Earth? She would tell you she doesn’t know yet, but she’s asking God to give her husband.

Ask her about her relationship with God. She cannot fast. She’s still struggling with 30 minutes prayer everyday, if at all not once in a week. She never opens her bible to read it except when she goes to church on Sunday. And she’s asking God for a husband.

How can a family and the destiny of 3 great children on earth survive under the care of a woman who cannot pray more than 30 minutes? Quiet time, she’s still struggling with it. Personal bible study, no time, too busy. How can she defend her husband in the place of prayer? How can she pray the destiny of her children into manifestation?

Have you forgotten Satan attacks godly families? How can you build a strong relationship with God spending only 30 minutes with him everyday? Before God starts talking or opens a Bible scripture and revelations start coming, you have closed the bible. Time up!

And the next time you come back, that window in the realm of the spirit has been closed. A lot of Christian ladies have left their relationship with God unbuilt, their purpose undiscovered, the spreading of the gospel abandoned and are busy looking for a man to marry them.

The Bible says, he that findeth a wife. Now , it’s she that findeth a husband. Remember that scripture that says, but seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things, including your husband, shall be added unto you.

Let’s go back! Retrace your steps back to God. We have really majored on the minor and minored on the major. What ought to be number one, is now the last thing on the list. And what ought to be the last thing on the list is the number one thing we’re pursuing”.

I went down on my knees immediately and poured out my heart to God. Indeed, I was so guilty.

To be continued……

Christian singles!

I want to get married! I want to get married!

Have you used this period of being a single to know God? To build your relationship with him? Have you discovered your purpose and calling in life?

So many of us are still very young and Satan is bringing boys to distract us and we think it’s because we’re so beautiful?

You’ll chat with them till late in the night and when you’re supposed to be reading Bible, you’re listening to the sugar coated words they have to say.

You hardly read your Bible. You can’t even pray because the distraction is too much on you. You give excuses of work and tiredness.

The enemies ready to wreck your destiny and push you into a wrong relationship are not tired.

Don’t forget, time is going!

Start preparing for the future now?



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