JUST FOR LOVE Episode 35 – 36 by Azeemah Salami

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 33 - 34 by Azeemah Salami

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 35 by Azeemah Salami

©Azeemah Salami✓

(Zeemah writes ?)


?Mara’s POV?

I climbed down from the stairs and headed to the living room.
Everyone is seated like i requested.

Laura, Bryan, Kelly, Ellen, Liam and Mum.
The past few days have been sad for everyone and i know my confession is gonna make it worse but i gotta do it.

“Good morning everyone”
“Morning Mara”
I sat down on a separate couch and cleared my throat

It all began like this;


“Ellen i really love Bryan” I said sadly to her.
We were on a holiday to her granny’s place in the countryside.
We were having our lunch at the dining.
Granny was taking a nap.

“I know you love him,but why don’t you tell him,he might feel something for you too” she said.
“Feel something for me?” I laughed.
“What’s funny?” Ellen asked.
“He can’t feel anything for me” I said.
“And why is that?” Ellen asked.
“Cause IM FAT AND UGLY” I said close to tears.

I’ve always complained about the way i am.
I want to be slim and beautiful like other girls but all i gat is a useless fat body and ugly face.

“Com’on Mara,I’ve always told you not to be condemning yourself,you are beautiful the way you are. Now tell me,if Bryan thinks of you as fat and ugly then why did he became your friend” She said.
“I want more than friends. Ellen, friend is nothing compared to what I’m feeling for Bryan” I said.

“Tell him about it,even if he’s gonna reject you. You will get over it,he might also like you” She said.
“Quit the tease, who is gonna like a fat and ugly girl” I said and dropped my spoon.

I’ve always being bullied and taunted all the days of my life just because of this damn body structure.

“Mara! You are beautiful! being fat is not a disease!” Ellen said.
“Being fat is not a disease? Then why am i being laughed at anywhere i go! Why am i being bullied! Why am i being criticized!”
“We love you for who you are, don’t care about what other people think. Strive hard to attain your goals and then disappoint them. Those people who were laughing at you will end up begging on their knees…Mara love yourself the way you are” She said.

“My only goal now is to date Bryan,I’ve never loved anyone like i love him…but the courage to tell him isn’t there cause he’s probably gonna refuse a fatty” i said.
“So are you going to wait till forever before you tell him?” She asked.

“I don’t know!” I said.
“Uhg!” She sighed.
“I wish i can change into what I’ve always imagined” I said and she laughed.
“You wish you will just become a svelte all of a sudden..how’s that possible?” She asked.
“I know it’s not possible… that’s the reason it’s called a ‘wish’ ” I said.

“Okay but let be serious here, you need to tell Bryan” She said.
“I can’t”
“You will”
“He’s gonna mock me”
“He will not!”
“He will”

“I’m done with this!” I said and picked my tray of breakfast,then carried it to the kitchen.
Ellen followed me and we both wash our dishes in silence.

I dried my hands.
“El…I will be in the library” I said.
“I want to have a Walk” She said.
I would have loved to follow her but right now,im kinda pissed…if only i had the perfect body, I’ll freely go anywhere!

“Okay” I said and walked to the library.
I selected a love novel and sat down on a single chair to read.
I really love everything about this countryside.
So natural and cool.

I opened to the first page of the novel.
It looks boring.
I closed it and placed it on the plastic table.
I rested my head on the table and began thinking of Bryan like I’ve always done…


“Mara” Ellen shouted followed by a bang.

Ahh! I’ve slept off.

“Ellen come in,the library door is open” I shouted and she did.
She has an anxious look in her eyes.

“Ellen what happened?” I asked.
She sat quietly on the chair opposite mine.
“Mara didn’t you say you want to have a perfect figure and also a beautiful face” She said.

“Yeah…I wish to” I said.
“Hmm….I’ve seen a solution to that” She said.
I laughed “Well…you have the right to mock me”
“I’m not mocking you, Mara I’m serious!” She said with a very serious look.
“Really?” I asked almost sliding off my chair.
“OMG what’s the solution?” I asked anxiously.

“I just met a goddess of wish” She said.
“A goddess of wish? Where? How?” I asked.
“I was out for my walk and i kinda disobey granny,you know granny said we shouldn’t visit that cave on the rock?” She said.

“Ellen you did!?” I asked and she nodded.
“But granny warned us not to go there!” I said.
“Yeah…I actually don’t know what pushed me there but i went there and..”
“Does that have to with my figure?” I asked.
“Of course! I went there and stood by the entrance of the cave,i heard;

I’m Quilah the great goddess of wishes.
What do you want me to do for you?

“Wow! She told you that?” I asked.
“No! There was someone in her cave at that moment” She said.
“Okay continue,so what happened?” I asked.

“The lady then said;

Quilah,i want you to grant me a wish.
My wish is to be among the wealthiest ladies in the world.

“Wow really?” I asked.
“Of course! Guess what?”
“What?” I asked.
“The lady came out of the cave with two sacks containing billions of dollars,she dragged it to her car smiling happily and then zoomed off”
“Wow! Quilah granted her her wish” I said.
“Yeah but I’m not done…when i was about leaving the entrance and running home to tell you the gist,do you know what happened?” She asked.

