LASGIDY LINKS Final Episode by Adewrites

LASGIDY LINKS Final Episode by Adewrites

LASGIDY LINKS Final Episode by Adewrites

Davia was a sex goddess that connected the pleasure that lies jobless in my veins into my brain and made me fantasize in the world where everything was made up of unimaginable satisfaction.

She rode like a stallion with her little body and twisted like the wavy sea. Her eyes went tinted and her lower lips were left in between her teeth. She gave a pitch tone that sounded like a treble coming out of a cave. Her flexible long legs gave me a toad seat as she only made use of her tiny flexible waist on me. She braced backwards with both hands on my knees behind her and her head thrown backward.

“Yes! Yes!!” She exclaimed as she squeezed her face as though she was experiencing a sweet sensation from an irregular point. After riding anxiously for a while, she pulled me up using my arms and we clicked together, my legs were flung straight behind her while she curled hers around my waist and wrapped her hands around my neck. Nothing moved aside her waist.

She brought her mouth forth and planted it in my lips. She toned sonorously as every hit made her exhale. She unplugged her lips and hugged me tighter and hit faster at her own pressure and acceleration. It was an unusual feeling, I loved the touch and body rubbing but was wondering why she was hitting me hard. I didn’t mind because I thought whatever that was, I loved the moment.

She was faster and screaming loud. “I love you! Yemi, I love you!! Please don’t leave me! Pleaaaase!”

She suddenly laid on the bed and flung me up on her, she panted hard like a dog. She drew my head closer to her bosom and made me lick the nipples.

“Make use of your tongue, gently but intensely.” she said.

I had seen some pornography videos so I knew what she was talking about. I was gentle with her. I held her girdles and massaged them. I licked her navel up to the middle of her bosom, while my hands played with her nipples, she groaned. I moved up and kissed her cleavages. She held my back and left her mouth wide open. She drew me closer and gave me a seductive look. Our eyes melt into one another. Her succulent lips landed on mine again and we kissed passionately and intensely.

I went for her bosom again and licked her areola. It seemed like I had triggered something sensitive, she held my head and exhaled. It gave me a good signal. I concentrated on them and played with them, her legs shivered and her lips trembled. She whispered in a foreign language.

Few minutes later, she held my hand, held my index and middle fingers together, she took it to her mouth and licked them, she made them wet and slippery, and took them down in between her laps and slid them into her. She groaned. She held my hand and placed my fingers on a particular fleshy spot. It felt like genitals, a lapped flesh with a shape of the nectars of a flower.

Succulent, wet with a slippery colourless liquid drooling out of it, it smelt like an ancient mountain vine. She placed my hand on a spot. It looks like a minor edge in between the flower laps. Her body movement changed.

“Right there, yes!” She whispered.

I massaged it.

“Faster!” She exclaimed.

I increased the pressure and massaged faster. She vibrated and moaned louder. Her legs vibrated as she screamed louder. She drew me up on her, held my Johnny and slid through into her.

“Go hard on me Yemi” she whispered.

I went back and forth, she screamed underneath. I braced myself with both hands and had her in between. She held the pillow tightly to her face and screamed under it. She vibrated again, her eyes dilated and her mouth was left open. She jerked. I was scared I jumped up and held her, she held me tightly and I felt her body shaking.

“Thank you Yemi, thank you.” She said. Few minutes later she went for my Johnny, put it in her mouth and licked it like a lollipop. I felt a warmth sensation, she stroked it with her hands and also drove it into her throat. She moaned along with it.

She went intense and fast. I felt my body changing it’s mechanism, I felt something gathering into my veins, a pleasure I couldn’t control came through my sperm ducts. I held the bed and moaned loudly. She rode faster and stronger. I poured out, feeling as if my soul was escaping out of my body. She had it all in her mouth. She rubbed my body. I breathed hard and I felt weak, just like someone that raced 400km.

She went into the bathroom and came back after a while, she slept beside me with her head rested in my chest.

“Yemi I love you!” She said.

We slept off.

It was sensual and adventurous.

I never knew that was what sex would look like until Davia took me to the realm I’ve never been before. I was tired and my joints were aching. She couldn’t walk properly, her legs fidget.

