JUST FOR LOVE Episode 8 – 9 by Azeemah Salami

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 3 by Azeemah Salami

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 8 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah Writes ?

?Ellen’s POV?

Damn! where did she got that strength from.
Everyone watched as Mara beat up Jessie in the garden.
Can’t Jessie freaking stand up and deal with her!
She just laid there screaming like an enstrangled puppy.

I loved the way Mara’s new iPhone was smashed on the wall.
She can’t be using something greater than mine.
That damn iPhone is the latest version and im sure her brother got it for her.
I’m pissed at mum..if only she had bought the latest version for me.

I watched as Bryan is trying to separate Mara from Jessie.
He’s crazy! He walked out of the cafeteria immediately Mara left.
I was infuriated when i saw them both in the garden laughing and watching whatever on her damn iPhone.

“Ellen, come talk to Mara to leave Jessie alone,she will listen to you” Bryan said rushing towards me.
I hissed.

“Please Ellen,Mara is gonna injure Jessie. No one is willing to separate them from each other…I’ve tried to,but i can’t.. please Ellen,you know she’s gonna listen to you” He pleaded.

“They should hurt theirselves…to hell i care!” I said and walked away.

Jessie should be the one beating Mara.

She’s such a weakling!!

?Bryan’s POV?

I sighed as i watched Ellen walk away.
I turned back to see Mara still beating the screaming Jessie.

I forcefully dragged her up making Jessie took to her race.
She ran out of the garden with the students running after her, singing a mocking song.

I saw Mara cleaned her tears as she bent slowly and picked the broken iPhone.
She sniffed before standing to her feet.

“Mara…” I called.
She turned to me,that was when i saw how red her eyes had turned.
Damn! Liam just got the iPhone for her yesterday..
Of course she will be so pained.

“Sorry Mara,i know you are so hurt she smashed your iPhone” I said.
She cried as she sat back on the bench.
“Li-a-m ju-st got t-he i-pho-ne fo-r me yes-te-rday” She whispered amidst tears.
“Yeah i know… Sorry” I said feeling truly sorry for her.

I cleaned her tears and made her rest her head on my shoulder.
I stroke her hair and sang “Till i met you” by Fallen angels to her ears..
That’s her favorite song.

She raised up her head and smiled after i was done singing..

Wow! I’m glad it worked!

I smiled back at her holding a handful of her hair in my hand..
She has a soft silky hair which i love to touch.

“Thanks Bryan,for making me smile even if your voice sounded terrible” she laughed.
“Im glad i made you smile” I said.
She nodded ” I just don’t know how to break this down to Liam..he will be so pissed and will come to confront Jessie”

“I’m gonna get another one for you” I said.
“No..no,you don’t have to” she said.
“I want to, I will get you another one and I’m gonna make sure it’s the same color as this” I said with a smile.

“Thanks Bryan I appreciate but never mind..Liam can still get another one for me” She said.
“So you want Liam to know about this broken phone,then you should consider Jessie in a mess cause he’s not gonna take it easy on her” I said.
She nodded…” I don’t want Jessie hurt but nevermind…I can stay off phone for some time”

“And what if Liam ask of it?”
“Mhmm…I’m gonna tell him it’s with Ellen,that we exchanged phone for the night” she said.
“Mara,you can’t keep telling him that forever” I said.
She nodded…”The iPhone costs a lot,i don’t want it to drain your bank account”

I laughed…”Drain my bank account?… Mara,you know me more than this,you know how much i control..just let me get it for you.. please” I said.
“Okay fine.. thanks so much” She said.
“It’s nothing…I’m glad i will be doing that for you,so should we go to get it after school or…” I said.

“No…let’s go get it tomorrow after school,i need to get home early today” She said.
“Okay.. fine” I said..
“Let’s go back to the class… lunch break is over… Mrs Hampton is gonna roll her big ugly eyes and yell at us” She said and took my hand.

I laughed as we both ran to the class.

(School is over?)

?Mara’s POV?

