MORENIKEJI Episode 27 – 28 by Amah’s Heart

MORENIKEJI Episode 1 by Amah’s Heart

MORENIKEJI Episode 27 by Amah’s Heart

I was rounding up from my eatery when Phil came in.
This was the third day after coming around with his sister.
He was not with Kachi, his kid sister. He came alone.

My girl, Halima went to attend to him but he asked to see me.

I went over to where he sat, he was pretending to be watching the cook show showing on television before I came.

“, Good evening sir… welcome to M’j Eatery. Here is the menu, kindly go through it so that we will know what to serve you… we’re here at your service sir..

I said sounding all official, like a serious minded business woman.
I overlooked his confused eyes. He rolled them at me without saying a word.

I try not to look or act too friendly. I was treating him like a customer.
he kept blinking his eyes to really understand what I was upto.

Phil was dumb founded at first when I moved the menu closer to him and asked him to check it out and tell me what exactly he wants

“Keji, please stop. we need to talk…I want to see you, in private. When do you close from here or resume…

“, Please Sir, I’m right here. You can talk to me about whatever you want…

“Cut the act off Keji. How’s your schedule? We need to sit down and talk and is definitely not here… please.

He was acting all serious and wasn’t ready for my business attics but I was having fun with it.
So I continued

“Sir, I’m always here. This is my business place and only place you can see and talk to me. please sir, what is it you want to talk about or you want me to do for you…

He sighed frustrated. Looked up at me and said. Calmly.

“What is up with you referring to me as “sir? Don’t you know my name again… and what’s all this business attitude you are portraying…? uhmm… alright Keji. two can play this game right? I’m in then.

He pause and smile before continuing.

“….Please madam, I’m searching for job…I heard there’s vacancy here. Don’t turn me down because I desperately need this this job. My whole heart depends on it.

I almost laughed out loud with the humor in his voice.
He pleadingly rubbed his two palms together, all with seriousness.

“There is no vacancy sir. You can’t work in this kind of place because of your high class. go and look elsewhere, No space is available…

“Don’t do this to me madam. Please don’t or my heart won’t be able to survive another disappointment… another heart break…

He paused, bent his head for sometime laughing.
He later looked up at me.
He looked from my hands, to my face, my eyes down to my mouth then back at my eyes

He gasped out and said smiling

“… is there no vacancy at all… for me? I can wash plate, I’m a good dishwasher. I can sweep and clean, I can run an errand for you my adorable madam. If there’s none here then employ me to be your houseboy at home. I will make sure the house is clean and prepare your favorite meal… what do you say to my request ma’am?

I began laughing so loudly, he curved a smile as he watched me laugh.

“… when are you closing tonight…let me also be your driver and take you home.

I told him that I was almost rounding up but he doesn’t need to do that.

Phil waited until I was through for the day. We left together.
He opened the back door and try to usher me in as a driver.
I ignored him and took the front seat beside him.
We didn’t say much during the ride. He only asked that hope my day wasn’t too stressful and I told him it wasn’t.

It was around 10pm I got home. I usually close from the eatery 10pm and sometimes gets home by 11pm

But because of Phil I decided to closed 9:30pm today.
It was a 30min drive to my house.

“I will like us to talk Keji…not now because is quiet late. You need to go and rest from hectic day. Can I come around tomorrow…

“No, I will be at the shop.

He stared at nothing for a while before saying

“Okay then. No problem Keji. I assume you don’t want to have anything to do with me again… do you?

I didn’t answer him as he turned to look at me.

“Thanks for the ride Phil. I need to go inside now.

He nodded as I stepped down. He didn’t drive away immediately until I entered inside.

I sat hard on the chair, relaxed my head and shut my eyes.

I don’t know if I will ever let go of the feeling I have for Phil.
Sitting close to him makes all the memories and emotions to come rushing back.

I don’t know what exactly he wants to talk about, I assume is our past events which I want to leave behind me.
I don’t know if he has another woman in his life
I still don’t know if he still loves me like he used to. I don’t want him to lead me on and I will end up getting stranded along the way.

I have been asking God to help my everyday work with him. To purify me so that I will be good enough to the one who deserves me and that’s only if he destined me to marry.

A man like Phil, is hard to find. I don’t know if i will ever be good enough for him.

What if he continues to judge me due to my past.

I do not want to rush into a relationship because of my weaknesses which includes, loneliness, age and many other factors.
I want to be fully ready before God and before man so that I can be a wife my husband will be proud of and good mother to my children.

If I wanted to rushed into a relationship I could have, even before meeting Phil again.
I had men I would have consider but I felt I wasn’t ready and they did not fall into the kind of man God will want me to settle with.

Is not about high taste or standard is about having someone who will push me to do better, who will help my walk with God. Who will love me truly and encourage me both me in prayer.

Phil falls perfectly into this category but I was neither good enough for him nor in perfect line with his core belief

Through him I have not only discovered myself, I have also find my purpose and strengthen my walk with God.

Phil is the man that brought out the best in me and such men can only be God sent to humanity.

The following morning, I was getting ready for work.
One of Tope Alabi’s worship songs was playing. I was singing along while getting ready for work.

I heard a knock, checked the time and it was just few minutes to 6am

I went to the door and checked through the security nuts and it was Phil.
I opened up.

“Good morning Phil…
I greeted warmly.

“Good morning… Sorry I came too early. Couldn’t sleep last night and needed to catch you up before you leave for your shop. All I did was to brush my mouth before rushing down here… can I come in?

His eyes looked so puffy, I assume is the evidence of not sleeping well last night.

The sound of the music was getting to the door.

