LUNA IN MY HOME Episode 8 – 9 by Amah’s Heart

LUNA IN MY HOME Episode 1 by Amah’s Heart

LUNA IN MY HOME By Amah’s Heart

Episode 8

Before my wife will step into the room I grabbed a towel and asked Luna to remain still. I rushed out to her just in time as she was coming towards the bathroom.
“Darling. Oh.. you were having your bath. I was beginning to wonder where everybody disappeared to. The kids are the only ones in their room. Did you see Luna?
She asked me still standing at the same spot, I did not leave the bathroom door. I was standing there like a security guard and trying to appear calm.
“You mean Luna…no…no…I didn’t see her. She is probably in her room or she took a walk…I don’t know where she is.
Bisi moved closer. She looked at me in a strange way. I swallowed hard, my heart was on a continues beat.
“She is not in her room either. I have already checked there. Are you alright darling…?
“Ye…yeah. I’m fine. I will just finish up with my bath. I heard your voice and ran out. I did not hear when you came in. please go ahead and make the breakfast, I am hungry already.
Bisi said something that almost made me collapse.
“I feel so sticky, let me take a quick shower before going into the kitchen. We can bath together darling. You know how fun that can be. Leave the road…why are you standing by the door like a mopol?
She asked me urging me to get away from the door.
My hands were beginning to sweat and my legs couldn’t carry me anymore.
Bisi was already removing her cloth when my son called out to her.
I asked her to go and answer him, he probably needs more cereal since he loves having cereal as breakfast.
Bisi wore back her cloths and left the room. I did not know that I have been holding my breath all this while.
It was after she walked out I released my breath and hot air filled my nostril.
“God, please I don’t want to die before my time”
I silently prayed before turning to tell Luna who was standing behind the bathroom door to wear her cloths and follow my signal.
I left the bathroom, wore my cloth and went out to make sure Bisi was occupied in the kitchen.
Bisi was actually on the dining making cereal for the kids.
I stood there watching, after she was done I followed her to the kitchen.
The kids were going to see Luna from the dining from she comes out. So I asked them to go back to their room and watch some animation while taking their breakfast.
“But Dad you don’t allow us to eat breakfast in our room?
My oldest child said when I was urging them. I told them to eat there just for today since is a weekend.
They left to their rooms. I checked Bisi in the kitchen, she has already started the breakfast.
I held her waist and kissed her neck so that my heart can be calm and she will not suspect anything. She smiled and asked me to help in turning on the gas and I quickly did so.
While she was still cutting the onion and tomatoes, I quietly left and went back to the room. I gave Luna sigal to start matching out slowly while I will keep my wife busy in the kitchen and that was how I got saved that day.
Luna returned to her room and later came to the kitchen where Bisi was almost rounding up with breakfast preparation.
If I did not collapse or die today, I will not die again. I was almost caught, what explanation would I give that will sound reasonable to what Luna was naked doing in my private bathroom with me?
“Bisi, you are back? I was perceiving some sweet aroma and knew it must be you. I took a walk around your neighborhood. Back in Abuja, I usually go for jogging every Saturday morning. Since I don’t know anywhere around here, I did not go far. I returned not quiet long and took my shower. What can I help you with…?
Luna said, acting all innocent. She was indeed a good liar and actress. As they got talking, I knew it was time for me to leave the two women in the kitchen.
While Bisi’s head was bent on what she was doing, Luna winked at me as I walked passed her.
I sat alone, thinking over my life. I wish I can drive out of the house until Luna leave but I don’t trust her.
Saturday came and was gone, Sunday was a church service day.
I usually take my family to church for worship. Luna said she was not going because she doesn’t have anything to wear. I was not comfortable leaving her alone in my house.
Bisi offered her some cloths but she said they were too big for her kind of person. She said she will rather stay home than go.
While in my room, I asked Bisi if we can all skip today’s church service because I was not comfortable leaving Luna alone in the house.
Bisi insisted that she was going and do not want to stay at home on Sunday. She asked me to stay instead but I told her let all of us stay home for the Sunday. We can all go next week but she refused and said she won’t stay home for anything. She and the kids will go.
I know what was at stake if I stay. I don’t want to be alone in the house again with Luna. I wish my wife will listen to my plea and skip this Sunday church just for today.
