MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 4 – 6 – Amah’s Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 1 - Amah's Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 4 – Amah’s Heart

After telling Camdy about the invitation from Rick Williams himself Camdy was very excited and was already planning on the cloth she will put on.
It was a great opportunity for her to be among the rich and famous. Camdy has always wish her father was rich and not some furniture man who struggle to pay the house bills and her mother was nothing to write about.
On the party day, Betty was up early, she fixed her hair, took her time to do her make up.

Alice was watching her sister get dress
“Can I come too…sometimes is bored here. Grandma Eunice is always pestering my life, she will be like “Alice you did not do this right, Alice you are not hardworking as your sister Betty, you are too lazy” is always Alice this and Alice that, she will not give me breathing space sometimes I wish mum and dad never got separated. They both disappeared to a different world leaving us at the mercy of difficult society and a harden grandma who is so authoritative…
Betty pause from what she was doing and turn to her sister.

“Grandma is only trying to make you turn out right, you do not have to take any of what she does personal. Alice, you celebrated your fourteenth birthday last month. You aren’t a kid any more so if you do not want anyone to keep telling you what to do then do the right thing. I see the way you talk to her and even respond to her is very annoying and disrespectful.
“But Betty, she will not let me be in peace, always attacking me and harsh whenever I mistakenly do something wrong… just wish Mum was here and.
Betty interrupted her again.

“…Mum is faraway, her new husband do not want us anywhere close. Do you understand that? She has moved on and has a new family far away from here. Dad is serving a life sentence in prison, he is not getting out anytime soon. I hate to go over this every time with you Alice. We discussed it severally and you will always want me to keep repeating myself. Nobody cares about you and i. not mum and not Dad, they will never come for us. Is being seven years already and we have not seen any of them..

You only got me and Grandma Eunice. She is doing a toll job at the vendor shop and I am working a double shift at the grocery store all this is for us not to end up in the street as beggars, you have to appreciate that Alice. I will take care of you in every way I can, you and grandma is all I got for now. Alright? You just have to be appreciative and supportive in your own little way not always getting into a fight with grandma. Do you understand…?

“Sure, I do. So can I still come along to the party…you told Grandma is a famous rich boy that is hosting the party and I really do want to come, I also want to mingle and have some fun.
“No Alice…is adult party not for teens, you can’t come but i promise to take you out for a little shopping when I get my next pay cheque. We can buy few wears for ourselves and also get something for Grandma Eunice. Is that okay…
“Okay, but remember your promise. I will definitely remind you once your next pay cheque arrives…
Camdy called informing Betty that she was set and already inside a cab coming down to pick her up.
Betty hurried with her preparation and got set and ready.

As she was leaving the house to the awaiting cab that Camdy came with she sawTom.
Tom walked up to her, Camdy shouted out from the cab
“Betty hurry up, you are wasting so much time. Leave that loser of a boy, he has nothing to offer. Let’s go and party hard with the rich and famous boys
in town..
Tom turned and looked at Betty who stick out her tongue to him.
He return his look to Betty.
“Betty please, I need to talk to you.Jisten to me first. I’m sorry for the other day. i wasn’t thinking and I bridged our initial agreement of you not wanting anything intimate. I know I shouldn’t have and I am sorry…please…
“Betty, i said you should leave that good for nothing boy, let’s go. We are running late. You know the famous Rick William is hosting us. You don’t need losers around you. Come on let’s go…
Camdy shouted out to Betty.

