Money Over Love 2 Final Episode

Money Over Love Episode 1

Money Over Love 2 Final Episode 10


Honestly speaking, I least expected such honour. I thanked the family for the opportunity and also asked them to forgive me on what happened in the past. Madam Faustina said everything that happens is bent on a purpose. She said had it not to be the fact that, that incident happened, her husband wouldn’t have given him the love and care he was showing to her at the moment. She added that, the incident has also made her understood one or two issues of life. Charles himself was happy for me coming back into their family. He told his wife that I was the one who prepared the medicine for him before he could perform at night to expectation. He also thanked me for saving his father’s life. I informed them about Precious’ current health condition and they all sympathized with her.

I went home to inform my wife about the breakthrough which came our way. She was very happy for me. That night was more special. As a congratulatory gift, she took her time to make me satisfy her very well. I’m very sure Vero’s second pregnancy was as a result. The following day, which was a Saturday, I went to see Mr Charles and his family with Vero, my wife. Our reason for the visit was to thank them again for accepting us once again; not for us to stay with them but for giving me that job offer.

After few minutes of chat, Mr Charles and his wife together with Vero, went to visit Precious at the hospital. The Charles family gave her some money to take of herself. I could see it that Precious was fully conscious despite she lost one of her eyes coupled with her mental condition. Vero was also happy she didn’t lose her sister. Everyone around encouraged Precious that she will be fine. I sat beside her on the hospital bed and encouraged her that she shouldn’t lose hope in life due to her current condition. I told her that she was a lady every guy would have liked to go after, but due to her current condition, not all men will be ready to live with a lady without one eye functioning. I then made her understand that, in life, we need to have too much love for money. “It is very true you are coming from a very wealthy home but that does not guarantee you to marry someone who is equally as wealthy as your parents. Yes it is necessary you get someone who can take care of you but not necessarily equal to the worth of your parents. Not all the rich men you see out there are good men for marriage. Many of them experience difficulty remaining in one relationship and due to that, they cheat on their partners. They squander money on these ladies simply because these same ladies are in for money. My advise to you now is, allow yourself for God to do His will in your life. If a man comes around and shows interest in you, your first judgement shouldn’t be how rich he is, but rather check for how caring and loving that gentleman will be. We all know that it is the responsibility of every man to provide for the home. Once this man has the capability of providing for you and your children, I think that alone will be enough to start a relationship. You the lady can also help in building the home. Even that will ensure some sort of security in the marriage because it will look like a partnership business. Another issue I will like to inform you about is the interference of friends in your marriage. Don’t think *all* your friends wish you well in your marriage. Some of them feel jealous when you start to tell them more about the goodness in your husband. You might not know what is going on in that friends relationship so because you project to her that your husband is the best, she can find ways and means to get herself closer to your husband and if God is not on your side, you will lose your husband to your friend just as it happened to you now. Even if possible, cut off some of your friends which you can see that has the impetus of snatching men from wives. When you are fully okay and discharged from this place, think about all this I’ve told you today.

“Precious was shed tears as I was talking to her. She said she was sorry for everything that happened. She also regretted messing up her own life. “I am the cause of my problems. But my father also influenced me. The lecturer who got me pregnant would have married me but my father refused. Thank you for your advice”, she said. Mr Charles her former playboy also encouraged her.

After a week, I looked for someone to operate the boutique for us while I started work as a network marketing officer. From grass to grace. I never dreamt of wearing suit with tie in my life. And I never thought I could meet some top officials in this world. Due to my new work, I do travel to many places to advertise the company to people. My difficulty was on the English proficiency so I needed to upgrade myself. I do attend adult classes to learn how to read and write well at the age of 32. Vero got pregnant and this time around, it was joy in the house. Junior Makafui was also academically sound looking at his performance at school. I did advice him that he shouldn’t only memorize books and pass out from school. He should rather develop himself and be versatile. He should come out from school and be someone who can think and solve problems in society and not a graduate who only knows theories and has nothing to do when it comes to applications.

After establishing myself as a young man, I decided to visit my village, Torve. The problem was that apart from my aunty’s house, I had no other place to lodge because they’ve all disowned me. I waited for Vero to give birth to our second child who we named Ewornam. She happened to be a girl. Ewornam simply means my God has done it for me. Indeed God has done it for me. We turned good Christians as well and did attend church regularly. After Ewornam started walking, we travelled to my village.

