MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 6 – 7 by Tisa Phiri

MAD IN LOVE episode 1 by Tisa Phiri


Written By Tisa Phiri

” What! No you cant!” I shouted, am sure if he was seeing my face he would read my displeasure.

” You can’t come here dear brother because am not going to be around this whole week. We have a workshop in Livingstone and I left this morning” I went on explaining to my elder brother who called to let me know he would be visiting me for some days.

” Just lodge at Aunty’s place in Matero brother, am not going to be home”

I heard him sigh obviously disappointed. He just called to ask if he can lodge at my place as he would be working from Lusaka. I couldn’t allow it even when I knew he never liked going to spend days at our aunty’s where he mostly grew up from.

Him unlike me had one home to live in. After our parents died leaving the three of us with my elder brother and young sister who unfortunately died in a road accident the year I was completing my studies at CBU.

I never really had one place to stay. I always moved from one home to another. Thankfully our parents left enough money for our tertially education and so all we needed was a home to live in and our relatives took us in. My sister and me went to stay with our uncle in Kapiri. The more reason I visited my aunty in Kabwe more often.

My brother went to stay with the young sister to mom in Matero and he did his studies at The University of Zambia, were he studied Economics.

My kid sister was doing her grade 12 the year she died. She was travelling from Kapiri to go visit our aunty in Matero when she met her demise.

Not like I am complaining, but our family had not always been that close. It was mostly one man for himself and people never really paid visits to one another except during funerals and other family gatherings.

I had hopped I would get someone to stay with after I started working but it was difficult to have anyone stay with me. Most of my cousins and nieces preferred to stay closer to their parents and I finally decided to give up trying to have people live with me.

Only my brother paid me visits most of the times, but this time around I was not ready to host him. Knowing how controlling he was I wasn’t ready for him to come over especially that the room he usually slept in was now for my Benjamin. What with the fact that I was living with a mad stranger, there was no way I would allow him to see him and end up taking away the source of my joy over a month.

” Am sorry Brother. I wish I knew you were coming I could have left the keys for you” I sighed making a sad tone.

” lt’s okey sis, take care of yourself. I bet I will just lodge at some hotel then” he concluded before cutting the line.

Staying with Benjamin for over 4 weeks was actually getting better. At some point the drugs had finished and now that I knew the names of the drugs I needed not go and steal from Chinama like before. I just went to some pronounced Chemist and bought them even when it cost me half a thousand. My Benjamin surprisingly gained some weight and I couldn’t help admire him.

“Sleeping?” I murmered to myself as l stood in his bedroom. He had not moved out of his room that day and I got worried.

It was a weekend and he usually came out on his own. I drew the bed cover and slid in the blankets besides him.

I felt him shift slightly his warm body touching mine. I saw him open his eyes and glance at me.

” Hey!” I smiled hoping he would answer like he did sometimes. But he was quite.

I shifted sharply when I felt something hard rub my thigh. I had wore a skirt and a vest.

” Oh Benjamin! ” I laughed realising he didn’t have any clothes on which I had noticed was his way of sleeping.

He turned and looked at me his lips smiling slightly. ” What?” I asked looking at his deep white eyes. ” Don’t tell me you can also be h*rny?” I laughed not taking away my eyes from his.

I pushed my hand inside his thighs and I saw him wince slightly making me giggle as I felt him stand harder.

I felt the urge to help myself with him but then I realise I couldn’t do that to him especially that he wouldn’t probably know about that later on.

Well, my plan didn’t work as he surprised me, I withdrew my hand but now he was the one now rubbing his hand on me.

” Oh Jezz!” I moaned surprised.

” We have to stop Benjamin” I held his hand but it seemed I had provoked him enough. He pushed me back and leaped on top of me.

” Stop!” I shouted trying to push him away, but he didn’t , he pushed my legs apart roughly and quickly pushed himself inside making me scream, it was supposed to hurt cause he was really rough but No, I held on to him not wanting him to stop.

Like a mad man he was, he went on thrusting harder and for a moment I was lost in pleasure.

” He screamed loudly and fall on me as he outdid himself leaving me so powerless my inside felt sore but good.

” Oh my God, Benjamin” I sighed my eyes shut as he lay motionless on top of me I could feel his heart racing. With my hands I pushed him down and he fall down fast asleep in an instant.

” Jen, now this is madness to its core” I whispered as I pulled myself out on the bed pulling down my small skirt.

I sat in the tab filled with water as I relived the moment. He surely had what I had termed a “perfect tool ” and if only he was normal, that would make him earn points in love making.

I felt guilty in the end. Like I was taking advantage of his condition. I recalled when I was talking to some friend who told me when I asked if mad people had feelings.