Betty walked pass Tom and straight into the waiting cab.
Tom turned and looked at Betty as she went inside the cab.
Camdy pulled out her middle finger at him as the cab zoomed off.
Tom was about leaving when Eunice came out of the house.
“Hey…son. Maybe you shouldn’t be wasting your time pleading to her. Betty is not so hardened…she will come around whenever she feels like. And when she becomes your friend again don’t mess up with her or I will break your nose with my fist…

Tom smile and nodded.
“How is your grandmother? Mrs Craig is strong willed and I’m glad she finally agrees to get help. Hope she is recuperating…
“She is getting the required help she needed Ms Eunice, thank you.
“Say hello to her for me and tell her the church misses her….be good son and stay out of drugs, I know you are a good boy
“Sure ma’am. I will….thanks. I have to go now.
Tom left feeling sad and disappointed himself, Betty is getting involve with the rich and famous, she will never want to be his friend again.
Eunice went back inside.
Betty and Camdy arrived at the party and everywhere was booming with liveliness.
They went inside and get acquainted with the spacious and beautiful environment.
Everyone present were in a high class, rich kids from different background.

Camdy started acting as if she was among the rich kids too. without wasting time she got involve with a good looking boy and they began to dance while Betty stood with her drink in hand and watch everything with a smile as it unfold.
“What is your name and where are you from…?
The boy dancing with Camdy asked
“I’m Camdy Jefferson from Northern Broke. My father is an oil tycoon, we live in one of his mansions in northern Brook. Do you know he bought me a Ferrari during my last birthday but that wasn’t what I wanted as a gift.’ wanted to go to Paris for shopping spree and it was okay by him. He sponsored my trip to Paris without a second thought and I just returned last week. Rick Williams is my friend, he invited me to his party…his father is also my father’s business associate.

“Wow Camdy…really. That’s great. Your father’s name does not ring a bell but he is probably one of those who do not like displaying their wealth to the public…
“Exactly, he enjoy his privacy and doesn’t like being exposed to the public. So what is your name..
“Ben Fag. Have you heard of Fag enterprise? Is like the popular MacDonald…. I guess you have…my father owns it and he is also a drug Lord. Money is not the problem because we got all it takes. Will you like to visit me sometimes? I want to see you drive down in your Ferrari…

“Ooh…mmmhhh. No, I don’t go around in any of my cars. I’m just like my father. I live a very quiet life and don’t like being so exposed. Most time I go around in a taxL.yeah, my cars are parked at home and I only drive them ones in a while…but I will come visiting you.
“Maybe I can come down to your father’s mansion and pick you up or even send my driver to get you.
Ben said.
“No Ben, you don’t need to do that…’ will come down myself. Just give me your address and I will be there.
Betty was standing with a glass of drink in her hand and nodding her head to the loud music, she has seen Rick in the means of many people and there was a particular girl following him up and down.
“I do not belong in this caliber of people”. Betty thought within herself.

She saw Camdy getting along with one of the rich kid. “Who knows what they are both talking about”?
Betty thought to herself.
Camdy always knows how to get along with people, she has word for everything and everyone, both good and bad. This is the environment she has always wanted to belong.
Camdy runs morning shift at the Grocery store and afternoon till evening shift at the bakery where she get to take home bread to her drug addicted mother and a carpenter father.
Camdy’s mother was recently admitted into a rehab.

She is left with her father who can’t afford much in his little carpenter shop after paying for his wife rehab fee
Camdy pays some of the bills in the house and sometimes refuses to pay whenever she want to punish her father for being a poor man.
This was a good opportunity for Camdy to mingle up and feel belong to the kind of life style she has always dream to live.

“Betty Fisher right?
Betty was startled out from her thought as she face a smiling Rick.
“You made it to my party…hope you are comfortable here. I know the people here are not in your class but be free and express yourself. We the rich and famous do not judge the poor…
Betty was stabbed with his word. She frown and nodded quietly.

Rick Williams appears to be arrogant and careless with words. Why will he describe her that way. It was as if she was giving a choice to be rich and she turned the offer down. She did not chose the life she found herself in but she has no choice than to live with it and take care of her sister.
Rick was still talking when one of the girls came to drag him away.
“Who was that you are talking to…?
The lady asked Rick.
“Just some girl from my Mum music school, not really important. But she is beautifuL.isn’t she.
The girl pushed Rick rudely.
“You do not admire another girl in my presence and she doesn’t belong here. Why do you even invite an ordinary girl from an empty background to your party? She is a low life fool. You went to flirt around her when I am presently here…disrespecting me publicly. Watch me… I’m going to walk her out of here.
“Calm down Magi, she is my guest. I invited her….let her be please, I wasn’t flirting with her…
Magi ignored him and collected a glass of drink from the tray, she walked up to where Betty was and threw the drink on her.

