JUST FOR LOVE Episode 38 – 39 by Azeemah Salami

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 33 - 34 by Azeemah Salami

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 38 by Azeemah Salami

(Zeemah writes?)

?Mara’s POV?

“Thanks for coming to check on me everyone” i yelled amidst the noise.

Damn…just like chaos.

The couches in the living room were not enough for them,some were sitting on each other’s laps while some stood.
They were chattering so loud and i laughed when i saw Mum ran up to her room.

Liam stood looking at them in awe.
Laura,Ellen and Bryan went to get some cookies and juice in the kitchen.
I hope it will be enough for everyone.
They really surprised me,who would have believed they would come check on me.

Im feeling so happy and loved…
I grinned when i remembered how mum was surprised when she saw every girl on pontsplait.
Haha…she was like “Mara pontsplait!”
“Yes Mum,i taught them” I had replied.

“Everyone please keep quiet” Kelly shouted beside me.
They all stopped talking one after the other.

“Tamara how are you feeling now?

Why did you vomit blood?

What did the doctor diagnosed?

Are you sure you are okay?

Yes she is.. she looks more beautiful.

Do you wear this dress at home?

I love it.

We miss you at school.

When are you gonna resume..

Tamara!!!” I restrained myself from blocking my ears.

Damn!!! They should have just waited for me to come to school,instead of coming here but i so much appreciate.

“Thanks everyone,I’m very much okay now and I’m gonna resume school next week” I said and noticed their attention seems to be somewhere else.

OMG..is Quilah back!!!
I’m just gonna run mad.

I turned and saw they were staring at Liam especially the girls.
He was concentrated on his phone oblivious of the stares he’s getting.
I smiled and turned back to them.


Tamara is that your brother?

His name please?

He’s so cute.

His hair…damn!

Look at his lips.

He’s gorgeous..


Tell him to say hi to us….” I sighed and turned to Liam.
He’s looking at them,not in surprise but… attracting attention isn’t new to him.
I always wish i was as cute as Liam..i wouldn’t have met Quilah.
I sometimes wonder if we are really of the same parents… Liam is naturally handsome but just take a look at the hell i went through just to become beautiful yet I’m still not as gorgeous as Liam..

So glad i gat a hot bro…his cuteness has saved me a lot of times.

“Liam.. please say hi” I whispered to him.
He cleared his throat…

“OMG,he did that in a cute way” The girls chorused.
Most of my old classmates knew Liam cause he always comes to my school anytime i got bullied but these are new set of people..I wonder where those ones went to.

“Hi cuties.. thanks for coming to check on my sister” He said.

“His voice… wow!!

Gosh..he called us cuties.

Can i touch you?

Your voice is the best.

Please talk again.

Can i take a snap?

OMG…look at his smile.

I’m gonna melt right now…”The girls chorused holding their chest.
Liam smiled and stood up then started walking up the stairs.

“Please don’t leave.

Let me touch you.

Tamara can i have his contact….” I sighed and rolled my eyes.
I think it’s a crime to have a cute brother.
I grinned inwardly knowing how lucky i am.

“He’s getting married soon” I shouted to stop all the chatter and it worked.
They went pale and silent and i was starting to hear sniffle.

Jeez-us! Are they really serious about Liam.
I thought they were only crushing.

“No one should cry,we are all here for you girls” A guy said and they all sent him glares.
“It would have been better if all the guys in our class are as cute as him,they we wouldn’t have drooled this much but you guys are bunch of ugly ducklings” The girl said and i held my laughter.

Others were starting to laugh except the guys.

“Com’on girls. Grade 8 males are the most handsome guys in Makers high school, our class is the envy of other classes so let’s appreciate how we all look” I said.


That’s true.

We are sorry guys..

You guys are not ugly ducklings,you are princes charming….”The girls chorused,the guys kept mute but it’s so obvious they enjoyed the praises.

“Look…they are blushing” Ammy said and we all laughed..
Laura,Ellen and Bryan walked into the living room with little dishes of freshly baked cookies on wide trays.

My mouth watered as they started serving it round…
Everyone munched it happily commenting on how delicious it is.

Wow! I can’t believe the cookies was enough for everyone…well it was up to 34 dishes.
Did mum baked more?