Students trooped out of the class chattering loudly.
I gazed at Bryan who is already packing up his backpack.
I smiled…he made me happy today.
When he placed my head on his shoulder in the garden..I felt myself floating high in the sky.

Even his terrible voice sounded angel-like to me.

“Quit staring…let’s go” Bryan said and i flinched out of my thoughts looking embarrassed.
I looked over at Ellen and saw her still seated.

“Is Ellen not coming with you?” I asked.
“Oh..she is, Ellen let’s go home” He said to her.
“I’m not ready to leave” she said.
“Com’on Ellen, school is over!” Bryan said.
“I said I’m not ready to leave…you can leave with the female Mike Tyson” She yelled.

“Bryan…I have to be on my way,i need to get home early today” I said.
He nodded and waved me bye.
I waved back and headed out if the class.

I walked downstairs to the school’s parking lot only to realise Max isn’t here yet.
Damn! Where is he?
I gat no phone to put a call across him.

I sighed and rested my back on the wall.

“I will make you regret what you did to me…and trust me,that secret behind your sudden change…im gonna make sure i reveal it to the world” Jessie spat before hurrying to her car.

I stood still not knowing what to say.
What should i say?

“Mara” I heard Bryan called loudly.
I turned and saw him walking towards me.
“Liam just called me now,he said you should board a cab home…Max is sick and has been taken to the hospital” he said.
“Oh my God! Max is sick?…but he dropped me here in the morning” I said worriedly.

“Yeah… come with me,I’m gonna drop you home” he said.
I wanted to resist at first but dropped the idea.
“What of Ellen?” I asked as we walked to where his driver is.
“She’s still in the class”
“Won’t she go home?” I asked.
“She feels like staying in school for a while” Bryan replied.

“Good afternoon Rollins” Bryan and i greeted his driver.
“Afternoon students” he replied with a grin.
“Rollins…we are gonna drop Mara off,you still remember her house right?” He asked.
“Of course i do but Mara has changed a lot,she does not look fat anymore” Rollins said in amusement.

I smiled.
“Yeah…can we leave?” Bryan asked.
“Of course yes … Get into the car” Rollins smiled walking to the driver’s seat.
Bryan opened the car door…we were about to hop in.

“I’m coming with you!” I heard Ellen say behind us.
We turned to see her walking towards us.
“Ellen,your driver is over there waiting for you” Bryan said.
“I’m not going with him! I’m coming with you…Hey leave!” She yelled at her driver who quickly got behind the wheels and drove away.

Bryan sighed..
“Mara,you can sit at the front seat” he said to me.
I nodded and opened the door to the front seat.
“You mean you are gonna allow her seat there while your girlfriend is gonna sit at the back! that isn’t happening” Ellen said.

“Okay Mara..I’m sorry,come sit with me at the back. Let Ellen take the front seat” Bryan said.
“So she’s gonna sit beside you at the while your girlfriend will sit alone in the front seat…that isn’t happening” She said.

“Ellen what the hell do you want then?” Bryan yelled.
“I don’t want her to come with us”Ellen said.
I sighed and stepped back…I already know this is where she’s coming to.

“Ellen like seriously?you don’t want Mara to come with us? What the hell!”
“She isn’t coming with us, except if you wanna separate a serious fight in that car…im not as weak as Jessie” Ellen retorted sending me a glare…

“Mara is coming with us,you can go board a cab. I don’t care..Mara come in” Bryan said to me.
I shook my head staying back.
“Thanks Bryan…I’m gonna board a cab” I said.
“No Mara,you are coming with me.. com’on” he said.
“She isn’t stepping her feet into this car!”Ellen yelled.
“Ellen this isn’t your car!” Bryan yelled back .

Damn!! What the hell is going on.

“I will get going Bryan..bye” I said and began walking to the school’s gate.
I heard Bryan calling me but i can’t respond.
The gate keeper opened the gate and i stepped out… fresh air blowing wildly.
I walked a bit and stopped at a place i can easily board a cab.