“You are a low life poverty stinking whore. You do not belong here…so leave…leave right now.
The party was frozen as the ladies came to cheer Magi.
Betty was shock at the embarrassment. Magi started pushing her out and when Betty tries to argue Magi raised a hand and slapped her.
“Magi, she is my guest, stop it…stop this madness…
Rick shouted at Magi who turned to him and said.
“She does not belong here and you should never have invited her knowing well I will not like it. You never consider my feeling, you even went as far as flirting with her shamelessly…
Another girl looked at Camdy who was standing beside Ben Rag, watching as they embarrass Betty.
“This girl also came with her, I saw when they stepped in together. Two poor girls…hahahaha…. Coming to where they don’t belong.

Ben turn and looked at Camdy surprised.
Camdy quickly defend herself.
“I don’t know her, we only met coincidentally, I have never seen her before and we don’t belong in the same level. My father is an oil tycoon and I demand some respect from those trying to attach me and that poor girl together…we aren’t in the same level..
Camdy said boldly without remorse and Ben Fag nodded in agreement to her.
Betty opened her eyes in shock, listening to Camdy deny her right in front of everyone just because of what she stand to gain.

Betty was pushed out of the house by Magi and her friends who later went back inside and continue to party.
Betty removed her heel shoes and carried them in her hands, she walked the long street feeling so hurt and broken.
She has never been so embarrassed like today. She felt like crying but blink back tears.
Betty whistled for a cab which came and she entered, gave her address and the cab man took her home.

Episode 5

Betty went home and was so heartbroken that she have to call her manager at work to report that she was sick.
“What happened to you Betty, do you get into fight at the party you went with your friend yesterday?
Betty’s grandmother asked her feeling concern over her granddaughter’s unusual quietness.
“I’m fine grandma, I did not get into any fight, whatever happened at the party I do not want to talk about it. Maybe not now…l just want to be left alone.
Betty resumed work the following day and Camdy was about signing off after her morning shift.

“That was a fantastic display you pulled at the party Camdy, you are indeed a great actor and I’m here wondering why you have not signed up with Hollywood. Do you know that you will make a fine actress Camdy…
Camdy ignored the sarcasm in her voice. She try not to reply Betty’s mockery.
Betty wasn’t done yet with Camdy “…what are you doing here…you know you can’t actually be working in a grocery store when your father is a wealthy oil Lord. Rich people don’t work here or have you forgotten where you belong? I took you idiot to a party that I was wholly invited to and you denied me right in the presence of everyone just because you wanted to belong where you don’t actually belonged…

Camdy spoke in self defense
“I needed to do what I have to do Betty, don’t blame me for what happened. I’m sorry it happened that way and you got embraced and was kicked out of the party. I met Ben and I liked him, all I needed to do was to act fast so that he won’t slip off my finger. Your supposed man, Rick Williams has a crazy girlfriend and I feel bad she treated you the way she did and Rick just watch her do it. I’m sorry that…

Betty interrupted her while moving closer to her angrily
“No, I’m more sorry for your crazy ass Camdy. Don’t be sorry for me, be sorry for yourself because I’m striping my seat belt tight to watch how long your lie will last…this movie you started i must watch to the end and I can’t wait for your own time of embarrassment to come. Is all gonna be dramatic babe…after then then you will be real sorry.
“Betty, you are only angry because you found out that Rick has a crazy girlfriend who poured drink on you and pushed you out for been in her man’s party…

l have no hand in that. I was only trying to get connected and I thought you were doing the same. Do not blame me for what happened. I’m sorry that it all happened to yo…
Somebody interrupted them by clearing his voice loudly.