“Its been a while I had a sex like this, you are really huge down there and I enjoy every bit of the moment” she said as she cuddled in my arms.

The morning came and we were in bed when she ordered for food, we ate and went back to bed. I knew I was not going to work that day and if at all I had to go, it wouldn’t be in the morning.

“I have something to tell you.” I said.

“What is that?” She asked anxiously.

I explained everything that happened to her and the breakthrough I had. I also explained to her the effect it had on me.

She was happy I was able to scale through.

I wasn’t sure of what I felt for Davia but surely she was the kind of lady I wanted and I had a kind of interest in her because of her simple nature and hospitality. That night added more sauce to it. A sex goddess no man can let go.

A message dropped on my phone, I stretched my hand to pick my phone on the side bed wardrobe.

It was a message from Moses.

“Hello Yemi, I would like us to meet today, hit me up when you are less busy and I’ll text you the location.”

“Hi Moses, I’m not that busy, we could meet any moment from now if it is okay with you.” I replied and awaited his response.


“Okay, meet me at Silver bird gallery in 25min, no African time please” he replies.

I jumped up.

“Babe, I have to be at silver bird gallery now, I need to meet one of the connection I made during the pool side party, we have a business deal to talk about, I have been waiting for this all these while, I need to be there ASAP” I said as I jumped up, paste the brush and rushed into the bathroom.

I knew I wouldn’t be able to go with the car so I ordered gokada while having my swift shower.

“Please be careful with bikes, and make sure you are not desperate, don’t sign anything that will put you into debt or anything that will later hunt you, infact, don’t sign anything there if you are required to sign anything, tell him you will need to take it home to review it before signing, this is Lagos, be careful please” she advised as she helped button up my shirt and brushed my hair.

My phone rang, the gokada man was already outside. She kissed me on my forehead before letting me go. I had 15 minutes to get to where I was going. I rushed down and told the bikeman that I had 10 minute to get to my destination. He billed me an extra charge which I agreed to. He handed me a helmet and kicked off, he raced as if we were in a competition. He dived in between cars and holdups, he knew shortcuts and easy roads that led to my destination. We got there 13 minutes later which means I got there 2 minutes earlier.

I paid him and also gave him extra cash. I went in and met Moses standing beside a car I presumed to be his car.

“Hi moses.” I said. He smiled when he saw me and thanked me for making it on time.

He opened the car door and went in, he urged me to join him which I did.

“Firstly, I heard about your integrity test, congratulations, Tinuke told me everything, you are indeed a special being” he said and I thanked him.

He continued.

” To be honest with you, this project was ready before now, but I had to make sure you pass your integrity test before I entrust a multimillion naira project to you, you didn’t have any experience neither did you have a company, it is risky I take that step” he explained and I started wondering why he knew about the whole thing.

“Are you part of the plan too?” I asked.

“No, I’m not, I had words with Tinuke after the pool party day, I asked her what she was doing with you because she was never a kind of lady that would be nice to a guy she hardly know, she explained to me that you were under integrity test and she was part of the inspector, she also said she brought you for the pool party because she wanted you to get free with her so that she can manipulate you. That was when I decided to wait for the result before bringing you in on my project and here we are.” He explained.

I couldn’t say a word because I was wondering what I would lose if I fell for the attractive offers. On the other hand, I was glad I didn’t.

“The project is going to kick off in two months, I will add you to the group where we do briefing everyday and how the project is going to be carried out” he said as he searched his bag, he brought out some documents and handed them over to me.

” You can go through those documents for the knowledge of the project” he said. He said

“This is the agreement, you can go through it and sign. You have 48 hours to accept the offer and sign, I should have everything completed in 48hours.” He said.

I collected the documents and scanned through them. It was a multimillion project as he said.

He gave me a hand shake and said…

“It will be nice doing business with you and I also wish we have more projects to do if we agree on a 50-50 win-win.”

I took the handshake and alighted from the car. I took a bike back to the hotel.

Davia threw herself in my arms and kissed me.

“I miss you baby.” she said.

“What have you been doing while I was away?” I asked. She pointed at the laptop.

