JUST FOR LOVE Episode 14 – 15 by Azeemah Salami

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 3 by Azeemah Salami

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 14 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes ?

?Liam’s POV?


Tam isn’t back yet and she didn’t call to say anything.
I’ve tried calling her but she’s not picking up!
I’ve tried calling Bryan too … Same thing!
Its getting late and I’m so worried.

“Mum would you give Mrs Shaw a call?” I asked.
“Okay” She said and picked her phone from the table.
I quickly climbed the stairs to my room, picked a jacket and brushed my hair.
I selected a pair of blue footwear,threw my phone into my pocket and headed back to the living room.

I met mum dropping the call.

“Mum what did she say?” I asked.
“She said Bryan isn’t home also” Mum said worriedly.
“Don’t worry mum…I’m going to their school now,i will give you a call if i find them there” I said and pecked her both cheeks.

I walked outside and saw James by the gate…he was about locking it.

“Don’t lock it James…I’m going out now” I said.
I walked outside the gate and waved an upcoming cab to a stop.
It did and i got in.
“Makers high school” I said and breathed.
“Okay” the cab man said and drove off.

I should have just gone with my car but i just don’t like driving and Max isn’t gonna drive for a week or two.

I brought out my phone and tried calling Mara again..
Now it’s unavailable!
I alighted from the cab after paying.
I adjusted my Jacket and knocked the gate gently.

It opened to reveal the gate keeper.
“Good afternoon” I greeted.
“Good afternoon…whom do you ask of?” He asked.
“Mhmm…my siblings” I said.
“Name?” He asked.
“Tamara Weston and Bryan Shaw”
“Ohh… okay,they are in school. You can come in” He said and paved way for me.
I breathed in relief and entered.

“Go through that hallway,you are gonna see a door with “grade 8” “
“Alright thanks” I said and followed his direction.
I brought out my phone and placed a call to mum.
I need to tell her Immediately that they are school cause she’s more worried than i am.

?Hi mum


?Mum they are in school.

? Thank goodness,I’m gonna inform Mrs Shaw now.

? Alright Mum..bye.

I sighted the door with grade 8 and walked closer to it.
I pulled it open and walked in.

There was no one in the class except Ellen who has her head bent over something..
Phone…I guess..but i called her and she wasn’t picking up.
Was she ignoring my calls?

“Ellen” I called and she glanced up.
She seemed surprised to see me.
“Liam…what are you doing here?” She asked.
“Where’s Tam and Bryan?” I asked.
“Uhh…they are in the school’s detention” She said.
“Really?” I asked with surprise.
“Yeah” she said.
“Okay” I said.

“Ellen i called you more than twice to ask about Tam and Bryan but you weren’t picking up and your phone is right in your hand”
“Really?…I guess it was when i went to use the restroom” She lied and i smiled.

“I don’t care about the dispute between you and Tam but please anytime i call you, pick it up…you have no idea what i might want to tell you” I said and sat on a desk.

“Don’t you wanna know the reason why they are in detention?” She asked with a smile.
“I’m gonna ask Tam once she’s out” I said.
“Well…I’m gonna tell you,Mara fought with Jessie and the Jessie smashed her iPhone into pieces, Jessie’s parents came to school to report them but Bryan and Kelly who is our new friend were being rude to Jessie’s parents…Mr Allen punished them by giving them detention for a whole week” She said.

“What!” I exclaimed.

“You mean the iPhone i recently bought for Tam was broken by Jessie?” I asked.
“That’s a lie…I was with Tam’s iPhone yesterday” I said.
She laughed…”well i don’t know how she got a new one to fool you but you are gonna confirm once they are out”

Is Ellen in her right senses?…
I guess not!
I was with Tam’s iPhone yesterday and it’s perfectly fine..
No scratches or anything.

My mind suddenly flashed back to when i asked Tam for her phone..she said she and Ellen exchanged it for the night.
I asked her to show me Ellen’s phone but Mum came in at that moment and i totally forgot about the phone.

“Wait…Ellen do you by any chance exchange phone with Tam for a night?” I asked.
“No i didn’t,we haven’t exchanged phone in this term!…I guess that was what she used to fool you” Ellen said and turned back to her phone.