“Did Mum baked more cookies?” I asked Bryan as he finished serving the last dish of cookies on his tray.
“Yeah…she came back into the kitchen to make more” He said.
“Okay…help me with mine please..I’m starving” I said.
“Come get yours in the kitchen” He grinned wickedly.
“Please” I said.
“No no” He said with a wink and i felt my stomach upturn.
“You are so wicked!” I said.
“Wow…that’s a compliment bestie” He said.

“Tch” I rolled my eyes at him.
He lifted the tray and hit it on my head before hurrying away.
“Ouch” I rubbed my head.
“Damn…I must not get you!” I yelled after him.
I heard him laugh…

I should just go to the kitchen myself.
“Should i help you get some cookies?” I heard Kelly asked and turned to him.
“Haa…i was about going to the kitchen to get it myself” I said and stood up.

The TV was on and that was what kept my classmates busy.
They were watching a US drama,one of the ones Laura brought for me.

I walked to the kitchen and saw Laura cleaning the breakfast table.
Ellen was putting things back in it’s place and Bryan was washing some dishes in the sink backing me.


I silently picked a steel tray.
Laura gave me a confused look but i pleaded for her not to utter a word.
Ellen chuckled already knowing what i was about to do.

I go to his back and lifted the tray.
I think he heard Ellen chuckled,he turned and the tray landed hard on his forehead.


We all bursted out laughing except Bryan who gave me a fake mean look.

I laughed…”You shouldn’t have turned,i wanted to hit it on your hair so it will be less painful but you turned” I said and bursted into another round of laughter, closing my eyes in the process.
Ellen and Laura laughed with me.

I suddenly felt a splash of water in my open mouth.
It tasted..;




I opened my eyes and found out he has disappeared from the kitchen.
I quickly rinsed off my mouth and turned when i heard laughter. I know it’s Bryan.

He was standing at the entrance of the kitchen grinning widely and sticking out his tongue.


“Bryan you are so dead today” I screamed and ran after him.


“Ahh…they’ve all left” Liam said happily as i walked into his room.
“Yesssss” I said and jumped on his bed.
Everyone has left for their home and I’m damn tired right now.

It was fun though…

I laid beside Liam and placed my head on his chest looking up at him.
I owe him some apology.

“Uhm…whom do i owe that look?” He asked and dropped his phone.
He stroked my hair and i smiled.
“Liam,I’m sorry” I said.
“For what?”
“For everything” I said.
“Okay…I’ve forgiven you earlier” He said.
“I know but i feel i need your forgiveness again” I said.

“Okay..I’ve forgiven you even before you asked for forgiveness,i was only shocked you could do such” He said.
That’s it!
“Yeah…but i just wasn’t happy with the way i looked and i also thought Bryan is gonna love me more if I’m beautiful” I said.

“No! You looked perfect,you were not just satisfied with that. Even with the way you looked then,did we ever treated you like an outcast?”
“No…but other people did” I shook my head.
“You shouldn’t have cared about what people said, people will always have something to say but you just gotta ignore them,you almost lost your life because you are so concerned about what people say to you…you shouldn’t give a fuck” He said.

“I know but it wasn’t only about what people said,i did it for another reason” I said.
“Bryan right?” He asked and i nodded my head.
“I won’t chastise you for doing that just for love cause i now know what love means,i know know how love controls…if you are in love with your partner,i bet you’ll gladly kill a whole nation for him but you gat a problem” He said.

“Which is?” I asked.
“He doesn’t love you back” Liam said and i felt my heart shrink.
It’s so true… Bryan doesn’t love me.
But I’m not accepting that,i still love him and that’s all that matters.

“The person you did that for do not love you,just like a waste. He made you did something this terrible and yet he can’t love you back! I know love can’t be forced but that’s a little cruel of him…I might hate Bryan” Liam said making me gasp.

“Oh..no! Please Liam don’t hate him,he didn’t push me to do all this. I did it myself and he wasn’t even aware that i have feelings for him till last few days, don’t blame him for not loving me…it’s his heart. If Bryan can change his heart,he will gladly do that because of me. Please Liam, don’t hate him, remember you promised to take him as your sibling” I said.

“That was before he messed up,if Quilah hadn’t died, then you will die in a year just because of him. But thank goodness Quilah is gone…you are gonna stay with me forever” Liam smiled dragging my cheeks.