They both turned and saw Tom, with a basket filled with things he picked.
Betty was shock and wondered how long Tom have being listening to her and Camdy.
She wish he did not hear anything but Tom heard almost everything from the look in his eyes.
Camdy walked away leaving Betty and Tom.
“Sorry to interrupt…! want to pay for this…

Tom said while looking at Betty, who took the filled basket from him and started scanning his items without saying a word to him.
On a good day she could have asked about Mrs Craig’s health but today is not a good day for her.
Tom was also quiet and never said anything as he watch her scan
She gave him his bill and he paid up, picked up his things and left without a

Betty felt sad, she expected Tom to say something but when he didn’t she felt more embarrassed that he probably heard more than he supposed to.
Throughout that day and the next day Betty did not talk much.

Camdy try to associate just like before but Betty warned her off and after few days she forgive Camdy and they became cool again
Betty did not want to continue her music class because of Rick. Rick’s mother owns the music school and that alone saddens her
If possible she was ready to save up money again and start another school, get serious with her music career and record her first album which will be a dream come true for her
Betty try to get another evening job since she was not attending music school again but was having a double mind about it.

She wasn’t sure of what to do.
After work one day on her way home she met Tom coming back from the hospital where he went to visit his grandma.
Tom offered to drop her off at home, Betty turned down the offer but later changed her mind
She went into the car and Tom drove off.
They were both silent, nobody said anything until Tom was in front of her house.
Betty opened the door and went down and Tom remained quiet.

Betty walked to the front porch and turned back to where Tom was sitting in his car
“What the hell is wrong with you, why are you not talking to me, oh you are angry with me because I turned you down or because of what you over heard from me and Camdy during our argument, yes, I was embarrassed and pushed out of the party. Yes, I liked Rick alot and never knew he got a girlfriend. But it doesn’t really matter anymore and I don’t care. I really do not care. I don’t care about what you heard and I don’t care about you or any one. All of you can go to hell…

Betty said angrily and Tom remain silent watching her vibrate.
She walked away and Tom drove off.
The next day while Betty was preparing for her day Eunice came into the room and gave her a shocking news
“I heard that Mrs Craig went into coma last week, I have not been able to see Tom and ask him how she was doing. Have you seen him recently or
did you hear anything concerning Mrs Craig?
Betty was surprised, she quickly got ready that morning and left the house in a hurry.
She did not go straight to work because it wasn’t time for her resumption.
She felt bad for the way she has been treating Tom, Betty went over to his place.

Tom was about leaving when Betty came in
“Why didn’t you tell me that Mrs Craig was critically ill? I was just told this morning that she went into coma last week…
Tom who was surprised to see her said.
“She is fine now Betty although still in the hospitaL.her health got serious which resulted to coma but my grandma is recuperating. I never knew you care that was why I did not bother saying anything but thanks any way.
Betty looked at Tom and wondered why he was trying to dismiss her so quick.

“Can I get to see her after work?
“I will be going to the hospital this evening we can go together if you want to see her.
Betty nodded and turned to leave, Tom wanted to call her back but he was struggling to let her be.
Getting involve with her at first really hurt him a whole lot.
All he wanted to do was to move on and forget her despite how difficult it was and if Eunice, Betty’s grandma is right then Betty will come around whenever she feels like.
Tom couldn’t watch her leave or act as if he doesn’t care about her so he called Betty
Betty suddenly turned as if she was expecting him to call her.

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry for everything. For bridging our agreement, for the embarrassment you got at the party because I actually heard almost everything during your argument with Camdy. for the betrayal you got from Camdy herself.J’m sorry for everything. Thank you for stopping by…I appreciate Betty…
Betty took few step back to where Tom was standing.
She gently wrapped her hands around him and went into his arm. They embraced, breathing in the warmness of each other.