I don’t believe her yet but if by any chance it’s true, Jessie should be prepared for the worst,there is a familiar sign on the iPhone i bought for her.

The classroom door opened and i stood up thinking it’s Tam and co but i was wrong..

The school prefect came in.

“Hi” she said.
“Hi” I sat down.
“I was told Tamara Weston and Bryan Shaw’s brother is here” She said suddenly adjusting her hair.
I smiled….she’s not my type!

“They will soon be out,Tamara and Jessie ran off and got their time delayed so Mr Allen added 2 hours to their stay in the detention…it’s just remaining an hour,they will be out soon” She said smiling.
I nodded, ignoring the signals she’s sending my way.

?An hour later?

I watched as Tam,Bryan, Jessie and some other guy walked into the class.

?Mara’s POV?

“Liam” I said in surprise.
“Bro” Bryan said.
I didn’t tell them I got detention at school..
He was probably worried and came to search for me.
Sweet bro?

He stood up and walked towards us..
I noticed his face isn’t bright.
“Tam let me see your iPhone” He suddenly said and i froze.
I looked from Bryan to Ellen who grinned.
I’m very sure she told him something.

“Let me have your iPhone!” He yelled.
Damn! Liam rarely yell at me.
“It.. it’s in my backpack” I stuttered.
“Go get it” He said and i walked slowly to my desk.

I unzipped my backpack and brought out my iPhone.
I head back to Liam and handed the phone to him.

He took it and checked the back.
He turned to me and i could see how hard he’s gritting hit teeth.
He’s so pissed! He has found out about this isn’t the one he bought for me.

“Tam this isn’t the iPhone i bought for you” He yelled making me shift back a little.
“I..she..i.it” I stuttered and started crying.
I saw his expression softened a bit.
He hates seeing me cry..

“What happened to the iPhone i bought for you?” He asked more calmly.
“She smashed it on the wall and it shattered into pieces” I said and cleaned my tears pointing to Jessie.

Liam turned to her and she quickly shift back in fear.
“I’m sorry” She stammered.
“I don’t hit girls but let me use this to sound as a warning to you..if you ever and ever hurt my sister or anything close to her…I’ll make sure you wear your teeth around your neck like a necklace” Liam yelled at her.

He turned back to me…

“Tam why did you lied to me?” He asked.
“Liam I’m sorry” I cried.
“Who got the phone for you?” He asked.
I sniffed and looked at Bryan,he seemed a little bit afraid.
He has never seen Liam in this mood.

“Bryan did?” Liam asked.
I nodded.
“Thanks b” He said and Bryan looked up in surprise..
He was thinking Liam would probably yell at him.

“Bryan!” Ellen suddenly yelled making everyone turn to her.

Damn! Is this girl crazy..

“You mean you bought an iPhone for Mara?” She asked in anger.
“Yes i did” Bryan said.
“Hey! What’s wrong with Bryan buying an iPhone for Tam.. aren’t you all friends!” Liam said.
“I swear down! Bryan you are gonna get another iPhone for me…I’m gonna dash this out soon” Ellen said.

“It’s so obvious you are going crazy” The prefect said.
Ellen hissed.
“Ellen,if you dash that iPhone out..Im not gonna get a new one for you” Bryan said.
“Didn’t you get one for Mara?” She asked.
“I got her one cause she was helpless,that was the only available option then! I swear down! If you dash out your iPhone you can as well consider yourself phone less” Bryan said.

“Tam..go pick your backpack” Liam said to me.
I walked to my desk and picked my backpack.
I hung it over my shoulders and headed back to Liam.

He took my hand and we left the classroom.


We both alighted from the cab in front of our house.
We walked to the gate and Liam knocked.
“Liam…I’m sorry” I said but he didn’t reply me.

Why isn’t he talking to me!
I understand he’s pissed at me for lieing to him.
He hates lies!
He trusted me enough to tell him everything but i broke that trust!

“Liam I’m sorry” I said again but he didn’t respond.
James opened the gate and we both walked in.
We entered the living room.
I met Mum sitting on the couch,she smiled on seeing us.