I’m trying to overcome the temptation and trouble of Luna been in my home but my wife was not helping me with it.
I know I got myself into this mess and don’t have any right to throw blames on my wife.
But it would have been better if Bisi has not invited Luna to our home. I wish I have never met Luna or even consider having anything to do with her back in Abuja.
Now I keep getting into trouble. A trap I don’t know how to escape from.
Today is Sunday and I can’t be left alone with Luna.
I pleaded with Bisi to stay she insisted on going.
Bisi said that she doesn’t want to miss the women fellowship which was after church service.
She was already getting irritated with my plea and asked me why I was begging her like a child just to stay home.
She said she hates to stay home on Sundays.
she stays home from Monday to Friday and sometimes Saturday when we don’t go out for weekend hangout. Sunday is the only time to mix up with others and also worship and thank God for the past week and present week.
I told her she can do all her prayer and thanksgiving at home. She refused.
It was almost turning into argument, i have to let go.
Bisi left for church with the kids and I was alone again with Luna.
“Don’t tell me that you are afraid of me Yomi? I heard you and your wife arguing over staying home just because of me. hahaha…you are very funny and filled with drama.
This was after Bisi left and I saw them off to the gate. It was when I stepped in I saw Luna standing beside the door with only undies.
I turned my face, ignored her and try to walk past but she quickly crossed over to me.
“Yesterday could have been so much fun under the shower but your wife interrupted us. Today, she is off to church with the kids, so, we have the house to ourselves. Yomi, stop trying to resist me, I mean no harm. My only offense is that I love you right from the first and second day in Abuja hotel…remember. I wanted you ever since then and I know deep down you also desire me but you are afraid of your wife. I’m right in your home, a divine arrangement, can’t you see? Just like I wanted and presently your wife is off to church with your kids. Let’s have our fun because by tomorrow your work will start and it will be hard for us to meet except if you decided to come over to my hotel. We have the house to ourselves…this kind of opportunity comes only but once.
I know Bisi was gone and will probably come back in the evening after her women church meeting.
Luna was enticing but the guilt and fear wouldn’t even let me. I narrowly escaped yesterday and even begged God to save me. I don’t want to indulge in this anymore.
This is more reason I asked Bisi to stay.
Luna was already pulling off her undies.
“Luna, please stop it. I did not stay home for this. I love my wife and I hate myself anytime I touch another woman who is not Bisi. Stop making me do this. Enough is enough. This is my home, it was wrong of my wife to have invited you here but since you are here already please let’s keep it cool. Bisi almost caught me in the act yesterday. I died and wake up that yesterday. Bisi trust you and that is why she agreed for you to stay, this is so wrong Luna. You are not welcomed in my home if you are going to turn it into a brothel. I have kids like you already know and I respect my wife. hate myself for starting this at first…
She was already unclad, wearing nothing before I will try to talk some senses into her. I was trying to control myself from doing anything with Luna.
She moved closer in her naked self.
“I noticed the way you grabbed me yesterday. You desperately want me. You don’t mean any of those things that you just said. Sweetie, you stayed home today because of me but have to pull a stunt so that your wife will not suspect. You wanted me in your office but Bisi interrupted. You wanted me in your bathroom but Bisi interrupted and now that we are alone. Your churchy and naive wife will not interrupt us because she is off to worship. Let’s do our thing just like we did in Abuja and just like yesterday. You enjoys me more than your wife because I got good romantic action and I know you can’t resissssss.…
Suddenly the door was kicked open and my wife stepped in.
A silent scream left my mouth. I wanted the ground to open and swallow me but everything was quiet and still.
I looked at her, speechless. Every saliva in my mouth dried up.
The kids were probably in the car or outside. Bisi stood by the door with a puzzled face looking at me and Luna.
Who know if she has been listening from outside the door?
Luna, who was naked, gracefully picked up her undies from the ground where she threw it.
Bisi was supposed to be off to church, I was expecting her arrival in the afternoon or evening.
What is she doing here and why did I forget to lock the door when I came in?
It was all because of Luna. “Oh my God. I’m a dead man.
“I’m indeed doomed this time.

