JUST FOR LOVE Episode 12 – 13 by Azeemah Salami

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 3 by Azeemah Salami

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 12 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes?

?Mara’s POV?

“Slice the onions,then after that bring out the chicken from the fridge” I said to Liam who frowned.


“Liam you are so dead today” I said and picked up the knife.
He had already ran out before i could get to him.
I ran after him…
He ran through the corridor,and kept turning and turning till he stumbled over a stool.

I quickly met up with him and smacked his head first with the bottom of the knife.
“Ouch..my head!” He said sitting up.
“Liam why the hell would you scare me like that” I said.

“And why the hell do you get afraid easily” He said.
“I can’t believe you are still talking after making me land on my butt” I said
He laughed and i hit his head again.
“You are so mean!” He said.
“Not when you scared the hell out of me” I said.
“Okay…Sorry,go and continue cooking” He said about standing up.

I pulled him back.
“What again?” He asked.
“I’m not taking Sorry from you” I said.
“Then what do you wanna take from me?” He asked.
“I’m gonna smack this on your head till I’m satisfied” I said grinning.
“What!!” He exclaimed.
“Yes and I’m damn serious about that” I said, intentionally checking out the knife in my hand.

“Damn! Mara do you want my head to develop a swell!” He said.
“I don’t care…if only you know how my butt is hurting” I said.
He laughed.
“So You’re still laughing when I’m about to make your forehead swell”

“Wait Mara,are you serious about this?” He asked.
“Of course i am, do you think i was joking?” I asked raising up the knife.

“Mara please..

I won’t scare you again.

What do you want?

I will do anything” His last statement made me stop.

I grinned…”you mean you would do anything?” I asked.
He nodded hesitantly.
“I can’t believe you cherish your head that much but you said you will do anything to stop me from hitting this knife’s butt on your forehead…so what i want you to do now is come with me to the kitchen, you will do all the tedious work and wash the dishes once we are done eating” I said.

“What!…I’m not doing that” he shouted.
“Okay no problem, shift your head closer..let me go on with the hitting” I said positioning the knife perfectly in my hand.
I saw his eyes go wide and laughed inwardly.

“Okay…I will do it” He said slowly.

?End of flashback?

“You mean i should slice onions?” He asked.
“Yeah” I said lighting the stove.
“You know how much i hate doing that,my eyes will become watery in two seconds” He said.
“Why don’t you just bring your head closer,I’m just gonna smack it twenty times then I’ll release you to go” I said.

“No!” He yelled.
“Then slice!” I yelled back.
“Mara… please just let me go” he said and i sighed.
“I didn’t plan on keeping you here with me for long cause you are as lazy as a feather” I said and he smiled.
“Thank you” he said and began walking out.
“I haven’t said you should go..you have to promise not to scare me again”I said.
“Okay, i won’t scare you again” He said with a mischievous smile.

“Go” I said.
“Where’s your phone?” He asked and i can’t help but pray for Bryan.
“On the couch” I said.
“Okay” He blew me a kiss and left.

I began cooking…


“Max” I ran into his arms.
“I’ve missed you” He kissed my hair.
“Me too Max..I hope you are feeling strong now?” I asked.
“Yeah..I’m feeling stronger” He said.
“Does that mean you will drive me to school on Monday?” I asked happily.

“No! He’s not driving for a week…he needs to rest” Mum said closing the door of the car.
I frowned a bit.

I had rushed out of the dining where i was serving Macroons and chicken when i heard mum drove in.

“But after a week,you will continue driving me to school right?” I asked and he nodded.
“Max,go into your room,Mara is gonna serve you lunch” Mum said.
He smiled bowed and left…
I smiled when i saw James beaming happily.

His buddy is back!

“Welcome mum” I said as we headed inside.
“You look like one perfect chef with the apron and cap you are putting on” She said and that was when i realised im still wearing the apron.
I smiled and pulled it off when we got to the living room.

“Hi mum” Liam said and continued watching the movie.
“It’s a kdrama mum…I just purchased it” he said.
Mum quickly sat down beside him and they both started watching it together.

I walked back to the kitchen and wrapped the apron and cap
back into the kitchen cabinet.
I rinsed two plates and dished out Macroons and Chicken in both for Max and James.
I covered it and placed it in a food basket.

I carried it and walked out of the kitchen.
I met Mum and Liam still watching the so called kdrama.
I shrugged and made for the door.

I got outside and met James about to go into the room.
“James”I called.
He stopped and i walked to him.
“Here is your lunch” I said, handing over the food basket to him.
“Thanks Mara”

I walked back inside and quickly finish setting the table..

“Lunch is ready!!” I yelled twice.
“We are coming” Mum said.
“I’m gonna start eating” I said.
“You dare not!” Mum said.