I rushed to hug her…
I saw Liam climb the stairs to his room.

“Liam” I called but he didn’t respond.
I sat on the couch beside mum and started crying.

“What’s wrong?” Mum asked…
“Liam won’t talk to me again” I cried.
“He won’t talk to you again? Why?” She asked.

I sat up and began explaining everything to Mum, starting from the moment Liam bought the phone for me.


“Wow…how could you hide such thing from me” Mum said when i finished my narration.
“I’m sorry Mum” I said.
“Of course I’m not pissed about that but Liam is…so go into his room now and beg him”
“He’s not gonna answer me”
“He will…just go”
“Are you sure mum?”
“Yes i am”

I stood up and dropped my backpack on the couch.
I looked at Mum and she assured me to go.

I climbed the stairs and got to his room.
I knocked but didn’t get a response..
I knocked again…same thing!

I pulled the door open and stepped in.
I met him on the bed facing upward, staring at the ceiling.
I cleared my throat and sat beside him on the bed.
He didn’t look away from the ceiling nor did he acknowledge my presence.

“Liam,I’m sorry…I know you’re pissed at me and this was what i was trying to avoid in the first place…I’m so sorry Liam” I said and took his hand in mine.
“It’s okay” He said.
“It’s not okay Liam…you are still pissed at me”
“Like seriously…it’s fine Tam” he said and looked at me.

“No it’s not fine..you are still pissed at me” I said.
“I’m not pissed at you anymore…I’m just disappointed…I thought you don’t keep anything from me” He said.

I started crying again…Liam doesn’t trust me anymore..

“I’m sorry Liam…I know how you pissed you would have been if i had told you that the iPhone you recently bought for me has been destroyed”
I smiled amidst tears when he pulled me into a hug.

“Fatty Tam Tam” He sang funnily to my ears.
I laughed happily…he’s not pissed at me anymore?

“It’s okay Tam,i understand…I’m sorry for making you cry and i still trust you 100% I’m not disappointed in you a bit” He said and pecked my cheeks.
“Yes fatty Tam” he said,now sounding like the Liam i know.

I hugged him tightly…

“Tam you are suffocating me” He said.
I laughed “yeah.. that’s for making me cry”
He laughed and kissed my hair…

“I’m starving” he said holding his stomach.
I sent him a one sided look already knowing what he’s trying to say.
“So what should i do?” I asked.
“I was running about searching for you guys,i almost got knocked over by a car,i was wai…”
“It’s okay.. it’s okay…what do you want me to make for you?” I asked.
He smiled widely…Ahhh! Food monger!

“Pasta with chicken” He said.
“Don’t you ever get tired of that?” I asked.
“You know it’s my best food” He smiled.
“Now you are gonna make everyone have that for lunch” I said.
“Yeah…we are gonna change lunch tomorrow… quickly go to the kitchen..I’m starving” He said and brought out my phone from his pocket.

I smiled..
“Bryan is a darling” He said.
“Yeah…my darling to be precise” I gasped realising i said that aloud.
Liam winked at me, i blushed and quickly walked out of his room.
I heard his laughter..

Naughty Liam?

I walked into my room with smiles.
I picked up my teddy bear and throw it up happily..

“?Liam has forgiven me.

?Liam has forgiven me

? Liam has forgiven me”

I sang happily.

I placed my teddy bear back on the table and started undressing.
I picked my body towel and ran naked into the bathroom.
I placed the towel on the cabinet and picked my shower cap.

I wore it over my hair and got under the shower,i turned on the faucet and shivered as the cold water hit my body.


I pulled on a pink cardigan with tiny pearl buttons and black polyster pants.
I combed my hair and packed it in a bun.
I don’t feel like applying body lotion so i let it be.

I adjusted the pink ribbons on my slippers before slipping my feet into it.
I hopped out of my room humming “Till i met you”..

I got to the living room and met mum watching a kdrama.