” Yes they have” she had responded.

” Haven’t you heard of stories where mad people give birth to some babies. Meaning they too get horny and can have sex too. ”

” Well that’s hilarious” I sighed shaking my head. I had not thought Benjaimn would feel like doing it with me. I honestly never had that planned. All I knew was I loved him or maybe was so concerned about him, but it wasn’t my intention to use him for my personal gain.

What I had experienced that morning, made me realise there was hope for Benjamin and I had to find a way of helping him.

I finalised taking my long bath and changed my clothes, this time wearing a chitenge lest I entice my Benjamin again.

I sat in front of the TV and I was almost changing from ZNBC to watch some other channel when something caught my attention.

” There will be 21 days of prayer and deliverance at Chelstone Parish. Come and experience a touch of God’s anointing with father Lumba” came the advert and I felt great.

” This is it! ” I whispered loudly.

” Yes Yes! God forgive me for my sins and please make this happen” I prayed loudly as I took down the line on the screen.

Later that day, I called the priest and partly explained my situation to him. He asked me to go and see him the following day after mass at the Parish.

” Thank you so much Father” , I told him before hanging up.

The following morning I dressed up in a long skirt and decent blouse and covered my kink hair in black silk material, liking the decent but beautiful look it gave me.

After Mass which I enjoyed so much as it was about giving oneself to love others without condition like God loves us.

” So young lady, Tell me everything about this man you told me about yesterday” Father Lumba asked me with a smiling face.

I was quiet for a second not knowing where to begin from. ” lt’s alright, you can tell me everything and remember only God will answer your prayers am only here to help guide you through” he smiled

I told him everything from the funeral, to the kidnap and everything else in between. For a second I thought the man was thinking I was crazy.

” You are an exceptional woman, I don’t know how to describe you. I can’t seem to understand what really drives you to go this far for a man you hardly know” he sighed seriously.

” You have a big heart and for that I am certain God will see you through” he added

” Amen father” I responded.

” Now tell me, what happens if this man is prayed for and delivered then he remembers who he is and leaves you?” He asked a question I had never thought of before and it scared me. For a moment I thought maybe having him the way he was, paid off but I then thought how selfish I would be if I allowed such thoughts.

” All am concerned about is that he gets delivered and healed Father, if he will leave me then I guess it was meant to be that way” I sighed controlling the tears that threatened to spill.

The priest prayed for me and I cried through the prayer. I felt relieved when he was done and he asked for me to bring Benjamin over the following day for prayers assuring me there is nothing impossible with God.

He told me most of the mental sicknesses where spiritual and that God can change Benjamin’s story.

I got home that afternoon feeling optimistic. After I unlocked the door, I found Benjamin seated murmuring something to himself. I sat next to him and he looked at me with lustful eyes I knew what happened the other day got him to think he could get intimate with me whenever.

” No Benjamin not today that was a mistake and we should never do that again, at least until you are healed, Okey?” I looked at his face.

I couldn’t take the risk of him coming on me again especially after just confessing my sins, so I added valium to his food. He slept just after eating.

” Am not coming for work Kegan, tell the manager for me tommorow. Something came up and I can’t work. ” I asked Kegan for a favour.

” Whatever it is I hope soon it comes to an end cause you are always busy with whatever it is and am getting fade up of you standing all my efforts to have some time out.” He complained.

” I know my friend and am sorry. But I know one day I will tell you what has been going on. Only that I can’t at this point”

” Sure whatever you say Jen just take care of yourself ” he added before hanging up.

As I slept I started having creepy dreams of some people wanting to murder Me and Benjamin. The sight of strange looking people in my dreams scared me. They were chasing us and I stood between them and Benjamin who was shaking scared.

They scolded me for trying to stand in their way and I was certain they will chop me to pieces with a machete the woman who came on me had, but thank God I woke up before that happened.

I looked at my phone panting and sweating. The dream scared me and I had no other thought but call the priest. I doubted he would answer at that hour, but to my surprise he picked the call almost immediately telling me I was having an attack even before I could explain to him what I had dreamt.

” How did you know Father? ” I asked

” Don’t worry my child. Just bring Benjamin tommorow, the enemy can not succeed. He knows he is lossing. Those are just the kicks of a dying horse” he encouraged and prayed for me.

I felt calmer and went back to sleep after checking on Benjamin who was fast asleep.

” Let this be over my God” I whispered silently in my bed.


I was standing my hands raised up high. It had been 7 days of attending prayer sessions with Benjamin, the priest had told me I had to continue taking him every afternoon and as I did, my faith grew.

I was feeling myself becoming so spiritual, my prayers became more powerful. I even took the advice of fasting on behalf of Benjamin as he could not do it himself. The first days were tough, but with time I started feeling great.

