I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 5 – The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 1 - The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 5 – The Mystery Man

Aunt Mirabel placed a call to mum in Paris, she had wanted to fly back to Nigeria one day after they began their vacation,but dad would not hear of it he forced her to stay back .

I was happy they didn’t come back , as much as I wanted to see my siblings and mum around me , I don’t want to see the evil face of my father , I knew in my gut that he was responsible for what had happened to me . Aunt Mirabel and her husband took good care of me in the hospital, I had lost so much blood from the bats attack.

I told uncle Jackson and aunt Mirabel the things I saw , and the things that bit me , but they couldn’t believe me , they thought I made it up. “Maybe we should take him for a psychiatric evaluation .” Uncle Jackson said . “I could call doctor Dayo for a quick session with him .”

“No he’s not going to see a psychiatrist, he’s a child he’s imagination are just wild , we cannot assume we know what he saw, but we won’t take him to see a psychiatrist.” My aunt said .Kendrick and Mimi stayed with me all day , since school was on holiday they only followed their father to the house in the evening when it was getting late .

On the third day, after I was admitted my friends had trooped to the hospital to see me . I wondered how they got to know , Nkoyo sat by my bed , I felt so embarrassed the way she looked at me . “I got you fresh oranges on my way to the hospital , and my mum made fried rice and chicken , you have to eat .” She said , I smiled .

“Aunt Mirabel is taking good care of me .” I said to her . “You’re not going to reject my food are you ?” She asked me , I smiled . “No I won’t , but tell me how you guys got to know I was here , kanayor, Cassandra tell me ?” I said , they all pointed at my cousin Kendrick , he saluted me in the military style before leaving me to my friends . They asked what had happened to me, but aunt Mirabel signalled me not to tell them the truth .

“I collapsed,I don’t know what happened , I fell down from stairs .” I lied . “But Solomon what are the bite marks all over your body ?” Cassandra asked . “Were you also bitten by wild dogs ?” She asked , my aunt coughed to call their attention .

“Guys come let’s go to the cafeteria and get you something to cool off .” My aunt said to drag them out of the room . “I don’t want to go .” Nkoyo said , I knew she wanted to cross examine me alone . Kanayor Cassandra and Elvis followed her , Nkoyo stayed back .

“Now tell me the truth Solomon , you know I can tell when you’re lying , how did you get injured . those look like bite marks .” Nkoyo said , I sighed softly. “Even if I told you , I know you won’t believe me , and then you’ll say like my aunt and uncle that I am going crazy .” I said still lying on my back .

“No Solomon I would never do that , come on , you can talk to me .” She said staring at me lovingly. “Well I think my dad is an occult man .” I said , I watched her eyebrows rise . “Why would you say so ?” Nkoyo asked.

“Well I saw him performing some …” I decided to change the topic so I paused . “A demon attacked me , I was dragged to another world , big bats the size of humans clustered around me , biting and sucking my blood .” I told her .

“Can you come to our church? they’re doing deliverance every Saturday, so our pastor can pray for you .” She said , I shook my head . “I can’t go to church Nkoyo my dad will be mad at me .” I said , she stared at me silently .

“But it’s you who said your dad is an occult man , would he ever allow you to go to church ?” I was short of word , I was so happy when I heard Elvis and Kanayor arguing loudly as they headed back to the hospital.

I was discharged on the fourth day , I enjoyed the rest of my stay at aunt Mirabel’s place , my parents arrived two weeks after they left Nigeria , mum came down to her sister’s house , she embraced me , we had been making video calls , through aunt Mirabel’s phone .

“My baby I was restless were I was , you know your dad , he’s a hard man he wouldn’t let me fly back to you .” Mummy said as we were still locked in an embrace. “I’ll never leave you behind again Solomon, I felt incomplete without you .” Mummy said tears falling from her face unto my body .

When we got home Cassidy had gotten me a watch ,a brown leather watch , I liked it so much I embraced her . Dad even got me a brand new Samsung Galaxy phone , he said he was sorry for leaving me behind . I told him I didn’t need a phone , even though all my classmates had Facebook and 2go accounts , because their parents had gotten them phones , I knew dad was trying to buy me over , he was pampering my mother so much , I wondered if the pretence had blocked her eyes from seeing the beast she had as a husband.

I had my chance a day before resumption of school , I met mum in the kitchen , dad had gone to work , my mouth was itching me to tell her what I knew . “Solomon is there anything wrong ?” Mum asked when she saw me looming around her . “mummy I’ve something to tell you .” I mumbled , not sure if I wanted to say it or not .Mum dropped the knife she was using to slice onion . She crossed her arms under her bust . “Now talk Solomon an listening ” Mummy said .

“Mum I don’t want you to be mad at me , I know you and dad have been cool in the past one month or so .” I mumbled , mum was silent listening to me . “Mum dad didn’t change , I was returning from school the day our bus got spoilt I saw dad at the bar inside the park at Agwuyi Ironsi highway , so I and my classmates sneaked inside , mum I saw dad carrying a young girl on her lap , kissing her .” I said mom’s skin went white .

“You’re a liar Solomon, what kind of boy are you ? why would you hate your dad so bad ? I convinced him to buy you that phone but you rejected it . Do you think making up lies would make me move out of this house ? you greedy boy , you care about no one except yourself! I’ve been married to your father for fifteen years now! Never for once has he cheated on me , or give me a reason to doubt him. If I ever hear you lie to me again I’ll deal with you myself .”Mum said , I was enraged and ready to erupt .

“Mum are you bewitched! What’s wrong with you mum!” I yelled at my mother . “Dad is a cheat! he knew you’re so dumb to know what he’s up to , why didn’t he take you to …” The hot slap that landed on my face made me pause my rant . “I am your mother , you lay in this womb for nine months! No child of mine would take to me disrespectfully , I stayed with your father knowing he’s abusive ,not because am a fool , a woman should be seen and not been heard . Femi Chidiebere can beat me when I am stubborn , but he doesn’t cheat now get into your room!” Mum ordered, I wiped the tears from my eyes as I stormed into my room . The door rattled like a thunder storm as I banged the door , I threw myself on the bed and wiped the tears from my eyes .

I kept wondering how mum would be so naive in the face of constant beating and cheating , I decided to stay away from their relationship, whatever happened it’s her business, because am the devil who wanted to ruin her marriage .

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