“Mum he forgave me” i said.
“I know he would,he isn’t as stubborn as you” She said and i shot her a playful glare.
She laughed.
“I’m going to make lunch” I said and she nodded.
She continued with her kdrama while i headed to the kitchen.
I washed my hands in the sink after putting on my apron and cap.

I dried my hands and proceeded to start cooking.

?Bryan’s POV?

I sat in my room, sketching Liam.
I’m gonna take it to their house once I’m done.
Liam is probably not happy with me,i need to use this to pacify him.

I hope he’s gonna like it…Mara once told me he loves kdrama and his favorite actor is Lee min ho.
So I’m sketching a picture of him sitting opposite Lee min ho.

I googled the best picture of Lee min ho and saved it on my phone..i placed my phone beside me and looked from it to my sketching pad…I sketched the exact picture of Lee Min ho.
I’m done with his part so I started with Liam’s.


I was done with everything in an hour.
I felt so proud of myself when i looked at my drawing..
So perfect! Without flaws..

Lee min ho is sitting opposite Liam,they smiled at each other with a glass cup of wine in their hands.
I made the background to be korea-like … So it looked so real.
This drawing is just so beautiful..

I stood up…i don’t want to take forever in admiring a piece of work.
I grabbed a black sweatshirt from the wardrobe and quickly pulled it on.

I wore a black footwear, pulled a face cap over my ruffled hair.
I picked the drawing and put it inside a covered board.

I walked out of my room and descended the stairs into the living room.
I met Kim watching a movie.

“Where’s Mum and dad?” I asked.
“They are in the room” She said.
“Okay..I’m off to Mara’s house” I said.
“Alright Bye”

I got outside and Rollins quickly went to open the car.
“No I’m gonna board a cab” I said to him.
He smiled and nodded.

Fort opened the gate and i stepped out.
It took few minutes for me to finally board a cab.
“Lington estate phase 3” I said.


I alighted in front of Mara’s house.
I paid the cab man in cash and he drove off.

I knocked on the gate,it took a while for James to come open it.
“Hi James” I said and walked in.
“How are you Bryan?” He asked.
“I’m fine” I said and walked to the door.
I opened it and stepped into the living room.

I met Liam and mum watching a kdrama.
“Good afternoon Mum” I greeted.
“Ohh..Bryan,you are here..how are you?” She asked.
“I’m fine mum…hi Liam” I said.
He waved to me with a smile.

“Mara is in the kitchen” Mum said.
“Okay…I will go join her” I said and walked to the kitchen.
I entered and saw Mara washing some utensils at the sink.
Her back is to me.
I perceived the aroma of pasta and fried chicken and that was when i realised I’m starving.

She turned back and flinched on seeing me.
I laughed.

?Mara’s POV?

I’m done with cooking and was washing some stained utensils at the sink when i felt Bryan’s presence.
My heart do speed faster whenever he’s around and now it’s happening.

I turned and flinched on seeing him.
He laughed and i smiled..

“Bryan what are you doing here?” I asked in surprise even though I’m feeling damn happy he’s here.
He stretched his sketching board to me..
Ohh…I didn’t realise he was holding that.

I collected it from him….”is this another drawing for me?” I asked..
He shook his head.
I felt a bit disappointed and brought out the drawing.

My mouth went agape when i saw the drawing..
Lee min ho and Liam!
It’s so perfect!

“Oh..my..God. Bryan you drew this?” I asked in surprise,even though i know what Bryan is capable of but this is just too beautiful.
He nodded.
“Liam is pissed with me so i thought of using this to pacify him..you know you once told me he loves kdrama and his favorite actor is Lee min ho so that was what i followed” He said and i felt like pulling him into a hug even though the drawing is not for me.

“It’s so beautiful…Liam is gonna love it..Liam!” I screamed.
“Mum pause the movie…I will be right back” I heard Liam said.

I smiled when he entered the kitchen.
“Liam look at this!” I said and stretched the drawing to him.
He collected it and looked at it..
His mouth fell open.

“Bryan..yo..you..drew th..is?He asked in disbelief.
Bryan nodded.
He was surprised when Liam suddenly pulled him into a hug.
“Wow… thanks B,this is Lee min ho..my fav! I know it’s just a drawing but damn! It’s looking so real” Liam said.