I washed the dishes after we were done with lunch.
I placed them in the dish drainer and rinsed the last cup.

I dried my hands and walked out of the kitchen.
I joined mum and Liam in the living room and we watched the movie together.

It’s quite interesting but i don’t feel like watching anymore.
I stood up and headed upstairs to my room.
I have some assignments and i also need to sleep for a whole lot of time.

I got to my room and sat on the bed.
I yawned…”No I’m gonna finish my assignment before sleeping”
I opened my backpack and brought out my English text and note.

I quickly glanced through it… answered all the questions and dropped it on my bedside table.
“I’m gonna deal with the mathematics when I’m awake” I said to myself and yawned one last time before falling into a deep sleep.

?Bryan’s POV?

?I sat on the edge of our pool with my legs dangling in the water and began sketching an imaginary image of Mara sitting on the grass and facing the sun with a longing look.

I was surprised when the drawing came into life.
I saw mara sitting opposite me with her face filled with tears.

“Mara what’s wrong?” I asked.
“Bryan why are you doing this to me?” She cried.
“What’s wrong,what am i doing to you?” I asked.
“You are hurting me” She cried louder.
“Hurting you? How?” I asked.
She stared at me without replying.

Her tears turned into a flood which started moving her farther from me.

“Mara” I called trying to reach her outstretched arm,to save her from floating away.
I tried hard but couldn’t reach her outstretched hand.

She waved at me with a bitter look before vanishing from my sight.

“Mara!!!” I shouted in tears.?

I opened my eyes and rubbed my palms over my face.
It was a dream yet it looked so real.
What should i interpret the dream as?
Does it make any sense at all?

I sat up on the bed and saw my sketching pen and paper beside me.

“Ohh…” I laughed.
I was about sketching Mara when i fell asleep.
So that’s the reason i dreamt about her.

I’m starving!

I stood up from my bed and slipped my feet into my footwear.
I walked out of my room and climbed down the stairs.
I smiled when i perceived omlette rice.

I love you Kim!

?Next Morning?

I sat on the couch in the living room after having breakfast, going through my Instagram page to pass time…I’m waiting for Bryan.

I’m clad in a white sleeveless top and a black and white skirt with a striking pattern.
A black face cap is pulled over my hair and I’m putting on a white slippers.

I had taken some selfies in my room and uploaded it on Instagram.
I smiled as i read comments until i came across Ellen’s;

?Your dressing sucks! You look just like a Zebra.

I replied ? Thanks for the compliment bestie,Zebra is one of the most beautiful animal…I’m glad.

Her comment hurt me badly,i logged out and dropped my phone on my laps.

“Why isn’t Bryan coming?” I said aloud.
“I’m here” I heard his voice behind me and turned to see him.

He’s clad in a pair of black tight jeans,a plaid shirt and denim jacket with sneakers.

“Hi” he said.
“Hi what took you so long?” I asked.
“We didn’t plan on a particular time” he said.
“Ohh.. okay,i guess I’m so anxious about the tickets” I said.
“Me too…is mum and Liam at home?” He asked.
“No they went to Dad’s company” I said.
“Okay can we leave now?” I asked.
“Of course”

We got outside….

“Max arrived yesterday,have you checked on him?” I asked.
“Yeah… Rollins and i did before i came into the house”
Just then i saw Rollins emerge from Max’s room.
“Hi Rollins” I greeted.
“How are you Mara?” He asked.
“I’m good” I said and opened the door to the back seat ..
I was surprised or rather shocked when i saw Ellen seated there.

I looked at Bryan and he gave me a ‘i-am-sorry-look’ .
“She just showed up at my house this morning and insisted on going with us…I promise she isn’t gonna pick on you” He whispered to me.
I nodded and got in beside Ellen, Bryan got in beside me and Rollins got behind the wheels.
“Hi Ellen” I said.
“Hey” she replied and bent back to her phone..
I noticed it’s new….she has gotten a new phone.

“Wow ,Ellen your phone is pretty just like mine” I said.
She looked at me for a while and turned back to her phone.

Rollins drove out of the compound,into the street then the road.
“Are you sure you know where Kelly is staying?” I asked Bryan.
He nodded.
“How did you know it?” I asked.
“Remember when we were in Mr Allen’s office,i saw Kelly’s file on his table and….” Bryan said.

He opened a small bag…
“I have something for you” he said and brought out a paper.
I smiled…”What?”
He opened the paper and there is me! Sitting on a rock and staring at the sun.

“Oh..my..God… this is beautiful” I saw and grabbed the paper from him.
I’ve been disturbing him for a while to sketch me and he finally did.
“Thanks Bryan” I hugged him and turned back to look at the drawing.

It’s so perfect and beautiful…
Bryan I love you!