“….do you have someone inside? Maybe I… I should leave… didn’t mean to disturb or interrupt anything…

He looked at me with a straight face before taking a step backward.

“Waiiitt. Come inside…

He paused and probably contemplating.

I opened the door wide and he gently stepped in and went straight to the sitting room while I was trying to lock up the door again.
He was already sitting
I turned down the volume of the music and turned to him

“…it was obviously the music sound that made you assume I had somebody in here. Not that is a crime, I can have anybody I wish to but ever since we ended things I have never had another man coming and going as he please.

“We” what do you mean by “before we ended things?. I didn’t end anything… you did. You returned my engagement ring, selfishly refused to see me. You didn’t even find it worthwhile to hand it over to me by yourself… you gave it to my secretary with the excuse that you were rushing to somewhere. You never returned any of my messages after then. You travelled and changed your line so that I can’t reach you…I saw your ex coming around after you ended things with me… you, you…it was all you Keji. Don’t get me involved in any of that…

I put on a smirking face and looked at him.
I sat down in another chair.

“I agree, totally that it was me. What would you expect me to do…eeh Phil? You refused speaking to me after what happened with Luke. I have to let go because I felt unworthy of you. I can’t force you to forgive or love me like you used to. I thought I should save you the trouble of finally breaking up with me… which was why I returned the ring. I did things I can’t boost off and letting go off you was the hardest decision I have ever made. And mind you, I had nothing to do with Luke except when I asked him to come over and pick up the jewelries that I sold…

He looked at me puzzled.

“You sold the jewelries?? Why……

I quickly interrupted

“I had to because I needed money to add to my shop. I had money but it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t in need of the luxuries so I have to sell it back to Lukemon. Not with a worthy price though but the money went a long way for me. I’m sorry that… that…

I breathed in because I really don’t know what I should be apologising for.

“…. Phil, I needed to take my mind off you so I traveled to stay with my Mum for some time. I wanted to become a better woman. A woman who truly fears God and depends only on him. A woman of honor, substance, dependence, virtues and a woman others can emulate from. And that was what led me to discovering myself. I’m happy…yes I am. My happiness used to be focused on men…I had a lot of things that used to weigh me down but I’m gradually letting go. I want to be a woman my husband will be proud of if God happens to approve of such. I’m leaving it all in God’s hands as I focus on my business…

There was silent for sometime and he later said.

“Keji, I was truly impressed when you told me about your business. it was wow. You are doing absolutely great. I’m happy…truly for the new and better woman that you have become. I really miss you…so much. Are you seeing somebody…at the moment or considering somebody…

“I’m not seeing any one but I’m considering somebody.

He was silent again and I didn’t bother explaining further.

“I am too… I’m considering someone…

I try not to look at him when he said he was also considering somebody. I felt deeply wounded and had this strange sad feeling all of a sudden.
Phil was about getting into another relationship and forgetting that I ever existed. Maybe he is already in a relationship.
This was probably his way of saying goodbye. I should live with anything the future brings.

“… Keji…. Keji. I still love you. I really do with all my heart. You are always on my mind and I have not been able to let go. You are the one I’m still considering and hoping we can start again. I don’t know if I sound awful but that’s the reason I couldn’t sleep last night. I want my woman back…

I finally looked up at him before releasing a sigh of relief.

“…Do you still love me…?

I moved uncomfortably on my seat.

“I don’t know Phil…I don’t know what I should feel or what I supposed to say to that. I don’t want to walk on same lane as before. I don’t want to get my hopes up. I have avoided deep emotions all this while and I’m fine. Having a man in my life haven’t been too favorable. I don’t want to stir up the stilled water again. I’m doing fine without the whole love drama…

He moved closer to me, I quickly stood and stepped away from him.

“Keji…I uhmmm…

He moved to where I stood, slowly yet carefully touched my arm.

“…i want you Keji. You don’t have to hold back or hide your feeling if you truly love me. I hope with God’s help this second phase… will yield better result. I’m not promising that their won’t be potholes like your former street…

I laughed quietly while he smiled.

“…but another ride with you will be a journey to remember for good. With God by our side… because is not by our ability…but by God’s grace. We will make it together and better. Keji, please…no other woman appeals to me like you do. My parents and everyone miss you. They want to see you again. I told them you returned my ring and traveled…i couldn’t bring myself to tell them what really transpired between us. My Mum tried calling you that period but your number wasn’t going. I also tried for several days but to no avail. I have to come to a conclusion that if you are truly the woman for me then God will bring you back at the right time.

I was indeed happy to hear him say all of that. I couldn’t even hold back again or hide my feeling of excitement.
I went into his waiting arms.

“I missed you so much…

He said as he held me closely to himself.

“I miss you too Phil…I replied quietly.

He released me from his arms, looked into my eyes and said.

“I love you Keji… with all my heart.

“Same here”. I replied.

“If you truly love me Keji, then say so not “same here”. Say it boldly to my face…

“I love you Phil… can’t stop loving you. You indirectly made a better and Godly woman out of me. I’m forever indebted to you… I thank God for bringing you my way. I love you truly… with every fiber in me.

He smiled and pulled me into another warm hug.

“Can I kss you? I brushed my mouth already before coming here…
he whispered to my ears making me to laugh so loud.

“Of course you can. But just a little kss so we don’t trigger any other thing… hope you understand?

He also laughed out loud for the first time.

“Yes ma’am. He finally said.

And we had a short kissed but as he released me, I felt like he should have extended it.
I guess he also wanted the same as he immediately cupped myself and kssed me dearly.
It was longer and satisfying.

He dropped me off at my office that morning. Although I was late but the place was already open by my staffs.

