LASGIDY LINKS Episode 30 – 31 by Adewrites

LASGIDY LINKS Episode 1 - 3 by Adewrites

LASGIDY LINKS Episode 30 by Adewrites

I offered her a seat, she sat quietly on the bed with her head buried in her neck. I sat on the floor opposite her staring at her. She refused to talk.

“Tinuke what is the matter, are you okay?” I asked. She heaved a deep sigh as though she had gone into the land of thoughts before some words finally slipped into her mouth.

“I’m sorry I came without notifying you, I don’t like the way today ended between you and I, I mean from the scene between me and Ben, and me and Bimbo, you are right, you don’t have to be caught up in the mess we had together and I don’t have to make you hate her too, I was wrong, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I wouldn’t be able to close my eyes if I didn’t come to apologize” she pleaded.

She locked her hands amidst her words. One could easily tell that she was tense and trying to squeeze words out of her mouth. I didn’t see any reason why her apologies couldn’t wait till the next morning. Well, maybe to give it some values and weight. But it didn’t make any difference to me because my mind was already made up and I had attached a personality to each and every one of everyone I met in Lagos inclusive of her.

I held her hands, shook as if she wasn’t expecting it, I pulled her up and hugged her. She held me tight and sighed deeply. She wouldn’t let go. I acted as the gentle man I was and it was said to never let go of a hug first so I held on to her. She finally loosen up, she avoided my gaze.

“You should be on your way home now, it’s getting late and you have to consider the traffic too” I said.

“Yes you are right, I should be on my way now” she said and picked up her car keys and headed towards the door, I followed her. She suddenly turned back and landed her lips on mine. I revolted immediately.

“Tinuke, what are you doing?” I queried.

She came forth again like a possessed lady and reached for my lips, she held me with an energy that came from nowhere and rumbled her head with mine fighting to have a taste of my lips. I broke free from her and panted like a dog. It was obvious that she had been drinking. The smell and taste on her lips was alcoholic.

“What is wrong with you? Are you not ashamed of yourself?” I exclaimed.

“I’m sorry, I’m drunk, I need sex, my whole life is drifting away before my eyes, I need a hot sex” she said and cried.

“Why should I have sex with you when you had enough from your boyfriend, why should I? You think I’m just a random guy that falls for sex anyhow? No, I am not a Lagos breed, I was born and brought up in oke Igbo village where we value our bodies” I exclaimed.

“I did not have sex with him, I changed my mind” she cried.

I stood a distance away from her and stared at her. I saw a broken and lost soul.

She sat down and cried bitterly. It left me in awe. What could make her cry like a baby. I moved closer to her and sat beside her. I slowly touched her shoulder.

“Tinuke, what is going on with you, you are drunk and sad,what is the matter?” I asked.

“I am losing it Yemi, my Dad is ruining my life, I can’t figure out what my life is all about right now, I am tired and exhausted” she cried.

“Your Dad? I don’t understand, what has he done to you? Are you sure you know what you are saying? I asked. She couldn’t say a word but cried. I patted her and made her lay down on the bed.

” I think you should have some rest.” I said as I covered her with the duvet. I sat beside her and watched her close her eyes. She held onto my hand and rubbed it.

“Thank you Yemi, thanks so much” she said as she closed her eyes and slept off. I could feel the solace and peace in her breathe as thought she hadn’t slept peacefully in a while.

I slept on the floor. The morning sun peeped through the hinges of the window. I woke and checked on her, she was still sleeping. I went to brush my teeth and headed to the kitchen to warm my food. She came behind me with the duvet wrapped around her body. She rubbed her face as she approached.

“Good morning Yemi” she said in a cracked voice.

“See who is awake” I said with a smile.

“Let me prepare a hot coffee, hope you don’t mind” I said.

“I don’t, thank you” she said and went back to the bed. I made two cups of coffee and handed one over to her. She folded her legs and sat in the bed with her back leaned against the wall while I sat on the floor. We carefully sip from the hot coffee.

“Thank you for having me Yemi, and I am sorry for last night, I wasn’t myself, I am sorry I was always in your way, it wasn’t my intention, in the process of carrying out my assignment, I found out I was doing it to a wrong man and it would be unfair. I also realised that i need to stop all these before it’s too late, I am sorry for everything” she apologized.

I didn’t get a glimpse of what she was saying, I stared at her with loads of confusion running through my mind. I dropped the coffee cup, stood up and sat beside her on the bed.

” Tinuke, why are you apologising, what is the problem, what is really going on?” I asked.