“I’m so glad you like it” Bryan smiled.
“I don’t like it…I love it totally” Liam said looking at the drawing over and over again.
“So i hope you’ve forgiven me now?” Bryan asked.
“Of course yes…I forgive you and everyone close to you” Liam said and we laughed.

“Thanks so much B,i will forever cherish this piece of drawing..I can’t believe I’m sitting with Lee min ho..Mehn! I love this” Liam said making us laugh again.

“Mum needs to see this” Liam said and ran out of the kitchen…
“Wow … I’m so glad he has forgiven me” Bryan said.
“Thanks Bryan” I said.
“For what?” He asked.
“For making my brother happy” I said.
“It’s nothing..he deserve it so what should i help you with?” He asked and i smiled.

“Continue with the utensils in the sink while i dish out lunch” I said.
“Okay chef Mara” He said with a bow making me laugh.

Bryan…I so much love you?


Bryan finished washing the utensils at the same time i finished dishing out lunch in the dining..
He came and stood beside me at the dining.
“It looks yummy” He said and i smiled..

“Wait till you have a taste then you will know it taste yummier” I said and we laughed.

“Kdrama lovers…lunch is ready!” I shouted.
“US drama lover,we are coming” They shouted back.

My cheeks were starting to ache from laughter.

(Love made her)?

Episode 15?

Zeemah writes?

?Jessie’s POV?


“Won’t you do anything!”

“That bastard threatened me!”

“He said he’s gonna make me wear my teeth around my neck as a necklace!” I yelled at Mum for the umpteenth time in the kitchen.

“Jessie,it’s just a threat…he isn’t gonna do anything” She said making me more pissed.
“Won’t you follow me to school to warn his sister Mara?” I asked.
“Of course not! We aren’t following you to school again! Mr Allen has warned us enough” She said.

“I don’t care! You need to follow me”
“Neither i nor your father will go with you to school again for you and your classmate clash! Didn’t you see how your father was disrespected by those nitwits who are your classmates” Mum said,then poured her hot coffee into the cup before dousing it with cream.

“Mum but you need to follow me,so she’s gonna warn her brother to cut off the threat” I said.
“No! Jessie, learn to fight for yourself” She said and walked out of the kitchen with a steaming cup of coffee in hand.

I picked a glass cup and angrily smashed it on the wall.
I watched it shatter into pieces before walking out of the kitchen.

I walked into the empty living room and plopped down on a cushion.

Liam is gonna get it hot from me!

I’m so curious…how could a fat and ugly dumbass turn to a slim attractive person in a space of few months…
I know she didn’t perform plastic surgery because plastic surgery do take months… after the surgery,the person still has to stay in their care for two months or so before the person is considered safe except if you are not new to it, but the first timers always take long,our holiday was just for a month and weeks so how come?

And it’s rare for those surgeons to accept a high school student.. plastic surgery is mostly meant for adults.
Even if Tamara did performed plastic surgery,how did she become this beautiful.. Even more than i.

My hunch keeps telling me,she didn’t perform plastic surgery…Then what did she do?…

That’s what I’m gonna find out!

I can’t allow her fool everyone then go scot free… impossible!
And now she even stands up to me…I can’t bully her anymore.

I smiled…it seems she and Ellen are having a dispute.
Ellen knows Mara more than anyone and I’m damn sure Ellen will know how Mara came about her sudden change.

Yeah! I’m gonna get answers from Ellen.
But where do i start??

?Ellen’s POV?




“I will make sure i ruin them both!” I said angrily pacing my room.
So Bryan bought that expensive iPhone for Mara and he had the gut to say he won’t get me one also!

Did he love her that much!
How come that fool has two guys on her alone.
I should be spanked!…if i hadn’t helped her. I would have been the center attention!

I regret!

I regret!!

I regret helping that fool!

She almost died after everything but i still helped her…
I should have just left her to die!

What am i gonna do?
Mara can’t just take away the guys i love!
I know she doesn’t love Kelly…a bit but Kelly is starting to get fond of her and through that,he will start developing feelings…I don’t want that to happen cause i love Kelly!