“What?” I asked more anxiously.
“Quilah said;


“What!! How did she know your name?” I asked in shock.
“I also didn’t know…I was shocked to my feet..I made to run but found my legs glued to the spot,i couldn’t move and i started crying.
I felt a great force push me in and i found myself standing right in front of Quilah” Ellen said and i gasp.

“How is she like?” I asked curiously.
“I was expecting to meet an ugly being but i was wrong,she’s a beautiful woman in a deep red robe,she held a white staff and can you believe this?” Ellen asked.
“What?” I asked.
“She has a white hair which is long down to her feet!” Ellen said.
“Wow! Really?” I asked.
“Yes! So let me continue;

I met myself standing right in front of her,i shivered in fear.
She gave a long throaty laughter and said;


I’m s.. sorry,i was just taking a walk.


I’ve been warned… please I’m sorry. Just let me go,i won’t ever come here again.


“OMG,did she punish you? How come you returned home unscathed?” I asked
“She didn’t punish me,i cried and begged her,she pardoned me and warned me never to come close to her cave again…I was about running out when i thought of you”
“I?” I asked curiously.
“Yeah didn’t you always say you wish to have an attractive body and face?” She asked.

“Yeah and what does that have to do with the witch!” I asked.
“Com’on she’s not a witch! She’s a goddess. So i stopped and asked her if truly she can grant any wish;


Can you grant my friend’s wish?


“What!! Ellen,you shouldn’t have told her about me” I said in fear.
“I didn’t tell her,i only mentioned ‘my friend’ and i was surprised she got the whole detail”
“Whatever! I don’t want to have anything to do with that witch” I said.
“Mara she’s not a witch! I’ve told you she’s a goddess!”
“Are you starting to defend her? Ellen you shouldn’t have gone there in the first place!” I said.
“I know but the deed has been done” She said.

“No deed has been done! Thank goodness she made you return unscathed, that’s all. Don’t ever visit the cave again” I said.
“She told me she’s ready to grant your wish,that you are gonna become the way you’ve always wished in 24hours” Ellen said making me exclaim.

“Uhh! I don’t want to have anything to do with that w–woman” I said.
“Com’on don’t you badly want that!”
“I don’t anymore.” I said.
“But Mara,I’ve told her about you” She said.
“That’s it! You shouldn’t have told her about me,why did you?” I asked.
“Cause i want the best for you,you’ve always complained on how bad you look. Now there is an opportunity and you are willing to allow it slip away” She said.

“Don’t get me wrong! I know I’ve always wished for that perfect figure but I’m afraid to have anything to do with that goddess” I said.
“She’s not gonna hurt you, she’s gonna grant your wish and then we’ll leave” She said.
“Is it that easy?” I asked.
“Of course! She gave that woman two sacks of dollars without requesting anything”.
“But what? Mara just agree to this, remember we are leaving for the city by next week, don’t allow this opportunity to slip away” She said.

“I know…I’m gonna think about it” I said.
“Think about what? I told her I’m gonna come with you tomorrow”
“What! Weren’t you afraid of her?” I asked.
“No,she’s not scary”
“Well…I’m not going with you to her cave..I’m afraid” I said.
“You are gonna go with me” She said.
“Ellen I’m not going with you” I said.
“You will”
“I will not!” I said.

“You will not?” She asked.
“Yeah” I said.
“And you think you can get Bryan?” She asked making me froze.

OMG…I didn’t even think of him,he probably doesn’t want to ask me out because of the way i look.
But once i turn to an attractive thing,he’s gonna ask me out and boom!

I’m gonna become his girlfriend..

“Huh..I will think about it” I said.
“I want you to give me and answer now” She said.
“Ellen,i still need to think” I said.
“Okay! But you are going with me to the goddess tomorrow” She said.

If i want to go with her,it will be because of Bryan but i still need to think about it.

“Ellen,Mara” We both heard granny called and then walked out to meet her.


I had a sleepless night fantasizing on how I’m gonna turn to a slim beautiful girl,on how Bryan is gonna drool at my sight and ask me to be his girlfriend.

Should i go with Ellen to the cave?
I badly need to change from this disgusting figure.
I shouldn’t miss this opportunity.
The goddess won’t request anything from me,so why don’t i just go for it.

I should be able to do anything for love.
I stood up from the bed and quickly walked to the bathroom.
I loosened my robe and hanged it on the rail then picked my toothbrush and paste.

***. ***

I finished my morning routine and walked out of the bathroom in a blue fluffy towel.
A white smaller one wrapped round my head.

Ellen is still asleep…I’m gonna wake her up after I’m done dressing up.
I opened my cloth bag and selected a black turtle neck and a pair of blue jeans.
I opened a smaller zip and selected my undies.

We didn’t plan on spending our whole holiday day,just a week so we didn’t bother unpacking.

I dried my body with the towel and applied body lotion.
I got into my selected outfit and settled down to dry my hair.

I don’t think there’s hair dryer here,so sad i didn’t bring mine.
I used the head towel to sponge out most of the water in my hair.
I kept repeating that till my hair was better. I won’t say dry cause it’s not completely dried.