She narrated how everything has been planned from the beginning. The first day we met, how she reacted to me and how she suddenly became my friend and became intimate. It was all planned out so as to buy me over and make me feel comfortable to be able to accept any deal that will be put forward to me.

“Deal? What deal? By who? From?” I questioned.

“My father.” she poured out.

I was confused.

“Your Father? The DFA? What about him? He is one of the nicest people I’ve met since I resumed work and he has always been there for me, so what is the issue with him?” I asked.

She chuckled.

“Yes he is nice to you but I am at the back end of most of his appointments and achievements, I have been the catalyst that he uses to knock on every door and open them” she explained.

Everything sounded like a parable to me, I adjusted on the bed so as to get the gist.

“Please explain to me in a lay man’s understanding and how did this affect me?” I asked.

“Yemi, the chairmanship, the project and the China trip were all planned out by my father and other committees, it didn’t all come out of the blue moon” she said.

My jaw dropped. My heart raced faster than normal, my palms sweat profusely and my system was destabilized. I stood up and paced the room.

“I don’t understand, I am finding it hard to believe all these, are you saying I was a bait? Why? Why me?” I asked.

“You are a young blood Yemi, you know nothing about the parole going on in the ministry, you are a novice and a little value given to you would make you feel hungry for success, and that was where I came in, i never liked you, he made me move closer to you. The laptop you repaired wasn’t mine, it was meant to get me closer to you and kick start from there. He invited you to our party to make you feel important, everyone played along when I wanted to back out from this deal, my dad made me move closer to you and if possible, have sex with you so as to get you connected to me emotionally” she paused for a while.

There was a total silence. I was lost in my thoughts and kept wondering what they wanted to get from all their games.

“But why? What plan did they have for me? What have I done?” I asked.

“They don’t have any plan to hurt you nor make you lose your job, you will also benefit from it” she said.

“Benefit from it? What is the plan?” I asked.

“The plan is to make money from the project assigned to you and the subsequent ones coming, but they need someone that will serve as the picture while they operate at the back end as the director. Simply put, they want to levy on your innocence and integrity to loot money from those projects” she said.

I suddenly sat down as my life played before me.

How did I get myself here?

This is a wrong place for me to be.

LASGIDY LINKS Episode 31 by Adewrites

I read through the document and it was full of the plan and how the product quality will be downsized while some will be omitted just to be able to have their own share. There was another plan that the budget would be more than what we actually needed.

I heaved a deep sigh as I read through. Sade stood in front of me looking worried. I was wondering why she was worried because I remember Tinuke telling me that she already knew who she was and that was why she was protecting me from her.

“Why are you worried, didn’t you know about the plan before? Why did you just bring this to me? I queried.

She looked at me surprisingly.

” What the hell are you talking about Yemi? Why are you accusing me of what I did not know, why would I know about this and won’t tell you? Do you think I am so slow? I knew these people had an agenda but I didn’t know what it was, I tried warning you against Tinuke but you thought I had something against her” she exclaimed.

I got confused and started thinking what was actually going on, Something is not right somewhere, something is missing and I don’t know how to figure it out.

“Can I keep this?” I asked and she nodded. I folded it and put it in my pocket. I need to have the full idea of what they arrived at in the meeting which I believe I could get from the minute of the meeting.

I told Sade I had lost my appetite that I might not be able to go to lunch with her, she understood. She also told me she would try her best to make sure I get an update if she finds out anything more. She left for her office while I left for mine.

I was in my office thinking about the whole thing that was going on, I didn’t know who to trust.

“Knock! knock!! Good afternoon” Bukola said as she knocked on the door of my office.

“Good afternoon Bukola, how are you?” I said.

She walked in in a calculated step.

“You didn’t invite me to your little pool side party on Saturday” she said.

I was surprised.

“How did you know I went to a party, I didn’t tell you anything about it, are you stalking me? Wait, are you…?”

She interrupted.

“Calm down Yemi, why are you so aggressive, have you forgotten Kola is the manager of that hotel?” She said.

I gave a thoughtful expression.

“Kola kola, who the hell is Kola?” I asked.

She took her seat and stared at me confusingly.

“Yemi are you okay? You look tense and worried. Kola is my boyfriend, the guy you both met in my house the other day, what is going on with you?” She asked.

I was ashamed of myself, I thought she was part of the plan too because I didn’t know who and who not to trust anymore, everyone is just seeing and saying things differently. I became paranoid.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot, so he told you he saw me?” I asked.

“Yes he told me, how could I have known if he didn’t” she said.