I would woke up in the night to pray as I continuously had bad dreams especially where the same women I didn’t know kept on haunting me and wanting to kill me.

One man who was always present whenever the priest was praying for Benjamin, told me he had seen that Benjamin’s situation was caused by a certain woman but he was not sure of her relationship to him.

” Have faith my sister and all shall be well, by the end of this seven days, you shall testify to the goodness of God” he strengthened me.

” I know for sure he will be okey” I had responded feeling my faith.

Friday came and I took time bathing Benjamin like I always did. I pulled a pair of brown soft jeans, a white vest and a black short sleeved shirt from the closet and asked him to dress up as I waited.

I put some black casual shoes on his feet, satisfied he looked good, I sprayed him some perfume. I was trusting God that the seventh day was a day he was going to deliver Benjamin, so I needed him to woke up and see himself looking normal and good.

” Today you will be okey, I don’t know what will happen next after you regain your consciousness, but whatever will happen I will be able to live with myself knowing I played a great role in ensuring you got better.” I whispered to him.

He was awkwardly quiet that day. He didn’t even do his usual murmuring and smiling . As I drove us to Chelstone, I let Ephraim’s song “Kafiwe fi Jericho!” play on repeat as l kept praying inside my heart. Something felt so right my spirit was so happy.

Minutes later, Benjamin was placed in the middle, this time we were joined by another man and woman who I was told were prayer warriors from the Charismatic Renewal Movement.

The priest asked us all to hold hands surrounding Benjamin, as we started singing praise and worship songs. The shouting and praying started and I joined in crying and praying to my God to hear us.

Tongues and calling on the fire of God went on as the prayers got deeper. The priest was leading the prayer lines with all of us agreeing and praying violently I could feel the change in the atmosphere.

” Jennifer! ” the priest called my name.

” Do you believe in the Lord Almight!”

” Yes I believe ” I responded without doubt.

” Do you believe that God the father, the son and Holy spirit has the power to set this man you brought here free?” He asked again and I shouted with faith.

” Yes father, I believe!” Tears ran down my face as I answered. Not that I was feeling any pain but the power surrounding us felt so strong it made my heart ach with extreme joy.

” Come kneel besides Benjamin and lay your hands on him. Tell God what you want him to do to this man and it shall be according to your faith” the Priest told me.

Slowly I knelt besides Benjamin, taking a closer look at his face as tears ran down my face. I opened my mouth to pray.

” My God, my father, hear me all my redeemer, I don’t know who this man really is and I don’t even know why you allowed that I took him in with me. I have not done the right things most of the times in my life but I know and am sure of one thing, you God are the only way and the only true salvation that I have.

Whatever it is that Benjamin had done to get to this condition, whatever unfairness that might have been done to get him like this, today in the name of Jesus, I pray you set him free.

I call out to your holy spirit to release your anointing power upon his body, soul and mind, that he may be set free.!

Free him almighty God and let your name be exalted !” I went on shouting and crying as my hands trembled holding Benjamin.

I can’t recall anything else that l said in my prayers. But as everyone shouted and prayed, Benjamin let go of my hand pushing me away violently like my hands were burning him.

The priest came to my aid spraying some anointing oil on him and he fall down shaking viciously his mouth foaming with black liquids.

” Pray on people! ” the priest shouted

” lt is the the Lord’s time and his will shall prevail in the life of this young man today in Jesus’ name! ” He added continuously praying and casting out the demons as he went on spraying the oil on him .

After some minutes Benjamin fall on his face silent.

” ls he okey?” I stepped forward trying to hold him up.

” lt is done my child” the priest smiled at me and I smiled widely raising my hand and praising God.

” Benjamin!” I called him shaking him.

He sat up looking confused but normal. That dull look on his face was gone and he looked okey. We all watched him as he stood up straight looking around the room and taking his time staring at each of the people in the room.

He moved his eyes towards me as I stood closer to him. ” Benjamin” I called him again trying to see if he could remember me.

” Who are you people? And where am I?” He responded and I jumped up shouting in joy.

” Oh my God you are okey!” I exclaimed hugging him close but I felt his hands push me away.

” Who are you?” He asked again this time he was directing his question on me. ” Am am…. um” I stammered not knowing what to say.

” She’s the woman God has used to bring healing to your life Benjamin” the priest answered coming to my aid.

He asked everyone to leave and asked us to sit down as he let me explain what happened to Benjamin.

” What? You mean I was mad? Like a mad man picking food from the rubbish pits and walking around in dirty clothes?” He asked his face in pure shock.

” Something like that, though you mostly stayed in funeral homes in Kabwe” I responded.