I combed it and packed it in a high ponytail.
I turned and saw Ellen sitting up on the bed.
“Hey! Sleepyhead,i was about waking you” I said.
“Thank Goodness you didn’t,i would have bitten off your hand” She said.
“Gross!” I rolled my eyes.

She laughed and stood up from the bed.
“So have you decided?” She asked.
“About what?” I asked even though i clearly know what she’s talking about.
“Like you don’t know” She said and picked her yellow towel.

She loves anything yellow but i think yellow is always flashy so i don’t really like it.
My favorite color is black.

“Okay” I sighed…”I’ve decided about it”
“And?” She asked.
“I will go for it” I said slowly.
“Wow! That’s great,you finally came to your senses” She teased.
“There’s a reason I’m doing this” I said and slide my feet into my bunny flip-flops.
“For Bryan?” She asked.
“Yeah…I’m doing this for Bryan or rather for love” i said.
“Do you love him that much?” She asked more seriously.

“If i don’t,i won’t step my feet into this. I’m crazily in love with him” I said.
“To be sincere,Mara you are starting to slim down. You look beautiful,there are a lot of people who envy you” she said.
“Envy me?” I laughed.
“Yeah…they envy you and that’s the reason they bully you” She said and i sighed not wanting to believe her.

Who would envy a fat,ugly girl? Even if I’m not very ugly but my shape is!.

“So do you still want to do this?” She asked.
“Of course,i will…I fantasized about it all night” I smiled.
“Okay,let me go have my bath…we will leave once granny is taking her afternoon nap” She whispered.
“Okay…I will be in the kitchen” i said walking out of the room.

*** ***

We sneaked out of the house after we were sure granny is deeply asleep.
I saw the cave from afar and began having second thought.

Should i still do this?

I shrugged and kept following Ellen.

We finally got to the entrance of the cave.
We both stopped and stared at each other.

I was starting to get afraid…”Ellen let’s go back home”
“No! She already knows we are here” She said.


I shook in fear as Quilah said that.
“H..how did she know my name?” I asked.
“She also knew my name yesterday” Ellen said.
“Let’s run back home” I whispered.
“We can’t!”
“Why?” I asked.
“You won’t be able to move” She said.
“Really?” I asked and gasped when i discovered it was true.

I was not able to move from the spot.


“We will come in but please free our legs” Ellen said.


I noticed i was able to move and then began running but i felt a sudden force pulled me back.
I opened my eyes and found myself and Ellen inside the cave right in front of the so called Quilah.

I gasped … This wasn’t i expected,she’s exceptionally beautiful in a red robe and pure white.
Her hair is long to her feet as Ellen said and her body structure is just so perfect.

If only i was as beautiful as that,i wouldn’t have come here.


I was shocked…how did she..did she read my mind?


I nodded in fright and then stared at Ellen.


“Yes but not anymore, please let me leave” I said.

“Mara! Didn’t you decide you wanted to do this” Ellen said and i glared at her.
“I don’t want to do this anymore” I said.
“Quilah she’s going to do it” Ellen said.
“I’m not doing it”
“You will”
“I will not!”
“You will!”


We both kept quiet and stared at each other.


“I..i don’t know,i just don’t want to do this anymore” I said.
“Mara! Remember Bryan, don’t you want him to love you, don’t you want people to admire you everywhere you go instead of bullying and making fun of you” Ellen said.

I don’t care about all that except Bryan.
I’m gonna do this,just for him.

“Okay…I will do it but i hope i won’t be hurt?” I asked.


“What’s that?” I asked curiously.


“Here?” I asked and looked around.
There are dirty local pots everywhere with cobwebs and some rotten things i can’t name.
I nearly puked.


I gasped in shock and shifted back when the most beautiful bedroom appeared.
It’s sparkling neat with everything i could ever request for.
The bed is well spread and the rug…OMG.

“H..ow did you do that?” I gasped.
“Can i sleep in there with her?” Ellen asked.


“it’s so beautiful!” I exclaimed.


I looked at Ellen and she gave me a reassuring look.
I sighed and walked closer to her.

She dipped a little bowl in a large pot containing greenish liquid.
She handed it over to me.


I turned back to look at Ellen and she whispered “Drink it”

Just for Bryan…I gulped it down and it tasted like a sour soup down my throat.
I restrained the urge to vomit,the little empty bowl fell from my hand and i staggered back.

It seems the portion changed my entire system.
I felt so new.
My eyes were starting to get dizzy and all i remembered was falling to the ground before blacking out.

*** ***

I opened my glued eyes and adjusted it to the brightness surrounding me.
I noticed im laying in an unfamiliar room but the most beautiful room I’ve ever seen.

What am i doing here?

I heard some sounds like a chant.
I laid still cause i was afraid to move or do anything.

I noticed i was not feeling heavy like i normally feel but i shrugged it off.

Where exactly is this?

«SHE’S AWAKE» I heard the familiar voice and everything came running back into my head.


I was in the beautiful bedroom she created.
I remembered i had slumped after drinking the portion.

Where’s Ellen?

