LASGIDY LINKS Episode 28 – 29 by Adewrites

LASGIDY LINKS Episode 1 - 3 by Adewrites

LASGIDY LINKS Episode 28 by Adewrites

I knew I was not going to have anything special to do with the ladies because it was obvious something was going on which I knew nothing about. And again, I was caught in the web, maybe I was just a pawn in their games. It seemed the links and connection in Lagos was not meant for me, I’ll just face my career and see how it plays out.

On the other hand, I’ll be in close contact with Moses because of his project. He seemed different, mature and well cultured, I wished I could hear his own part of Tinuke’s story but unfortunately, he didn’t conclude his statement before Tinuke showed up.

The MC beat glasses with a key to get our attention, he urged everyone to come together and have a toast which we did.

The party was more of connection and business talk.

“If you are here, it means you are either a business man or an influencer, this is where we control Lagos, Lagos young millionaires are here, connect and let’s keep the money circulating within” said the MC.

Everyone shuffled up and met with different people, I stood afar and watched how people connected. I didn’t have any business nor am I an influencer. I faced the pool and pressed my phone with a glass of wine on the other hand.

I heard footsteps approaching me and before I looked back she was already beside me. A slim dark tall lady that would be in her late 20s, her skin glowed and her hair dazzled. she was clad in a white trouser and a white turtleneck tucked in the trouser, her white high heel gracing her feet. She has a long braid on her head and faint makeup.

“What could make a man stand by the pool staring at the water when others are connecting, is there anything in the water, please show me” she said jokingly as she stared into the pool.

I smiled.

She stretched her hand forth.

“My Name is Davia, I am a show promoter and an event planner, I am the CEO of Davia group” she said

I took her hand, her slim soft fingers felt good on my hand.

“My name is Yemi, an IT personnel at Lagos state government” I said with a smile.

She stared at me expecting more but I gave her a “nothing more” gesture.

“Okay, you know what, I am not really interested in business talk today, I’ve been working all week and I have a lot at hand. I just wanna have fun and I think I can have that with you if you don’t mind.” she said.

“I actually don’t.” I replied.

“Let’s go to the lounge to have some special bottles, don’t worry, bills on me.” she said.

She led the way and I followed.

We got to the lounge and the waiter came with a bottle of wine as though he had known her favourite. He served both glasses and left.

She took a sip from her cup, crossed her left leg on the right one and bent slightly towards me.

“So, tell me, aside from your job with Lagos state government, what other things do you do?” She asked.

“Nothing” I said promptly.

“Nothing? Why?” She queried.

“Nothing except that I was recently appointed to head a project and we are at the verge of kick starting it” I said.

She nodded.

“That’s nice, I once worked with intercontinental bank and when bank recapitalization affected it, I had to start my event planning business and that was it, I had few connection through our customers then and many invested in my business too, here I am now” she explained.

“That’s nice.” I said.

She also told me about her challenges and how many times she had lost money and most especially how she was unable to sustain any relationship because of her business. In her words, she said.

“Most men out there only approach successful ladies just to cut their own share of their cake and elope, they don’t want to love up, I miss the days of being a baby girl but now, Lagos has given me a thought skin, I have no emotion left in me” she said as she drank the wine uncontrollably.

“You have to take it easy on the wine, you are taking too much of it” I said.

She laughed.

“Yemi, you see this particular wine has saved my life times without number, it makes me spit out my worries when I drink it, I’m sorry I’m telling you this on our first day of meeting” she said and gulped down another cup.

I stared at her as she behaved intoxicated and laughed.

“Did you come with anyone?” I asked.

“Anyone? There is no one Yemi, it’s just me and my investors, we make money, we share it. We make another, we share it and that’s how it has been, no one else ” she said and moved closer to me and whispered to me.

“I have a room here, take me there, the room number is 55, take me there please, I am drunk” she said.

She couldn’t stand on her feet anymore, I wrapped her arm around my neck and held her by the waist, we got to the reception and got the card to her room door, she blabbed and ranted on her pains as we headed to the room, I opened up and laid her on the bed.

I pulled off her shoes and made her sleep, she grabbed my shirt and pulled me, I landed on her, she tried kissing me but I broke off.

“Stop this please, you are drunk” I said.

“No I’m not, I’m horny, sex makes me forget my worries, please come have sex with me, I will give you any amount you want” she brought out her cheque book from the drawer beside the bed and handed it over to be.

“Write any amount you want, I want you” she said.