I can’t believe Ellen can be treating me this way.
I can’t remember if i offend her or something.
She’s dating Bryan!
She doesn’t wanna be friends with me anymore!
There must be something wrong somewhere..
How could all this be happening at the same time!

I saw a cab approaching and quickly waved it to stop.
I got in.
“Lington estate,phase 3” I said..
He nodded and started driving.


I alighted from the cab and paid him his charges.
I knocked on our gate.
“Please who is there?”
“Mara” I said.

James opened the gate and i walked in.
“Good afternoon James” I greeted.
“Afternoon Mara…Max is in the hospital” he said.
“Yeah…I heard that…I hope it isn’t very serious?” I asked.
“I can’t say” James said sadly.
Max is his buddy.

“He’s gonna get well soon” I said reassuringly before heading inside.

I opened the door and walked into the living room.

I met Liam on the couch playing a video game.

“Hey…” I greeted.
He dropped the game controller and faced me.
“Mara i called you but it keep saying switched off…that iPhone doesn’t just go off like that.. what’s wrong?” He asked.

I forced a smile and cleared my throat.
“Really?… yeah,i switched it off..I don’t want it to disturb me in class” I lied.
I should have thought of lies before arriving home.
“You never switch off your phone…you either set it on silence or vibration… okay where is it?” He asked.

My throat tightened…
“Uh…I exchanged it with Ellen”
“You exchanged it with Ellen?…I called Ellen but she didn’t pick up,and that was why i called Bryan…he told me you and Ellen are not in talking terms” Liam said.

Ahhh… Bryan!!

I faked a chuckle “We’ve settled it all”

“Really? … okay…can i see Ellen’s phone?”

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 9 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes ?

?Bryan’s POV?

“Goodbye love” Ellen said alighting from my car.
“Com’on are you still pissed at me,i already apologized to you” she said with a smirk.
“I’m not the one you should apologise to… apologise to Mara” I said.

“Really?…I should apologise to Mara! No i can’t” She said.
“Okay bye” I said.
“Com’on Bryan… okay i will” she said with a smile.
“Yeah i will, trust me babe” She said.
I pecked her on both cheeks before she finally alighted.

Rollins shook his head and drove off..
“Rollins drive me to the phone slot” I said and he nodded.

?Mara’s POV?

“Okay…i want to see Ellen’s phone” Liam said.
Sweat poured from my forehead and i slipped my backpack from my shoulder pretending to be searching for it.

I heard the door opened and turned..
“Mum” I said rushing to pull her in a hug.
She smiled and touched my cheeks slightly.
“I hope there wasn’t a problem in boarding the cab?” She asked.
“No mum and how’s Max?” I asked.
“He’s getting better…the doctor diagnosed shortage of blood,I’ve paid for the treatment and he’s gonna be discharged a day after tomorrow”

“Who is gonna be taking me to school?” I asked.
“Put a call through Ellen to come pick you up tomorrow morning,you know how much Liam hates driving” Mum said sitting on a couch.
Ellen!! She won’t even pick up my call.
Liam has resumed his video game…I’m so glad he has forgotten about the phone.

“I will board a cab” I said.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes mum…i need to go freshen up now” I said picking up my backpack.
I ran upstairs to my room.

“Liam…are your lips pasted together to greet” I heard mum yell at Liam.

I chuckled and entered my room closing the door behind me..
I dropped my bag and sat on the bed with a sigh.
I started pulling off my shoes and pop-socks .

I wish i had stopped Jessie from smashing the phone.
Now it’s gone!
Bryan is gonna get another one for me tomorrow.
I smiled remembering how i has rested my head on his shoulder in the garden .
That was the best feeling ever!

If only..if only,i can get him to date me.
It’s too late…he’s already into Ellen even if the both of them doesn’t act like they are dating or something.
Did they meet during the holiday or what?
I don’t seem to understand anymore…
How did they started dating all of a sudden…

Ellen never told me she likes Bryan and Bryan also never told me he likes Ellen so how did all these came about?
Well…I’m gonna ask Bryan tomorrow.

