Money Over Love 2 Episode 8

Money Over Love Episode 1

Money Over Love 2 Episode 8

Vero helped her to the hospital for treatment. At the hospital, Vero asked her what exactly happened. In tears like a baby crying for breast milk Precious narrated how it happened.

Precious: Sister, from day one that I got married to this man I never enjoyed him. Physically, he is the man any lady will want to be with but within him, hmm. He suffers premature ejaculation and also low sperm count. These things were revealed to him when we went for check up on why I was not getting pregnant. The doctor prescribed some medicines for him which could make him prolong sex so that probably through that, he could accumulate more sperms to get me pregnant. Anytime he was home, I made sure I left school and satisfy him home. One day he came to pay me a visit on campus and there, I introduced him to my friends. Not knowing, some of my friends got jealous of me having such a rich man. They praised me for having such a guy. Before my husband left, I decided to wash down before seeing him off because I knew I wouldn’t return early. In my absence, one of my friends took his contact and said she wanted to keep it in terms of any emergency. Few weeks after the visit, my friend started chatting with him on phone. One day they planned meeting each other and at that their meeting, she told my husband that I’ve been sleeping around with my lecturers on campus and she was sure I once aborted a foetus for one of my lecturers. She insisted that was why I was not able to get pregnant. My friend tarnished my image and that got him very angry. Her purpose was to make my husband hate me so she could take my position. She did her best to take my husband from me. Fortunately for me, another friend of ours saw the two where they had the meeting which got her surprised. She came back and informed me of what she saw at the restaurant. I couldn’t believe it until my friend returned. When I confronted her, she said it was a mere coincidence they met. My husband was supposed to travel so what got me worried was why he was still around. I called his contact to confirm if he was around and it went through. The following morning, I went home to asked him what he was doing in a restaurant with my friend. He didn’t seem cheerful when I got home and he questioned me about how many times I have aborted for my lecturers. His question went deep down into my spine because I wasn’t ready for that. My daddy forced me for that act simply because of this marriage. He started shouting at me when I decided to ignore him. His shouts irritated me so I told him the truth and the reaaon for my actions, as a way of defense. This was where he got furious at me and beat me mercilessly. Today is the third day of the incident. I tried to take care of myself indoors because I didn’t want anyone to know I was beaten by my husband but my self-care was not enough so I decided to come home so mum could help me.”

Vero: hmm Precious, so your rich husband did this to you. I’m sorry for you but he had no right to assault you like this. What is daddy saying about this because he forced you to marry him?

Precious: He said if I were not to do anything bad to my husband, he wouldn’t have beaten me. He only said he will arrange so that he will meet us and talk to the two of us in order to bring back peace into our house because he wouldn’t want to receive that disgrace of his daughter gerring married not long ago and beaten by her husband.

Vero: He can’t be serious. By the way I’m going to report him to the police because he can’t just put the laws into his own hands and do whatever pleases him. For daddy I’m sure his adropause (male equivqlent of menopause) is eating into his senses. How could he see you in this condition and say if you did nothing wrong he wouldn’t have beaten you? Are we not to scare the wolf before advising the goat? Let them discharge you first and I will carry the case from there.

Precious: alright sister. Thank you.

Before she was discharged, Vero asked the doctor to write an arrest warrant for her to send to the police so that they arrest Precious’ husband. Back in their house, Vero made it clear that she was going to call on the police to deal with Precious’ husband but their father was not in support of the idea. The reason was that, due to he marrying Precious, the number of contracts that Precious’ husband recommends to him makes him more rich and superior in the community and beyond. I ignored all his claims and went ahead to report the case to the police. The police asked Precious and I to join them so they arrest him. Precious began to show some behaviour which made Vero angry.

Precious indicates they should leave the case because she couldn’t stand seeing him been touched or fined by the police. When Vero called me to inform me of this, I only told her to respect her sister’s view because issues of marriage must be handled on humanitarian grounds. Vero obeyed my view and dropped the case. She was very angry at her sister. Interestingly, Vero decided to accompany her sister to her husband’s place so that she could talk sense into the man. When they got there, this man was in the house with Precious’ friend who informed him about Precious ” life on campus. Within a week, they started going out. When Precious saw this, it was more than telling one that he/she missed heaven. She was shocked. Vero tried confronting the lady and all the man could say was that, no one can decide for him. If precious could go about sleeping with other men, why shouldn’t he also do same.

This is one thing we see in many marriages today. The couple try to play tit for tat with each other. Precious picked up another fight with her friend this time around and in fact the scene was not nice. Vero rebuked Precious’ husband for the behavior he was demonstrating whilst Precious was also fighting with her friend. Vero and the man’s attention was not with them so the next thing they could see was that the fight between the two ladies was becoming severe to the extent that Precious’ friend was able to bring Precious to the ground. The lady wore sunglasses so in the process of the fight, she ended up using the handle of the glass to stab Precious in-between her nose and eye. Precious shouted for help which Vero rushed to her aid. Vero pushed the lady to the ground and started beating her. Precious’ husband carried Precious into his car and drove her to the hospital. Vero just couldn’t stand seeing how blood was gushing out of her sister. She joined them and went back to the same hospital they were coming from.

Precious was taken to the accident and emergency unit where she was admitted and some pints of blood was transfused to her. Vero quickly went to inform the doctor who gave out a police report for the arrest of the man. Precious was unconscious and didn’t even know where she was. Vero called me to come over and seriously speaking, I wonder if Precious could see any longer. Seeing her, I became very bitter with her husband and pushed for the man’s arrest. Just as you know, this guy is very rich and everyone knows him so when he was arrested, he gave a very huge amount to the police in order to make it a foolish case. When the issue got to Precious’ father, he now got to understand what he was looking for. I personally called him to come witness where her daughter was.

When he was taken into the ward to see his daughter in a bandage covering her face, he shed tears and said he will never forgive this boy for doing this to his daughter. “Where is he”? Vero asked him what he wanted to do but he ignored that question. “I said where is that bustard who had the guts to touch my daughter? He did it the first time and I didn’t take any action so he thinks he could do anything? I said where is he? Won’t anyone tell me anything?”

Will Precious survive this time around? What next?

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5 years ago

I hope she survive…..A lesson to young girls