Episode 9.
By Amah’s Heart.
“Honey…I can explain. Is not what you think. I was not doing anything….i was just….just
The word got stuck again. I was pleading with Bisi to hear me out but she was mad as hell.
At first, I thought she was going to pounced on Luna and start tearing her into pieces but Bisi did not do that.
Her main focus was on me, but it was not entirely my fault. Luna pushed me into the act and Bisi worsen the situation by bringing her to our home.
After Luna wore back her cloth, Bisi stepped out and brought in the kids. She locked the exit door firmly before taking off the key so no one will go out.
She took the kids straight to their room and got them busy with their favourite animation, she came out and closed up their room.
At this time, I guess Luna has gone to get her things so that she can leave the house but Bisi was inside with the keys. She left me and Luna and went back to our bedroom.
Luna came out with her things but couldn’t leave. I was afraid to go inside the room to face Bisi. She was probably crying or sobbing silently in the room because she never thought I will betray her the way I did.
How can I even convince her and undo all my wrongs. How can I make it right again?
A lot of thing has already gone wrong and may never go back to right.
I finally summoned courage to go to the bedroom and my wife was neither crying nor sobbing. She just stood by the window staring out at nothing.
“Honey…is not what you are thinking. When you stepped in you can see that we were not doing anything. My clothes were still on. In fact I was…
Bisi fled like a bee towards me and the next thing was a hot, unimaginable slap on my face. i was still trying to recover from the first slap, another one landed on the same cheek.
“What do you take me for Abayomi? You actually take me for a fool right? I knew it…I just knew it that something was going on. Yesterday, you acted so abnormal and I was convinced within me that something is going on between you and that Luna. You took her to our matrimonial bed and when you heard my voice you decided to hide her in the bathroom yesterday….Abayomi??…
I try to defend myself immediately.
“That is not true, I did not bring her to our matrimonial bed. I was having my bath when she came in uninvited and came straight to the bathroom…I never asked her to…
She interrupted me.
“Shut up! Abayomi, aaah….you? I thought you were different? I was ready to swear with my life that my so called husband was different from other men who mess around outside marriage. I trusted you Abayomi….how could you? I smelled a rat between both of you and decided to set the trap and booommm, you are both caught in my rat trap. I heard almost everything she said to you from outside the door. I knew one way or the other I was going to come in term with the truth if not now maybe later but it came sooner than expected. Abayomi you allowed me to bring your side chick home for you. You watch me bring her home without saying anything. I thought she was your colleague who needed help to get around Lagos after meeting her in your office….Ooh Abayomi! You are evil. What kind of man will do such to his family? To his own wife? Only a terrible, heartless man like you. i exposed our kids to her and our home to a serpent who I thought was human being. You wanted her to kill me and my children so that she can have you right? God has exposed all your secrets. I will personally kill her with my bare hands. She messed up with the wrong person and you Abayomi, you will not be spared.…
I went on my knee begging my wife, my eyes was soiled. I really wanted to show how sorry I am. I can’t do without her and our kids. I know I betrayed her trust and broke her heart. Looking at how angry she is, if Bisi has a gun she will put it straight to my head and kill me.
“Bisi, please…I’m sorry! I wanted to tell you earlier about Luna but i was afraid of what the outcome will be. And this is what I feared most. I met Luna in Abuja some months back and I regret setting my eyes on her ever since. I did not invite her to Lagos or to my office, she came by herself and find her way to my office…
Bisi interrupted.
“And you slept with her in your office? Oh yes…you actually did Abayomi. You are a big disgrace to the good and faithful men out there. Her hotel and your office was not enough, you allowed me to bring her home and was so happy when you saw her here. If you were remorseful of your dirty acts you would have asked Luna to leave our home but you never did instead you continued banging each other from where you left off…right under our roof, in our home….Abayomi! Your side hen was in our home and you did nothing rather you were happy and took her to our matrimonial bed, hide her in our private bathroom and refused to go to church today so that both of you can continue from where you left off yesterday. Abayomi…
“Honey… I was not happy having Luna in our home. I try to warn you…I did. You actually allowed her in without informing me. I was afraid that I may ask her to leave and she will decide to expose me. Bisi, I did not take Luna to bed, she came to meet me in our bathroom that was before you came back. I was afraid that you may never forgive me, I could have confessed to you on time. I’m deeply sorry Honey…please forgi…