“OMG… Mara,you are awake” i heard Ellen giggled excitedly before sitting beside me.
I felt so relieved she’s here with me.

“What happened to me?” I asked.
“You slumped yesterday..”
“Yesterday?” I asked.
“Yeah,it was yesterday you drank the portion..you slumped and i was so afraid. Quilah said the portion is too strong for you and i had to quickly go about getting the things she asked me to. Thank goodness you are awake now..I was so afraid” She said.

I sighed; “I was here since yesterday?” I asked.
“What of granny? What did you tell her?” I asked.
” I lied to her that your mum is sick and you already went home but that aside… Mara you need to see how you look now” She said and i noticed she’s holding herself from screaming.

“How i look?” I asked.
“Yes” She smiled.
“The portion worked?” I asked anxiously.
“Yes it did, Mara you are now more beautiful than i” She said and i almost shouted at her to stop teasing me.

“Im gonna blindfold you now and make you stand in front of that mirror then you’ll see how changed you are” Ellen said.

I smiled,hoping it’s true.


I knew i was standing in front of the mirror but i couldn’t see my reflection cause i was still blindfolded.

“Surprise!” She said and removed the blindfold.
I was shocked when i saw a different person.
A beautiful and perfectly structured teenager with the most beautiful set of eyes,nose and lips.
Just the way I’ve always wished to be but i know I’m not the one.

I waited for the girl to move away so i can see my fatty self but she refused to move.
I moved my hand and the beautiful reflection also did.

What a coincidence!

I moved my legs,the beautiful reflection did also.

Is it another coincidence?

I pushed my chest forward and the reflection did also.
This time,i was sure it was no coincidence;

I’m the one!
I’m the one!!
I’m the one!!!

I’m no longer the fatty Mara!

“IM THE ONE!” I screamed excitedly and jumped into Ellen’s hand.
She didn’t fall, my weight wasn’t too much for her.
I’m now perfect.

We both screamed happily jumping round the room.
My happiness knew no bound as i thanked Quilah profusely.

My wish has been granted just by drinking a simple portion which did me no harm.
I’m so grateful.
I can now walk freely!
I can now walk into the school cafeteria without anyone laughing but admiring me.
I can now be counted among the most beautiful girls in Makers high school and finally;

I can now own Bryan’s heart!
That will be so great.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror for the twentieth time and can’t help but admire the damsel i’ve become.

Am i really the one?
Yes i am..

“Ellen” I called after i suddenly thought of something.
“Huh?” She asked.
“What am i gonna tell mum and Liam” I said worriedly.
“I already thought of that,so you are gonna tell them i made you workout and also drank the fit tea granny always make”
“Fit tea?” I asked.
“Yeah…I cooked up that, you’ll tell them the fit tea normally makes one fit and conjoined with the workout i made you do,this is the result” She said.

“Wow! Do you think they’d believe that?” I asked knowing Mum and Liam can be so curious.
“Of course they will! You’ll make them believe that” She said.
“Okay,let’s assume they are gonna believe that,what about my beautiful face” I said proudly.

“That’s not a problem, you’ll tell them that there are some delicacies in the countryside which normally changes one’s face,you know they’ve never been to the countryside so they will have no choice but to believe you and besides they won’t ever think you did something like this?” Ellen said.

“Wow…high five bestie” I said and we both exchanged high fives grinning happily.
“But you’ll have to do something to make them believe you better” She said.
“What?” I asked.
“You will stay here for a month” She said.
“But you already told granny that I’ve gone home” I said.
“You are gonna stay with Quilah” She said.

“What!” I exclaimed.
“Yeah…if you go home with me, granny will know we visited this cave and she’s gonna run a call across Mum” She said.
“Haaa so you mean i will stay with Quilah for some weeks?” I asked a little bit terrified.

“Yes..I’ve told her about it and she said you can have the bedroom to yourself,she isn’t gonna disturb you or anything…I will come visiting everyday” Ellen said and i sighed.
“What about food? I can’t see a kitchen here” I said.
“Quilah is gonna add a kitchen to this room”
“So you want me to be eating magical food? Hell no!” I said.

“Okay,i will be bringing you food.. breakfast, lunch and dinner” She said.
“Thanks bestie” I hugged her happily.

“So everything is well planned out right?” She asked.
“Of course!” I said.
“That aside, you are making me jealous as i keep staring at you…just imagine! Fatty Mara is more beautiful than I” She teased and we both laughed.

I danced happily in front of the mirror.

OMG…just like a dream!!

I’m so happy to have transformed into this beautiful girl.

Quilah thank you…..


“OH MY GOODNESS” Mum screamed in tears.
They all looked shocked at my confession except Ellen who was sobbing.

“I’m sorry,i know i broke your trust but I’m sorry” I said I’m tears and sniffled.

Laura looked shocked staring at me without uttering a word.
Kelly looked more shocked and disappointed with tears rolling down his cheeks.
Bryan looked the most shocked, staring into space.. trying to take in what i just confessed.

I slowly looked at Liam who shook his head in disbelief..his cheeks were wet with tears and he kept mute staring disappointedly at me.
He hate lies and i just did that.
What i did was more than lie…Liam would never trust me again.

