MAD IN LOVE episode 1 by Tisa Phiri


Written By Tisa Phiri


I flipped through the papers, checking every single detail in the small file my investigator had handed me.

” This is good man, am so happy you managed to get all this in a week” I sighed looking up at his face.

” They have been around all this while. Unfortunately because of the condition they are in, they probably are not aquinted with what is going on otherwise they could have shown up already” Mailoni informed me as he sat across the table in my garrage.

I had decided to meet up with him that day not wanting anyone to see me anyhow as now it seemed whatever was happening, all eyes where on me.

I was one day even approached by some journalist from some media house over what was going on and I just told them one truth.

” My woman is innocent and in due time all this will be over” was all l said not wanting to waste my time talking to people who had contributed to my down fall.

“So what next? ” Mailoni asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

” I think its best I go and check this place my dear. If they are there then I will find them” I responded.

” Sure, be careful that man I told you about seems dangerous and he’s the one working with Clara. ” He cautioned.

Without wasting any time I placed the papers in the car outside and drove away. I had to go to the address in the papers where Mailoni told me he saw my family.

He told me a man he saw with Clara days before go to the address, it was like he used to go to observe the activities of the small house there. He later on took time observing him and after following the man three times. He knew there was some one who Clara wanted to spy on or she was hiding something in Chainda compound.

According to his explanation, Mailoini mentioned seeing a girl of about 18 years old who seemed to be one of the residents of the house.

The description of the girl matched that of my young sister the last born in our family. Even though he didn’t get to get more information as I rushed to check the address myself.

The wind blew in my face as I drove at a great speed in great east road. The panic and nervousness of seeing my sister’s and son again giving me the the motive to accelerate.

I recalled the confrontation I had with Jennifer’s brother. He had come to Jen’s house scolding me for causing so much harm to his sister.

” I understand you are hurt cause your sister is in trouble. But you have to understand none of us planned this to happen.” I tried to reason with him.

He sighed looking at me clear anger on his face. I just had to understand he was just being concerned about his own sister too.

” lf you came to know how evil your wife is, you should have left her alone so that no harm comes to her. She helped save your life now she has wasted her entire life” he shouted on top of his voice.

I went on trying to explain what made me return to Jen and the fact that that I fall in love with Jen.

” Pray so hard my sister comes out of that place my dear Ben, otherwise I will not let you get away with this!” He scoffed and left me without any further words.

Now l had to prove to him that I was man enough and capable of protecting his sister. All I needed was to get Clara trapped in her evil plans and now I was getting close to achieving that.

Thankfully I had two people helping me. Clara’s nephew, the boy who l asked to go back to his grand mother’s after selling the house and assistant accountant, Mulenga who was aware of Clara’s drug trafficking deals and a brief of other things too.

” Am going to have my family back and rescue the woman that I love” I whispered to myself as I waited for the traffic lights at Manda Hill to indicate a go light.

20 minutes later I was parking the vehicle across the road deep inside Chainda. I kept watch of the house for some minutes and when I was almost getting myself to go and knock at the door, I saw her.

My sister Serah carrying a bucket of water. She was heading towards a two roomed house that matched the description Mailoni had given me.

” Serah!” I whispered to myself slowly opening the door. She looked so different, the last time I saw her she was looking so young and neat in her jeans and crop top. Now she looked like a poor beggar I felt tears in my eyes as I approached her.

” Serah?” I shouted loudly and she turned to me.

” Ben! Oh Ben! Is that you brother?” She shouted throwing away the bucket and coming to hug me her face filled with happiness. I held her so close as she cried.

” Clara told us you were dead” she cried softly looking at my face.

” No sweetheart am alive and am here now, where is everyone?” I asked her wiping her tears away.

” Mother left us some weeks ago, she went with aunty Clara but she has never returned. We have not seen both of them since” she sniffed her nose.

” What about Memory and Ben?” I asked her now standing up straight looking at her avoiding to break the news of mom’s death to her.

” You don’t know?” She asked looking really sad. ” know what Serah?” I started panicking now wanting to hear anything worse.

” Let’s go in the house Ben, Memory is there” she sighed sadly and led me into the small house.

My other sister, the second born in our family, who came after me, Memory was laying on a mat sleeping and her breathing told me she wasn’t well.

” Memory, Memory wake up! It’s brother Ben” Serah shook her softly and she slowly opened her eyes.

” Ben?” She said in a whisper as her eyes kept on me.

” Memory what happened to you? I went close to her holding her face and I felt the heat in her skin reaching mine.

” She’s been sick since mother went away but we have no money to take her to the clinic. The vegetables mom was selling finished but so did the money to order some more. I have been going out to work some small jobs in the market to get us something to eat” Serah sobbed as she explained the conditions of their lives. .I couldn’t hold it anymore. I held my sister’s and cried with them. Telling them all shall be well.

Later on after a moment of embracing each other I told them to come with me and drove them to Jen’s house. I had continued paying for rentals from the time I started the garage business even before Jen went to Prison. I knew Clara wouldn’t mind me taking my sister’s there.