” Do you remember who you are? Or anything that happened when you were in that state ?” The priest asked him.

” Yes father, my name is Benjamin Kamanga, am working as the CEO of BK motor and equipment suppliers, my family company in Kabwe. My family is in Lusaka I visit them every weekend. I went there last weekend. ” He explained clearly.

” Family?” I asked my heart panicking.

” Yes, l have a wife with a one year old son in Lusaka” he responded and I felt my knees go weak.

Father, held my hand assuredly. ” it’s Okey” he whispered.

” Yeah” I pushed a smile.

” Do you know what year this is?” The priest asked him.

” Yes, this is Sunday 14th of March 2012″ he answered confidently. We both looked at each other and the priest shook his head.

” The enemy had put you in bondage for over 2 years Benjamin, today is Saturday 31st of January 2015″

” What?” Benjamin now realising my story was true asked.

” Am sorry son, but this woman here is saying the truth, you were cast with a mental illness for 2 years and if not for her good deeds which were way out of normal, you could have still been mad.”

I saw Benjamin bow his head. The priest went on counselling him and for more than 2 hours we were locked in the room.

He encouraged me to take heart and let Benjamin decide his next step as everything that happened wasn’t his fault, of course he told me that in confidence after I let Benjamin in my car.

We were quiet as I drove us back home, he kept his eyes on the road and I kept on stealing glances at him which he seemed not to notice.

” This is my house, you and I have stayed together here for almost 2 months now” I told him as he looked around the sitting room.

This is where you were sleeping I led him to the spare bedroom and he entered looking around taking in every detail like he was trying to remember.

He sighed sitting on the bed. ” So why did you bring me here? I mean I don’t understand, like you said I wasn’t myself and that was quite a risk. Why did you do it? You and me never knew each other before? ” he asked his calm voice steady.

I cleared my throat not knowing what to tell him. I felt ashamed of myself for the first time. ” Honestly Benjamin I don’t know” I shrugged honestly.

” I saw you at the funeral all quiet looking like this” I said opening my phone and showing him the photos I got of him before I bathed him.

He shook his head not believing he was seeing his image in the man in the pics.

” And I felt drawn to you” I told him the truth.

I showed him the clothes and covers he used to wear and he sat down again this time shedding tears.

” I have lost 2 years plus of my life I don’t even know where to start from. I really don’t know how I will ever repay you for your kindness and even if I have no idea why you picked me. Am so grateful” he added looking at me, but this time I couldn’t see my crazy Benjamin anymore. He looked like a stranger all over again but my heart still felt the same for him.

His stare had has lost that passion I used to see in them, the innocence and gentleness. He looked at me like I was some kind of freak and it hurt so much.

After talking with him for a while he stood up asking if he could go to his house which he told me was in Foxdale.

I felt my eyes get wet at the thought of him leaving me all alone. ” Of course, I will drive you there” l offered gaining courage and swallowing hard to make the tears go back.

” You have done enough, if you don’t mind, let me go alone” he suggested.

” No, am sorry I might sound possessive, but it is almost 22 hours in the night. If you can’t spend another minute in this house, allow me to take you so that I can make sure you are safe” I told him.

Driving him to his home was the most painful drive ever. I had hopped he stayed in with me that night and may be try to get to know me and staff like that, but he insisted he had to go find his family.

I hooted twice at the gate and a teenage boy came to open the gate. ” uncle Ben!” He shouted upon seeing Benjamin.

He went out hugging the boy I could see they were close. We were ushered inside and a tall and slim woman came to see us standing shocked after seeing Benjamimn.

” Honey! ” He shouted walking towards her and hugging her as she stood without hugging him back. I could bet she didn’t look excited nor pleased to see him, instead I could sense some disappointment in her face.

” Where have you been?” She asked looking at me.

” lt’s a long story honey. Where is our boy? ” He asked .

” Excuse me I must leave now” I stood up not liking the awkwardness I was feeling.

” Am sorry” he sighed turning towards me.

” Honey meet Jennifer She’s the woman who saved my life” he turned his wife towards me.

She looked at me from head to toe and I felt a big lamp on my throat.

I couldn’t stay anymore so I said my goodbyes and Benjamin told me he would see me later. I don’t remember if I responded, l just drove away my face wet with tears.

I closed the door to my house and shut my eyes allowing the tears to flow out freely.

” What was I thinking?” I sniffed.

I knew I had to understand the fact that he had to get back to his old life but that didn’t stop it from hurting so much. Sinking in my couch l cried myself to sleep.

To be continued…

©Tisa Phiri

All Rights Reserved.

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Abu Aisha Morenikeji
Abu Aisha Morenikeji
5 years ago

But I think you could have been told this before Na!
Why sobbing?