Tom straightened and kissed her and Betty did not resist him, she kissed him back and that was how their friendship kicked up again.
Betty loosened up the whole stored up anger and was friendly again.
She and Tom became an item, he even encouraged her to go back to her music class of which she did.
Betty later resumed back to her music school, Krak was happy to have her back after a long while.
She continued from where she stopped and Krak was ready to guide her through.
One day Rick came to the music school one evening, when Betty saw him her heart double skipped.
She swallowed hard and quickly packed up her things to leave but Rick stopped her.

“Betty, I’m sorry. I have try to reach you and even come here severally but Krak told me you have not been coming down. If I know where you live I could have driven down to see you. I broke up with Magi after what happened. I try to stop her that day but she was acting crazy already. Magi is controlling and always want to dominate, any girl she sees around me is a threat to her. I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you, I’m sorry for what Maggi did. She has no right to do that because you are my guest…’ personally invited you. I am just sorry for everything…please..
Betty looked up at him. Rick was indeed very handsome and he was wearing a dot diamond ear ring in one ear. He smile at her, exposing his fine dimples which made Betty to freeze.

Betty looked at his lips and imagined how much of a good kisser he will be.
She was more relief that Rick has broken up with the she devil that kicked her out with her bunch of useless friends.
Now she will not need to battle with any girl again
She was drooling all over him and suddenly stopped when she remembered Tom.
Betty frown at the thought.
“To prove how sorry I am can I take you to a carnival night next week? Is a big carnival organised by some of my friends and it will be a night filled with fun…please I really want to make it up to you, I promise no harm will come to you. I will purchase your costume for the carnival and you will be with me all though so you don’t have to be afraid of any form of attack because I will protect you…please.
Before she left she told Rick she will like to think about the whole thing and get back to him and Rick agreed and promised to call her the following day.


She did not think about the whole thing for long because the next day when Rick called she was freely speaking with him.
They spoke for long and Betty couldn’t hide her joy after the call.
She started seeing Rick whenever he comes to visit her in school. He even takes her out sometimes after school and drives her to where she usually pick a bus home.
She comes back with different gift from Rick. Betty was happy moving with the rich and famous and also with the man she has always admire and loved secretly.

She kept it away from everyone, including Tom whom she was looking for a strategy to break up with him so that she can fully be with Rick.
Tom calls and send messages which she never answer or replies to.
One day she was laughing so loud while speaking to Rick over the phone before her grandma walked in thinking she was on phone with Tom.
“What is making you smile from ear to ear…l overheard you talking with
Tom on the phone. You two makes a great couple, that young man truly loves you. I have seen the way he looks at you and always ready to please you. He is also hardworking, is really beautiful to have a man who cherish you like Tom does. So what did he say that is making you to smile this way…

Eunice asked Betty with a smile.
“I wasn’t talking with Tom, Grandma….i was talking with Rick…Rick Williams. Eunice smile turned into a frown
“You mean same Rick that humiliated and watched his girlfriend kick you out of his party. Don’t tell me he is the same person that got you smiling this way over some silly phone calL.what was two of you talking about.
“Grandma he is sorry, he came to apologies and even broke up with his girlfriend because of what she did to me. Rick is truly sorry and I saw it clearly in his eyes.

“That boy is never sorry…l don’t trust him or his fake sorry. Don’t make yourself too loose or cheap for him, he will play it like ball. I really don’t want you to get hurt Betty. You are smart, you are hardworking and beautiful. You deserve a good man who will love you for real and truly for real. Not some glamorous love or preteens. I don’t want any one painting your little background to your face because this is our root and we work our ass off every day to keep moving. No spoil brat has any right whatsoever to play with your intelligence Betty…

“Grandma I know….i know. I like him a lot and I do want to be with a person that I truly love not the other way round. Rick will not hurt me. He has changed for real and is even taking me out next week for a carnival.
Eunice breathed deeply and move closer to sit on a chair.
“So what happens to Tom now.. are you gonna dump him for Rick..?
“I don’t know yet grandma. I just want to have some fun with Rick that’s all. We aren’t into any relationship yet but if he ask I won’t say no because I like him a lot…
As they were talking Alice came into the room.

