LASGIDY LINKS Episode 12 – 13 by Adewrites

LASGIDY LINKS Episode 1 - 3 by Adewrites

LASGIDY LINKS Episode 12 by Adewrites

Silence engulfed the room, the drop of a pin could thunder at every ears, I switched to faces to find solace when self-confidence betrayed me, hope almost walked away from my anticipations before i got the DFA’s attention, he nodded in affirmation, and gave me a hidden thumbs up, this aroused my curiosity.

I focused on him and started climaxing, he gave me a smile.

It was soothing, I regained my confidence and put on a coat of attitude and bounced back to my normal feet.

My boldness was at its zenith, i made use of the stage, moved around with a smile, I took over the room and touched every heart with my convincing presentation, I ignored the frowning faces as I gained more smiling ones.

The PS adjusted on the seat and opened the doors of her ears, the commissioner took a sip from his bottle water and glanced at me under his medicated glasses.

All the delegates traded their attentions to me as I flow with the forces of their hearts.

Finally, the presentation came to an end, and it was time for questions. Several questions were asked and necessary answers were given. It was time for the commissioner’s comment; all eyes were on him expecting his statement.

He cleared his throat.

“Initially, I thought I was here wasting my time because I couldn’t get an iota of convincement, but you found yourself and gave me what I wanted to hear, your projections are promising and sounds real, I am here to make sure if the project will be feasible or not, but I can now conclude that we are heading somewhere. But, there are lots of things we are going to remove from your propositions”

He brought out the project’s MOU and signed it, he also signed the budget for the project and handed it over to the PS.

“You have done a great job” he said to her.

“please walk with me” he said and bid us good bye as they both walked out.

There was instinct muttering in the room as they were all shaking hands and congratulating one another.

I was standing like an abandoned statue.

I felt like a used tissue.

No one came to me to commend me, they ignored me and focused on themselves. Could this be because I was a junior staff or the project is for their own interest?

I packed my laptop and left for my office.

I was happy and sad simultaneously as no one commended me for a job well done probably because I was the lowest ranked staff or i was the youngest staff.

Going to my office, random thoughts came to my mind, the night with bukola was one of them.

My mind flashed back to the moment she wanted to make love with me.

“I want you to make love to me, I want to feel you inside of me” she poured out to me, her curvy shape resting on my silk flowered bed spread appeased my eyes, the drop of every tears of rain on the roof watered my mind with temptation, but an innocent flesh from my heart resisted it.

She slept pleading for my cuddling if I couldn’t give her what she wanted.

She left angrily as early as 6: am to her house. These thought of the night Bukola was trapped in my house because of the rain eroded the feeling I had after the presentation.

How I couldn’t fathom what my feeling was for her as I couldn’t stop thinking about how I must see her and download everything that had happened to her.

The thought of the kiss Sade gave me also visited me which made me took the wrong turn that led to another department in the ministry, although all department has similar design but the office tag differentiates them.

The view and faces of the staffs in the department were not the same as the ones I see every day, it gave me a touch of sense that I was heading to the wrong office. I quickly found my way to the right path although not too far from my office.

The expression on Sade’s face made me know the DFA was back to the office and he had told her about the presentation.

I walked straight to his office reciprocating Bimbo with a prompt smile as she rubbed my back for a job well done. I headed straight to DFA’s office and appreciated his gesticulation during my presentation.

“Sit down, you have done so well today, I am proud of you, we are heading somewhere” he said.

His phone rang and he took an excuse to pick up. The call was taking longer than expected and I had to go back to the office to write up the day’s report. I stood up and signaled to him that I would see him later.

Sade reminded me of her birthday party that was coming up before I left for my office. She gave me a warmth hug, it was always ike that, I had always feel good with a mountain of tension crumbling like a heated iceberg anytime she crossed her hands around my neck and rest her succulent body on me, she knew I like it, she could feel how my systems reciprocates, she didn’t stop it even when I told her a week earlier about my turgidity when she hugs me.

She followed me to my office.

“Congratulations, I told you you can do it because I believe in you. She lifted my heavy laptop back from my shoulder and helped me pull off my jacked and hung it on the wooden hanger behind my seat.

You must be hungry, lunch on me, she said.

LASGIDY LINKS Episode 13 by Adewrites

“Lunch on me, i will pay for whatever you are going to eat, you have made me proud” she said excitingly.

we walked down the street to a canteen beside elephant building, it was a canteen built with half rotten planks of wood, the cotton to the entrance was made of a white silk lace material, and in there were benches and tables that were little higher than the benches.

“What you will like to eat?” she asked.

“What do they sell here?”

“They sell only swallows”

“I’ll take two wraps of semo, if they have”I replied

“Mama kola, please two Semo here with two meats, and a bottled water in two places’ She called out.

And we waited patiently to be served.

“Why are you so quiet?” she asked, placing her hand on my shoulder and bent her face to view the expression on mine.

“Nothing, I just decided to be quiet”I replied.

” Are you sure?” she asked promptly.

” yes I am”

The food was served and we started eating. It was totally different from moments with Bukola, we acted like lovers, we had never kept quiet during eating, we always dig up dead gists and made fun from it.