I bursted into tears at how silent everyone is,their gazes were all fixed at me and i saw another look behind their shock.
Disappointment! They are disappointed at me.

“T..a..m y..ou did that?” Liam asked with a slow chuckle.
“I..m sorry” I cried and tried to hold his hand but he shifted away from me with a look of hurt in his eyes.
“No!” He yelled…”You can’t do that! You didn’t do that! Someone threatened you to say all that right? I trust you. Tam you don’t do anything without telling me so i believe all you just said now are lies!” He said and wiped off his tear-streaked face.

I shook my head…
“No one threatened me to say that,that was what i did … Please I’m sorry, everyone should forgive me. Remember when i told you i had a scary nightmare? It was all lies.
Quilah came back for me,she has been disappearing and appearing in my room…she, she killed Jessie” I said.

“What!” Everyone screamed.

“Jessie was being inquisitive over my sudden transformation so Quilah killed her” I sobbed.
There was this look of hate in their eyes as they all stared at me.
I cried and was disappointed at myself.
I regret meeting Quilah.
I regret my life!

“She said she will come back for me and she came back…she made me vomit blood and said i had a year to live for the payback of what she did for me” I said and cleaned my tears.
“You all already hate me for what i did,i can’t wait for a year so i will be gone from your lives” I said and tried to stop tears from flowing but it overpowered me.

Everyone bursted out crying… Bryan slowly stood up and walked to me.

“I don’t hate you and i will never hate you,Mara you are the best thing that has ever happened to me,you are my best friend and will forever remain my best friend…I hate myself cause you did all that for me and yet my heart isn’t longing towards you..I’m sorry Mara,I’m the cause of all this. If you hadn’t loved me..you wouldn’t have done all this. Now you have a year to live just because of me,just because of the me!! I feel so guilty and I’m gonna kill myself after you are gone” He said in tears and ran his hand through his hair.

I drew him closer to me and hugged him tightly..
“Bryan, please don’t kill yourself after I’m gone,live for me,live for everyone..I got what i deserved” I said and cried on his shoulder.
“I caused all this for you Mara…I’m the cause of all this! I’m so sorry, please forgive me” He cried and pecked my forehead.

That melted a part of my pain.

“You didn’t cause any of this,i was the one! Will you promise me a thing and i will be forever happy” I said.
“What? I’m gonna kill you for you Mara,I’m gonna do anything for you..I’m gonna promise you anything” He said.

“Good! You have to promise me not to kill yourself after I’m gone” I said.
He sighed without saying anything but just stare at me.
“Please Bryan…just promise, remember you said you’ll do anything for me” I said.
He nodded..
“I want you to talk” I said.
“I..i pr..promise not to ki..ll myself” He said and cried before pulling me back to him.

I dipped my hands in his hair and cried.
We cried in each other’s arms for so long till everyone stood up and walked to me.

“Mara i don’t hate you,why should i? I understand the reason you did this” Laura said and hugged me.
“Thanks” I said.
“Mara…i can also do the same for you cause i love you,there nothing bad in what you did but you just did it in the wrong way..even if you had done something worse than that,i will still love you and i will forever Love you” Kelly said and i was so touched and began to weep.

He hugged me and i smiled when i pecked his forehead..
“Thank you Kelly” I said and hugged him tightly.

“Ellen” Liam called gently but there was anger beneath that voice.
“Huh?” Ellen asked in tears.
“Get out” he said.
“I’m so..”
“Get out!!” He yelled.

“I also have somethings to say” She cried.
“Get out!!!” Liam yelled louder.
“Please don’t let me go out, Quilah is going to kill me” She said in tears.


JUST FOR LOVE Episode 36 by Azeemah Salami

(Zeemah writes?)

?Mara’s POV?

“GET OUTTT!!!” Liam yelled at Ellen.
She stood up in tears and started walking out.

“Ellen” Mum called and she turned.
“Liam let her say what she has to” Mum said.
“Thank you Mum” She said and sat down.
She wiped her tears and began;

“After we left the countryside, Quilah kept pestering me,she will force me to do what i don’t want to when i was not even the one she granted a wish.
I got so pissed cause i was suffering for what Mara did.

I knew very well that Bryan was the reason Mara did all she did,so i planned to also make her sad by dating Bryan, though Quilah initially told me to be mean to Mara but i added my own ways.
I told Mara that we shouldn’t attend Bryan’s party,she agreed but i went behind her back.

So,it got to the truth and dare section in the party and i carried out my plan.
I dared Bryan to date me for three months and he accepted the dare.
I know that was going to make Mara sad but then i didn’t care cause i was going through hell in Quilah’s hand just for Mara.

Recently, Quilah came to meet me that she wants me to take the necklace off Mara’s neck so she can be able to have access to her.

“Necklace?” I asked.

“Yeah,the fallen angels necklace” she said and i stared at my neck.
My necklace was still laying there,i glanced at Bryan also.. same thing.

“What does this necklace has to do with Quilah?” I asked curiously.
“Quilah said it’s a magical necklace made with the golds from a so called garden,the garden is forbidden to Quilah and others except the real owners.
So she told me the necklace is preventing her from accessing you,i should find ways to get it away from your neck if i don’t want to mourn my parents.

