Nina and Joshua took mercy’s body to bury in the cemetery.
Nina now a mother of 4 kids, she and Joshua had 3 kids plus Raymond making it 4.
Joshua and Nina did not make Raymond feel like an outsider,they love him same way they love their other kids.
(In Nina and Joshua’s bedroom)
Nina: dear,soon Raymond will be turning 10 years,I feel scared.
Joshua: why are you scared?
Nina: mercy asked us to take him back to his father’s house. I’m scared because I don’t want those who mür.déred his parents to hurt him
Joshua: my dear no one will be able to hurt him when he has a mother like you and a father like me.we promise mercy to take him to his father’s house. Not just that but to seek justice for them.
Nina: we have enough wealth. Let’s just forget going there,we will take care of him.
Joshua: how about justice for his parents? It will be an injustice on Raymond not knowing his true root.
Nina: I’m just scared dear.
Joshua: don’t be my love,everything will go on smoothly.
After Raymond’s 10 years birthday, Nina and Joshua decided it’s time to take Raymond home.
They travelled to the address mercy told them.
When they knocked,an old woman ask them to come in, Nina introduce herself and her husband.
Ray’s parents ask them how they can be of help to them.
While talking Judith and Jackson came downstairs.
Joshua: sir and ma,we brought your grandson Raymond to you.
Mercy made us promise when he get to 10years we should bring him back to his father’s house.
Ray’s mom: my son and his family d!ed long time ago,this boy can’t be our grandson.
Nina: ma, Raymond is your grandson. Before mercy d!ed she handed him over to us and she ask us to bring him back home when he is 10years old
Judith: who are you guys? Who are this imposters?
Jackson: my brother and his family are,this boy can’t be my brother’s son.
Joshua: sir,I have prove.
Mercy DNA results and Raymond’s own.
Ray’s mom ask him to give him the report
Joshua gave her the reports
Jackson: anyone can make this fake reports,mom don’t fall for it.
Joshua: let’s say we forge this results. We can also have another DNA done between Raymond’s grandpa and Raymond.
Ray’s dad: I will call my doctor.
(In Judith’s and Jackson’s bedroom)
Judith: I told you to sh0t mercy and her son that day,but you choose to push them down the cliff. What if this boy is their son?
Jackson: this are imposters,it’s not possible for anyone to survive from that cliff.
Judith: yes that’s true but what if………………
Jackson: no if,but if it turn out they are telling the truth then we will do to them what we did to my brother and his wife.
Judith: hahahaha let’s wait for the DNA results.
After few days,the results came in,it’s a match. Ray’s father’s DNA match with Raymond’s own.
The grand parents rushed and hug him, my Ray is back in form of Raymond.
Ray’s parents ask Nina and Joshua to leave Raymond with them,but they refuse because Raymond’s life is in danger.
The people who mur.der.ed his father will come for him,we can’t leave him here.
They went back with Raymond to the hotel they lodge.
Raymond ask Nina and Joshua what’s going on,are you guys not my real parents? Nina replied him,we are your parents. But we aren’t your biological parents, the house we went to,that’s your father’s house.
Those people are your people, we promise your mom to bring you back here but we won’t allow you stay there, you will always stay with us my dear.
Raymond hug both Nina and Joshua.
(In Ray’s father and mother’s room)
Now Raymond is back home,we need to go to the bank and get the documents of the transfer deal we did long ago and that of his father as well.
(Judith and Jackson.)
Judith: that boy is Ray’s son,we need to finish him up before father hand the documents to him.
Jackson: we must do that fast, if not we will lose everything we have been waiting for all this years.
Judith: they must d!e this night