During the next weekend he took me home to visit his people.

His parents were happy to see me again.
Stella, Seun and the rest.
I met Kachi, she couldn’t hide her excitement.

“Nne, you are back? You are really looking good o. I thought that the boss finally dumped you… don’t take it personal, It was just a thought.”
Ijeoma said when she saw me.

I flashed her a smile.

“…but to be truthful I was happy. I even celebrated within myself when you stopped coming and no news of you again. Any time we ask the boss about you he will just say you are fine. At some point he started ignoring the question. I knew right then that sand has entered the garri. But… anyway sha. Let me say I’m happy that you are back… but I will advise that if the relationship won’t work out stop forcing it or forcing the boss to love you. He has obviously collected his ring from you because you don’t deserve it. His mind maybe on a classic pretty Igbo Lady… I’m only advising you like my sister o. No hard feeling…as you can see that I like Seun, she is hardworking and respectful. So this is not because you are onye ofe mmanu… this is just me wanting the best for the boss. And… also you. Please think about my advice. A bia ram na Udo! (I come in peace)

I sighed and walked away from her. I’m too grown for Ijeoma’s banter.

Phil later came and told me to follow him.
I did, he took me to a big sitting room.
While I sat waiting in the biggest living room right in their house which was located downstairs.
I saw his parents, Kachi and the staffs coming to take their seats with a fat grin on their faces.
Even Ijeoma, Stella and Seun were seated.

I wondered what was going on.
The terrifying dream I had in the past flashed through my mind.
I quickly rejected it still on my mind.

Kachi came to sit beside me.
I whispered and asked her what was going on.
She said I should watch and see.

Phil began.

“I want you all to witness this special event. I’m happy that Dad and Mum… Kachi is seated here. Thanks to all the staffs in this room for honouring my invite. I don’t want to bore us with long speech… I’m heading straight to the point. Look over there, who do you see?

He pointed towards me. They all chorused my name.
“…That’s good… thank you all. Everyone of you knows her and also knew she is my most desired lady whom I love so dearly. My first proposal was just me and her alone. On that note…I officially want her to be my soul mate in front of you all…

He went on one knee. I was battling with shyness and blushing like a new bride.
My heart beat was fast.
He asked me to come and stand in front of him. I did.
Everyone cheered on.
His parents, Kachi were grinning from ear to ear.
The staffs were even jubilating more than me.
Ijeoma has this strange face and would have walked away if not for the fear she has.
Phil brought out an engagement ring. The same old one.
My very old engagement ring that I was so used to and it was hard for me to let go and slip it into the envelope letter that I returned to Phil.
I felt tears gathering up my eyes as I looked at Phil on a knee and stretching the ring towards me.

… Keji, today in front of my parents, my sister and this entire household staffs that has become a family to us, will you be my bride… my soulmate, my wife, mother of my kids and my forever friend?

I swallowed hard before wiping a tear.
My legs were even shaking, my hand sweating.
I can’t believe that I’m standing in the midst everyone which includes his parents and Phil is asking me to marry him.
My birthday is coming up again, how fast the year runs and God was about to give me the best birthday gift ever.

It was indeed a special kind of feeling that made me want to scream “praise the Lord”.

I breathed deeply and then said.

“Yes…I will marry you Phil.

The whole house echoes with jubilation.
Stella and Seun with other female staffs were jumping and dancing as if they were the ones that Phil just proposed to.

Phil slide the ring gently into my waiting finger.
He stood, pecked my forehead before drawing me into his arms.

Another uproar of congratulations was roaming the whole air.
some were giving us numerous round of applause while others were shouting jubilantly.

Our wedding plans began in another different sweet dimension, right from here.

MORENIKEJI Episode 28 by Amah’s Heart

“Yes, I do.

That was how we exchanged our final vow at the altar.

It has been a long road, a very long journey but finally we arrived safely through the mercy of God.

Family and friends came to witness the big day.
Dammi with her family, Uzo came with hers.
My Mum, brother, Segun with his wife and baby girl were around.
We did the introduction first at my home town before proceeding to the altar after two weeks.

I had fear and worries relaxing heavily on my chest.
“What if something bad happens?
“What if Phil suddenly changed his mind at the dying minutes?
“What if after traveling all the way from Abuja to my State and Phil with his people found out that my family is not up to their standard?
“, What if something strange happens on the wedding day? Maybe an invisible rock knock off my feet and I fell heavily to the ground on my big day and everyone went on laughing at me and then Philip shakes his head disappointed. He stood, took his people and left… leaving me to glow in my shame alone..??
“What if it….

I suddenly realized all the evil thoughts crowding my mind.
I began rejecting, casting and binding it all.

I and Phil has prayed fervently before the Marriage rituals starts
He challenged me to more prayers and I gladly took it.
I didn’t go to shop for three days, I was at home praying and telling God to perfect everything that concerns me and Phil and to bless our wedding day and make it to be successful.

God heard. Oh yes, He actually heard every prayers and ordained our Union. He blessed our special day.
Everything was a big success.

All the negatives thought was placed under my feet.

After the reception, we took more pictures, greeted few more people before finally going home.

Almost all my friends were either married or already with kids.
I couldn’t easily lay my hand on a chief brides maid initially.
A friend I met during Amara’s wedding, Vanessa, we gradually became close after I got engaged.
When I told her to “best” me she gladly obliged.
It could have been Kachi but she was already married.
I was there during her big traditional wedding. She got married to a white German.
It was a fun day as the white families followed every rite and danced to every traditional music. We had fun mixed with lots of laughter.

Philip has his squared already. Getting his men wasn’t difficult at all.