“Betty, Tom is here to see you. He said he try reaching you severally but you weren’t picking up?
Betty reluctantly stood and walked out of the room to where Tom was.
“Hey…how are you? You are not taking my calls…l was wondering if your phone went missing or bad…?
Betty stood looking at him. She felt a pang of guilt but refused to show it. She was beginning to hate the fact that Tom freely comes to her house anytime he likes.
It wasn’t a problem before for her but it has suddenly becomes one because she just realized that the man she truly love was Rick not Tom.
And Tom’s presence was beginning to irritate her.
She spoke out to Tom, expressing her true feeling over him appearing unannounced
“You should have called me first before coming down here Tom. I know you do come before unannounced but is not right and I don’t like it anymore. Don’t appear in my house like a ghost asking me question of what I’m doing with my life…don’t do it because is not cool at allTom was dumb founded as he began to wonder where he went wrong. He searched his heart to know what exactly he did that got Betty angry.

“I’m sorry Betty, but did I do anything wrong. Did offend you in any way…’ don’t understand. You visit me and I do the same sometimes when I’m free, that has never been a problem…. so why has that become an issue now? Why are you so worked up because I came over to check up and I also try calling several times, even send messages but you never picked up my calls or reply to my text, so how am I supposed to tell you that I was coming when you don’t pick my call?
Betty was hurt with Tom’s tone of voice and the way he spoke back at her.

“You are raising your voice at me Tom…all because I politely asked you to inform me before coming to my house. You dare talk back at me with that tone of yours.J’m done with you…
“Betty stop this, I did not raise my voice. I’m sorry with the tone I used…please stop it.
Betty was not going to take his apology, she has gotten something to hold on to. This will be a good way to break up with Tom so that she can be with Rick.
“Leave…leave my house this minute Tom
Eunice came unexpectedly to Tom’s defense
“Betty this is my house too and Tom is welcomed here anytime. Be polite to him because he is equally my visitor…what is wrong with you child? Why are you so hot, if he did anything wrong why not speak to him about it instead of all this unnecessary anger?
Betty turned and looked from her grandma to Tom.

“Fine, is all good.. will just go back to my room then so that you can entertain your visitor.
Tom moved closer to her and try to grab her hands as she tries to leave but
Betty slapped his hands off.
“Don’t you dare touch me Tom…

“What exactly is my offense…what did I do wrong. Okay, I’m sorry…l don’t know what is going on but I am sorry Betty. Sorry for coming unannounced, sorry for pissing you off, sorry for everything I might have done unknowingly. Please Betty, stop doing this to me….to us.
Betty walked away from him back to her room
Eunice was speaking to Tom and Alice who has been silently watching came to meet her sister.
“Two weeks ago, you were so happy sitting out there with Tom, I can hear your loud laughter from inside here. Now, you meet with some crazy Rich guy and Tom looks like a spoil potatoes to you. Love is a beautiful thing when you are wi…
“Shut the hell up Alice, keep your mouth shut and stay away from this. Stay far off from all this before I kick your ass real hard…

Betty shout at her sister who zipped up her mouth and remained mute.
Betty was at work the following day when Tom who was still confused on what was eating at Betty came, he wasn’t buying anything he just came to talk things through with Betty.
“Betty….what is the problem. What did I do wrong…can we talk after your work shift today. Can I drive down to see you after your music class? I just want to talk. Please don’t do this to me. I can’t even do anything.

Can’t sleep, can’t eat…can’t even concentrate at work because of you all I think of is how I offended you. Betty please, don’t do this…
“Tom, this is my work place not my house where you can just come in unannounced, don’t come here except if you want to buy something or I will ask the security to kick you out. I’m on duty can’t you see, are you blind that you can’t even see that.

Tom left and hoping that Betty will calm down and talk things through before she makes any decision.
He loved Betty very much. He remains confused with Betty’s new attitude. He wondered what he did that got her annoyed.
Tom hopes that Betty will calm down and accept his apology to whatever maybe his offence.


To be continued….

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