“What!” I exclaimed.
“Yes, she threatened me with that and i know she’s gonna do whatever she says so i..i agreed to get the necklace from your neck..T..that was the reason i reconciled with you”

“Geez!” I exclaimed in shock.
I now see the reason she told me to give her my necklace immediately we reconciled.
Laura warned me but i was being a fool.

I looked over at Laura and she gave me a i-told-you look.

I sighed and turned back to Ellen.

“I’m sorry…She agreed not to hurt you,that she just wanted to have a little chat with you.
So when you gave me that necklace,i was expecting Quilah to meet with you but it seems she didn’t till school was over.
I was curious as i handed the necklace back to you.

I got home and met her as usual.
I told her i already got the necklace off your neck that what does she want again.
She said she wasn’t able to access you still cause Bryan Shaw was with you”

“She knows my name?” Bryan asked in surprise gripping my hand in fear.
I should have laughed but i can’t in this tension.
“She knows everyone’s name” I said and remembered i was with Bryan the day Ellen and i reconciled.
He took me to the garden to talk to me about Kelly but unknowingly his necklace saved him.

“So she told me Bryan protected Mara with his own necklace,that i will need to get the necklace away from both Bryan and Mara’s neck… Bryan remember i called you that afternoon and told you not to wear your necklace to school the next day…”

“OMG! So this was the reason?” Bryan asked.
“Yes it was…I told Bryan not to wear his necklace to school the next day but he refused so i went to his house and..and..and…”

I noticed her cheeks had gone pink.
Did something happen?
Did anything naughty happened?
I hope not!!

“I..i stole the necklace from him and went home” She said and i was relieved nothing funny happened.
If anything happened,she would have said it cause she’s confessing everything right now.

“I lied to him the next day that it was in his drawer and he let me be. I also persuaded Mara to let me have her necklace and she gave it to me.
Later in the day,Mara went to the garden, Kelly and Bryan followed her and i know Quilah will have access to her cause none of them is with the necklace.
We were later called that Mara was vomiting blood and i felt so guilty knowing I’m the cause..I shouldn’t have helped Quilah to get the necklace away but i don’t want to lose my parents… Please forgive me” She said in tears.

I was crying in shock knowing my best friend is the cause to all this.
“You mean you were the reason that witch got access to Mara and then hurt her,do you know what you did led to her limited days on earth..Ellen why would you do that” Laura cried.

“I’m sorry,i didn’t want to lose my parents. I love them so much..I’m sorry Mara please forgive me” She said and crawled to my front in tears.
Liam’s face had gone red and i hope he doesn’t pounce on Ellen right now.

Mum looked so sad,sadder than when we lost dad.
I feel so bad knowing I’m the cause of all this.

I cried loudly nonstop for a lot of minutes.
No one said anything but cried.
The sadness in our faces was huge.

“I’m going to continue,i know you all want to kill me but let me be done first” Ellen sniffled.
She’s still bent at my front.

“When Mara was taken to the hospital,i know she might die,then i thought of something ‘if the necklace can prevent Quilah from accessing her,it might also prevent her from dieing’ So i lied to Laura that we were told the necklace can heal all sort of illness. She believed me and that was how we came to the hospital and Liam wore the necklace around Mara’s neck”

I’m glad she saved me,i would have kept vomiting blood and the doctor wouldn’t be able to diagnose a thing.
I might be in discomfort throughout a year but she saved me from that.
And to look at it in another direction,she isn’t at fault. Who would want to mourn his parents.

“Thanks Ellen” I muttered.

“Don’t thank me” She screamed in tears.
“I caused you all this,i want you to swear at me,hit me, kill me. Mara don’t thank me!” She cried.
She held my legs “Please forgive me”

“Ellen,i don’t owe anything against you..I’ve forgiven you. All this isn’t your fault,no one would love to lose his or her parents.
I might also do the same if i were in your shoes.
I’ve forgiven you” I said and pulled her up hugging her tightly.

She sobbed and kept saying she’s sorry.
Of course i know she’s sorry.

We disengaged from the hug and she turned to face everyone.

“I’m so sorry,i wish i had listen to granny,i wish i hadn’t visited that cave cause my visit to the cave started all this.
Now Mara has a year to live just because i forced her to do that s**t.
Mara,we are leaving together huh? I pushed you into all this and i can’t allow you to die alone” She said.

“No Ellen,you must not.please. I don’t want anyone to die after me” I said.
“But you are dieing because of me, i would love to die with you” She said.
“You can’t! Please Ellen,i won’t forgive you if you do that” I threatened.
“Yeah! I’m gonna do it. Mara please don’t persuade me..I’m the reason you have limited days on earth and yet you are telling me not to die. Once you are dead,I’m also coming with you!” She said with a note of finality.

She’s so serious about it and i know she’s gonna do as she said.
She isn’t in the mood to listen right now..im gonna persuade her later.

“Please you all should forgive Ellen, please” I pleaded.
“Please forgive me” She cried.