I used the people available which includes my staffs. Beautiful Halima, Julie. And two other new staffs Ify and Tito.
I added two other ladies to my train.

Everything that they used was sewed and bought for them.

They were super excited to be among my bridal train.

Phil’s elder sister flew all the way down. She said she can’t miss her only brother’s wedding for anything.

There were too much crowd, different gifts both in cash and kind.

Everything was amazing. A dream come true.
My white wedding was a week after my birthday.
It was a special kind of birthday gift from God to me.
I cried my eyes out when I looked back at where and how it all started.
I was almost giving up, thinking that God probably didn’t destined me to be a man’s wife not just any kind of man.
A man like Philip Kanu.

Coming to a full realization that I was going to be a “Mrs” really pulled me into an emotional state.
Having a husband like Phil, is not just a dream come true is God’s precious gift to me.
I can’t thank him enough for such a wonderful gift.
For not listening to all the worldly wish of my heart.
I wanted a man like Chike but Phil was three times more than Chike.
Weathy yet humble. He wasn’t confirmed to the ideology of the world rather he chosed to remain focus and in line with godliness.
I couldn’t make him fall out of his faith into my bossom despite how I tried initially.
Phil remained steadfast, and never fell for my charms or any woman’s.

He could have had sex with me after all we were already engaged and planning to get married.
He could have done and tagged it along with other useless saying “, body no be firewood”
Phil refused to bend. I almost destroyed this good man’s belief but he didn’t allow my prowess to make him fall out.

I can categorically say that Philip’s type are not much again. And if God bless us with one, all we need to do was to thank him wholeheartedly.
Prostrating to his mercies.

Who could have believed that the quiet guy that was sipping a fruity Chapman, whom I looked down on because I thought he was just a common man, I insulted him when he asked me to take it easy with the alcohol.
I even thought he is a driver cruising in his employer’s car.
I used mouth to wash him down and yet he took it all and never kicked me out of his car half way or refused dropping me when Chike asked him to kindly do so.

When I couldn’t give him a useful information of my house address he took me to his. He makes sure I was safe and at the end agreed to employ me as a domestic staff in his house where I was paid handsomely.
Instead of being jobless and depending on the next available man, I got employed by this fine man.
Through him my life was transformed for good.
Through him I have become a boss of my own, straightened my Walk with God.
Yes, Phil did it all. He did it without even knowing.
Just watching his lifestyle and it transformed mine for good.
Who could have thought I will marry a man like this. I condemned him without really knowing him because he wasn’t acting or behaving like a rich kid.

Our wedding night was awesome. Immediately we where alone he bounced on me like a prey.

“Hey… take it easy. I said trying not to show the shy part I thought I never had.

Phil laughed and said.
“Easy, is exactly what I had been doing all through my time with you, taking everything easy. I have become impatient all of a sudden. we can finally tear the bed sheet into pieces and torn down the entire room. Yes, we have the full right to do as we please… isn’t it?

I laughed so long and hard. He joined in the laughter as we just lay in bed still in our wedding clothes staring at each other
He was only in shirt and trouser. The rest of his cloths were on a cushion chair in his big bedroom.
He gasped out and said while placing his hand on my stomach

“I was just messing with you my love. You are a precious gift, well packaged from God. If I rush to unwrap it, I may tamper with the main thing…so I’m gonna take my time, Slowly yet gentle to get to it. Patient has become part of me… as much as I really want to have you right away…all night long, I won’t rush, you are God’s well endowed gift to me.

He unhooked my necklace, every accessories on me.
Gently turned me over and began to unclipped my gown.
He unclipped everything I was putting on carefully which includes my bra.

He unbuttoned his shirt, tossed it to a chair before attending to his trouser.

He tossed me over to my back carefully and began kssing from my neck down to my back.

He tried to pull down the gown from my shoulder.
I held onto it tight. I have never been so shy all through my dating time with Philip until this moment.
I was about to get the very thing I have desired for long.
Why exactly was I feeling awkward and acting like I have never met a man before.

“Wai… Please wait Phil, I’m not fully ready…

He paused and looked at me, not with a confused face but with patient in his eyes and action.

“,Is okay Keji. I promised not to rush… please take your time. I’m always here.
He lay beside me, on the bed, facing the roof.

I nodded, swallowed hard and told him that I was ready.
He gently pulled down my gown. Tossed my b.ra to a chair.
He lifted me to the bathroom, where he bath me like a baby and also had his own bath.
He held me from behind as we retuned to the room, kissing my neck, shoulder and arm.

Right then I began to wish I was a vrgin, the best gift I could have offered to Phil could have been my vrginity like he was about offering his.
I don’t deserve this kind of man. He is too good and reserved than I will ever be.

Phil pulled me down to the bed.
He caressed me gently, leaving nothing unturned.
I used to be worried, if Phil will even know how to make love to a woman since is not his kind of thing.
Phil had a magical hands, he can easily put a woman in the mood with those hands of his.

My whole worries and fear was erased as he went on and on with every part of my body. I m©aned quietly with each gentle stroke.
He kssed me passionately like he has never done.
And just as he was about perform the final f©replay I screamed out.

“Stop…stop.. stop it Phil…

I was panting as I sat up from the bed.
He straightened, this time he was confused.

“Whaaa…tt is the problem Keji? Did I do something wrong…?

I shake my head.
He bent over towards me, trying to pull me back to the b.ed. I shifted away from him.
He was fully ready for the main action but I don’t know what is wrong with me.

I was enjoying everything he was doing with my body and did not understand why i felt uneasy.
He moved closer again, asking me what the matter was.