I stood up from my bed and picked up my towel.
I headed to the bathroom.


I stepped out of the bathroom and drying my body with the towel.

I just realised I’m starving…
I quickly picked a pink mini gown from the wardrobe,new set of undies from the drawer.

I put it on and combed my hair ,i selected a pink hair band…I packed it into a ponytail and slipped into my footwear.
I walked out of my room and climbed down the stairs to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and brought out a chilled orange juice with a glass cup.
I rinsed the glass cup in the sink before pouring the orange juice in it.

I gulped down the entire juice in the glass cup before reaching for the cookies.
I munched it with my eyes closed, savouring the taste.
I poured juice into the glass cup and sipped it with the cookies.

I ate the cookies to my fill before stopping.
I rinsed the glass cup and put it back in it’s place.
I covered the remaining orange juice tightly and put it back in the fridge.

“Ahhh…I’m filled up” I groaned as i walked to the living room.
I met mum and Liam watching a kdrama.

“Title?” I asked sitting beside Liam.
“Fatty Tam” he said with a chuckle.
I frowned before hitting him hard on the back.
“Ouch… your hands are just like steel” he said.
“Thank you” I said concentrating on the movie.

“Fatty fatty Tam,fat,fat,fat” Liam sang quietly to my ear before laughing.
“You’ve started again” I said getting up from the couch.
He dragged me back grinning like a jolly panda.
“Okay okay…I won’t tease you anymore” he said.

“Liam you are gonna tutor me on more mathematics subject” I said.
“Really?… this is the first time you are willing to learn… nice change but I’m gonna charge you for it” he said.
I laughed…”like seriously?”
“Yeah…do you want to know what the charges is?” He asked.
“Okay what?” I asked.
“Go into the kitchen and make me pasta with chicken” he said.

“Ahhh…I can’t. I also had cookies and juice cause i was feeling lazy to cook” I said with a frown.
“Okay…it’s okay,forget the tutoring then” he said and faced the movie.
“Liam” I called.
He didn’t answer.

“Okay i will help you prepare it” I said.
He turned to me with a smile.
“Go make it fast … I’m starving” He grinned.
I felt like knocking off his head but i restrained myself.
I huffed and stood up.

“Mum do you care for some pasta and chicken?” I asked.
“Of course but get me a glass cup of water first” She said,her eyes not leaving the movie..
Mum loves kdrama a lot.

I walked to the kitchen,took a little tray from the shelf.
I placed a glass cup with a bottle of chilled water on it.
I carried it to the living room and placed it in front of mum.

I walked back to the kitchen,i wore and apron with hair net before rinsing my hands in the sink.
I dried it and reached for the frozen chicken in the freezer.

I’m gonna boil and fry the chicken first before making pasta.
I brought out the required utensils and ingredients before i started cooking.


“Lunch is ready” I said loudly from the dining room.
I’ve dished out the pasta and chicken on the dining.
I walked back to the kitchen and pulled off my apron and hair net.
I hanged it neatly in it’s position before heading back to the dining.

Mum and Liam are already seated..

I took a seat and we started eating.

“Yummy” Liam said with a mouthful.
“Yeah…Liam you are the one to make dinner” Mum said.
“Mum! I can’t” He said,his face already pulled into a frown.

I laughed inwardly.
“I want you to make dinner” mum insisted.
“Why don’t we employ a cook?” Liam asked.
“A cook? Hell no!” Mum said.
Mum and dad never liked the idea of employing anyone to work in our house..
We do everything ourself and it’s so frustrating!

We continued eating in silence….
“I want more” Liam whispered to me..
I looked into his plate only to find it empty.
“If you want more,go get it in the kitchen” I said loudly to the hearing of mum who eyed the both of us.

“Table manners” She said.
We nodded…I resumed my meal while Liam stood up and went into the kitchen.

So lazy! But loves food a lot.