“You are gonna be the greatest artist,I’m gonna be the greatest surgeon and Ellen is gonna be the greatest dancer and Kelly…I don’t know his future ambition yet” I said.
Bryan laughed…

“Why are you laughing?” I asked.
“Yo…” He was saying before Ellen interrupted him.
“Bryan where’s mine!?” She yelled.
“Calm down…Mara has been disturbing me for this…I’m gonna sketch yours and being it for you on Monday” He said.

Rollins parked in front of a white mansion.
“Is this where Kelly stays?” I asked.
“Yeah” he said and opened the car door.
We got down and walked to the gate.

Ellen smiled and knocked.

The gate opened and a man stepped out.
I guess it’s Kelly’s gatekeeper.
“Hi” we greeted.
“Whom do you ask for?” He asked.
“Kelly Yates…we are his friend” Ellen said.
“Okay come in” The gate keeper said.

We walked into the compound and i was wowed..
It’s so big and beautiful…

I clinged to Bryan when we suddenly heard the shattering of glass.

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 13 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes ?

?Kelly’s POV?

I placed and headphone over my ear and increased the volume to the limit to prevent me from hearing Mum and dad fight.
I stared out of my window looking at the people and passing cars.

I know Tammy and Bryan would be on their way to get the tickets..
I forgot to give them my address and i don’t also have any of their contact… neither did they have mine.
I know Tammy’s house…Leo has dropped her their once but i just don’t feel like going not when Mum and dad is fighting.

I heard the sound of gate opening,I looked down and was shocked when i saw Tammy,Bryan and Ellen.

What are they doing here!
How did they found out about my address!
Mum and dad is freaking fighting right now!
How could this damn game keeper allow them in!

I removed my headphone when i saw Tammy cling to Bryan..
I heard the shattering of glass.

I quickly wore my footwear,arranged my hair, picked my phone and ran out of the room.
I got to the living room and met mum and dad still fighting.
I stood for a moment and cleaned the tears that were starting to form in my eyes.

I rushed outside and comported myself the best way i can .
I forced a smile as i walked towards them.
“Hi guys” I said in a fake cheerful voice.
“Hey Kelly”
“Wait what was that shattering sound?” Tammy asked.
“Ohh…one of the windows in the attic has broken again” I lied.

“Thank goodness…I was afraid someone is hurt” Tammy said.
I smiled.
“How did you found out about my house?” I asked curiously.
“I saw your file in Mr Allen’s office” Bryan said.
“Ohh… okay, can we leave now?” I asked.
“Aren’t you gonna invite us in?” Ellen asked.
“Not today…dad is having a meeting right now” I lied.

“We can just go to your room” She said.
“Ellen!” Bryan scolded giving her a look.
“Let’s go” He said and we walked out of the gate.
I saw his car parked beside my house.

We walked towards it..
“I’m sitting at the front” Tammy said.
“Of course that’s where you are gonna sit” Ellen said.
It seems there’s something off with these two.
We got to the car.

“Hi Rollins” I said.
“Kelly how are you?” He asked.
“I’m fine” I said.
Tammy got into the front seat.
We got into the backseat.
Rollins drove off.


?Mara’s POV?

We sat round a table in an unfamiliar restaurant eating and chatting.
We’ve finally gotten our tickets after all the stress.
Kelly offered us a treat in this nice restaurant.

“Their meals are awesome” I said biting into my chicken fried steak.
“Yeah…I love it” Bryan said.
“Me too” Kelly said.

We finished eating and started chatting about school work.

“Mrs Ardsley’s assignment was so difficult but Liam helped me out” I said.
“Who is Liam?” Kelly asked.
“My brother” I smiled.
“Wow…I wasn’t aware you have a brother” he said.
“Now you are aware” I said.

“We all have to exchange our contacts with Kelly”Bryan said and I nodded.
“Yeah…I was also planning on saying that” Ellen said.
Kelly passed his phone to Bryan who quickly inputted his number and passed it to me.
I did the same and passed it to Ellen who suddenly smiled.

What’s wrong with her??

The Cloud started rolling in…

“Damn! I’ve forgotten the weather forecast Rain by Mid afternoon…we need to leave” I said already standing up.


I was the last person Bryan dropped off.
I waved him bye and knocked on the gate.
The rain is starting to pour heavily.
James opened the gate,i rushed in and quickly ran into the house..

One of the things I hate most is getting drenched.
Mum and Liam are not back yet.
I climbed the stairs to my room and almost tripped.

I began pulling off my wet clothes immediately i entered my room.
I’m glad my ticket is safe!

I grabbed a long and thick sweater from the wardrobe and pulled it on.
I picked up my teddy bear and hugged it close to my chest.
I got under the covers and closed my eyes tightly shivering in cold.

I ended up falling asleep….