“, Nothin Phil. I’m sorry… for interrupting. I don’t know why I have this guilt strange feeling…I can’t even define it in words…

“Is okay…I understand. I will wait until your ready then. Look at me..look here…

He turned me to face him.

“… listen my love. I don’t care how many men you have been with before meeting me. I don’t care what your past sx history looks like. I love you never the less and you are as good as new to me. All that matters now is that you are mine…we belong to each other. Keji, you are my bride and just as Christ loves his church I’m ready to love and serve you…for the rest of my life.

The confidence, the energy in his voice and reassurance in the words he spoke was everything I needed.

I was not just lucky, I felt blesses.
I wiped a tear, kissed him dearly.
He indeed treated me like a vrgin bride. Making me feel special all through the blissful night we had.
It was a beautiful moment that I didn’t want it to end but we were both exhausted after spending hours in each others warmth.

We continued as we went on a honey moon in South Africa.
He saw the beautiful suit in the internet, booked it down and we traveled for three weeks.

That was the very first time I was leaving Nigeria.
I felt alive, super alive by the time the honey moon was over and we returned to Nigeria.

Ijeoma met me one day after I came back from honeymoon

“My very own beautiful sister, my Yoruba fine sister God has finally done it. Congratulations. I’m happy for you oo.

“Thank you Ijeoma.
I said as I retuned my attention to the breakfast she just served.
Phil left early to work to attend to something urgently. I was having breakfast alone.

“…eehee, I wanted to ask you. Hope you are not taking anything I said in the past personal? Because me, I was just playing with you ooo. You already know that I play too much and if you don’t know me enough you may end up taking me serious when I was only joking. Nne, you can’t possibly take all those things i said or did personal… Or did you?

“Ijeoma, can you see that i’m having breakfast? Please return back to your duty. I don’t have anything to discuss with you…

She frowned as I continued with my breakfast.
As she was going back to the kitchen she was talking to herself.

“I was only playing o. I have been working in this house for years and I don’t want anybody to sack me because of a common play. Everyone plays in different ways… that was my own way of playing. Even the “onye ofe mmanu” I used to call you was just a joke. Can’t somebody play with you… God will not allow anybody to fire me because of a normal joke that doesn’t supposed to cause any harm…me, I love everyone. Ask Seun…she can attest to that. I like everybody and joke with everyone in a different way…

I ignored Ijeoma as she murmured and entered kitchen.
Stella was my big paddy, Seun too. We flow so well.

Phil was preparing papers for us to travel to London.
I was very excited when he mentioned it. We will be visiting and will stay for six months.

I resume shop in the main time. I was taking some immune booster that will enable me to get pregnant but Phil tossed it to the wastebin.
He told me not to stress myself in taking different drugs just to get pregnant that at the right time I will conceive.

We did different medical checkup and counseling before our wedding and I was confirmed okay.
Phil too was very alright.
But the doctor recommend that if I want to easily become pregnant then I should place myself on some medication of which I did but Phil didn’t buy into the idea.
My paper was ready and we finally left Nigeria to UK.

My second time of leaving Nigeria.
It was indeed a beautiful place.
We stayed for six months. I even had to book for therapy on how to conceive through the help of Phil’s sister.

It was going to be three months of therapy. Phil still did not buy into the idea but he allowed it in the first month just to make me happy.
I can’t fold my hands and do nothing.

My age maybe another thing making it difficult to conceive.
I couldn’t complete the doctor’s visitation and counseling section before Phil stopped me.

“Keji, please listen to me…no more doctors appointment or visitation to a therapist. You are alright in every way. We’re here to have fun…free your spirit and do so. At God’s appointed time he will make all things beautiful. Don’t settle with the wisdom of the medical doctors. They will examine your body and tell you whatever they see or observed then prescribed what you need to do as solution but is hard for you to trust God who isn’t asking you to do anything at all. seasons and time are in God’s hand Keji. In his own perfect time you will become a mother. Be patient and wait on God… you believe whatever the doctors tell you to do but refused to harken to God word which said that no woman shall be found barren…

After then I dropped it off, i joined my faith with my husband to trust in God

After six months was over we flew back to Nigeria.
Resumed business fully.
It was a year and four months after getting married I finally became pregnant.
I was happy, Phil too as we looked forward to welcoming our first child.

Phil and I flew to London as the time for delivery approached

It was a boy, my first fruit, my womb opener. I couldn’t keep calm. I was too happy . My joy knows no bounds.

Our first son whom we named Andrew, Kamsiriochukwu (Kamsi) Kanu was only eleven months when I realized I was pregnant again for the second baby.

It was also a boy. ” Jaden Kelechi Kanu.

I guess that’s all God signed up for me. I tried severally for another, maybe a baby girl but none came.
God knew how many I can handle.
He alone opened my womb and I conceived. Where the strength of the medical doctors stops that is where his own began.

Through the help of God I became a boss, a bible quoting believer, a wife to a God sent man and a mother to two amazing cute boys.
I’m made for life.
He gave me everything I asked and even more.

Phil has never changed from being a loving husband and a great father.

The love and care from both my father and mother inlaw and also sisters inlaws envelope me.
Everyone took me in as theirs, overlooking the fact that I was from a different tribe and speaks different dialect.
No one see’s me as “onye ofe mmanu” like Ijeoma will always tag me back then.

I felt so blessed and loved.

Despite getting married very late I still ended up with the best package in a man and also became a mother.

I can go on and on of how truly blessed I was. About Dammi having another baby boy with no much pregnancy trouble.

Uzo had another girl before a boy.