I sighed.

“What? Are you not happy?” Liam asked.
“Do you think Quilah’s disappearance means that i won’t die anymore?” I asked.
“Of course! She’s gone with the whatever portion she kept in you so you are free” He smiled.

I smiled also, trying to believe that but I’m still very afraid.

“So promise me you won’t hate Bryan” I said.
“I tore off the drawing he drew for me” He said and i gasp.
I looked at the wall and the drawing was no longer pasted there.

“Liam!! That’s bad” I said and sat up.
“Do you know the stress he went through just to draw it,you shouldn’t have tore it and besides that’s childish” I frowned.
“Whatever! I was pissed at him so i tore it off in anger, don’t blame me for that. You know i do worse things when annoyed.. thank goodness it was the drawing i tore and not his face” He said.

“Com’on Liam, Bryan is not at fault..I am. Please just don’t hate him,you know how much Bryan likes you” I said.
“I don’t hate him anymore cause my sister isn’t dieing in a year time anymore…I will call him tomorrow and tell him to draw another one for me” He said and i grinned.

“Thanks Liam…I’m so happy.. everything is great, Quilah is gone” I said and laid back on his chest.
He laughed…”Do you know that when Quilah disappeared to the living room..I almost peed in my pants”

We laughed…
“She seems so scary and beautiful at the same time” He said.
“She looked so ugly when the necklace hit her” I said.
“Yeah…just like a wild witch” Liam said and we laughed again.
“I made sure i hit her real bad”
“Me too…it was so funny and surprising cause we were afraid of her this moment and we were beating her up the next moment” I said.

We giggled….”Serves her right”

“So what do you think of my classmates?” I asked.
“Damn! They are so rash, especially the girls but I’m not surprised” He smiled.
“Of course i know you are not surprised,you’ve gotten so used to it” I said.
“Remember you are still keeping the detention prefect waiting” I laughed.

“She fell for my sweet words” He said.
“That’s unfair” I said.
“Whatever but i saved you guys from getting detained” he smiled.
“I miss Jessie” I said sadly.
“Damn! Me too” he said.
“She would have gotten on my nerves when they all came visiting today” I said.
“Yeah…but let’s forget about her and move on”

I nodded and smiled…”So what were we saying?”

“Yeah..School girls… I get approached mostly by ladies, school girls admire me” He said proudly.

“Like that’s an achievement” I teased.
“Aww… someone is jealous” he chuckled.
“Jealous my foot! I also get approached by cute guys,not only you!” I rolled my eyes.
“Lies!” He said.
“Trues!” I joked..we laughed.

“What about Kelly?” Liam asked.
“What’s wrong with him?” I asked.
“Hmm…will you consider his request?” Liam asked.
“Of course no! I can’t date Kelly..never!” I said.
“But why? You speak like he disgusts you and that’s unfair” Liam said.

“He doesn’t disgust me but i can’t even get in the fact that i will date him..i never imagined it and i don’t have feelings for him a bit so how do you expect me to cope” I said.
“Don’t tell me you still love Bryan?” Liam asked.
“Of course i still love Bryan,my feelings for him didn’t decrease a bit,it increased instead..I don’t think i will ever stop loving Bryan h…”
“He’s not gonna date you!” Liam interrupted me.

“I know he’s not gonna date me..Ive accepted the fact that he doesn’t have feelings for me,he can go on to date anyone he has feelings for but my own feelings for him will remain…I won’t love anyone else,my heart can’t and won’t even accept that” I said.
“Bryan will go on to date another person despite all you did for him and you will remain single thinking about him right?”
“It’s not my fault but my heart’s…”
“Just give Kelly a chance… please” He said.

“I don’t have feelings for Kelly just as Bryan doesn’t have feelings for me.. everyone should spare me this. Can you date someone you don’t have any sort of feelings for? My heart is in control of me not me!” I said.
“Okay…i won’t force you to date someone you don’t have feelings for but…”

I yawned..

“Are you trying to avoid this talk?” He asked.
“No..I’m actually feeling sleepy” I said and placed my head on a pillow.
“But it’s still noon”
“Yeah…I know,i need to rest” I said.
“See you when i wake up” i said and forcefully dragged his hair.

I turned to the other side of the bed and closed my eyes,sleep visited me and i welcomed it happily.