Mum was the first to pull her in a hug.
“Ellen,you are just like a daughter to me. You both were just being childish,i don’t blame any of you for anything,this is probably the way God wants it” Mum said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Thanks Mum” Ellen smile amidst tears and wiped mum’s face with the tip of her jacket.

Laura was the second to speak up.
“Ellen,i understand. You are not entirely at fault. Its okay,i forgive you” She said and hugged Ellen lightly.
“Thanks Laura” Ellen said.

Bryan stood up next.

“I should be the one to blame for all this,you both did all this because of me and I’ve never felt this guilty all my life.
“Ellen i forgive you” He said and pecked her cheeks.
“Thanks Bryan” She smiled.

“I wish all this was just a dream but it turns out to be reality.
I might never get over losing Mara but i forgive you Ellen,you sure worth my forgiveness” Kelly and hugged her.
“Thanks Kelly” She smiled sadly.

It’s remaining a person… the stubborn Liam.

We stared at him expecting him to also forgive Ellen but he remained seated glancing back at us.
I can see so many things in that eyes.
We will have to talk later.

“Don’t call me!” He yelled at me brushing back his hair with his fingers.
He folded his palm tightly trying hard to hold his tears.
His fingers were starting to cut into his flesh which produced blood.

I gasped and quickly stood up,i don’t care if he’s still pissed at me. I can’t watch him hurt himself.
I split his palm after several attempt.
I hold his palm in mine and sat down beside me.

I noticed his tears were starting to roll down his cheeks.
He looked so hurt and tried to release his palm from my grip but i held on tightly.

“I’m sorry Liam” I said and my lips quivered as hot tears poured down my face.
“Please forgive me,I’m sorry i hid things from you,i know i promised never to hide anything from you but such things are better left unsaid…I’m so sorry Liam, please forgive me. I love you” I said and placed my head on his arm.

I smiled when i felt him kiss my hair.
“Tam,I’m so pained you hid things from me after promising not to.
I forgive you and i love you too but it would have been better if your days on earth aren’t limited, that’s what’s bothering me. I don’t want to lose you,there will be no one left for me” He said in tears and hugged me tightly to his chest.

I cried and ran my hand through his hair.
“I’m sorry Liam,but I’m not gonna die soon. The doctor only said that medically” I said to reassure him.
“Even if the doctor said that medically,what of that witch! She killed Jessie and she’s capable of killing anyone else” He said.

“My necklace is here to protect me” I said and smiled up at him even though i know the necklace can’t prevent me from dieing in the next twelve months. The doctor is right so is Quilah.
I know and i accept i will be gone soon but i have to reassure everyone.

“I don’t want to believe that” he said.
“Com’on Liam,you just have to. I’m assuring you that i won’t die,trust me” I said and poked his chest.
He refused to smile and i did again, he’s trying to hold his smile.
I continued till he grinned,i chuckled happily and kissed his cheek.

“You look so cute when grinning” I said.
“I’m not flattered” he rolled his eyes.
“But you will be if Reiya tells you that” I teased and saw his face brightened at the mention of Reiya.

I’m glad there’ll be someone to keep him happy after I’m gone.

“Look” I said and pointed to his blood stained palm,some has stained my dress.
“Why did you wanted to hurt yourself,Reiya won’t like to have a rough palmed lover” I said and we both giggled.

“Will you forgive Ellen too?.. please” I whispered to him.
He frowned and nodded.
“Ellen,i forgive you but only because i believe Tam isn’t gonna die” he said.

“Thanks so much Liam” Ellen said and gladly hugged him before returning to sit back on the couch.

“Now let’s all think on what next to do” I said looking at Everyone.

?Kelly’s POV?

I can’t believe she loves Bryan that much to do such thing.
Will she ever love me that way?
Hell no! She won’t,she can’t.
She’s in love with Bryan and that hurt like hell..

I’m a little bit glad Bryan doesn’t have feelings for her, that still gives me a chance.
I still love her even after hearing the dreadful things she did.
She did it for love…i can also do the same for her.

I wish time can be reversed,i wish all this is just a dream,i wish her days aren’t limited.
It’s just so sad! I’m trying not to believe that,I’m trying to prove the doctor wrong but i..i know it’s real.

The only girl i will ever love is gonna die soon.
I looked over at her,she was resting her head on Liam’s chest while he stroked her hair.
That soft hair I’ve always wished to touch..

Anyone who comes in now will think they are a couple.
I wish i also have a sibling..

I wondered if i would have had feelings for her if she was still fat but i think yes! Cause i don’t look at body structure or face.
I always listen to my heart.

Body criticizers should be blamed for all this.
If she hadn’t been criticized about the way she looked,she wouldn’t have gotten the nerve to do this.
I’ve never criticized anyone,cause there are reasons they are created that way.
Instead of criticizing,one should be glad and thankful.

Tammy…I’m gonna date you and im trying to believe you won’t leave soon.

?Bryan’s POV?

To think I’m the reason Mara did all this is so unbearable.
I’m the cause of all this!

And yet i don’t even feel a thing for her.
I wish i can love her just the way she loves me. I tried to,but my heart is not heeding..it is turning to another person instead.
It is turning to someone that did not even did anything to have me.