I can tell you how Ijeoma resigned from her job because she was afraid of me sacking her.
She went on to open a business of her own.
I can tell you how Kachi had a baby boy too but that was before I even became pregnant for my first son.
I could tell you that I have a mini library through the help of Mr Kanu, my father-in-law and there’s a lot of Amah’s Heart also known as granAmah’s novels in there with several other books.

If I start telling you about everyone and everything, we won’t end this my story.
But every begining has an end.

My name is Morenikeji. With deep meaning.
Morenikeji simple means “I have found a partner”
My Mum didn’t have the best of husband or marriage, she was mostly lonely. her world was brightened up when I was born and she name me Morenikeji. She has found a partner. Someone to be her second, so she is not alone anymore.

My life is a total opposite of my mum’s. It couldn’t have been so if I was still living to please the world and never met a man like Philip.

I got busy when Philip and I separated. I did not want center my happiness around a man again. I discovered myself in the process, opened my own business and felt good with my achievements. I was already moving on when Phil returned and I was happy he didn’t meet me the same way he left me..
I was wiser and better.

It all started on a bad, sad, broke lonely note for me but it ended marvelously well in praise because my husband thought me to believe in God with all I got and I did so wholeheartedly without weavring and withholding nothing.

I’m a full living testimony.

My national anthem has become “what God cannot do does not exist”.


“Yes, I do.

That was how we exchanged our final vow at the altar.

It has been a long road, a very long journey but finally we arrived safely through the mercy of God.

Family and friends came to witness the big day.
Dammi with her family, Uzo came with hers.
My Mum, brother, Segun with his wife and baby girl were around.
We did the introduction first at my home town before proceeding to the altar after two weeks.

I had fear and worries relaxing heavily on my chest.
“What if something bad happens?
“What if Phil suddenly changed his mind at the dying minutes?
“What if after traveling all the way from Abuja to my State and Phil with his people found out that my family is not up to their standard?
“, What if something strange happens on the wedding day? Maybe an invisible rock knock off my feet and I fell heavily to the ground on my big day and everyone went on laughing at me and then Philip shakes his head disappointed. He stood, took his people and left… leaving me to glow in my shame alone..??
“What if it….

I suddenly realized all the evil thoughts crowding my mind.
I began rejecting, casting and binding it all.

I and Phil has prayed fervently before the Marriage rituals starts
He challenged me to more prayers and I gladly took it.
I didn’t go to shop for three days, I was at home praying and telling God to perfect everything that concerns me and Phil and to bless our wedding day and make it to be successful.

God heard. Oh yes, He actually heard every prayers and ordained our Union. He blessed our special day.
Everything was a big success.

All the negatives thought was placed under my feet.

After the reception, we took more pictures, greeted few more people before finally going home.

Almost all my friends were either married or already with kids.
I couldn’t easily lay my hand on a chief brides maid initially.
A friend I met during Amara’s wedding, Vanessa, we gradually became close after I got engaged.
When I told her to “best” me she gladly obliged.
It could have been Kachi but she was already married.
I was there during her big traditional wedding. She got married to a white German.
It was a fun day as the white families followed every rite and danced to every traditional music. We had fun mixed with lots of laughter.

Philip has his squared already. Getting his men wasn’t difficult at all.

I used the people available which includes my staffs. Beautiful Halima, Julie. And two other new staffs Ify and Tito.
I added two other ladies to my train.

Everything that they used was sewed and bought for them.

They were super excited to be among my bridal train.

Phil’s elder sister flew all the way down. She said she can’t miss her only brother’s wedding for anything.

There were too much crowd, different gifts both in cash and kind.

Everything was amazing. A dream come true.
My white wedding was a week after my birthday.
It was a special kind of birthday gift from God to me.
I cried my eyes out when I looked back at where and how it all started.
I was almost giving up, thinking that God probably didn’t destined me to be a man’s wife not just any kind of man.
A man like Philip Kanu.

Coming to a full realization that I was going to be a “Mrs” really pulled me into an emotional state.
Having a husband like Phil, is not just a dream come true is God’s precious gift to me.
I can’t thank him enough for such a wonderful gift.
For not listening to all the worldly wish of my heart.
I wanted a man like Chike but Phil was three times more than Chike.
Weathy yet humble. He wasn’t confirmed to the ideology of the world rather he chosed to remain focus and in line with godliness.
I couldn’t make him fall out of his faith into my bossom despite how I tried initially.
Phil remained steadfast, and never fell for my charms or any woman’s.

He could have had sex with me after all we were already engaged and planning to get married.
He could have done and tagged it along with other useless saying “, body no be firewood”
Phil refused to bend. I almost destroyed this good man’s belief but he didn’t allow my prowess to make him fall out.

I can categorically say that Philip’s type are not much again. And if God bless us with one, all we need to do was to thank him wholeheartedly.
Prostrating to his mercies.

Who could have believed that the quiet guy that was sipping a fruity Chapman, whom I looked down on because I thought he was just a common man, I insulted him when he asked me to take it easy with the alcohol.
I even thought he is a driver cruising in his employer’s car.
I used mouth to wash him down and yet he took it all and never kicked me out of his car half way or refused dropping me when Chike asked him to kindly do so.

When I couldn’t give him a useful information of my house address he took me to his. He makes sure I was safe and at the end agreed to employ me as a domestic staff in his house where I was paid handsomely.
Instead of being jobless and depending on the next available man, I got employed by this fine man.
Through him my life was transformed for good.
Through him I have become a boss of my own, straightened my Walk with God.
Yes, Phil did it all. He did it without even knowing.
Just watching his lifestyle and it transformed mine for good.
Who could have thought I will marry a man like this. I condemned him without really knowing him because he wasn’t acting or behaving like a rich kid.