Bisi walked out without listening to my plea, I stood up from the ground and followed her. She went to the kitchen and carried a long wooden spatula and dashed out to where Luna sat with her legs crossed and her bag beside her.
Bisi rushed to Luna and descended on her with full rage.
They began to fight but I know my wife will beat the hell out of Luna.
She hit and kept hitting Luna who was trying to defend herself but Bisi overpowered her.
Luna was shouting my name to save her from Bisi.
The children came out of their rooms to watch the fight going on between my wife and Luna.
I send them back to their room and asked them not to come out.
Bisi hit her with the wooden spatula until Luna fell to the ground.
I try to pull my wife up from where she sat on Luna. Bisi stood and turned to me with anger.
She started hitting me with the painful dry wood.
“You came to save your side chicken? You are shameless man Abayomi!
Bisi hit me until my hands and head was bruised. She kept calling me different names. All I wanted to do was for her to leave Luna so that she can leave the house. Is better for her to leave than to injure her out of anger. Bisi did not listen she went back to Luna with full force and descended heavily on her.
“You have the gut to come into my home without fear and try to take over my territory? You should have asked around first before getting into the lion’s den. Indeed, you must be a Lucifer or a lunatic lady to have boldly step into this house after all your useless and dirty act with my husband. You thought I was naive and stupid and will never find out what is going on under my nose…oh think again Lucifer because I will deal with you. I will wash, squeeze and iron you today so that you will never in your life again trade on a deadly ground. You will never ever in your life go after married men…or even smell near their homes….
Luna was shouting
“Yomi save me from your crazy wife. Yomiii ooo…! Bisi Let me go. I will arrest you for attacking me. Unlock the door so that I can leave. I’m probably pregnant for your husband and I don’t deserve this harsh treatment. Stop, get away from me…stop hitting me with that. It was your husband that invited me over to Lagos. He complained of how bad you are in bed and needed me to make him happy. I did what I have to do so that you won’t bore him to death. You should be thanking me instead of attacking me. Yomi cannot do without me. He loves and cherishes me far more than you. Yes, he told me so…
I felt like joining Bisi to deal with Luna. She was lying. i desperately wanted her to be out of my home but Bisi was so determined and did not let go of her.
Despite Luna’s scream, Bisi kept hitting her with the spatula.
“Ooh thank you Lucifer, with your magic finger and sexy body you were able to save my dear husband from boredom…I did not bore him to death, all thanks to you. But I will make sure you will never forget this day in a hurry. I will help you abort any sign of pregnancy. You thought this is Abuja? You left your peaceful abode and came all the way down to Lagos to look for a married man? How shameless can you be…even came into his home, where he live with his family. hahahaha! You are doomed Lucifer. That power controlling you will be rendered useless today because I will make sure I dealt with you to my satisfaction before letting you go.
Bisi kept hitting until Luna couldn’t fight or scream again. Her voice was becoming faint. I was begging Bisi to let her go but she refused.
Luna was bleeding and her body was battered with wound. I thought she has passed out when I did not hear any scream again but Bisi did not stop battering her.
The wooden spatula broke into two on Luna’s body, Bisi resigned to throwing hard punch on Luna and hitting her with the broken stick.
I have to rush and pull Bisi up from a lifeless Luna. She turned to me and began another round of attack on me. I was begging her to stop. She has probably killed Luna who was still bleeding on the ground but Bisi said she doesn’t care and she will kill her all over and also kill me too if she has a gun.
She later walked back to the room. I was searching for the keys to unlock the door. I have to use my own spare keys and unlock. I touched Luna and she was still breathing but too weak to get up.
I took my car key and carried Luna out to my car before Bisi will come out and finish up what she started.
If Luna dies, it will be on my head because I brought all this trouble to my home. Some things could have been avoided, the few minute enjoyment with her in Abuja has turned into a night mare. I should have confessed to Bisi when I had the time, It may take time for her to forgive me but she will eventually do and all this wouldn’t have escalated to this extent.
“What have I done? God please don’t let Luna die in my hands. Help Bisi to forgive me and restore my once upon a happy home back to normal. I beg your forgiveness and mercy over me…please have mercy on me Lord…
I prayed quietly as I drove down to the hospital with Luna lying lifeless at the back seat of my car.

Luna In My Home

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