I don’t care if i have feelings for Laura.
I’m gonna date Mara,she can’t go through hell for nothing.
She can’t live for a year without getting what she have always wanted.
I’m gonna make sure she’s happy for the remaining months even though I’m trying not to believe that Mara will be gone soon.
That so called witch is a bitch!

I’ve never felt this sad and guilty,i hope everything turns out well. I don’t want to lose Mara.

I looked at her and sincerely she’s undeniably prettier than Laura,she has a dark blue eyes which made her brown skin stood out..her hair is so black and full,her nose is beautiful pointed..and her lips are Wow..
It tasted good when i kissed her but i didn’t feel what i wanted to feel.

That doesn’t change anything,I’m still gonna date her and;
The necklace is a bit surprising.
No wonder it shines.
Who would have thought it was magical.
I thought it’s an original gold that do no rust but wow__it saved our lives.

What if fallen angels had decided to keep the necklace to theirselves?
What if we were not the lucky fans?
That means… Mara would have been long gone.

Ugh! I’m so terrified..what if that witch decides to turn up.
Well…she can’t cause we are with our necklace.
I’m so curious to see her myself.

I’m gonna hit her till she faints but i know i dare not.
She might squeeze me at first glance.

My heart pumped when i caught Laura’s gaze.
Damn! This heart should go to hell.

?Laura’s POV?

I sighed softly still surprised at the confessions.
I was shocked at first but it was later dissolved into surprise.
Who would do that just for love?
I doubt if i can do that cause it’s so huge and terrific.

It turns out that Bryan doesn’t have feelings for her,i would have just killed myself if i were in her shoes.
Mara has a rare personality,she’s so soft hearted,she forgives easily and is very emotional.

Ellen did all this to her and she didn’t hesitate a bit to forgive her.
Even though Ellen is not entirely at fault,some blames are still attached to her.

She has a year to live!
Yet she assures everyone that she isn’t gonna die.
It’s just so sad,i wish i can do something.
I can sense fear in her eyes…she’s afraid to die and we are afraid to lose her.

She shouldn’t have done all this in the first place.
She didn’t do it only because of love,she did it because she was not contented about the way she is.
If she had been wiser,she should have known love overlooks things.
Being fat doesn’t mean she will never find true love,she will definitely find someone who will love her for who she is.

Even the Bryan she did it for does not feel a thing for her even after she became beautiful.
Isn’t that a waste?

Feelings is not in the eyes but in the heart.
No matter how bad someone looks, feelings will always prevail.

I wish i had told her all this before she went ahead to meet that so called goddess who is so cruel to demand her life as payback.

What if Bryan decides to date her?
Why should i worry about that?
I just need to erase this crazy feelings I’m starting to develop for him.

Mara really needs him… at least for a while.

?Ellen’s POV?

I felt so relieved after saying everything and I’m so happy everyone forgave me.
I initially thought they would pounce on me and beat the hell out of me…yeah! I deserve that.
I totally deserve that.

I’m the main cause of everything.
I’m the one who caused my friend’s limited days on earth.
I’m the one!

“Can we see Quilah?” Liam suddenly asked and everyone sat up in fear.
“Yes we can see her,I’m very sure she’s lurking around but she can’t access us due to this necklaces” I said.

“If we get this necklace away,will she come?” Liam asked.
“Of course she will come,i sensed her presence when i was about leaving home but she wasn’t able to access me because of Bryan..he came to pick me wearing his necklace” I said.

“We need to see her” Liam said.
“Let’s not s..see her” Bryan said.
“Please, don’t let her come here” Kelly said.
Laura gripped the couch arm while Mara’s mum looked nervous.

It’s so obvious they are all afraid except Liam,Mara and i.

“Bryan, Tam, submit your necklaces. I will give it to James and tell him to move far away from here” Liam said stretching his palm forward to collect the necklaces.

“Liam, please let’s not see her” Bryan said.
“I need to beg her,i must not lose my sister..you still have the gut to talk after my sis did all this because she loves you and yet you didn’t love her back. Submit your necklace,i won’t like to pull it from your neck” Liam said.
“It’s okay Bryan, just give him the necklace” Mara’s mum said.

Bryan humbly unhooked his necklace and handed it over to Liam.
Mara also dropped hers in his palm.
“Should i follow you?” She asked.
“No Tam,i will be right back” he pecked her and walked out of the door.

** **

Liam has returned some minutes ago.
He has told James to go far away with the necklace and we all sat in silence waiting for Quilah to show up.
Fear is written on their faces.

I sat up when i suddenly felt Quilah’s presence.
I won’t deny that im also afraid.

Her shadow suddenly ran past us and everyone screamed already rushing to the door.


She’s here.

Everyone froze,not able to move from the spot.
Sweat broke out from Bryan’s forehead and he tightly held Mara’s hand.
Kelly shivered and stared at her in awe.
Fear was written on Liam’s face and his mum kept muttering a prayer.

Laura screamed and rushed to the door,she pulled the knob but it didn’t open.
She tried again…same thing.
She started crying begging to leave.


I felt like i was being electrocuted.
I fell to the floor in pains…

Quilah please!!

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 35

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4 years ago

Quilah ??