Mara loves Bryan….a lot! I mean…a lot! But Bryan doesn’t love her, even though it seems he’s starting to develop some impossible feelings!
I love Bryan too!

“Carde get me a cup of drink” I yelled from my room.

I need to think…

?Kelly’s POV?

“You go about chasing anything in skirts…you this fool!”

“Those things in skirts are far better than yours!”

“You’re a man slut who cheats on his wife!”

“So you think of yourself as my wife? Haha, you are not my wife,you are my punching bag”

“I’m gonna report you to the human rights institute…I’m gonna sue you,you this son of a bitch”

“You know,you can’t sue me. im gonna use my cash to cancel the case”

“Of course that’s what you do always..you this corrupt bastard!”

“I will show you what a corrupt bastard does”

I stood in the kitchen and watched as Mum and dad started another round of fight..
I shook my head and reached for the pancake i just made.
I carried it in a plate then poured myself a glass cup of wine.

I placed it on a tray and walked out of the the kitchen..
I quickly walked past the living room to avoid myself being hit by the objects they are throwing at each other.

I climbed the stairs towards my room.
I’m fed of crying anytime they are having their fight!
I’m fed up of trying to separate them and end up being hurt!
My chest is full of scars!

I cleaned my tears as i opened the door to my room.
I walked in,closed the door and walked to the table..
I placed the tray on it,then opened my drawer to search for the novel I just purchased,I saw it online and ordered it.

“Meant to be” by Azeemah…
I hope it’ll be interesting..

I sat down and began reading it….


Geez!! I’ve forgotten about my pancake but damn! I can’t leave this novel.
Not when Fleur is being a drama queen.. Haha.

?The next day?

?Mara’s POV?

“Mum i don’t wanna go to school” I said as i watched mum flip a golden brown pancake onto a plate,then added bacon.
“But Mara…I’m already making your breakfast and you are already dressed for school so what made you change your mind?’ Mum asked, shifting her attention to the now perky coffee.

“Mum! That detention is hell … It’s so dark and filled with dead authors novels. I almost fainted yesterday” I said.
“Didnt you take your phone with you” Mum said.
“We were not allowed to!…we all clinged to one another in fear” I said.

“You should be thankful you aren’t the only one in the detention…you have your friends with you”
“Yes but i don’t feel like going to school today” I said.
“Even if you don’t go,you know how strict Mr Allen is,he’s still gonna make sure you complete a week in detention” Mum said.

“Mum…you can just call him and beg him on our behalf” I said.
“No i can’t do that…your pancake and coffee is getting cold…go have your breakfast” Mum said with a tone of finality.

I frowned and picked up my tray of breakfast.
I walked to the dining room, sat down and began eating my breakfast sadly.

“What’s up with the frown Tam?” Liam asked.
“I don’t want to go to school today” I cried..
“Why?” He asked.
“Detention!” I cried.
“Is it that bad?”
“Yeah…it is,it creeps me out” I said.
“Aaaargh what are we gonna do?” He asked.
“I don’t know”

He suddenly smiled and i know he has something up his sleeves.
“You know that your school prefect?” He asked.
“She’s crushing on me” He said.
“That’s normal…you are every girl’s crush” I said with a shrug.

“I know but i can use that to help you skip detention” He said.
“Really?” I asked.
“How?” I asked excitedly.
“Once school is over and she’s about to lead you guys to the school’s detention…you are just gonna say ‘my brother said he wants to talk to you’ then you pick your phone and call me .. you give it to her then I’m gonna talk some sweet words into her head and trust me,she’s gonna tell you guys to go home” Liam said.

I squealed excitedly and hugged him.
“I love you Liam” I pecked his cheeks.
He smiled and stood up….”Now eat your breakfast, Bryan will be here soon to pick you up”
“Okay Liam” I said.

“Mum where’s my breakfast?” He asked loudly going into the kitchen to meet mum.

My appetite has returned…
I ate my breakfast cheerfully and i ended up eating the entire pancake and coffee.
I sighed and stood up…I picked my backpack and hung it round my shoulders.