“Get up! Dinner is ready” I heard Liam said, shaking me from my sleep.

Aaaargh…I was so enjoying my dream.
I yawned and sat up, resisting to glare at Liam for waking me up at such time.

“Glare at me already,your big eyes looks like it might pop out of the sockets” He said and i laughed.
“You are unbelievable… making me laugh the next minute i woke up” I said.
“Yeah…have you forgotten I’m Liam” he boasted.
“It wasn’t funny,i just tried to laugh” I lied.
“You should know i always know when you are lieing so get up sis… Mum thinks you are dead already,she’s panicking at the dinning” he said.

“Really?” I laughed.
“Yeah…you slept from noon till 7:30pm,i was also afraid to wake you up at first thinking you’ve finally followed Quilah” He said and we both laughed.

I stood up from the bed..

“I’ll join you guys at the dinning, i have to rinse my mouth and face” I said.
“No I’m gonna wait for you, Quilah can pop up at any minute” he said.
I laughed and walked into his bathroom.

So neat!

I got to the sink, turn on the faucet and splashed water on my face.
I rinsed my mouth and splashed some water on my face again.
It felt so good.

I turned off the faucet and picked a napkin from the rail.
I dried my face and walked back to Liam.

He sighed in relief when he saw me come out.
I smiled…”Do you think I’m just gonna disappear?
“Yeah w..

“Litam!! Dinner is getting cold” Mum yelled from the dinning.

“Mum we are coming” We said and rushed out of the room, laughing and pushing ourselves.

?Ellen’s POV?

I danced in my room with no music except the one coming out from my mouth;


?I dare you to come here right now,

?Come here…and I’m gonna shred your robe into pieces..

?You always use me?

? Forcing me to do what i don’t want to .

?But now I’m free?

?Freeeeeeee…. because you are goneeeeee.

? Quilah byeeee….

I laughed so hard and stopped dancing.
I feel so tired… I’ve been singing and dancing for hours.
Yeah!! I need to celebrate Quilah’s disappearance.

I’ve gotten my friends back! No one is gonna die anymore,but i got so lucky.
What if she had punished me before James barged in then i would be gone with her.

But i think she can’t stay close to where the necklace is and yet James came back into the compound with the necklaces and even walked in with it yet she can’t disappear.
Maybe the necklace held her rooted to the spot just like she always hold us rooted to a spot.

Haha….good for her!

I sighed in relief and stood up,i just need to eat right now.
I’m starving.
I slide my feet into my footwear and walked out of the roo.

“Mum” I called when i got to the living room.
I walked to the kitchen when i noticed she’s on a call.

Where’s the maid?
I need to apologise to her for slapping her when Quilah told me to.

It’s been ages i cooked but i still remembered everything perfectly.

Yesss I’m gonna make casserole! Mum’s favorite…I also need to apologise for being rude all this while.
I opened the cabinet and brought out apron and cap .

I wore it and headed to the sink to wash my hands.
I rinsed and dried it and then turned to see mum standing by the door looking at me in surprise.

“Mum” I called and hugged her pecking her on both cheeks.
“Ellen is this you?” She asked.
“Of course Mum..I’m the one,i know I’ve been rude to you and Dad but I’m sorry..i was been influenced but right now,your baby girl is back” I grinned.

She looks so surprised and happily.
She pulled me into a hug and pecked my forehead..

Awwwn…I’ve missed this.

“I’ve missed you baby” She said happily.
“I missed you too mum and I’m about to prepare your favorite,I’m gonna serve you once I’m done” i grinned.
“Wow…can i ever be happier than this” She said and I’m so glad there’s pure happiness in her eyes.

“Where’s the maid?” I asked.
“She went to get some things at the grocery store”
“Okay,i planned on apologising to her also” I said.
“Wow.. Really?”
“Yes mum”
“OMG I’m calling your dad now” She said happily and jumped out of the the kitchen.

I smiled and turned,my smile froze when i saw;



Just joking,i didn’t see anything.

Haha? I gat you???

(Love made her)?

Episode 39?

© Azeemah Salami✓

(Zeemah writes?)

?Kelly’s POV?

I sighed as i got up from the bed.
I rubbed my burning forehead and sniffled.
I was having runny nose since yesterday night.
I couldn’t sleep and kept tossing and turning on the bed thinking about Tammy of course.