Our wedding night was awesome. Immediately we where alone he bounced on me like a prey.

“Hey… take it easy. I said trying not to show the shy part I thought I never had.

Phil laughed and said.
“Easy, is exactly what I had been doing all through my time with you, taking everything easy. I have become impatient all of a sudden. we can finally tear the bed sheet into pieces and torn down the entire room. Yes, we have the full right to do as we please… isn’t it?

I laughed so long and hard. He joined in the laughter as we just lay in bed still in our wedding clothes staring at each other
He was only in shirt and trouser. The rest of his cloths were on a cushion chair in his big bedroom.
He gasped out and said while placing his hand on my stomach

“I was just messing with you my love. You are a precious gift, well packaged from God. If I rush to unwrap it, I may tamper with the main thing…so I’m gonna take my time, Slowly yet gentle to get to it. Patient has become part of me… as much as I really want to have you right away…all night long, I won’t rush, you are God’s well endowed gift to me.

He unhooked my necklace, every accessories on me.
Gently turned me over and began to unclipped my gown.
He unclipped everything I was putting on carefully which includes my bra.

He unbuttoned his shirt, tossed it to a chair before attending to his trouser.

He tossed me over to my back carefully and began kssing from my neck down to my back.

He tried to pull down the gown from my shoulder.
I held onto it tight. I have never been so shy all through my dating time with Philip until this moment.
I was about to get the very thing I have desired for long.
Why exactly was I feeling awkward and acting like I have never met a man before.

“Wai… Please wait Phil, I’m not fully ready…

He paused and looked at me, not with a confused face but with patient in his eyes and action.

“,Is okay Keji. I promised not to rush… please take your time. I’m always here.
He lay beside me, on the bed, facing the roof.

I nodded, swallowed hard and told him that I was ready.
He gently pulled down my gown. Tossed my b.ra to a chair.
He lifted me to the bathroom, where he bath me like a baby and also had his own bath.
He held me from behind as we retuned to the room, kissing my neck, shoulder and arm.

Right then I began to wish I was a vrgin, the best gift I could have offered to Phil could have been my vrginity like he was about offering his.
I don’t deserve this kind of man. He is too good and reserved than I will ever be.

Phil pulled me down to the bed.
He caressed me gently, leaving nothing unturned.
I used to be worried, if Phil will even know how to make love to a woman since is not his kind of thing.
Phil had a magical hands, he can easily put a woman in the mood with those hands of his.

My whole worries and fear was erased as he went on and on with every part of my body. I m©aned quietly with each gentle stroke.
He kssed me passionately like he has never done.
And just as he was about perform the final f©replay I screamed out.

“Stop…stop.. stop it Phil…

I was panting as I sat up from the bed.
He straightened, this time he was confused.

“Whaaa…tt is the problem Keji? Did I do something wrong…?

I shake my head.
He bent over towards me, trying to pull me back to the b.ed. I shifted away from him.
He was fully ready for the main action but I don’t know what is wrong with me.

I was enjoying everything he was doing with my body and did not understand why i felt uneasy.
He moved closer again, asking me what the matter was.

“, Nothin Phil. I’m sorry… for interrupting. I don’t know why I have this guilt strange feeling…I can’t even define it in words…

“Is okay…I understand. I will wait until your ready then. Look at me..look here…

He turned me to face him.

“… listen my love. I don’t care how many men you have been with before meeting me. I don’t care what your past sx history looks like. I love you never the less and you are as good as new to me. All that matters now is that you are mine…we belong to each other. Keji, you are my bride and just as Christ loves his church I’m ready to love and serve you…for the rest of my life.

The confidence, the energy in his voice and reassurance in the words he spoke was everything I needed.

I was not just lucky, I felt blesses.
I wiped a tear, kissed him dearly.
He indeed treated me like a vrgin bride. Making me feel special all through the blissful night we had.
It was a beautiful moment that I didn’t want it to end but we were both exhausted after spending hours in each others warmth.

We continued as we went on a honey moon in South Africa.
He saw the beautiful suit in the internet, booked it down and we traveled for three weeks.

That was the very first time I was leaving Nigeria.
I felt alive, super alive by the time the honey moon was over and we returned to Nigeria.

Ijeoma met me one day after I came back from honeymoon

“My very own beautiful sister, my Yoruba fine sister God has finally done it. Congratulations. I’m happy for you oo.

“Thank you Ijeoma.
I said as I retuned my attention to the breakfast she just served.
Phil left early to work to attend to something urgently. I was having breakfast alone.

“…eehee, I wanted to ask you. Hope you are not taking anything I said in the past personal? Because me, I was just playing with you ooo. You already know that I play too much and if you don’t know me enough you may end up taking me serious when I was only joking. Nne, you can’t possibly take all those things i said or did personal… Or did you?

“Ijeoma, can you see that i’m having breakfast? Please return back to your duty. I don’t have anything to discuss with you…

She frowned as I continued with my breakfast.
As she was going back to the kitchen she was talking to herself.

“I was only playing o. I have been working in this house for years and I don’t want anybody to sack me because of a common play. Everyone plays in different ways… that was my own way of playing. Even the “onye ofe mmanu” I used to call you was just a joke. Can’t somebody play with you… God will not allow anybody to fire me because of a normal joke that doesn’t supposed to cause any harm…me, I love everyone. Ask Seun…she can attest to that. I like everybody and joke with everyone in a different way…

I ignored Ijeoma as she murmured and entered kitchen.
Stella was my big paddy, Seun too. We flow so well.