I heard the main door opened..
I smiled as i saw Bryan walked in looking as handsome as ever.
My heart beat twice as he flashed a smile and walked towards me.

“Hi” He said.
“Hi…I have good news” I shouted excitedly.
“What good news?” I heard mum asked coming out from the kitchen.
Damm! I shouldn’t have talked so loud.

“She just checked the school’s board on her phone now and saw she had the overall best score in English test ” Liam said coming out of the kitchen with a heap of pancake.
“Oh… really? That’s so nice,it’s a good news indeed” Mum said.

“Yeah…I remembered we had English test in our class yesterday and it was so tough” Bryan said and i couldn’t help but bursted out laughing.
“Why are you laughing?” Mum asked.

“Mum i think you left the coffee maker on” Liam said.
“Oh..my..God really?” Mum said and ran into the kitchen.

“You both should leave now” Liam said.
“Bye Mum” We said and hurried out of the house.
We got into Bryan’s car and his driver drove off.

“Bryan you are a terrible liar” I laughed.
“Yeah….you pushed me to lie and i was surprised it came out smoothly” He said and we both laughed.
“Mum can be so curious at times” I said.
“Yeah…so what’s the good news?” He asked.
“We will all skip detention” I said.
“Really! How?” He asked.


We got to school and alighted from the car.
We bid Rollins bye and headed to our classroom.

We entered and got stares as usual.
We ignored the stares and walked towards our seats..
Bryan has been smiling since i told him we are gonna be skipping detention.

Wow! We came quite late…the class is already filled,just our seats and few others are empty.
Kelly and Ellen are also seated, Kelly’s head is bent over something i can’t point out..
I don’t think it’s phone,cause if it’s..the light is gonna reflect on his face.

We got to our seats and i realised he was reading a novel.
I poked his back with my finger,he raised up his head and smiled on seeing Bryan and i.
I dropped my backpack beside my desk and sat down,same as Bryan.

“Hi guys” Kelly said.
“Hi Kelly”
“Hi Ellen”

“So you do read novels?” I asked.
“Yeah i do..a lot” he said.
“Wow..I’m not really a fan of novels” I said.
“Really?” He asked.
“I bet,if you read this. You won’t want to let it go..I read it yesterday and i was ‘wowed’ I kept reading it over and over again” Kelly.

“Wow… what’s the title?” I asked.
“Meant to be”
“Author?” I asked.
“Azeemah Salami”
“Wow…I’ve not read any of her novels before…are you sure she’s really good?” I asked.

“You will answer that yourself when you read this” He smiled and handed it to me.
“Are you borrowing me?” I asked.
“Yes i am” he said.
“Okay thanks…if i find out that it’s interesting as you said..then I’m gonna order mine” I said.
“Guess what?” He asked.
“It’s the biography of fallen angels” He said and i screamed excitedly bringing everyone’s attention to us.
“I’m gonna read this!”
I muttered an apology and they all turned back to their works.

“Bryan look at this…it’s the biography of fallen angels” I said happily,showing him the novel.
He looked up from his iPod.

“Wow… Really?” He asked.
“Yeah…i was also surprised” I said.
“Meant to be,i love the book cover” He said.
“Kelly just borrowed me now,once i get home…I’m gonna read it and order mine” I said opening the pages of the novel.
“I’m gonna order mine too”
Bryan said and i smiled.

“It’s so interesting and funny,you are gonna enjoy it” Kelly said making me squeal in my seat.
“I can’t wait to read how Fallen angels life was”
“Me too and their concert is just in few weeks” Bryan said.


“Kelly guess what?” I asked.
“What?” He asked.
“We are gonna be skipping detention” I said.
“OMG really?” He asked.
“Yeah” I said .
“How?” He asked starting to get excited.

I noticed the whole class had gone silent.
I raised up my head only to see Mrs Hampton standing in front of the class like a bulldozer..


?Lunch break?

We sat in the cafeteria and ate our lunch hurriedly..
The lights will soon be switched off.
We got to the cafeteria quite late cause we were in the garden.