It’s morning and i just have to get up and prepare for school,we all planned to resume school today, we’ve missed some days.

I opened my wardrobe and brought out my school wears with underwear.
I sneezed twice and placed my school wears on the bed.
I walked into the bathroom and headed for my toothbrush and paste.

I sometimes get tired of this morning routine..


I walked out of the bathroom with a towel draped over my waist.
I dried my body and applied body lotion before reaching for my underwear.
I put it on and reached for my school shirt…

I stood in front of my mirror after putting on my school wears.
I don’t like the way i look…my nose looks so red making my pale skin obvious.

Should i still go to school?

Yeah…i will,seeing Tammy can make me feel better.
I put on my shoes and re-brushed my hair.
I picked my backpack and hung it over my shoulders.

I picked an hankie and blew my nose into it.
I picked two more and kept it in my backpack.
I walked out of my room….

“Good morning Mum” I greeted loudly from the dining room.
She’s in the kitchen and i don’t think i have that strength to walk there.

What’s wrong with me this morning.

I quickly took a seat on the dining chair and rested my head on the dining table.
I heard mum’s footstep.

“Kelly your breakfast is ready” She said followed by a sound of a ceramic plate hitting the dining table.
“Kelly” She called again and this time i managed to raise up my head.

“Gosh!” She exclaimed.
“What’s wrong?” She asked.
“Nothing” I said and noticed my voice sounded hoarse.
“You look sick…” She said and felt my body temperature with the back of her palm.

She gasped…”Kelly!”
“What?” I asked.
“Why didn’t you tell me you are sick?” She asked.
“I’m not sick..just a runny nose,I’m just gonna eat my breakfast and leave for school” I said and pushed the tray forward.

“No way I’m letting you go to school in this condition,you are coming with me to the hospital” She said.
“Mum which condition…I’m fine, just a runny nose” I said,truly I’m not feeling good but i can’t admit that to mum.

“Go drop your backpack,let’s leave for the hospital” She said.
“I’m not going to the hospital,we all planned to resume school today” I sniffled and rubbed my forehead,i felt nauseated and strongly restrained the urge to vomit.


“Kelly you are not looking fine,you need to see the way you are now.. you’re getting me worried,let’s just go to the hospital”
“I’m not going Mum” I said weakly and rested my head on the chair’s headrest.

“Geez! Kelly are you okay,if you won’t come with me to the hospital,then I’m calling your dad” She said.
“Mum! I’m fine, don’t get too dramatic about this… I’ll be leaving for school now” I said and wanted to stand up from the chair but couldn’t.

I sighed as my eyes started getting dizzy,i tried to look okay just for Mum but it got worse and i finally let out a groan.


“Tina come in!” Mum shouted.

My eyelids felt heavy and i had to close my eyes.
I don’t know if i fell asleep or unconscious but the last thing i heard was “Kelly!!”

?Mara’s POV?

“Bryan what happen?” I asked as we sat in the cafeteria..
It’s lunch break.

“Aren’t you aware Kelly is not in school today?” He asked.
“Of course i am” I said and chewed on my fries.
“You are not bothered?” He asked.
“Why should i be bothered,is he sick?” I asked.
“I don’t know” He said.
“Then you shouldn’t be bothered,he might just decide not to come to school today” I said and picked a slice of Ellen’s cake,she glared at me and i chuckled.

“He just can’t decide not to come to school today without a reason,we all agreed to resume school today” Bryan said.
I sighed…”So why do you think he’s not in school today?”
“I don’t know but i feel if he’s okay,he should have called me and told me the reason he’s absent from school” He said.

I shrugged…it’s nothing to be bothered about,he should be okay wherever he is..he might just be too busy to come to school today.

“Have you tried calling him?” Laura asked.
“Of course…he isn’t picking up” Bryan said worriedly.
“OMG!” Laura suddenly exclaimed.
“What?” We asked.
“I hope his parents have not resumed their fight” She said with alarm.
“That’s true!” Bryan said.
“Geez! I hope not” I said and chewed my last fry.
“I’m gonna try calling him again” Bryan said.

The cafeteria light will be off soon and we’ll go on to our class.

