Money Over Love 2 Episode 4

Money Over Love Episode 1

Money Over Love 2 Episode 4

© Jones Kwesi Tagbor
All Rights Reserved

Vero started behaving strangely towards me. She goes to work and comes back late. If I try complaining, she will only give some flimsy excuses. She was even the one who found the job as a driver for me. The sachet water factory belongs to her boss so when she explained things to him concerning my unemployment status and her boss gave me the opportunity to drive one of his vans.

When the accident occurred, the factory footed the bill to some point and stopped. How I wished I had an insurance cover by then. The accident inflicted terrible pains on my spinal cord such that, I needed to undergo a surgery. I had to accumulate money to continue the surgery in order to correct the problem but the money was no where to be found. We used all we had to pay the court charges. When it’s night, I do feel the pain in my spinal cord so there was no way I could have sex with my wife. Initially she was able to cope with the situation but as time went on, she started putting up this behaviour.

One interesting thing we don’t usually recognize is that, some behaviours can show a partner is cheating but might not necessarily be. Indications and suspicions does not always mean cheating. If you don’t have a definitive proof of your wife cheating, don’t let your suspicion carry you away and make accusations of infidelity. Be very sure of your facts before you draw conclusions, if not, you will just be building up pressure in your heart. Anyway, I think trust for each other also matters. What I’m saying doesn’t mean you should wait until everything is out of hand before you take action. All I’m saying is have enough facts and don’t put yourself into any unnecessary pressure. One evening, Faustina asked me how long I will remain in my condition instead of making her feel like a woman

Me: Vero, I know how you are feeling. Don’t worry. I will be okay very soon. I know how much you love me. Help me raise money to complete the surgery.”

Vero: My husband, I believe that you will be fine. I do feel bad seeing you like this. Don’t worry. I will ask my father to help us.

Me: Your father? No. Please don’t multiply the problems. How can you go to your father asking him to help us? I don’t agree with you

Vero: I’m going as his daughter and not the wife of his enemy. I don’t believe my father will listen to me and refuse to help us. He loves me and will be ready to do everything for me to be happy. You just leave everything to me.

Me: Hmm I’m just foreseeing danger ahead of me should you go to this man for help. I think we should rather check from Charles and his wife.

Vero: Yes that is not a bad idea.

A week later, she went to Charles’ house but unfortunately, he wasn’t in the country. She met his wife, Madam Faustina, only in the house. Madam Faustina expressed her wish to help but due to what happened, all their money was used to settle the hospital bills. She said she was not sure her husband could equally help. Vero came back to tell me about how it went. I felt bad but there was nothing I could do. I wouldn’t say madam Faustina was wicked to us because we were all aware how much money was spent on her to bring her back to life. Vero suggested I start going to church and probably, the church could help raise funds for me. I explained to her that was not a good idea because going to church shouldn’t be on a condition that I needed some material help from them.

This has almost being the mindset of some people in church. They attend church because they want some material help from them. Yes, the church is more or less a society where there is the need for mutual support for one another but that shouldn’t be the main motive for going to church. We go to church simply to worship God together as a group in order to secure our salvation. I agreed to join a church but not because of the help I needed. Few weeks later, Vero sneaked out of the house to her father’s house. She was supposed to pick Junior Makafui from school that day but she didn’t. She thought she could return before they close from school. She went to tell her father what was happening to me and requested for his help. My in-law just stood up and went into his room after Vero has finished saying what she had to say. He never uttered a word before going into his room. Vero was thinking he was going to probably take his cheque book to sign for her. She waited for long but he wasn’t coming out. She decided to check on him at the room and saw him sitting by his table reading a news paper.

Vero: Dad I told you something but you never responded. I have been waiting for you to come and give me a response but you were not coming so I decide to follow up.

Dad: Do I look like a Father Christmas to you? Or have you heard in the news that your father has started operating some charity organization?

Vero: oh Dad please it hasn’t gotten to that. Remember I’m still your daughter.

Dad: My daughter my foot. My daughter will listen to my advice and take instructions from me. My daughter will not feel like she knows better than her father. My daughter won’t marry any good for nothing idiot like what you call your husband. Lady, you can see I’m reading on issues concerning this country and beyond. I wish you leave me to continue reading.

Vero: I want to believe you won’t feel bad when something happens to me. I will fight for my husband and I know you will one day see miracles happen for us. I’m leaving.

Dad: Don’t forget to close the door after you.

Her father said to her and with tears she went out. Vero thought her father had a change of mind when he called her back. “Come I have something good for you.” Her father said. Vero eagerly returned and got closer to her father. “Take that brown envelope on the bed for me”, her father requested. Vero went to take it for him and he asked her to sit down. All these while, vero’s phone was off. She knew I will call so she switched it off. Her father took the envelope and brought out a magazine. It was a magazine belonging to his network marketing company. He opened it and showed her a picture of one gentleman who was earning Ghc 3000.00 per week. He said that guy was still single and wanted a beautiful but intelligent lady to marry. “I told him I will give one of my daughters to him to marry. Precisely, I was referring to your younger sister. But looking at things, I can see you are not having any happiness in that thing you call marriage so I wanted to give you to him. Forget about that gateman. He has no future for you” Her Dad said.

Vero: Daddy I think we are coming back to class one. I told you severally that I don’t want any other man than Makafui. Please let Precious get married to him and I’m sure you will be very excited to see your daughter marrying a millionaire. For me I’m out.

This time around, she never asked any permission but left the room. She looked at the wall clock in the hall and time was far gone. “Oh my God, Junior will still be waiting for me at school”, she said to herself. She switched on her phone this time around and called to informed me that something went wrong somewhere so she will come and tell me later. She asked me to call someone to go in for Junior from school because, by the time she will get there, it will be too late. I told her I already called the school so one of his teachers brought him to the house.

Vero came to narrate everything that happened in her father’s house to me. I queried her that I had warned her not to go there but she didn’t listen. She apologized and prepared supper for the home. As the days and weeks went past, my condition was just getting severe. I now found it difficult to even sit down. My better position was to lie on the bed. Vero was having the feeling that it won’t be long and I will die if no action was taken. She said she wouldn’t like to be called a widow at her tender age.

One day when she got to work, she decided to ask her boss who was the owner of the factory I worked with to support her in flying me out of the country for the surgery. Her boss said she should come to his house after work for any amount of her choice because he could feel the pain she was going through. Vero thanked her stars and even praised her boss with more bootlicking words. After work, Vero went for Junior at school and sent him home. She then said she had some appointment at her work side so she will join us later and left to this man’s house.

Mr Mike, her boss, was equally married but he cheats on his wife. He was sometime ago reported contracted some STI but I was not very sure of that. That very day, his wife was not around at the time Vero got there. He gave her a warm reception and later, brought out his cheque book and asked Vero to write any amount she wants on the cheque so that he signs for her. Vero wrote Ghc50,000.00 and handed the cheque back to him. Mr Mike saw the amount and smiled. “Vero all this money will be yours on just one condition” He said. The condition was Vero to satisfy him sexually that evening and any other time he requested for it. He placed the cheque on the center table and sat down. “Use what you have to get what you want”, He said.

Do you suggest Vero should satisfy Mr Mike and get the money? Is Mr Mike free from any Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

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