I plopped on my bed with a tired sigh.
I yawned closing my eyes.

I need to take a nap??

?Next morning?

I walked down the stairs fully dressed for school.
I descended the last flight of stairs and headed to the kitchen.

I met mum dishing out hamburger and cappuccino…

“Good morning Mum” I greeted.
“Good morning Mara, how was your night?”
“Fine Mum”
“Okay…come take your breakfast to the dining” She said.
I picked up the tray containing my breakfast, muttered ‘thanks’ before walking to the dining room.

I sat on the dining chair and began eating my breakfast.

“Bryan is here” I heard Liam said behind me.
I turned back and surprisingly i saw Bryan.

“Bryan…what are you doing here?” I asked.
“I called him to come,i don’t want you to board a cab” Liam said.
“But Liam…why would you do that,I’m okay with cab” I said knowing how Ellen is gonna react to this.
“What’s wrong,are you both not in talking terms?…cause this isn’t the first time I’m calling Bryan to pick you” Liam said.

“It’s not that but….”
“But what?” Liam asked.
“Nothing… okay i will go with him” I said.
“Like you have a choice” Bryan said.
I sent him a glare,he chuckled.

“Ohh… Bryan is here” Mum said walking out from the kitchen.
“Good morning Mum” Bryan greeted.
“Morning darling..do you care for hamburger and cappuccino?”
“No mum,i rushed here with my driver after having my breakfast” He said.
“Alright then… how’s your Mum?”
“She’s fine”

“Okay let’s get going…I’m done with my breakfast” I said standing up.
I adjusted my skirt and smiled.
“Goodbye mum” Bryan and i said.
“Goodbye darlings…have a nice day at school”.

We headed outside the house…
“Good morning Rollins” I greeted Bryan’s driver who nodded with a smile.
We got in the car.


“I have something for you” Bryan said on our way to school.
“Really?..what?” I asked.
He smiled and opened his backpack,he hesitated before bringing out my iPhone…

No it’s not mine…it’s the exact color of mine..

“Have it…it’s for you” He said stretching the phone.
“Oh…my… God” I screamed hugging him tightly.
“Thanks so much Bryan, thank you,thank you,thank you” I said happily checking out the phone which is the exact replica of the smashed one.

“How did you find the exact color?” I asked.
“I showed them the piece of the broken phone and they got the exact version and color for me… Liam is not gonna suspect a thing” He said.
“Yeah… thanks so much Bryan,i hope it wasn’t too costly?” I asked.
“Of course it isn’t…I’m glad you like it” he said.

“Yeah i do” I powered it and saw my picture already saved as the wall paper.
I looked over to Bryan who grinned.
“How did you do this?” I asked in amusement.
“Well…I inserted your old memory card and sim card into it and all your pictures, music, videos and all popped up” he said.
“Wow… thanks so much Bryan,i really appreciate this…you don’t know how happy i am” I said excitedly scrolling through the menu.

I didn’t realise Rollins has pulled into the school’s parking lot until Bryan tapped me gently.
“Mara…we are in school” he said.
“Yeah,you were so engrossed in your phone” he said.
I smiled..we both picked our backpacks and alighted from the car.
We waved Rollins bye before heading to our class..

The class went silent as we walked in.
They looked at us admiringly as we walked to our seat.
Ellen isn’t in school yet … Thank goodness!

We sat down,i picked my new iPhone and started from where i stopped in the car.
I so much love this phone.
“iPhone lover” Bryan whispered to me.
I smiled…”iPod lover” i said.

He chuckled.

Ellen walked into the class heading straight to her seat which is beside ours.
I’ve missed her company…why is Ellen behaving this way?

I felt my stomach twitch,my iPhone nearly dropping from my hand when Ellen bent and kissed Bryan who reciprocated.
I quickly bent my head on the desk and sniffed.

I remained that way for some minutes before raising up my head.
I noticed the class had gone silent.
Mrs Ardsley stood in front of the class with a new student beside her.