I eyed the last piece of cake on Ellen’s plate.
She frowned and quickly stuffed it in her mouth.
“Ugh! So stingy” I said with nose high.

“He’s not picking up” Bryan said.
“I just hope he’s okay” I said.
“Me too”

“Well let’s go to the class” I said and stood up.
“Won’t you wait for the light to go off?” Laura asked.
“We’ve all finished eating and I’m getting tempted to order more,so if i don’t leave here on time then…..”
“Let’s go” Ellen stood up, followed by Laura then Bryan.

We walked back to the class, Bryan kept murmuring about Kelly.


“Should we go check on Kelly at home?” Bryan asked as we all headed to our cars in the parking lot.
“But why?” I asked.
“He wasn’t in school today”
“So? He might be busy Bryan, he’ll come tomorrow” I said not feeling like going to anyone’s house. I want to go home, freshen up,eat and then sleep.
I’m so tired,the whole class bombarded me with questions when i walked into the class this morning and i had to answer them all.

They were all happy I’ve resumed school but i keep having this unamed feeling concerning the remaining one year im gonna use.
Quilah is gone doesn’t mean the seal is changed.
I’m gonna go confirm from Doc Mart,i will redo the test,if it comes out that I’m safe then good but if it comes out like I’m thinking,I’m just gonna keep it to myself and prepare on my departure in the next year to come.

“He’s calling!” Bryan almost shouted, making me close the door to my thoughts.
He smiled as he swiped to the receiver,he placed it on his ear and we all waited.

? Hey buddy…

**We didn’t hear what Kelly was saying at the other end but i furrowed my brows when his face changed.

?Kelly was unconscious?” He asked and we gasped.
?W..where is he?” He asked.
?We are on our way.

“Kelly was about coming to school this morning when he fell unconscious” Bryan said and a tear dropped out of his eyes.

Why is he crying?

“What happened to him exactly?” Laura asked.
“I don’t know till we get there” He said.
“Damn! We need to go see him” Ellen said.
“He’s conscious now right?” I asked.
“Yeah…he’s at home with his mum and doctor”
“Let’s go check on him fast,i need to go home” I said.

They turned to look at me and i gave them a questioning look.
“What? Why are you all staring at me. Let’s go check on Kelly..whose car are we going in?” I asked.
“My car” Bryan said.
“Alright,a minute. I gotta tell Max to go home” i said and headed to where Max is standing,the rest also did the same except Bryan.

“Hey Max, good afternoon” i greeted.
“How are you?”
“I’m fine,we just got a call that Kelly is sick so we’re all going to his house in Bryan’s car” i said.
“Alright..I’m free to leave then?”
“Of course…bye Max” I said.
“Bye Mara”

I turned and started walking back to Bryan’s car, Ellen was also doing so and we both met and walked together.

“Mara” She called.
“Huh?” I asked.
“Do you hate Kelly?” She asked.
“Gosh! Hell no,why would you say that?” I asked.
“I’m very sure if it was Bryan that fell unconscious,you would have willingly jumped out of the gate for him” She said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.
“We were told Kelly fell unconscious and you didn’t act like you care, that’s unfair” She said.
“I didn’t act like i care? Of course i care, Kelly is my friend so why won’t i care and what am i being unfair about?” I asked unhappily.

“You both should hurry up” Bryan shouted from his car.
We quickened our steps and we were in Bryan’s car in no time.


Rollins drove into Kelly’s compound and parked at a suitable spot.
We all stepped out of the car and Bryan, Laura and Ellen already dashed to the door.

What’s wrong with these ones?

I also ran after them,i don’t want anyone saying i don’t care again.
His mum opened the door and i saw her face red with tears.

Is he not yet conscious?

“What happened to Kelly?” We chorused.
She smiled…”He fell unconscious in the morning but my doctor has attended to him,he’s fine now” She said.
Bryan heaved a loud sigh of relief.

“Thank goodness” I muttered.
“My bad! You all should come in” She said and paved way for us.
We entered and i was a little bit wowed.
This is the first time i will be allowed into Kelly’s living room and this is the second time i will be visiting his house.

“He’s in his room right?” Bryan asked.
“Yeah, what do you all care for?” She asked.
“We are okay ma’am” we chorused.
“Let’s go check on him” Bryan said and started walking towards the stairs.