“I’m gonna order a different thing tomorrow…I’m tired of pizza rolls” Bryan said with a mouthful.
“I won’t ever and ever be tired of fries” I said.
“No one asked for your opinion” Ellen threw at me.
“Neither did they ask for yours” I retorted.

She hissed and i did the same.

“Is your fries enough for you today?” Kelly asked.
“Are you kinda mocking me?” I asked with a smirk.
“Of course not” he said holding his laughter.

“If that laughter bursts out..I promise this fork is gonna land on your forehead the next minute” I said.
He tried to swallow that threatening laughter but it bursted out and i do keep to my promise..

I landed the fork on his forehead.
“Ouch” he said.
“Good for you” I stuck out my tongue.

The lights went off and i quickly rushed the remaining of my fries.
I stretched my hand to Bryan’s pizza rolls in the darkness and tried to take one .
He caught me and hit my hand with his spoon.

“Ouch” I yelled in pain.
“Good for you” He said and laughed.

Fast forward?
?School Over?

Students have trooped out of the class and some have gone home.
Jessie, Ellen, Kelly, Bryan and i were the only ones remaining in the class.
We were waiting for the school prefect.

She walked in…
“Bryan Shaw, Jessie Baird, Kelly Yates and Tamara Weston. Come with me for your detention process” She said about to walk out.
“Prefect” I called and she stopped.
I winked at Bryan and Kelly and we walked towards her.

“My brother said he wants to talk to you” I said and saw her eyes widen just like i had expected.
“You mean that guy that came yesterday?” She asked trying to hold her excitement.
“Yeah” I said and brought out my phone from my pocket.
I quickly dialled Liam’s number.
I placed it on my ear as it rang.

?Hi Liam.. that prefect you want to talk to is here” I said trying hard to hold my laughter.

? Okay give the phone to her” He said and i passed it to the school prefect who collected it and placed it on her ear, grinning like a jolly panda.

?Hi” she said in another sweet voice..

Bryan and i ended up laughing even though Kelly was pinching us hard to stop.

The call conversation lasted for some minutes before the prefect handed the phone to me..her cheeks had turn red with blush.

Damn! Liam!

“Your brother is such a sweet guy…if you need anything in school,just come to me okay?” She said and i nodded with a smile.
“Okay you guys are freed,no detention anymore for any of you but you must keep this from Mr Allen” She said and we nodded.

We hugged ourselves in excitement except Jessie who stood away from us.
“You can all go home now” She said with a smile and started to walk out of the classroom.

“I don’t want! I’m gonna spend a week fully in the detention…I don’t want anything involving this thing” Jessie said pointing to me.
“Really?” The prefect.
“Yeah” she said.
“Okay come with me for you detention process” She said and started walking out.
Jessie followed behind her.

“Such a fool!” Bryan said.
“Yeah” Kelly said.
I shrugged and we went to pick our backpack.

“Ellen let’s go” Bryan said.
I noticed she didn’t say anything mean since we left the cafeteria.

She stood up and we all walked out of the class.

We had gotten to the hallway when we heard Jessie screamed…
We laughed as we rush towards the detention area.

We saw Jessie screaming in fright as the school prefect was trying to push her in.

“I don’t want detention again!” She cried.
“But you said you don’t want anything to do with Mara and it was her brother who told me to let you guys go” The prefect said.
“I want something to do with her…I don’t want detention anymore” She cried.

The school prefect pushed her in and locked the door.
I laughed as her scream echoed the whole building..

I turned and caught Bryan staring at me.
I blushed slightly until he said;

“Mara…you have another strand of grey hair”



JUST FOR LOVE Episode 14

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4 years ago


4 years ago

Grey hair? It has to do with her secret of body change then I guess

4 years ago

Hmmm… I hope this gray hair is not a result of whatever Ellen told her to do for her to lose weight.
Nice story.

4 years ago

I hope Ellen would not report them

4 years ago

Pls tell us what Mara did to get that Perfect body o

4 years ago

I’m very curious about this damn grey hair of a thing ??

Tell me something I need to know……..
Thanks Mr Opradre. You’re Loved!!
Miss Azeemah sweetheart ??

4 years ago

Grey hair is the side effect of whatever she did