I stared at her and was speechless.

” You shouldn’t have taken much of that wine, have some sleep, you will be fine, I’ll join my friends down stairs” I said, stood up and headed for the door.

She called me back.

“Yemi, please take my card, call me when you wish to talk or see me again, we might later have a business to do together” she said.

I collected the card and headed out.

I was in the hotel corridor when I sighted Ben and Tinuke kissing and romancing aggressively as Ben struggled to open the door to the hotel room. They broke up immediately they sighted me. They were panting heavily. The expression on Tinuke’s face was disappointing.

“Yemi, what are you doing here, what..what..erhm..erhm” she stuttered.

“I will be waiting for you down stairs” I said and left.

I am done with anything that concerns Tinuke, I didn’t regret following her because I met people that could change my life for good.

LASGIDY LINKS Episode 29 by Adewrites

It was time to go home, people left one after the other, I sat beside the pool and scrolled through Bimbo’s birthday pictures. She was beautiful and looked happy, her friends danced and showered her gifts in the videos she uploaded.

I zoomed most of the pictures to have a clear view. Bimbo is a beautiful lady, I wasn’t just sure of the pains she was carrying. I was lost to my phone, Tinuke’s voice tapped me back.

“Yemi, I’m sorry I kept you waiting, can we go now before it gets too late?” She said.

“Yes, we should.” I said.

Ben showed up behind her.

“Hey bro, what’s up, hope you had fun? I’m sorry you had to see that, we are just making up for lost days you know, keep your head up bro” he said as he rolled his tongue around the toothpick in his mouth

I gave a faint smile. He moved closer to Tinuke and snuffed her neck.

“You are such a sweet babe,let’s have this one more time” he said as he tried to kiss her. She shrugged him off and looked at him disgustingly.

He laughed and walked away.

I said no word to Tinuke, we went to the car and moved. It was a dead silence, she drove and stared at me at regular intervals.

“Yemi, are you okay?” She asked.

“Yes I am” I answered promptly.

“Are you sure? You are too quiet for my liking” she said.

I looked at her and our eyes met. I saw a lost confused lady, not the Tinuke I used to know, I didn’t see the lady I fell in love with, I saw someone with no class.

“I’m fine” I replied.

“Erhmmm…I’m sorry you had to see that in the hotel corridor, it wasn’t…”

I interrupted.

“You don’t have to bring that up you know, you are a grown lady and you know what you want, so let it go please, you owe me no explanation” I said.

She shrunk back to her shell as she placed both hands on the steering. I concentrated on my phone, I didn’t say a word to her nor did she say anything but it was obvious that she wanted to talk. I was not interested.

“I’ll be stopping at Allen.” I said.

She looked at me quizzically

“Allen? Why aren’t you going home?” She asked.

“No I’m not, today is Bimbo’s birthday and I already promised to see her after the party” I said.

She looked tense.

“You are going to Bimbo’s house after all I told you? Yemi Bimbo is not the kind of lady you can relate to, I told you what she did to hold my father down and she is the kind of lady you want to keep friends with?” She exclaimed.

I didn’t say a word.

She continued.

“Yes it’s your choice to talk to anyone you like but..”

I was quick to speak up.

“But what? But not Bimbo right? See Tinuke, I don’t know what transpired between you too, I don’t know how everything went south between you two but please don’t use me to fight her, don’t get me caught in your mess, I didn’t cause it, whatever issue between you and her should stay between both of you, I didn’t cause it and I shouldn’t suffer it, I can visit whoever I like, I am with you, she wasn’t against it, why are you against her.” I exclaimed aloud.

That was the first time I raised my voice on her, it was audible and bold and this sent her to shock, she kept quiet as she drove toward Elephant. She was stunned and petrified. Her hands fidget on the steering. One could tell that she is the type that doesn’t Like being yelled at.

I felt bad immediately, I exclaimed.

“I am sorry I yelled at you, I am not just comfortable with all what is going on between you ladies, you told me you were best friends, you could still be friends, you don’t have to take it far. We all make mistakes, we shouldn’t judge one another based on that, let bygones be bygone” I apologized.

I knew that anger wasn’t natural, it was from the bottled up anger I had, especially when I saw her and Ben together in the hotel corridor.

She drove towards Allen and asked if I still wanted to go to Bimbo’s house, which I affirmed. She drove through Opebi into Toyin street and dropped me in front of St Leo Church.

“I’m sorry I have to drop you here, I don’t want her to see me dropping you, have fun and take good care of yourself” she said.

