I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 8 – The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 1 - The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 8 – The Mystery Man

I wanted to pray like Christians would, but the words couldn’t form , I wanted to call on God but I was raised in a none religious family. “Tick tock tick tock tick tock.” The clock kept moving, I and the two teachers that came with us waited impatiently for the doctor to come back with good news . In the bottom of my heart they was a dread , I feared that , the last smile and talk I had with my younger sister was the last we would have in this life , but I kept saying “God forbid , rebuking myself .”

Soon mum drove a Range Rover Evoque to the hospital, she eyes lids looked swollen , her lashes were wet , which meant she had been crying on her way to the hospital, she embraced me and held me tight.

“Cassidy will not die in Jesus name , Cassidy must not die please Jesus .” She cried on my shoulders . “Your dad will be coming soon , he will be here .” Mum said , she held my hand as she led me to the door of the emergency.

“Please I need to talk to somebody now , I want to see my child.”Mum said a young Doctor came to calm her down . “Madam calm down , your daughter is going to be fine , our doctors are attending to her right now .” He said trying to calm mum , but she couldn’t be calmed.

“No! I want to see my child now!” Mum said . “Madam she’s been attended to just stay here and pray , your child had an asthmastic , we are trying to revive her now .” a second doctor said .

“See doctor Everest is coming , you can go and meet him now .” The young doctor said , referring to mum and I . Mum ran to the doctor with her headtie fell off her head , she didn’t remember to pick it , the English teacher picked it up .

“Sir where is my daughter how is she doing ?” Mummy asked , from the look on the man’s face I knew Cassidy was dead , I sat on the bare floor , and let out the guttural wailing that had been choking my throat .

“No no no! don’t tell me that doctor , where is my child . She was only twelve years old , how can asthma come so suddenly? we had a full body check up last week , morning showed , right now you’re telling me this nonsense I want my child .” Mum ran into the ward , the nurses were covering up Cassidy’s body , she lay in bed as if she was just sleeping . I laid my head on her chest .

“Oh Cassidy I am sorry , I failed you , Cassidy please forgive me .” I said holding unto her body , mum rolled on the ground wailing eiger Niger , she refused to let the men take Cassidy to the morgue .

We were led to the car , one of my teachers drove the car because mum was in no condition to drive , I went up to my room and shut myself in , I cried for the sorry life I was born into , I asked God why he had to give me such a terrible father .

Our relatives filled the house that evening, aunt Mirabel and uncle Jackson came around for a condolence visit , mum wasn’t herself she couldn’t believe her only daughter was gone , I was burning with rage , waiting for my dad to come back , if I knew his place of work I would have stormed that place and killed him .

Mum had called him at about two P.M when we were in the hospital , but my dad didn’t come back home till about seven in the evening , he didn’t answer mum’s series of calls after Cassidy passed on .

“What’s happening here ?” Dad asked when he saw our relatives all over the sitting room , I was growling like a beast , the hatred in my heart was killing me , I had to let it out .

“We lost Cassidy!” Aunt Mirabel said , mum wasn’t in no mood to talk , the devil incarnate feigned to be in pains he stumbled into a chair . “Goodness! You mean my baby girl is gone? Aaaarh!” He wept , I stared at him with a hateful glare.

“God why me ? God why me ?” Mum cried as her sister consoled her . “Where is Cassidy’s body?” Dad asked .

“It’s at the mortuary .” Aunt Mirabel answered for mum . “We’re going to bury her this night , we cannot leave her body till tomorrow it’s against our cult..” He had not finished his words , when I pounced on him , and punched him in the face ,he fell to the floor , I climbed on him , as he tried to come to terms with the shock , he couldn’t believe I was the one untop of him pummeling him like I learnt from him .

“You murderer! you murderer! you killed her!” I said as my dad struggled to get off the tiled ground , I was growling like a rabid animal.My uncles three of them , held me trying to peel me off his body , but it was a difficult task, at fourteen years I weighed more than my father , I was almost six feet tall like him , I meant to kill him right there “I’ll kill you! I’ll eat you , you’re the devil ! I hate you !” My uncles grabbed me and pulled me off his body .

“Solomon have a hold of yourself! stop saying things you cannot substantiate!” Uncle Maxwell said , I couldn’t break stares at my father , he knew I wouldn’t hesitate to kill him . “Agnes has this boy been taking his drugs ?” He queried my mother , she was in too much pains to form the words to answer him .

My uncles and aunts Mirabel were leading me away to my room upstairs, I kept struggling to go back to him and pull his eyes out . “You killed my sister ! I’ll kill you , I swear to god dad I’ll be the one to kill you !” I said , aunt Mirabel yelled at me and told me to put myself together , mum came and gave me my drugs , I didn’t know how I slept off .

The next morning I woke up to mum sitting by mu bed , her eyes were red like she was scrubbed with pepper. she was sitting with her back to me .

“Solomon I want you to tell me the truth .” Mum said , I wondered how she knew I was awake when she didn’t turn towards my direction . “What are you doing in my room mum ?” I ignored her question and replied her with a question .

“Why did you say your dad killed your sister ? why did you attacked him in the presence of our relatives .” Mum asked , I wasn’t going that way with her , the calmness of my sleep , I forgot I lost my dear sister her question was bringing everything to the fore, like pouring salt in an open wound .

“Solomon tell me please I want to know , did your dad really do anything to my daughter? please tell me Solomon.” She began to cry . “Mum I don’t have anything to say to you , nothing I say to you will bring Cassidy back to life , leave me alone , I’ve been telling you since you said I was crazy .” I said and went to the bathroom , were I cried all the pains inside my heart .

Later that evening we went to the Apo Cemetery , Cassidy was put in a small white casket , she was put in a small grave , my cries filled the evening , nobody could console me , I knew I could have saved her , if I had exposed my father , people were consoling him and my mother , I looked beyond his mask of sorrow , I despised the man that gave the sprm that made me , I wished he would sleep and never die .

I joined aunt Mirabel and her husband as we drove back to our house in Maitama, in total silence ,I didn’t have a thing to say to anyone .

One Month after the burial dad miraculously got a super promotion , he was made the continental director of Axon Oil and Gas Company ,ahead of his seniors in the company, with annual vacation to any location in the world,a mansion with a home office in Johannesburg, so much money , he acquired more houses and bought more cares , we had about eleven exotic cars in our garage . But our family wasn’t a family it was just a group of miserable people enduring each other .

I wished I could run away and never go back to them , but I knew I had to stay for Raymond and my mum , Dad would kill her the day I leave , the shock from my physical attack put him on the edge , he avoided me , because he could see hatred sitting in my face .



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