“I have been working since, I have an international client that wanted to invest in one of my products, I’m trying to review the agreement his lawyer sent to me, he is a greedy man, he thinks he can outsmart me because I am a lady and black, the guy no get sence, I don reject his offer.” she said.

She unbuttoned my shirt and collected the files from me, she brought them out and went through them.

“Is this the agreement?” She asked and I nodded. She threw them on the bed.

“We would review them together later, what did he say and how did it go?” She asked.

I explained everything about the project to her and how I could be part of his team If we operate on a win-win operations. She was glad I was making progress coupled with the ministry project.

“Let’s celebrate our wins.” She said and jumped on my lap and kissed me.

We had another romantic sex. The day went off with a series of romance and amazing moments.

I had little or no connection with Sade again, I enjoyed every moment with Davia and I had something for her already. I advised sade to meet with Tinuke to settle their grudges in between them and also open up on whatever happened to her which she agreed to do.

I had no choice than to communicate with Tinuke because she was the person that would be in charge of logistics and our welfare in China. She called once in a while to ask for information and also give updates.

A day to the trip to China, I went to see Moses to conclude on the project. After signing my acceptance agreement, he introduced me to other members of the team. It was a go project.

The China trip was an adventurous one. We were able to meet all ends and seal all deal. Tinuke did a good job, she made sure we had an adventurous trip and also had fun after we were done with our primary assignment.

We didn’t relate on an intimacy level because of her dad. Even when we had the opportunity to talk, we only talked neutrally as friends.

After two weeks in China, we got back to Nigeria and the project kick started immediately. My relationship with Davia got serious and we named it dating.

The project with Moses started too and I oversaw both projects and played my parts. I made money and bought a car, I left my house at fagba and for an apartment on the island.

One evening, I was at home watching a football match when I saw DFA’s call. I picked up and he told me to meet him at the golf’s club immediately.

I got worried about how he called me without a prior notice of the meeting. I jumped into my car and drove down. I located him and met other members of the committee there too.

I greeted everyone.

“Hope there is no problem, your call got me scared” I said.

“Don’t be scared, have your seat, someone wants to meet with us, she will be here soon” he said.

“Who is the person and why are we seeing her?” I asked.

The DFA told me to be calm, I sat impatiently waiting for who we went to meet and what the meeting would be all about. Few minutes later, she stepped out and I was stunned.

It was the deputy governor. We stood up in unison and greeted her. She responded and told us to sit down and we did.

“I want to commend you all for the ongoing project, I carried out an inspection on it and I am impressed. Yemi, I heard about your integrity test, well-done” she said and I bowed slightly to respond to her.

“Without wasting your time, I want to discuss something with this committee, especially Yemi, your name is on every lips, you have worked, this is the time to take advantage of your hardwork and integrity. This is not a child’s play, it’s what will change your lives forever” she said and everyone adjusted in their seats and paid keen attention.

She continued.

“Now that you are seen as a person of integrity, someone that cannot be manipulated for anything, this government has gained your trust and can trust you with any project. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the time to take advantage of that mindset to take whatever you want. Make money from projects. No one would audit you because of your integrity record, especially Yemi. Take this advantage to make more money, I will make sure most of our projects are handled by your team, with this we will all smile.” she said and everyone started whispering into one another’s ears

I was confused.

Before I said anything, the committee agreed that they would think about it and get back to her.

“That’s not a problem, while thinking about that, I would like to introduce my daughter to the team, she would be my eyes in there and operate on my behalf. I introduce to you Davia Williams, my right hand daughter” she said.

She walked out of the shade and stepped forward. Alas!

I stared at her confusingly, I was dumbfounded As she stepped out of the shadow.

It was my own Davia.

I never knew she was the daughter of the deputy governor.

“Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Davia, the CEO of Davia group, I will be glad to work with you, don’t worry its going to be a smooth ride with me, conclude on my mother’s offer and mets make some money” she said.

I turned to a dummy as I watched her talking. She was full of confidence and charisma.

Lagidy links almost drove me crazy. I just started another life in another world.

All in all, we keep the link going.

I guess I just entered into a world of reality.



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Egunjobi Omolola
Egunjobi Omolola
2 years ago

Wow Very interesting 💯👍 more wisdom and knowledge to the writer