“By tomorrow…I’m gonna select students for the practical” Mr Tommy,said,picked his books and walked out of the class.
I sighed and rested my head on the desk..
I’m feeling so cold.

The weather has been so cold for the last two days.
I had to wear the school’s cardigan over my school uniform…I’m not the only one who did that..most of the students did also.

“Mara are you okay?” I heard Bryan asked.
“Yes i am…I’m just feeling cold” I said.
“Sorry” he said.

Someone wrapped a cardigan over me.
I smiled thinking it was Bryan but my smile faded when i saw it was Kelly.
“Thanks” I muttered.
He nodded and continued writing.
I looked at Bryan and saw him talking to Ellen with his hand wrapped on her shoulder.

I felt hurt and sad…
Isn’t it high time i told Bryan i love him.
But what if he doesn’t feel the same way for me… that’s gonna spoil our relationship.

We has four more classes before going to the cafeteria for lunch break.


“What do you want to take Mara/Tammy” Kelly and Bryan said together.
I faced Bryan..

“Kelly take Mara’s order,I’m gonna take Ellen’s order” Bryan said.
“I want Fries, salmon with steak” Ellen said.
“I want the same thing” I said.
“Okay” They said and walked away.

“I bet you are feeling lucky,two guys offered to take your order” Ellen said.
“What’s lucky about that?” I asked.
“Do you know what?” She asked.
“What?” I asked.
“I regret helping you to get this perfect body and face of yours” She said.
“I also regret accepting your help” I said.

Our lunch was placed in front of us, Kelly and Bryan also sat down and placed their lunch on the table.
We began eating…

“Damn!” I yelled a student poured a plate of pasta on my hair.
It dropped down to my Cardigan, staining it immediately..
“What the hell!” Bryan and Kelly yelled.

I stood up and turned to look at the girl.
She seemed frightened.

“I’m sorry…I was sent to do so” She said before running out of the cafeteria.
“Come here” Bryan said and began running after hair.
I quickly held him back..

“Let it go Bryan…just leave her,she was sent to do so” I said and noticed the whole Cafeteria has started laughing on how messed up i look.
“It’s okay…I will go wash off this,i will be right back” I said and hurried to the restroom.

I got there and let out the tears i was holding.
I’m the only one that keeps getting hurt and hurt and hurt forever!
I’m the only weird one!
I’m the only one who keeps crying non-stop!
I’m fed up!

I cleaned my tears and pulled off my cardigan..
I’m glad my school uniform is not stained.
I fold my cardigan with the pasta on it and threw it into the waste basket.

I turned on the faucet and splashed water on my face…
I turned off the faucet and dried my face.
I repacked my hair and looked at reflection in the mirror..

Tamara…how did you get this beautiful!
I only worked on my body not my face!


I walked out if the restroom and headed to the cafeteria.
It was damn silent and the lights were off meaning lunch break is over.
Did i stay so long in the restroom?
I’m still starving!

I headed back to the classroom holding back tears.
My eyes is just so watery!

I entered the class and met everyone seated.
They stared at me and whispered and i walked down to my seat.
I felt so terrible.

I sat down and sniffed…
“Are you okay?” Kelly and Bryan asked.
“I’m fine” I said.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah” I said.

“I packed your leftover lunch for you…have it” Kelly said and stretched a covered plate of fries, salmon with steak to me.
“Thank you” I said happily,grabbed it from him and began eating hurriedly before a teacher walks in.

“You might need water” Bryan said and placed a bottle of water in front of me.
“Thanks bestie” I said happily.

I finished my lunch and gulped down half of the bottled water…
I sighed happily and sat up when a teacher walked in…

We began another round of class.

?School Over?

Bryan, Kelly and i watched as students trooped out of the class.

“Ellen won’t you leave..we are staying for our detention” Bryan said to Ellen.
“I’m not leaving! I will be here till you guys are done for today” she said.
“You will be the only one remaining in the class” Kelly said.
She smiled “I have my phone with me” She said.


The whole school has gone silent…a lot of students have left.
Jessie sat at the far end of the class staring into space.

A prefect walked in…and we stood up.

“Bryan Shaw, Kelly Yates, Tamara Weston, Jessie Baird…come with me for your detention” She said and we followed her.
We walked through the hallway, cornered and cornered till she stopped at a door.

She opened it and told us to go in.
I shivered seeing how dark the inside is.
Bryan walked in first, Kelly walked in second, Jessie then walked in only to scream and rushed out back.

I also ran off in fright….

JUST FOR LOVE Episode 12

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4 years ago

This is interesting may God help Mara because i dnt want anything to happen to her

4 years ago

God will see you through Mara

4 years ago

Uhm….. I just hope all is well with you and your friends Mara ??

williams peace
williams peace
4 years ago

God bless you opradre, please help to complete it. Thanks.