I thanked her and alighted from the car, she seemed not happy but my happiness was important too.

St Leo church was a stone’s throw to Tokunbo Alli street, I trekked. On getting to the gate, I dialed her number and she came out.

“Oh my God! You are here” she exclaimed

The excitement on her face was priceless, she was clad in a long black sleeveless gown with glitters all over it, she wore a heavy makeup that nearly confused my eyes, her cleavages half out and an eye -catching gold necklace dazzling on her neck.

I stared for a while, she turned to show me the beauty standing in front of me and smiled.

“Wow, you are looking beautiful” I said. She threw herself in my arms. She was happy seeing me.

She held my hand and led me inside the house. There were just 5 people in the house. Three girls and two boys. A big cake and gifts scattered on the bed. She wrapped her hand around me from the side as she introduced me to them.

“Meet Yemi, he is my boss and my friend, he is a good man too” she said and we exchanged greetings.

“I thought there would be music blaring and people dancing, you didn’t tell me it’s going to be an indoor party” I said.

She laughed.

“You are right, but the party is not holding here, Elegunshi beach is where it’s happening, we will soon be on our way.” she replied.

I knew I was not going to follow her because I was tired. I told her I would not be following her because it was and I was tired too. Disappointment was written all over her face. I apologized.

I tried to avoid two things. I didn’t want her to feel I was comfortable with her or too close to her and on the other hand, I didn’t like night parties, anything could happen and this was the Lagos I was still learning to cruise in.

I told her I would be going home and I’ll see her on the second day which was Sunday and if not, we would see each other at work on Monday.

“But I want you tonight, I want to be with you, I want to place my head in your chest and sleep off, you don’t have to do anything with me if you are not willing to, and you don’t have to love me to, I just need you to wrap me in your arms and feel secured in them, please Yemi, I promise not to act funny” she said.

I was determined, none of her persuasion got to me.

“I’m sorry Bimbo, I’ll see you tomorrow, I need to go now, I promised to come and here I am, I need to be on my way now before it gets darker” I said and stepped out of the compound. She escorted me to the main road where I took a bike to Ikeja under the bridge. She watched me as the bike sped off.

All my heart wanted to stay with her but I had made a strict decision concerning her and Tinuke that morning which I principally adhered to, I was happy I was able to follow my words. It was hard though but it was a way to prove that I could stand on my words. My message was clearly passed.

I got home and relaxed. I remembered Davia gave me her card and I exchanged numbers with Moses. Those were promising connections. I dialed Davis’s number but she wasn’t picking up. I thought as much, she might be sleeping or probably had gotten herself a man that was giving her a stallion ride already, I dropped a message for her introducing myself and also thanked her for keeping my company.

I called Moses’ number, he picked.

“Yemi, good evening, how are you? Hope you are home now?” He asked.

Such soothing and caring words from a rich humble man, I smoked as words dropped from the speaker of my phone. Mild soft voice full of confidence and humility.

“Yes I am, thank you for today and I look forward to working with you” I said.

“You are welcome my brother, I will send you updates as the project approaches, please don’t hesitate to send me any information regarding what we discussed. I will invite you in the middle of the week to discuss the project extensively with you. Please this should be between you and I, the project has a code, I will send it to you after this call. Let’s get some rest bro, it’s been a long day, we would talk some other time” he said and dropped the call.

I was the happiest man of the moment. I knew I was going to make some money and also get connected to some other people through him. A message came in and it was from him.

“The project code is BNCR 001, the reason for this code is to be able to talk about the project in a coded way when we have people around. Good night”

It was smart of Moses, I learnt a lot from the little time we spent together.

Bukola’s call came in. I stared a while before I picked.

“Hello Yemi, are you home now?”

“Yes I am”

“How was the party, hope you enjoyed yourself”

“Yes I did”

“Can I come over? I am bored”

“Hmm… No please I need my privacy now, I need to sort out some things”

“I promise not to disturb you, I just want to be around someone, it’s boring here, please”

“I’m sorry Bukola, maybe tomorrow please” I said and she said okay.

I pulled off my clothes and went into the bathroom to shower. I was on my way out of the bathroom with my towel tied around my waist when I heard a knock on my door.

“Oh, Bukola, but I told you not to come now” I said as I approached the door.

I opened the door and I was stunned by who was standing right in front of me.


We stared at another.



“Can I come in?” She asked.

Oh God! No again

To be continued…


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