The environment looked very different for me when I got there because it had been long I left there. I drove to my aunty’s house and nothing has changed. Her old building remained the way it was but the unfortunate thing was that none of her children had gone very far in life. The best was living an average life and the ladies got married to some of the village folks and couldn’t continue with their education.

When my aunty saw the car, she was surprised because she never expected in her life to see a private car coming into her compound. She stood and watched the car come into the house. When I packed, I asked Vero to go and ask about me from her. I said she should ask her my whereabouts so that we see her reaction. Vero got down and went to greet politely and asked where she could find me. “Oh it has even been long I remembered that name Makafui. My dear, that boy happened to be my son but he left me to stay somewhere alone in the bush. One day we heard that he got missing from the village but I’m sure his father has come for him into eternity.

By the way why are you looking for someone who is no more”?, she surprisingly asked. As astonished as she was, Vero looked at her and came back into the car. I asked the children to come down and together with Vero we came down from the car. I walked and stood in front of my aunty and asked her if she could recognize me. She couldn’t so I showed her a mark which was on my shoulder and asked her if she could recognize me. “Ah is this not Makafui? Makafui is this you”?,she asked. “Yes I’m Makafui, aunt. I’m not dead but I will continue to live to proclaim the goodness of God. This is my wife and children. We just want to visit you today. “My aunty bowed her head in shame and knelt before me.

“My son, please forgive me. I didn’t know you were the one. We thought you were no more. I’m happy you’ve returned to your lovely aunty.” She called my children and embraced them. She then gave us chairs to sit.

My brothers and sisters, they may plan or think evil for you but if God, who is the giver of life, does not give the go ahead, their plans will be in vain. My aunty thought I was dead so she even forgot about me. I made peace with her and asked about her children. She then narrated how things turned upside down for her when I left her. She said she no more get good harvest and also things became very difficult for her.

One thing about life is that, if you help someone to be a better person one day and if even the person did not reward you physically, God in heaven will reward you in so many ways. But if you don’t want the progress of someone, don’t expect yours to also be good. I heard the woman who first mentioned it that I was an evil child passed on some few years ago. I drove through the town and visited my old friends and my food vendors.

The first person to visit was the one who saw me leaving and asked of her money. I gave her a large sum of money for selling for me on credit during those days. Within two years I went to renovate my father’s building and all projects he left behind. This was where people started introducing themselves to me as family members. Some will say they are my uncles, some brothers and sisters and a whole lot. At the time I had no hope in life, none of these people showed up, but after my breakthrough, they started identifying themselves. I think it’s high time we change our attitude towards the poor in society. We should help such people come out of that situation so that they can rather feel indebted to you than hide yourself when the person is struggling and if God bless the person, we come and say whole lots of things.

Money was there before we were born and will continue to be there after we die so in life, we shouldn’t make ourselves slaves to it. Let’s rather put our trust in God Almighty for the best. Four years of working for Charles’ father, he passed on naturally. In his will, he mentioned my name in it.

He maintained my position for me in the business. He also added the car I was using to it so the car became mine and I was now working for myself. Precious got married to man of God who claimed he had been counseling her and got her pregnant again. The man of God was an average earner but they lived happily. Precious now became a woman of God and has been preaching to people especially the youth on how to take care of their lives so they don’t go into what she went through in life.

Thank you very much for making time to follow my story for all these while. My prayer is that God should help you identify the major issues raised in the story and learn something from them. Till me meet again, I say Shalom!

Money Over Love 2 Final

The End.

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5 years ago

Wow! God’s plan for us must surely com to past, we just av to pray and b hardworking

5 years ago

wow,great lesson learnt

5 years ago

Wow God bless you. Help me Lord

5 years ago

Comment:wow imteresting when human forsake u God we be there 4u

5 years ago

This story Is very encouraging, may God continue to help his children.

5 years ago

Comment: In everything in life love should be first for Love is God n extend love to 2others.

5 years ago


5 years ago

That is God 4u, He does things as pleasess

5 years ago

Nice story line. There are several lessons to be learnt. More grace to you but please what Vero wanted to do with her boss wasn’t in any way similar to what Jesus did for us. Jesus took the form of sin for us while Vero was about to commit sin. Jesus will never sin no matter the challenges faced by him. Thank you for this inspiring story

Kwei Tetteh Jethro
Kwei Tetteh Jethro
4 years ago

Very insightful and inspiring story . Thank you Very much Mr. Tagbor Jones

4 years ago

I am really impressed by this story