In glorious war by mo adejumo | A Poem

In glorious war by mo adejumo | A Poem

In glorious war

Ellie! Ellie!

Unleash! Unleash!

For without you

I cannot come out to the open

My pretty pink cheeks

Blushing in tears

My pretty pink cheeks

Black little girl

I wonder in despair

For my love lost in glorious war

He fights for my honor

But how I wish

He was but a common man

Toiling the farm

And bringing me flowers by night

Weary of a firefly

But still my knight in shining armor

Unyielding to my tenderness

For he fears I might put a spell on him

But he’s touched my flower

And given me one for keep

So he’s certain there’s no going back

Ellie Ellie

I would never come out to the open

For I am weary of the sun

Less it dry my tears

Taking away my agony

For I must mourn

I must rock time away

While I wait for my love

For you see he fights to earn my pride

He fights for my love

In glorious war


A poem about a little girl calling her mother to come out and play with her cause she cannot on her own without being watched as their village faces war stricken times. But her mother is resistant for she mourns the absence of her lover missing in action.

The little girl cries and is filled with sorrow as her mother Ellie insists she would never see the light of the sun, never leave her rocking chair, till her lover comes back to her.

Used words & terms

Lost: missing in battle

‘Rock time away’: sit by her rocking chair as time goes by

‘Touched my flower’: taken her virginity

‘One for keep’: given her a child

‘Put a spell on him’: fall deeply in love with her

Unyielding: resistant

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