They told me how Clara had gone to get my son a year after I was gone. Lying to my mother she wanted to raise her own son and since then, they never saw him again.

” Mom said she wouldn’t hurt her own son” Serah explained. ” so she let her take him and asked her to be bringing him to visit us. But she never did.

The only time we saw Clara was when she came with some signed documents showing that our house, the one in meanwood is her’s as granted by the courts. How she managed to change the papers we all don’t know.

She asked mom to start paying her for rentals but mom had no money.

With the little money mom had left, she tried to hire lawyers to claim back the house but it all failed. Causing us to move to Chainda and Memory stopped the course she was pursuing at the university. I too stopped when I passed to grade 10 due to lack of finances.

Clara stopped giving us our share from the company so we had nothing .

Mom promised she would find a way to make Clara pay and somehow get hold of the companies and everything we had lost. Unfortunately we don’t know where she has taken her. she usually came here to insult my mother telling her she was paying for treating her like a lazy woman and never accepted her as a daughter in law. ” My sister told me the story and l was not surprised at all.

At that point I knew what Clara was capable of and that wasn’t a surprising. I felt glad my sisters were okey and l prayed in my heart my son would be fine too wherever she had taken him was also well.

I took my sister to the hospital and the following day before going to Prison to visit Jen, I called and told the lawyer about my sister’s.

He told me they both would help testifying in court their story indicating that Clara took away my mother. He offered to keep them at his house for fear of Clara plotting an attack to prevent them from testifying. But I objected and told him I would take them to the priest at church. That was the only safe place I could think of.

We were still talking with the lawyer when my phone rung.” Hello Mulenga!” I responded seeing the assistant accountant’s caller ID.

” You have to come over to the company now, I want you to see something that will help you out” he spoke and it seemed he was in a rush as the call was cut immediately.

” I have to go now, thank you so much for helping. And will see you soon. ” I thanked him as I shook his hand.

I drove to drop my sister’s at church and later on rushed to the company.

Upon getting to the company I wore a company cap for drivers and walked to the back.

” Am here, in the back” I called Mulenga who cut the line without answering.

I waited for almost 5 minutes and I saw him rushing to me.

” Clara is planing something against you. I have no idea what, but I overhead her telling that her macho man that he should strike before the trial. ” Mulenga whispered.

” But that’s not what l called you for. See those trucks there?” He asked pointing three container trucks in the parking spot.

” There are tones of drugs, illegal drugs hidden in the containers. They won’t be unloaded til tonight so I don’t know what you can do with that but make sure am not stated in all this” he cautioned and quickly ran back but that was before he whispered into my ears, “Clara is in her office right this minute, be careful”

I wanted to leave but an idea popped up my mind, l got my phone, scrolled to the voice recorder and headed direct to her office, which used to be my father’s before he died.

I had to find a way of saving Jennifer and I had to try be brave and face her again.

” What are you doing here Ben?” Clara stood upon seeing me enter without knocking.

The man I had come to know as her right hand man from Mailoni’s investigation, sat in front from of her. He looked down upon seeing me. I realise he knew me so well.

” What ? aren’t you happy to see me?, I thought you put Jen in Prison so that we can get back together!” I teased with a laugh pressing my hand on my forehead.

” Leave my company you crazy! In your dreams will I ever have you in my life! ” She shouted not looking straight at me.

” Well to start with, I know how you Planned on my mother’s death. You want an innocent woman to pay for your crimes” I spoke loudly provoking her.

I felt myself smile inside as she went on throwing it in my face how she wanted us both to suffer.

” Okey, you think you are clever dear Clara but l only came here to let you know that your time is up. Soon enough your walls will fall and like you said, we will see who will laugh last” I smiled leaving her as she shouted for me to leave her office.



I felt my chest bulg with anger.” How can I be so stupid?” I screamed in anger as I hit the table.

Seeing Ben walk in my office should have warned me he was after something. I just realised after he left that the words I uttered could implicate me. I was so pissed I forgot the possibility of him recording the conversation.

” Maybe he just came to upset you mam” Manga responded casually. “Are you serious right now?” I barked at him.

” You are so dull you know that! You think Ben can just come here to talk with me. Why didn’t he do that all these weeks but today? Am telling you Ben was recording that conversation and thanks to my big mouth, I just looted myself out. Confessing of all my crimes like an idiot, oh dammit I feel like a stupid fool right now”I paced around angrily.

” What now? do you want me to eliminate him?” Manga asked me in his deep voice irritating me at how calm he seemed when I was panicking.

” No, killing him will point straight to me especially that the trial is in 2 days” I frowned standing by the window trying to think through things.

” I wish my charm was still here. It could have solved all my problems but now that stupid witch Doctor refused to give me another one. I just have to handle things physically” I spat scornfully.

” I want you to go and find a way to snatch that recording from him tonight. We can’t afford to have him play it to someone else” I told Manga and he immediateky stood up pulling down his jean trousers.

I sat back down turning in my chair. I just had a good deal with one of the drug loads and I was going to have a good evening when finally the money was paid, but Ben spoiled my mood I felt like having a strong wine.