Bukola told me the story of her boyfriend in one of our dinners, this story got me closer to her.

” I had a boyfriend back then, his name was john, we attended the same university, he was in 400L architecture while I was in 200L accounting, his younger sister was in same class with me, he do stare at me anytime he visit his sister, he couldn’t look me in the eye, he was the shy type, i hated shy guys because I believed they won’t be able to protect their lady. I knew he liked me the way he looks at me then; he’ll put away his face when our eyes meet. Fate brought us together at the ATM center one evening, just two of us, I was there trying to withdraw from the ATM machine and he met me there.

“Is it dispensing?”he asked.

I replied. “I don’t understand the ATMbo my sister”

I felt the loudness in his quietness, I turned 180 degree to see who was behind me and it turned out to be him, he was so ashamed, his girly voice had given him inferiority complex even amongst his friends, he doesn’t talk like other guys.

” Oh! I am sorry I thought it was a lady behind me”I apologized.

I had mistaken him for a lady.

he smiled and didn’t alter a word, I left feeling pity for him, he was so fragile, I understood him”

Bukola told her story, her eyes were teary but she controlled it, she brought out an handkerchief and wiped her teary eyes carefully so as not clean her makeup.

She continued.

“I was surprised when her sister came to me and told me about his intentions, I couldn’t keep him waiting for long before I told him yes, he was a wonderful guy, so loving and understanding, he was all I ever wanted, he loved me and I knew it.

I call him Son, a short form of sonorous because of his voice when He sings. We courted for 3 years. I was in 300L when he passed out.”

I sighed, and readjusted on my seat facing hers.

She continued.

“He was involved in a ghastly accident on his way to nysc orientation camp and he didn’t make it. I had a spill over because i couldn’t concentrate. He was my everything. She bursted into tears”.

I stood up and drew her closer to and hugged her tight.

These story rang in my head as I ate. Bimbo’s questions snapped me back to consciousness.

“Do you like the food?’ She asked.

” yes its nice’ I replied.

She opened bottled water and placed it in front of me, I finished my food and went to the basin to wash my hands with the liquid soap placed on the wooden plank beside the basin. I smile unconsciously when a drop of Bukola’s story landed on my memory again.

” I am sorry I had to spoil this lunch with my sad story, this lunch was meant to celebrate your chairmanship not to listen to my tales of love. You know, anytime I set my eyes on you, you remind me of him. The difference between you two is your physical look and voice. You both have same character,I see him in you always. Should I call that a delusion? Maybe that’s why I am glued to you or maybe that’s why I am so much into you?” She asked rhetorically.

I was short of words; I felt the urge for her to pour out her feelings.

Sade came to meet me where I was washing my hand.

“why are you smiling” she asked as she signaled for me to pour the liquid soap in her hand.

“Nothing, I just had a flash of memory and it made me laugh.”

” I’d already paid, let’s get back to the office”. She said.

We were heading back to the office when it dawned on me that I had to be sure of what was really going on between us, I cleared my throat.

” Sade, what happened the morning before my presentation, does that mean we are…”

“No! She replied promptly as if she already knew what i wanted to say. She stopped and faced me, looking directly into my eye balls as if she was about to attack my next sentence.

“I have a boy friend, I felt you were under pressure and I needed to calm you down, i did my irresistible thing and it worked”

She threw up her face and started walking again while I was standing there like a grounded mountain.

“Let’s go!” She exclaimed.

We headed straight to the office without saying a word to one another, I was about entering into my office when my phone rang, it was the PS.

“Hello Mr chairman, congratulations for the successful presentation, I didn’t have the opportunity to congratulate you in person because I had to walk with the commissioner. Please meet me in my office now, I have something for you”She said with excitement and dropped the call.

I saw a missed call on my phone, and it was Bukola, she was the one that called when I was about to commence my presentation. I walked down the stairs to the PS office and dialed her number on my way but it was switched off.

“You really made us proud, at first I thought you were going to blow up everything but you later found yourself and convinced everyone. The commissioner told me on his way to his convoy to keep my eyes on you and make sure you are better than this. Aside that, four ministries had shown their interest in the project and you are the one that’ll will guild them through it. All these achievements will be added to your file and this is what births promotions.” She explained.

She handed me a bottle of wine to celebrate my success. I was full of excitement, I thanked her and left.

My phone rang again and it was Tinuke.

“Hi dude, congratulations, I heard about your presentation. Where will you be after work?” She asked.

“I will definitely be going home”, I replied.

“Come on, let me celebrate with you for today, let’s meet at peckers at Opebi Allen by 5pm after work. You will love it” She said.

I kept wondering what Tinuke’s intentions are.

Sade is out of the picture, she obviously wanted to flirt with me because she had a boyfriend. Its going to be a good flirt because there will be no emotional connection.

Bukola is obviously in love with me, but I don’t want to go into relationship with her, not when I have tasks on me.

I am not sure of Tinuke’s intentions. I don’t want to assume she really want me.

But I have never stopped thinking about Bukola, I don’t know why, but there is something special about her.

Should I go along with her or let her find the man that will love and give her the attention she desire?

I am confused.

#OpraDre LASGIDY LINKS adewrites

To be continued….

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