“Do you know his room?” I asked.
He laughed…”of course”.
We followed his lead until we got to Kelly’s door.
He pulled it open and we walked in.
I was wowed again by the setting of his room.

Kelly is really living big and yet he acts like one poor guy.

He’s sleeping cutely on the bed,with an almost finished drip connected to his arm.
A beautiful female doctor was beside him, packing her things back into a box.
“Good afternoon” We greeted.
“Good afternoon”She smiled..”You are gonna wake him” She said to Bryan who was already beside Kelly.

“Is he going to be fine?” He asked.
“Of course he will..infact,he’s already fine,once he wakes up..he’s just gonna eat and rest” She said.

“What really happened to him? Why was he unconscious?” Laura asked.
“He has been thinking a lot,and having sleepless nights. Having little sleep can make one weak. His was so much to the extent that he fell unconscious,he will be fine” She said.

“What could he be thinking about?” Ellen asked.
Bryan glanced at me and i sighed.
“Bryan can you tell me what Kelly is thinking about,his dad and i already stopped fighting” Kelly’s mum said worriedly.

I hadn’t noticed she came in behind us.

“I..i don’t know what he could be thinking about” Bryan said glancing at me occasionally.

Why the glance huh?

I’m not the one he’s thinking about,he’s thinking about the school work he has missed not me!

Kelly’s mum followed the doctor out of the room.

Thank goodness the doctor said he will be fine,
I have to leave now…I need to go rest.

I cleared my throat.

“I would have loved to wait till he wakes up but i have to go” I said.
“Mara!” Bryan exclaimed while Laura and Ellen glared at him.
“What?” I asked confusingly.
“You mean you are leaving?” He asked.

“Bryan was that the reason you yelled?” I asked.
“Why would you leave!”
“Why won’t i leave? Should i babysit him! The doctor said he’s fine and i need to go home to rest,I’m not feeling so well” I said, getting pissed they are thinking that I’m not caring enough.

“Mara that’s not nice” Laura said .
“Seriously what’s wrong with you Mara?” Ellen asked.
“What’s all this?” I restrained myself from yelling.
“You can leave if you want to, we’ll tell him you stop by” Bryan said.
“Alright,then why the yell… Bye guys,see you all tomorrow” I said and turned to leave.

“Mara like seriously you are leaving?” Laura asked.
“What?!” I yelled loudly turning in the process.
They shifted back.

“What do you want me to do? Consider my explanation also, you’ll thinking I’m not caring..I am! Kelly is my friend and i care about him but i just have to go home,i don’t understand how I’m feeling..i need to leave” I said and walked to the door.

I held the door knob and turned,they all stood staring at me.
I saw Kelly’s eyes open.

“He’s awake” I said to them, turned the door knob and walked out of the room.


I alighted from the cab in front of my house and walked to the gate.
I paid him already.

I knocked on the gate waiting for James.
The gate was opened but not by James but Max.

“Where’s James?” I asked.
“He went to get something” He said.
“Okay” i said and started walking to the main door.
“How’s your friend feeling and you are back earlier than we thought ” Max said.

“He’s fine and do you think I’m gonna spend the night there?” I asked and walked to the door.
I’m not usually this rude but why do everyone keep expecting me to spend the whole time with Kelly.

I opened the door and walked in.
Liam and Mum was at the living room and surprisingly none of them was watching movie.

“Mara how’s Kelly?” Liam asked.
“Good afternoon Mum” I greeted.
“How’s Kelly?” Liam asked again.
“He’s fine” i said and started walking up to my room.

“Mara” he called.
“What?” I turned.
“I said how’s Kelly?” He asked.
“LIAM, AND I HE’S FINE” I shouted before i could stop myself.
“What’s wrong?” Mum asked.
“You mean what’s wrong with me or Kelly?” I asked.
“Kelly,i can understand your mood right now” She said.

Understand my mood?

“Kelly fell unconscious in the morning but now he’s fine,placed on drip” I said.
“Why are you home?” Liam asked.
“Am i to sleep on the road?” I asked.
“Is Bryan still with him?” He asked.
“Yeah with Laura and Ellen ” I said.

“Then why are you home,can’t you also wait with the poor guy?” He asked.
“The doctor said he’ll be fine or rather he’s fine so what else do i have to wait for?” I asked.
“Mara that’s unfair, Kelly stood by you and refused to go home while you were at the hospital and now he’s sick,I’m very sure you didn’t spend up to an hour with him. What the hell is wrong with you?” Liam blasted.