Wow…he’s so cute…but not as cute as Bryan.
The girls flashed bright smiles sitting with their legs crossed.
I looked at Bryan and saw him smiling.
He caught my gaze..
“The new guy is cute right?” He Said.
I nodded..
“Yeah but not as cute as you” I blurted out.
“Yes” I said.
“Wow… thanks,i gat the best bestie” he said holding a handful of my hair in his hand.

He loves doing that and i also love that feeling it always gave me.
I love Bryan so much.

“Okay… good morning class” Mrs Ardsley said.
“Good morning Mrs Ardsley”
“We gat a new student among us.. please introduce yourself..” she said to the guy,who nodded smiling brightly.
Damn! He gat dimple.

“Hi everyone…I’m Kelly Yates,nice meeting you all” he said with a little bow..


Oh…he’s the one who owns this empty seat beside mine.

I chuckled as i saw how the girls were already trying to get his attention.
“You can move to your desk Kelly..class i will be back for our morning class” Miss Ardsley said walking out of the classroom.

Kelly walked to his seat which is beside mine.
I turned to Bryan and caught him staring at me.
“What?” I asked.
“Nothing” he said with a shrug.
“Okay…” I said.

“Mara look…Fallen angels are organizing their concert here in Paris next month” Bryan said to me showing me the news on his iPod..
I screamed happily and quickly comported myself when i noticed the whole class was starting at me.

“Oh..my..God… Bryan we must attend the concert” I said excitedly.
“Yes we must…I will go get our tickets after school” he said.
“High-five bestie” I said happily.
We exchanged high fives and giggled.

“Seriously i don’t understand this… Bryan how could you think of going to that concert with her when I’m here” Ellen said.
“But Ellen,you said you don’t like fallen angels…you are not their fans so i don’t see the reason why you should want to go to their concert” Bryan said.
“Okay..but I’m going with you” Ellen said.
“Your choice” Bryan replied.

I sighed.

“Hi” I heard a cool voice said beside me.
I know it’s the new guy’s voice but how could i be sure I’m the one he’s referring to.
“Hey” Ellen replied him with a small wave and a little smile.
“I’m sorry…you aren’t the one I’m referring to” He said to her and i almost bursted into laughter.
“Hi” he said again.
“Mara…the new guy is referring to you” Bryan said.

I turned to him..
He looks cuter on a closer look with brown spiky air,big blue eyes,pointed nose with a small round lips..he also gat a nice body.
He can’t be compared anywhere to Bryan but everyone is fine in their own way.

“Hi…I’m Kelly” he said with a smile making his dimple appear.
“I’m Tamara and here is my best friend Bryan” I said.
“Hi Bryan” Kelly said with a smile.
“Hey Kelly…how are you?” Bryan said nicely.
“I’m fine Bryan”

“Welcome to Makers high school…if you won’t mind,Mara and i will show you round the school during lunch break” Bryan.
“Wow… of course i don’t mind.. thanks Bryan you are so friendly,can we be friends?” Kelly asked Bryan who nodded eagerly.

“Of course…we are already friends” he said.
They both shook hands and smiled at each other.
It’s so sure their friendship is gonna be great!

“Okay … Tamara,can we also be friends?” Kelly asked.
I looked at Bryan who nudged me to say yes.
“Yes Kelly,we can be friends” I replied with a smile.
“Wow … I can’t believe i gat two new friends on my first day at school” Kelly said.

“Yeah” we smiled.
“I heard you talking about fallen angels, are you guys also their fans?” Kelly asked.
“Yes we are” I said.
“Wow…I’m also a fan” he said.
“Really?” Bryan and I asked together.
“Yeah…” He said.

Mrs Hampton came in..

“Shush… don’t talk anymore,if not she’s gonna roll her big ugly eyes and send us out of the class” I said.

We laughed…

The novel just began so sit tight and watch as everything unfolds.


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4 years ago

I’m really enjoying this to the fullest ?

4 years ago

Interesting… Folllowiiing