“Don’t mind me, I have a lot on my mind that’s why, I’m sorry” I apologised.

She stood up and headed for the door, she said she was passing by and decided to stop by to say hello. She said and left.

It was evening, and closing time was fast approaching, my phone rang and it was the PS.

“Yemi, see me in my office before you go home” she said. I tidied up my desk and sat on my chair with me back relaxed backward, I scrolled through my phone and remembered Davia messaged me. I dialed her number and she picked.

“Hello Yemi”

“Hello Davia, I got your message”

“Yeah, I got yours first, thanks for checking up on me, when are your free times?”

“Well, I don’t have free times, I only work on appointment”

“What about weekends”

“Weekend is fine”

“Okay, we could catch up later in a cool place if you don’t mind”

My phone started beeping, it was the PS’s call on waiting, I knew I had to go.

“That will be great, I have to go now, I’ll talk to you later, bye Davia”

“Bye Yemi”

I switched to the PS’s call.

“Yemi, please see me now” she said.

“Okay ma, right away” I said and set out to his office. Sade was already approaching my office so that we could walk to the park together, I told her to wait for me because I wanted to see the PS.

I got to her office and she welcomed me with a bright smile and offered me a seat. I sat and she asked about how I was doing and my health.

“There is nothing much to say, I see you as a young man that is hardworking and wants to get himself a good life and career, aside that, I like your personality, you are a good man. I have motherly advice for you. Make sure you are careful in everything you do in this ministry. You see, we have bigots among human that would want to take advantage of your personality, please be vigilant and make sure you read through any document before you sign, I don’t know why I’m telling you this, I just think I should tell you some things or orientate you since you are new here. Know who to trust, not everyone that smiles at you has a good intention towards you. I am talking from experience, getting to this stage is not an easy task, it takes intelligence, integrity, hard work and prayer. I know you are a wise man and a word is enough, they say.” she said.

I prostrated and thanked her. I left her office and stood at the walkway thinking about everything she said. It gave me a hint and I started connecting dots.

Why did she decide to call me to tell me all these? Why was she talking in parables? If she was part of the plan as said by Tinuke, would she have called me to advise me? Does it mean she didn’t listen to her son? Oh or her son wasn’t even part of the plan?

On the other hand, if she had not sensed anything, she wouldn’t have called me to tell me all these, was it coincident?

I got lost in my thoughts while trying to connect dots together. Something dropped in my mind immediately.

I dialed Sade’s number.

“Sade where are you?” I asked.

“I am at the garden lounge waiting for you” she replied.

“Okay, wait for me, we are going to your house together” I said.

“My house? why? Is everything okay?” She asked.

I didn’t say anything further, I dropped the call and went to the office to pick my bag, I joined her. She asked a series of questions but I didn’t answer her. Since her house was a Stone throw from the office, we took a bike home. She looked worried and scared and didn’t know what my intentions were.

We got in and I dropped my bag, I brought out the document she gave me earlier and dropped it on the bed.

“Sade, if you did not know about this, how did you get this document?” I exclaimed.

She looked at me quizzically and confusingly.

“What are you talking about Yemi, I already told you I don’t know anything about it.” she said worriedly.

“Don’t lie to me, don’t you ever lie to me, if you don’t know anything about this plan then how did you get this document, how did you have access to it, this is supposed to be a confidential document.” I yelled.

She was teary.

” Yemi please calm down, DFA gave me a flash and told me to print what is inside for him, there were only two files in the flash, this and the other one, I only opened to check the content when I saw it was about you and the project that was why I printed it to show you, I swear I know nothing about this ” she said as she panted hard. Tears dropped profusely from her eyes.

I sat down,opened my mind and flashed back on everything.

Tinuke told me the PS was aware of the plan but she acted otherwise, same as Sade

They wanted Sade to find the document so as to confirm what Tinuke told me, they knew she would bring it to me which she did, it worked out. Tinuke came to tell me the whole truth so as to give in and also make me believe I have no option.

PS seem not to buy into their plan that was why she was warning me in parables.

Tinuke played a mind game with me, wow, what a brilliant move.

So nothing was concluded yet, she was trying to defeat my Queen in our game of chess.

I wondered why she came to me with the whole truth, I thought she was on my side, I never knew she was a good player.

She didnt know i might not be a good player, but i am a good coach.


To be continued…

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Donatus Agba
Donatus Agba
2 years ago

Abeg I can’t wait for next episode

Egunjobi Omolola
Egunjobi Omolola
2 years ago

I knew it from onset that Tinuke is a she devil and she will loose with her father and co