“What the fuck is wrong with everyone! Do you’ll expect me to spend the whole day and night with him. I know he stood by me at the hospital but i don’t just know how I’m feeling, that’s the reason i just have to come home and besides he’s FINE! Go babysit him if you wish” I hissed and started climbing the stairs.

“Liam, let her be” Mum shouted.
I turned and saw Liam at the edge of the stairs.
I chuckled “Were you about to hit me?”
“I can’t hit you but do you really have to be this way? Kelly confessed his feelings to you does not mean you should treat him this way,this is totally unfair!” He said.

“Everyone should just leave me alone! Let me be!” I yelled and stomped to my room.

I sighed angrily as i entered my room.
I dropped my backpack on the couch and started pulling off my shoes.

I was about sitting on the bed when i noticed i felt wet.
I stood straight and quickly walked to the calendar.

It was yesterday i marked but it turned out to be today.
Damn! I should have known there was more to my mood swing.
It’s a shame mum knows me than i know myself.
If i dont feel pains when on my period then my mood takes the blame.
No wonder i didn’t feel so good and was yelling at everyone.

But is this really the reason i don’t want to stay with Kelly?…I guess so but i would have stayed with him if i like so I’m not gonna blame my mood for that.
I feel like spanking myself..I can’t believe i yelled at Bryan,what would he think of me? I’m just gonna apologise to him tomorrow.


I was done freshening up and was putting on my blue tank top,my black shorts came next and i combed my hair.
I packed it in a high ponytail, slipped into my footwear and walked out of my room.

I’m hungryyyyy…


I saw Liam and Mum at the living room but this time they were watching a movie.
I felt bad about the way i spoke to Liam but I’m not gonna apologise first.
It’s not my fault but this nature of a thing.

I walked to the kitchen.
I sighed and thought of what to make,i just wished we had a Kitchener.

Noodles will be fine.


I sat at the dining eating the noodles i prepared when Liam walked past me to the kitchen.
Well..I remained some noodles for him.

I thought he was eating the noodles i prepared for him but was surprised when he came out with a cup of cereal, milk,sugar and water all placed on a tray.

He walked past me to the living room and then i know he’s really angry with me.
Like i care!

I continued eating my noodles staring at the wall and thinking in the process.
Im sure Kelly saw me walked out of his room.
What actually got into me to behave that way.

I had known things won’t be the same between us anymore the moment he confessed his feelings to me but that does not bring about what i did today.
Fine! I’m just gonna apologise.


“Mum..I will be in my room” i said after i finished washing the dish.
“Alright” She said.
My eyes met with Liam,he gave me a glare before looking away.

I shrugged and climbed the stairs to my room.

I opened the door and stepped in.
A chill ran down my spine and i quickly scanned my room.
What was i expecting.
Why do i feel like going back to the living room.

I closed the door behind me and walked to my bed.
I picked my phone as i sat down.
I thought of calling Bryan but later resorted to playing games.

Aaaargh…I have some assignments to do.

I dropped my phone and stared at my backpack on the shelf.
“Can’t you just come meet me yourself,do i have to always get up to get you” I said tiredly.

I got the shock of my life when the backpack moved from the shelf down to bed,just beside me.

I screamed….”Mummy!!”

„DONT SHOUT,YOU WON’T BE HEARD“ The most gentle voice I’ve ever heard said.
I opened my eyes and saw the most handsome man on Earth in a pure white robe.

His face alone made me felt at ease,he looks kind but i was still scared.
How did he get in here?
Quilah’s sibling?




“You are a the god of peace?” I asked.


I’m not surprised he knows my name.
“Do you by any chance know Quilah?” I asked.

“I? Is there anything?” I asked.


“You mean,you told her to spare me?”
“Wow! Thanks” I smiled.


I knew it!

“I don’t want to die, please help me” i said starting to cry.


I bursted into tears…”Help me please i don’t want to die, please help me” I cried.


“Plea…” I was pleading but noticed he already left.

“I knew it” i said and cried hard on the bed.

I have a year to live!!

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 38

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4 years ago

OMG…. This is very disheartening ? ?