I couldn’t leave the premises as l had to wait for the owners of the drugs to come pick them up so I had to stay in the office hating the feeling I was having. Something seemed so wrong and I needed to cool off my head.

” Hey John! Can you come over to my office?” I called my toy man wanting to have some quick sex in the office to calm me down. I didn’t want to get drunk so that was all I needed then.

I looked outside and saw the workers walking out the entrance. ” Good it’s time these idiots left these premises” I murmered to myself. I knew only the gaurd would remain and it was not a problem paying him for his silence.

I was standing on my heals, the black office dress reaching the middle of my thighs and a white jacket on top. Feeling good about the expensive dress and I knew it looked great with the cream white heels on my feet.

” I love those legs” l heard John whisper as he got to the door. That’s one thing I loved about John, the guy was a sex maniac and I knew anytime I called on him he was ready to hit provided I had the cash ready for him.

I was beginning to hate the fact that I felt a bit attached to him and I had used him for more than I had hoped for. It was not easy to ignore his sexual skills and every time I was assured of maximum satisfaction.

“Mmmmmmh you like it huh?” I whispered pulling him closer after he locked the door and drew the curtains to the office.

” You have a mind blowing body woman and it’s hard to resist such beauty” John kissed my neck his hands rubbing my back as he pulled down the zip.

” I needed you badly, I have had some punk disturb my day and now that I can’t drink today, I called on you to give me that full service” I stammered as I felt his hands push in the dress reaching the straps of my bra.

” Good choice. You know I can give you all of me, just call on me!” He said in a singing voice.

” Oh yeah” I moaned as he pushed the dress up sliding his fingers in my thighs and kissing my lips gently.

He worked all round me and I cried for him to complete his mission. With a wide smile he lifted me to the table and pushed himself in me from the back.

After almost 20 minutes of reaching me some crazy orgasm, he pulled up his trousers and zipped it. I walked back to the table and pulled some notes handing him.

” Are you sure that’s all. You don’t want some more?” He asked coming to my back and kissing my still naked back.

” Just pull up my zip John and leave already!” I snapped now feeling irritated.

” Your loss! ” he shrugged and blew me a kiss hitting the cash on his palm and walking away.

I had to prepare myself for the arrival of the drug Lord so I quickly cleaned myself in the private room and did some quick make over on my face. Satisfied I looked okey, I went back to sit in my chair leaving the office door slightly open.

At exactly 19 pm l heard the sound of car engines outside and I sat up ready to receive my expected visitor.

” Hey beautiful!” A dark man with a potberry, called me out with a smile as he entered the office.

” Hey DK!” I called his initials as he was referred to by his people. ” Am honoured to have you here” I smiled looking at the briefcase one of his men was holding in his hand knowing my K100 000 cash was intact inside there.

” The honour is mine to be found in the presence of such a beauty!” He kissed my cheek as I greeted him.

We talked for a while and then he asked for his items. .” Come with me love” I flirted standing up and walking down with him and his three boys to the trucks where his things were.

I asked his boys to open the containers and they offloaded the packets heaping all the items together.

They just finished offloading the last bunch when we heard the sirens of police cars. Before any of us could act, we were surrounded by some armed men with police jackets written DEC.

” You b****! “DK yelled at me as he raised his hands up as instructed by the officers.

” You sold us out and you will pay for this” he spat angrily.

” No I didn’t do that I swear we had an agreement and I can not bail you out to the cops you know that” I shivered trying to reason and make him understand I had no idea what was going on.

” You are under arrest for being found in possession of dangerous drugs!” The DEC officer read the charge as they put hand cuffs on our hands.

” Am innocent I didn’t do anything” I scaremed trying to loose my hands but they were tied.

As they lead the whole group to the back of a police vehicle, I saw Ben who come towards me smiling.

” Now you are on your route to making payment for all your evil deeds you evil witch!” He chuckled and showing off the phone of which I presumed was the recoding.

” Don’t even try to snatch this away. I already sent copies to some people. You are going down witch!” He smiled proudly.

“Ben so this was your doing!” I shouted at him.

” No Clara dear, this is your own work. Remember you reap what you sow. And am sure apart from the many years you will get for smuggling drugs, the addition of a murder charge will put you in forever” he smiled getting me so pissed, I felt I could tear him apart with my eyes.

” I will be back you idiot and you will pay for this!” I screamed at him.

” Where is my son Clara?” He asked walking besides me as they took me to others in the back of a closed van.

” ln hell!” I spat angrily and moved forward struggling to keep balance with my heels and hand cuffs. Some cameras flashed at us and I knew l was in deep s*** with the whole media giving the news that night.

” You will pay for this I swear!”I kept cursing as they pushed me inside the van next to the angry DK who kept shouting shot looked at me I felt my knees shiver.

To be continued…

©Tisa Phiri

All Rights Reserved.

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Abu Aisha Morenikeji
Abu Aisha Morenikeji
5 years ago

You ain’t see anything yet!

You daughter of jazabel! ???