Phil was preparing papers for us to travel to London.
I was very excited when he mentioned it. We will be visiting and will stay for six months.

I resume shop in the main time. I was taking some immune booster that will enable me to get pregnant but Phil tossed it to the wastebin.
He told me not to stress myself in taking different drugs just to get pregnant that at the right time I will conceive.

We did different medical checkup and counseling before our wedding and I was confirmed okay.
Phil too was very alright.
But the doctor recommend that if I want to easily become pregnant then I should place myself on some medication of which I did but Phil didn’t buy into the idea.
My paper was ready and we finally left Nigeria to UK.

My second time of leaving Nigeria.
It was indeed a beautiful place.
We stayed for six months. I even had to book for therapy on how to conceive through the help of Phil’s sister.

It was going to be three months of therapy. Phil still did not buy into the idea but he allowed it in the first month just to make me happy.
I can’t fold my hands and do nothing.

My age maybe another thing making it difficult to conceive.
I couldn’t complete the doctor’s visitation and counseling section before Phil stopped me.

“Keji, please listen to me…no more doctors appointment or visitation to a therapist. You are alright in every way. We’re here to have fun…free your spirit and do so. At God’s appointed time he will make all things beautiful. Don’t settle with the wisdom of the medical doctors. They will examine your body and tell you whatever they see or observed then prescribed what you need to do as solution but is hard for you to trust God who isn’t asking you to do anything at all. seasons and time are in God’s hand Keji. In his own perfect time you will become a mother. Be patient and wait on God… you believe whatever the doctors tell you to do but refused to harken to God word which said that no woman shall be found barren…

After then I dropped it off, i joined my faith with my husband to trust in God

After six months was over we flew back to Nigeria.
Resumed business fully.
It was a year and four months after getting married I finally became pregnant.
I was happy, Phil too as we looked forward to welcoming our first child.

Phil and I flew to London as the time for delivery approached

It was a boy, my first fruit, my womb opener. I couldn’t keep calm. I was too happy . My joy knows no bounds.

Our first son whom we named Andrew, Kamsiriochukwu (Kamsi) Kanu was only eleven months when I realized I was pregnant again for the second baby.

It was also a boy. ” Jaden Kelechi Kanu.

I guess that’s all God signed up for me. I tried severally for another, maybe a baby girl but none came.
God knew how many I can handle.
He alone opened my womb and I conceived. Where the strength of the medical doctors stops that is where his own began.

Through the help of God I became a boss, a bible quoting believer, a wife to a God sent man and a mother to two amazing cute boys.
I’m made for life.
He gave me everything I asked and even more.

Phil has never changed from being a loving husband and a great father.

The love and care from both my father and mother inlaw and also sisters inlaws envelope me.
Everyone took me in as theirs, overlooking the fact that I was from a different tribe and speaks different dialect.
No one see’s me as “onye ofe mmanu” like Ijeoma will always tag me back then.

I felt so blessed and loved.

Despite getting married very late I still ended up with the best package in a man and also became a mother.

I can go on and on of how truly blessed I was. About Dammi having another baby boy with no much pregnancy trouble.

Uzo had another girl before a boy.

I can tell you how Ijeoma resigned from her job because she was afraid of me sacking her.
She went on to open a business of her own.
I can tell you how Kachi had a baby boy too but that was before I even became pregnant for my first son.
I could tell you that I have a mini library through the help of Mr Kanu, my father-in-law and there’s a lot of Amah’s Heart also known as granAmah’s novels in there with several other books.

If I start telling you about everyone and everything, we won’t end this my story.
But every begining has an end.

My name is Morenikeji. With deep meaning.
Morenikeji simple means “I have found a partner”
My Mum didn’t have the best of husband or marriage, she was mostly lonely. her world was brightened up when I was born and she name me Morenikeji. She has found a partner. Someone to be her second, so she is not alone anymore.

My life is a total opposite of my mum’s. It couldn’t have been so if I was still living to please the world and never met a man like Philip.

I got busy when Philip and I separated. I did not want center my happiness around a man again. I discovered myself in the process, opened my own business and felt good with my achievements. I was already moving on when Phil returned and I was happy he didn’t meet me the same way he left me..
I was wiser and better.

It all started on a bad, sad, broke lonely note for me but it ended marvelously well in praise because my husband thought me to believe in God with all I got and I did so wholeheartedly without weavring and withholding nothing.

I’m a full living testimony.

My national anthem has become “what God cannot do does not exist”.



Thanks for always reading our stories, please no matter what, encourage the writer Amah’s Heart with comments (Shes BLESSED) , One Love ❤.

Read One Of Her BEST Story > TAMAR

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Gift Christopher
Gift Christopher
3 years ago

Lovely piece

3 years ago

this is amazing…

lesson filled, thank you Amah

3 years ago

Interesting, Thank you.

3 years ago

So interesting and a lot of lessons learnt . Thanks to Amah’s heart,more win.

3 years ago

Love this Story, read it within a short time. Would recommend it further.

3 years ago

Thanks Amah…I learnt a lot from this story.
So interesting!!

Chidubem Ofoegbu
3 years ago

Lovely ??

Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

I love this story, everything is so beautiful am glad yu had your happily ever after keji and Phil, you are the best Amah..your stories are always awesome

Olive Reuben
Olive Reuben
1 year ago

If I were to give an award
Trust me this book will definitely win the award
Amah you did well God bless you and give you more wisdom to keep writing good books like this
I love you ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

1 year ago

A very lovely and educative story, more grease to the writer!

Patience E Eleke
Patience E Eleke
1 year ago

Wow! Very interesting and educating. Actually, what God cannot do does not exist. Love you